ALLEN, p. 1 Michael Idomir ALLEN Department of Classics 11 October 2017 The University of Chicago 1115 East 58th Street Chicago, Illinois USA 60637 Employment Since 2003, Associate Professor, Department of Classics and the College, and Associate in History (since 2006), University of Chicago 1996 to 2003, Assistant Professor, Department of Classics and the College, University of Chicago 1995–96, Assistant Professor of History, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Education Ph.D., June 1994, Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Toronto Dissertation: “History in the Carolingian Renewal: Frechulf of Lisieux (fl. 830), His Work and Influence.” Supervisor: Walter Goffart M.A., 1986, French Literature, Department of French, Yale University, New Haven, CT B.A. summa cum laude, 1985, History, Tufts University, Medford, MA High School Diploma, with Honors, 1981, Portsmouth Abbey School, Portsmouth, RI Languages English, French, German (Großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom, 2009), Greek, Italian, Latin Awards, Honors, Visitorships 2017 Directeur d’études associé (September/October; December), Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris 2017 Professeur invité (March/April), Département d’histoire, Université de Toulouse – Jean Jaurès (Toulouse 2) 3/2016 Elected Socius, SISMEL (Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino), Florence 3/2016 Elected Korrespondierendes Mitglied, MGH (Monumenta Germaniae Historica), Munich 2015 Visiting Scholar (October–December), Centre Michel de Boüard — CRAHAM (Centre de recherches archéologiques et historiques anciennes et médiévales), University of Caen 2015 Forschungsstipendium (July–September), Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, Theologische Hochschule Fulda 2015 Visiting Scholar (April–June), Theologische Hochschule Fulda 2014 Visiting Faculty, Program in Western Classical and Medieval Culture, Fu Jen Catholic University, New Taipei City, Taiwan (July/August) 2013 Gangolf Schrimpf Visiting Fellow (March/April, September/October), Theologische Hochschule Fulda 2011 Forschungsstipendium (April–December), Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel ALLEN, p. 2 2010 Forschungsstipendium (June–August), Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, University of Erlangen 2010 Visiting Professor, Mittellateinisches Seminar (June–July), University of Erlangen 2003 Médaille d’honneur de la Ville de Lisieux (conferred on the occasion of the round table, Autour de Fréculfe de Lisieux: écrire l’histoire dans la province ecclésiastique de Rouen au IXe siècle, 26 April 2003, organized to mark the publication of the CCCM edition of Frechulf) 2002 Affiliated Fellow, Franke Institute for the Humanities, University of Chicago 2001–2002 Forschungsstipendium, Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, University of Münster 1995–98 Research Fellowship in the Michigan Society of Fellows, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (on leave 1996–97) 1994–95 George C. Metcalf Fellow, Victoria College, University of Toronto 1994–95 Postdoctoral Fellowship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada 1992–93 Queen Elizabeth II Ontario Fellowship 1991–92 Doctoral Fellowship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada 1991 Borsa di studio, Settimana internazionale di studio, Centro Italiano di studi sull’Alto Medioevo, Spoleto, Italy 1988–91 Open Fellowship, University of Toronto 1988–91 Junior Fellowship, Massey College in the University of Toronto 1985–86 University Fellowship, Yale University 1985 Seymour Simches Scholar, Tufts University European Center, Talloires, France 1984 Election in the Junior Year to ΦΒΚ, Delta Chapter of Massachusetts, Tufts University Research Interests Latin palaeography and textual criticism; medieval Latin historiography, epistolography, and poetry Publications (* reviewed submission) Books *Frechulfi Lexouiensis episcopi Opera omnia. Ed. Michael I. Allen. 2 vols. (1. Prolegomena – Indices; 2. Textus). Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaeualis 169, 169A. Turnhout: Brepols, 2002 Reviews: G. Michiels, Scriptorium 57 (2003): 57*–58*; P. Bourgain, Revue des études augustiniennes et patristiques 50 (2004): 231–33; P. Depreux, Francia 31/1 (2004): 295–97; F. Lifshitz, Journal of Medieval Latin 14 (2004): 203–6; K. Naß, Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters 60 (2004): 294; J. Führer, Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 42 (2007): 295–97 Edited volume Eriugena and Creation. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Eriugenian Studies, held in honor of Edouard Jeauneau, Chicago, 9–12 November 2011. Ed. W. Otten and M. I. Allen. Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia 68. Turnhout, 2014. Pp. 760 ALLEN, p. 3 Translations Pierre Riché. The Carolingians: A Family Who Forged Europe. Trans. Michael Idomir Allen. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1993. Pp. 398 Georg Holzherr. Einsiedeln: The Monastery and Church of Our Lady of the Hermits. Trans. Michael Allen. Munich: Schnell und Steiner, 1988. Pp. 104 Articles with Christophe Maneuvrier, “Que sait-on, à travers les sources écrites, de la cité de Lisieux durant le haut Moyen Âge (VIe-IXe siècles) ?” for the excavation report, La fouille de la nécropole Michelet (IVe-IXe) (Caen/Turnhout, in press) “The letter as mirror and prism: Lupus of Ferrières and Einhard. [With a new critical edition of Einhard’s De adoranda cruce],” for La Lettre-Miroir dans l’Occident latin et vernaculaire du Ve au XVe siècle, ed. C. Veyrard Cosme, D. Demartini, and S. Shimahara (Paris: Études Augustiniennes, in press), •••–•• “Writing to Bishops in the Letter-Book of Lupus of Ferrières,” Epistola I, ed. T. Deswarte, Colloques de la Casa de Velázquez (Madrid, in press), •••–•• “Zeichen der Vernetzung: Klassiker als Kreuzpunkte der vernetzten Gelehrsamkeit.” In Handschriften und Papyri: Wege des Wissens. Exhibition catalogue, edited by D. Mairhofer, B. Palme, and D. Shanzer, 51–60, and 126 (no. 31), 132–34 (no. 37). Vienna, 2017 *“Pilgrims on earth: Some rethinking of the Itinerarium Einsidlense (Codex Einsidlensis 326),” Gedenkschrift für Jochen Bepler, ed. C. Heitzmann and G. Lutz (Regensburg, 2016) [= Jahrbuch für kirchliches Buch- und Bibliothekswesen, NF 3 (2015)], pp. 43–53 with Florian Mittenhuber, “Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 366,” for e-codices (23 June 2016): http://www.e-codices.unifr.ch/en/list/one/bbb/0366 “Le catalogue d’une bibliothèque savante, peut-être élaboré comme liste de transport (deuxième tiers du IXe siècle)” [on ms. Geneva, BPU, lat. 84], in De l’argile au nuage: une archéologie des catalogues, ed. F. Barbier, T. Dubois, Y. Sordet, and A. Vanautgaerden (Paris/Geneva, 2015), 157–61 “Le catalogue de la bibliothèque de Vulfad (vers 860)” [on ms. Paris, Bibl. Mazarine, 561], in De l’argile au nuage: une archéologie des catalogues, ed. F. Barbier, T. Dubois, Y. Sordet, and A. Vanautgaerden (Paris/Geneva, 2015), 161–65 with Florian Mittenhuber, “Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 250,” for e-codices (October 2014): http://www.e-codices.unifr.ch/en/list/one/bbb/0250 with Florian Mittenhuber, “Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 306,” for e-codices (October 2014): http://www.e-codices.unifr.ch/en/list/one/bbb/0306 *“Aus Einhards Lebensabend und Consolatio Philosophiae III: ein Seligenstadter Boethius- Fragment mit lateinischen und althochdeutschen Glossen,” Archiv für mittelrheinische Kirchengeschichte 66 (2014): 343–77 “Poems by Lupus, written by Heiric: an endpaper for Édouard Jeauneau (Paris, BnF, lat. 7496, fol. 249v),” in Eriugena and Creation, ed. W. Otten and M. I. Allen (Turnhout, 2014), 105–135 “Victorius Aquitanus, Calculus,” [on ms. Bern, BB 250] in Karl der Grosse/Charlemagne, exhibition guide, ed. F. Pohle and others (Aachen, 2014), 52–53 (also published in Dutch, French, and German) “Victorius Aquitanus, Calculus,” [on ms. Bern, BB 250] in Karl der Große: Orte der Macht, exhibition catalogue, ed. F. Pohle (Aachen, 2014), 216–17 ALLEN, p. 4 “Frechulf of Lisieux,” in Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine, ed. K. Pollmann and W. Otten (OUP: Oxford, 2013), vol. 2, 1010–11 “Lupus of Ferrières,” in Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine, ed. K. Pollmann and W. Otten (OUP: Oxford, 2013), vol. 3, 1039–41 *“Lupus, or The Wolf in the Library: New Commentary, Edition, and Translation of Lupus of Ferrières, Epistola 1,” in Studies on Medieval Empathies, ed. K. F. Morrison and R. M. Bell (Brepols: Turnhout, 2013), 141–160 *“Fréculfe de Lisieux: l’histoire de l’Antiquité comme témoignage de l’actualité.” Tabularia 8 (2008): 59–79 “Paleography.” In World Book Encyclopedia, vol. 15, pp. 102–3. Chicago: World Book, 2007 *“Universal History 300-1000: Origins and Western Developments.” In Historiography in the Middle Ages, ed. D. M. Deliyannis, pp. 17–42 (Chapter One). Leiden: Brill, 2003 *“Addenda and Corrigenda to ‘Flavius Renatus Vegetius,’ CTC, VI, 175–184.” In Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum, vol. 8, pp. 346–50. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2003 *“The Chronicle of Claudius of Turin.” In After Rome’s Fall: Narrators and Sources of the Early Middle Ages, ed. A. C. Murray, pp. 288–319. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998 “Bede and Frechulf at Medieval St. Gallen.” In Beda Venerabilis: Historian, Monk and Northumbrian, ed. L. A. J. R. Houwen and A. A. MacDonald, pp. 61–80. Mediaevalia Groningana, 19. Groningen: Egbert Forsten, 1996 *“The Metrical Passio Crispini et Crispiniani of Henry of Avranches.” Analecta Bollandiana 108 (1990): 357–86 Reviews H. Eisenhut, Die Glossen Ekkeharts IV. von St. Gallen im Codex Sangallensis 621 (= Monasterium Sancti Galli, Bd. 4), St. Gallen:
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