Understanding single-page web applications Emmit A. Scott, Jr. FOREWORD BY Burke Holland MANNING SPA Design and Architecture Licensed to Mark Watson <[email protected]> ii Licensed to Mark Watson <[email protected]> SPA Design and Architecture Understanding single-page web applications EMMIT A. SCOTT, JR. MANNING SHELTER ISLAND Licensed to Mark Watson <[email protected]> iv For online information and ordering of this and other Manning books, please visit www.manning.com. The publisher offers discounts on this book when ordered in quantity. For more information, please contact Special Sales Department Manning Publications Co. 20 Baldwin Road PO Box 761 Shelter Island, NY 11964 Email: [email protected] ©2016 by Manning Publications Co. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher. Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in the book, and Manning Publications was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial caps or all caps. Recognizing the importance of preserving what has been written, it is Manning’s policy to have the books we publish printed on acid-free paper, and we exert our best efforts to that end. Recognizing also our responsibility to conserve the resources of our planet, Manning books are printed on paper that is at least 15 percent recycled and processed without elemental chlorine. Manning Publications Co. Development editor: Dan Maharry 20 Baldwin Road Technical development editor: Joel Kotarski PO Box 761 Technical proofreaders: Andrew Gibson Shelter Island, NY 11964 Jean-François Morin Copyeditor: Sharon Wilkey Proofreader: Linda Recktenwald Typesetter: Marija Tudor Cover designer: Marija Tudor ISBN: 9781617292439 Printed in the United States of America 12345678910–EBM–201918171615 Licensed to Mark Watson <[email protected]> To my three beautiful children, Ana Carolina, David, and Sofía. Thanks for all the smiles, hugs, and unconditional love. You are forever in my heart. Licensed to Mark Watson <[email protected]> vi Licensed to Mark Watson <[email protected]> brief contents PART 1THE BASICS ..................................................................1 1 ■ What is a single-page application? 3 2 ■ The role of MV* frameworks 22 3 ■ Modular JavaScript 52 PART 2CORE CONCEPTS ........................................................83 4 ■ Navigating the single page 85 5 ■ View composition and layout 106 6 ■ Inter-module interaction 129 7 ■ Communicating with the server 156 8 ■ Unit testing 186 9 ■ Client-side task automation 209 appendix A Employee directory example walk-through 229 appendix B Review of the XMLHttpRequest API 259 appendix C Chapter 7 server-side setup and summary 266 appendix D Installing Node.js and Gulp.js 277 vii Licensed to Mark Watson <[email protected]> viii BRIEF CONTENTS Licensed to Mark Watson <[email protected]> contents foreword xv preface xvii acknowledgments xviii about this book xix about the cover illustration xxiii PART 1THE BASICS 1 What is a single-page application? 3 1 1.1 SPA in a nutshell 4 No browser refreshes 7 ■ Presentation logic in the client 7 Server transactions 7 1.2 A closer look 8 An SPA starts with a shell 8 ■ From traditional pages to views 9 ■ The birth of a view 10 ■ View swapping for zero reload navigation 11 ■ Fluidity through dynamic updates 12 1.3 Benefits of SPAs over traditional web applications 12 1.4 Rethinking what you already know 14 1.5 Ingredients of a well-designed SPA 15 Organizing your project 15 ■ Creating a maintainable, loosely coupled UI 17 ■ Using JavaScript modules 18 ■ Performing SPA navigation 19 ■ Creating view composition and layout 19 ■ Enabling module communication 20 ix Licensed to Mark Watson <[email protected]> x CONTENTS Communicating with the server 20 ■ Performing unit testing 20 ■ Using client-side automation 20 1.6 Summary 20 The role of MV* frameworks 22 2 2.1 What is MV*? 24 Traditional UI design patterns 25 ■ MV* and the browser environment 27 2.2 Common MV* concepts 29 Meet the frameworks 30 ■ Meet our MV* project 30 Models 32 ■ Bindings 36 ■ Templates 40 ■ Views 44 2.3 Why use an MV* framework? 44 Separation of concerns 45 ■ Routine tasks simplified 46 Productivity gains 47 ■ Standardization 47 Scalability 48 2.4 Choosing a framework 48 2.5 Chapter challenge 50 2.6 Summary 51 Modular JavaScript 52 3 3.1 What is a module? 53 Module pattern concepts 53 ■ The module’s structure 54 The revealing module pattern 55 3.2 Why modular programming? 56 Avoiding name collisions 56 ■ Protecting your code’s integrity 65 ■ Hiding complexity 67 ■ Reducing the impact of code changes 68 ■ Organizing your code 68 Understanding disadvantages of the module pattern 69 3.3 The module pattern dissected 69 Achieving privacy 69 ■ Creating the public API 70 Allowing for global imports 73 ■ Creating the module’s namespace 73 3.4 Module loading and dependency management 74 Script loaders 74 ■ Asynchronous Module Definition 75 Using AMD modules with RequireJS 77 3.5 Chapter challenge 81 3.6 Summary 81 Licensed to Mark Watson <[email protected]> CONTENTS xi PART 2CORE CONCEPTS ............................................83 Navigating the single page 85 4 4.1 What is a client-side router? 86 Traditional navigation 86 ■ SPA navigation 86 4.2 Routes and their configuration 88 Route syntax 90 ■ Route entries 90 ■ Route parameters 91 Default routes 93 4.3 How do client-side routers work? 93 The fragment identifier method 94 ■ The HTML5 History API method 95 ■ Changes for the HTML5 History API method 97 4.4 Putting it all together: implementing routing in SPAs 98 The faculty list (default route) 99 ■ The main contact route 101 ■ Faculty office hours (parameterized route) 102 4.5 Chapter challenge 104 4.6 Summary 105 View composition and layout 106 5 5.1 Introducing our project 107 5.2 Reviewing layout design concepts 108 Views 108 ■ Regions 109 ■ View composition 110 Nested views 111 ■ Routes 112 5.3 Considering alternatives for advanced composition and layout 113 Pros 113 ■ Cons 114 5.4 Designing the application 114 Designing the base layout 115 ■ Designing the default content 117 ■ Using a view manager for complex designs 122 Creating nested views with their own states 125 5.5 Chapter challenge 127 5.6 Summary 128 Inter-module interaction 129 6 6.1 Review of module concepts 131 Modules encapsulate code 131 ■ APIs provide controlled access to internal functionality 133 ■ SRP means designing with a single purpose 134 ■ Code reuse helps your project scale 135 Licensed to Mark Watson <[email protected]> xii CONTENTS 6.2 Inter-module interaction methods 136 Inter-module interaction through dependencies 136 Dependency method pros and cons 138 ■ Inter-module interaction through publish/subscribe 138 ■ Pub/sub pros and cons 141 6.3 Project details 142 Searching 144 ■ Displaying product information 150 6.4 Chapter challenge 155 6.5 Summary 155 Communicating with the server 156 7 7.1 Understanding the project requirements 158 7.2 Exploring the communication process 158 Choosing a data type 158 ■ Using a supported HTTP request method 159 ■ Converting the data 160 7.3 Using MV* frameworks 162 Generating requests 162 ■ Processing results with callbacks 165 ■ Processing results with promises 166 Promise error handling 171 7.4 Consuming RESTful web services 172 What is REST? 172 ■ REST principles 172 ■ How MV* frameworks help us be RESTful 174 7.5 Project details 174 Configuring REST calls 174 ■ Adding product items to the cart 177 ■ Viewing the cart 179 ■ Updating the cart 181 Removing products from the cart 183 7.6 Chapter challenge 184 7.7 Summary 184 Unit testing 186 8 8.1 Understanding the project 187 8.2 What is a unit test? 187 Benefits of unit testing 188 ■ Creating better unit tests 189 8.3 Traditional unit testing 192 Getting started with QUnit 193 ■ Creating your first unit tests 196 ■ Testing code built with MV* objects 200 Testing changes to the DOM 205 ■ Adding other testing frameworks to the mix 206 Licensed to Mark Watson <[email protected]> CONTENTS xiii 8.4 Chapter challenge 208 8.5 Summary 208 Client-side task automation 209 9 9.1 Common uses for task runners 210 Live browser reloads 210 ■ Automatic JavaScript and CSS preprocessing 211 ■ Automatic code analysis from linters 211 Continuous unit testing 211 ■ File concatenation 212 Code minification 212 ■ Continuous integration 212 9.2 Choosing a task runner 212 9.3 Our project 213 Introducing Gulp.js 214 ■ Creating your first task 215 Creating a code analysis task 216 ■ Creating a browser-reload task 218 ■ Automating unit testing 220 ■ Creating a build process 222 9.4 Chapter challenge 227 9.5 Summary 227 appendix A Employee directory example walk-through 229 appendix B Review of the XMLHttpRequest API 259 appendix C Chapter 7 server-side setup and summary 266 appendix D Installing Node.js and Gulp.js 277 index 281 Licensed to Mark Watson <[email protected]> xiv CONTENTS Licensed to Mark Watson <[email protected]> foreword In 1991, Tim Berners-Lee launched the world’s first website, which ran on a program he named the WorldWideWeb. Two years later, he would release the source code for the WorldWideWeb and the world itself would never be the same. You can still see that first web page at info.cern.ch. Since 1991, the web has experienced unprecedented popularity. At 24 years old, it’s still the most widely used technology in the world. It runs on all operating systems, all hardware platforms, and nearly all mobile devices in some form or fashion. The program that makes this all possible is the almighty web browser.
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