-. ALEMAXI)]IIA GAZETTE ANT) VIRGINIA AmTRRTISER.--aroi sT 22, IS5!t. * Tho in Cincinnati. The University of Virginia. Telegraphic Deapatchea. I1'"*"' M. A «*stl1 fur mi Opposition Meeting, tu be Rmuoiu for the Peace of Villafrauca. Tragedy it, Audition a i. I'aktiiti.aus..He Marbais. The of has no Washington Aug. 19..Major Froiich, The following linen, written |,v h -lil in Richmond this at the African The letter of 'aria corrtwpondeut nf University Virginia of the of Construction of evening, wrlm to kill his wife and him-elf no regular course through whicheurriciilum,pay clerk Bureau JI'HTIl'R Sl'ORV, lllltl ill lli- some attempted |,».,| u.. in iu the Richmond the Mow York Cnwuoreial present* one from one class to the wan urrested Ue church, published in Ciitciuiiati, on evening, (an may pass, going Treasury Department, wpri' foilml tin- on the of the Tuesday for defalcation ami tlia of mining j.«[ ,t« ,i, The call in signed and i plausible reason* part Kuipe- account of which whs given in the \enr hy year, as a matter of course,anothor,ami day charge n|»ers. uiimcrously Chief >V i »ti< »: M \kmi hi . oil at tlie eml vouchers. 11. Ogle tiecnuie ii an lbl'ow>: ror Napoleon for bringing the war to an otnl last Saturday.) was still alive liaKt'tle,giuduating as a matter of course Taylor, esq., altering c of his senior The student is not made his for !?l0,tM)0. Major French LlMt* W|||TTK> M W "The undersigned, perceiving ilint in on the basis of the Villnf rnnea treaty.. Wednesday night, Gut in n dangerous year. security the force id' first freshman, was educated at West Point, hut has Various the iuin«l^ of wen; tm re at circumstances, %.«r: . parts ol the country the names of severalvarious"Circumstance* «lt"r ease*" with nation* Ilis wife was p.ireutly »nliition.by , said the then then then senior, the profession of civil engineer. Infollowedthis Their and I heir and eminent ineiulierH of the Do Mnrlmi* is by sophomore, junior, pwwer* pa-*iou«, pn .u (. , distinguished ami a* well u* with private iiuli- recovering.then A. and then he was acting under have Is'en its and *u*ereign*, papers to be a native ot BaltimCincinnatiire, B., (after remaining away capacity Capt. Sumo .lull mill pro-nig, yet theim>eite- Opposition presented proper at a vitlu.il*. was horn in New Orleans, and nine from college two years and five salary of$.'i,lNNI. Bowman, idieor tit candidates for the Presidency, think it liut lie paying By good nature, like an ea-i evidence that to when lie then A. M. Judge llogan. of the State Department, desirable that we, of the Opposition party in "There i* tolerably good Baltimore quite young. dollars) hern translator in of Some proud ami lofty move m ith oiiiuhr, with the went to New Y or*. where lie linished his Ttie is divided into a number has appointed place Richmond, and the liecanie di*gu«led University Like Knight- in . Henrico, adjacent county, Napoleon or viz: the schools Professor minister to armour,rtruggliug :lj,^ to our views the tor whom lie wn* shedding the IiIoimI education, and entered a large drug store in of departments schools, Dimitry, appointed should give expression upon pooplo of of of modern Mr. Jefferson, of the same Some bright awl witty reoreb nhnt.'-r, and we therefore, invite of hi* army ami the million* of that Being a iiiaii ot tine education, Latin, (2reek, languages, Nicaragua. subject, spending city. otherwise tlerinan. Italian, has hcen to a third class They always nay too little or us to meet in a Mass to hi* ami thai he was after versed in several languages, and (oinbracing French, promoted department, with allwliosympalhise.Meeting, troa*ury, willing, Some awl leave u esteemed and of Mathematics, of clerkship, aly slippery y Mill Hi ! , B is* held mi Richmond, oil Monday night, the adding the magnificent province of accomplished, he was greatly hy Aiigl.cSnxon,) Spanish, ot Natural of of Moral Boston, lugraham, What ia their meaning, an.I wli.it w. rth 221 of at the African Church for to the Kingdom of hi* friend Victor Ins employers and a large nuinher Philosophy, Chemistry, August IS..Captain August, Lunhardy of and Literature, of chief of the I'nited States Bureau of Some are » » ornhbeil, that that Kmniiuel, to throw Yonetin into a in> hiding many in Baltimore.acquaintances,Philosophy. History they w-Vr g i.... purpose." lroiu and of Law arid t'ol. Harris, commander of the An,I aotuu »>' atatn, where she tall hnek on The lollowiug additional facts we glean Physical tieography Agriculture, Ordinance, enhl, the* pain hit. ,-r mii > RUBMHUM) DA1I<Y ABD TRf-WKKKI.Y UY an might semi-indcpendeut are I'. S. Marine arrived at tho The so-culled Now York Mortara case, the rent. and of Medicine. These departments Corps, Some nro ao >>t en. It w r -i. EDGAB 8HOWDE* iter own resource* for gaining In the Cincinnati Commercial:. jealous I | . k-* was of fourteen and ai d -«- '- A '..V./ a -r" *-v i". >* with the woman under the navvy Charleston K SU! J yesterday. action a Mrs. Ann thi* ease hi* fault that of "Ilis marriage charge professors ' They *|>ell your feature*. a- ai, brought by llaggcrly only having on Montreal Field had an they , ork about seven assistants, and a student, matricii- The ' lor the custody too much in hi* in the city of New Y contracted flattery Soiuu are ao gentle, amt an i-tie t iiojiinst Rct. lh-. (.'uiniiiings, prunisi'il proclamation*. pi ., ALEXANDRIA: since. Site at the time was enters two or three of these that down the hitrhor this afternoon, inexcursionthe lint the reader may a.-k. why should months biting, any like wa\. an I \,. eighteen ... of her soli, was taken u;> in the Now York one two steamer tendered the They ehange, nieitiiig become with the cnu*e in to a wealthy then residing lie may choose. In each written Henry Morrison, hy MONDAY MORNINU. AIHU'HT 22. ISiV. di*gu*ted gentleman engaged Some are m> vain, the tlirv a term, hofore Napoleon one >ut the Tho left for very light i«t t'oiirt, spec I Judge win 1 In the first in who had lor two years are held annually, ah examinationscity government. company Supreme which he engaged place, California, nearly 11n own one of the session. Montreal this via Portland. their foible- mark* them rh. ».i to the effect in ul lieu. lust week. i»r. Cuuiiiiiug* he met, not in Venetia hut in L heen her in ease and luxury. middle and near the eio»e evening, lit relation Europe liigrnhiim. only supporting . Mrs. Sotue aru of the as mistress, and even These are of the most character. Fkanki.in, X. II., Aug., I'J. Betsey grave, toy-tenon,. »ij,| ,g,t. ahnat iinturali/.Rtinii, we that he knew nothing missingts*titiedboy an iuiUKHiiie amount ofsacli a Austrianiinu, wa< regitriled his She searching C'aW letter iiilaidy, on <|iioio of other witnesses made of We will take the examinations in the school Danforth, who mysteriously disappeared Their word* tlow eohlly. like ,lien, of i, " and from lite testimony if I u*e tlm term, the residents of at tho time l>e Marbais proposals . tinioiig the Timee The ticriimn may of Latin.as the l!fih of was found reduced Au«l rotne ao from European and u of letters written Mrs. Of this 1 think thuru can he he was aware of her tirst mentioned.the school July, to-day duik, ouiinitig. an.I (, o.-uplc by the country. marriage iully sustenance di*ta*teful it intiy be t" of France and Russia, to his At the tiual examination in this t<> a skeleton, her only having The aarfnaain'a lurk- in power*, however to the Kmperors Ilaggertv iio douht, tor I have heard 00 many A short while subsequent reputation. examples. old dagger every t :| e.-t unfortunate m >ther was in New school the student is tirst, to write heen water. She is years Mow taw ol all we lueet thcui, will and tliey will re«| it w* uId appear that the oi it from the mouth* o| French ollicer* He Murl-ais arrested required, sevenly-ihur pn*»v.-> tin- p .Wrr gite way, examples ot marriage,translations from two of the classic authors. and insane. w ho is laboring under some strange hallucination who were witnesses of the incidents York and carried to the city partially To smooth the rough, or eheer the li-tl,-». the right* of the tiannuuie Americans eye they an* not t.iken P.'.. A fire occurred here this . lie The selections lor translation Tuny, with regard to Iter son, and is prohaiily that I cannot the fact. to answer a charge of forgery. Aug. With moile-t air to return from the "Far Went" with a hand- narrated, questiou Philadelphia. In* lias heeii at the corner of Fifth and temper manly »ei - ll had in the war for hi* was tried and ami from those (tortious which evening Albany with which to deranged.N'upoleoii engaged honorably acquitted, SlUiliou* to awl eauti i.- ! i\ u.-e woiue amount ul dollar* pa** he came to the or which streets, the id six ploave, t«w 11 henelit, if the war had heeu one of of a very seiititive deposition, read during session, required destroying upper portion the of their day* in their native The Star gives an account of and naturallyit have been in thu lecture room, buildings, a Ions of $l'».tMMi.
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