USAID AFYA PWANI FY 2016 Q4 PROGRESS REPORT 14 June – 30 September 2016 Award No: Aid-615-c-16-00002 Prepared for Mr. Vincent Ojiambo United States Agency for International Development/Kenya C/O American Embassy United Nations Avenue, Gigiri P.O. Box 629, Village Market 00621 Nairobi, Kenya Prepared by Pathfinder International-Kenya The Watermark Business Park, Karen, Fountain Court, 1st Floor Ndege Road, off Langata Road P. O. Box 1996 – 00502 Karen NAIROBI, KENYA Office: +254-20-3883142/3/4 Mobile: +254-733-618359/+254-722-516275 Fax: [+254 20] 2214890 www.pathfinder.org DISCLAIMER The authors’ views expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government. USAID AFYA PWANI PROGRESS REPORT FOR Q4 FY 2016 i I. AFYA PWANI EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................ VII II. KEY ACHIEVEMENTS (QUALITATIVE IMPACT) .......................................................................... 1 SUB-PURPOSE 1: INCREASED ACCESS AND UTILIZATION OF QUALITY HIV SERVICES .............................................. 1 1.1: Elimination of Mother-to-Child Transmission (eMTCT): ..................................................................................... 1 1.2: HIV Prevention and HIV Testing and Counselling ............................................................................................... 6 1.3: HIV Care and Support Services ........................................................................................................................... 8 1.4: HIV Treatment Services .................................................................................................................................... 10 1.5: TB/HIV Co-infection Services ............................................................................................................................ 12 SUB-PURPOSE 2: INCREASED ACCESS AND UTILIZATION OF FOCUSED MNCH AND FP, WASH AND NUTRITION ... 14 2.1: Maternal, Newborn and Child Health services ................................................................................................. 14 2.2: Child Health Services ........................................................................................................................................ 16 2.3 Family Planning Services and Reproductive Health (FP and RH) ....................................................................... 17 Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) .................................................................................................................. 20 SUB-PURPOSE 3: STRENGTHENED AND FUNCTIONAL COUNTY HEALTH SYSTEMS ................................................ 21 3.1 Partnerships for Governance and Strategic Planning........................................................................................ 21 3.2 Human Resources for Health (HRH) .................................................................................................................. 21 3.3 Health Products and Technologies (HPT) .......................................................................................................... 21 Lessons Learned ................................................................................................................................................... 23 III. ACTIVITY PROGRESS (QUANTITATIVE IMPACT .................................................................... 25 IV. CONSTRAINTS AND OPPORTUNITIES ....................................................................................... 26 V. PERFORMANCE MONITORING ...................................................................................................... 27 VI. PROGRESS ON GENDER STRATEGY ............................................................................................ 30 VII. PROGRESS ON ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION AND MONITORING ............................... 30 VIII. PROGRESS ON LINKS TO OTHER USAID PROGRAMS ......................................................... 31 IX. PROGRESS ON LINKS WITH GOK AGENCIES ............................................................................ 31 X. PROGRESS ON USAID FORWARD ................................................................................................. 32 XI. SUSTAINABILITY AND EXIT STRATEGY .................................................................................... 33 XII. SUBSEQUENT QUARTER’S WORK PLAN .................................................................................. 33 XIII. ACTIVITY ADMINISTRATION .................................................................................................... 33 USAID AFYA PWANI PROGRESS REPORT FOR Q4 FY 2016 ii XIV. SUCCESS STORY ............................................................................................................................ 34 ANNEXES & ATTACHMENTS ............................................................................................................... 35 Annex I: Schedule of Future Events ...................................................................................................................... 35 Annex II List of Tracer Commodities..................................................................................................................... 35 Annex III – List of High Volume Facilities for Commodity Management Indicators Reporting .............................. 36 Table 1 Summary of Contract Deliverables and Status To-Date .................................................. vii Table 2 Afya Pwani EID Samples for July-September 2016 ........................................................... 4 Table 3 Number of Clients Tested and Linked to Care July-September 2016 ................................ 7 Table 4 Afya Pwani Rapid Test Kit Reporting Rates for July-September 2016.............................. 8 Table 5 Afya Pwani Defaulter Tracing Rate for July-September 2016 ........................................... 9 Table 6 Afya Pwani Viral Load Testing for July-September 2016 ............................................... 11 Table 7 Afya Pwani CD4 Tests for July-September 2016 ............................................................. 11 Table 8 Patients on treatment for MDR TB ................................................................................... 13 Table 9 Patients on Isoniazid Prophylactic Treatment (IPT) ......................................................... 13 Table 10 GeneXpert Testing for July-September 2016 ................................................................. 14 Table 11 Kinondo Kwetu Clinic Supply Chain Management Analysis ........................................ 22 Table 12 Quarterly and Cumulative achievements for DDIU, DHIS2 & DQI .............................. 29 Figure 1 Afya Pwani PMTCT Cascade July-September 2016......................................................... 5 Figure 2 Afya Pwani EID Yield Jul-Sep 2016 ................................................................................. 6 Figure 3 APHIAplus Nairobi-Coast Transition to Afya Pwani: Care and Treatment ................... 12 Figure 4 Afya Pwani Care and Treatment by County 2016 ........................................................... 12 Figure 5 1st and 4th ANC visits trends in April-June and July-September ................................... 15 Figure 6 Trends in maternal and neonatal Indicators April-June and July-September 2016 15 Figure 7 Trends in Child Health Indicators: April-June and July-September 2016....................... 17 Figure 8 Perf. Analysis-Uptake of FP Services, New clients (July 2015-September 2016) 18 Figure 9 Perf. Analysis- Total CYP Distributed July-June, 2016 compared to April- June, 2016 18 Figure 10 Perf. Analysis- CYP Contribution by Method, July-September, 2016 .......................... 19 Figure 11: CYP Comparison of CYP for individual methods in April-June and July- September 19 Figure 12: Contraception commodity reporting for July – September 2016 ................................. 20 USAID AFYA PWANI PROGRESS REPORT FOR Q4 FY 2016 iii ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AMSTL Active Management of the Third Stage of Labor ANC Antenatal Care APH Antepartum Hemorrhage APHIA AIDS, Population and Health Integrated Assistance APHIAplus AIDS, Population and Health Integrated Assistance-People-centered, local universal access and sustainability ARI Acute Respiratory Infection ART Antiretroviral Therapy ARV Antiretroviral ASRH Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health AYSRH Adolescent and Youth Sexual Reproductive Health BEmONC Basic Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care BTL Bi-Tubal Ligation CACC Constituency AIDS Control Council CBO Community Based Organization CCC Comprehensive Care Center CD4 Cluster of Differentiation 4 CDC Center for Disease Control and Prevention CDCS Country Development Cooperation Strategy CEmONC Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care CHAI Clinton Health Access Initiative CHMT County Health Management Team CHS Community Health Strategy CHV Community Health Volunteer CITC Community Initiated Testing and Counselling CME Continuing Medical Education COP Chief of Party COR Contracting Officer Representative CPGH Coast Provincial General Hospital CPR Contraceptive Prevalence Rate CQI Continuous Quality Improvement DCOP Deputy Chief of Party DDIU Data Demand and Information Use DFH Division of Family Health DHS Demographic Health Survey DISC Drop in Support Centre DOT Directly
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