THE CHRONICLE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1989 DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA CIRCULATION: 15,000 VOL. 85, NO. 38 Gommittee recommends ballpark site By LENOREYARGER the positive aspects of the siting, A four member committee . [the University Ford site] presented city and county repre­ seemed to be best," Gulley said. sentatives with a recommenda­ The recommended site is lo­ tion Wednesday night to locate cated near the American Tobacco Durham's proposed baseball sta­ land currently being renovated dium at the downtown Univer­ and redeveloped by the Adaron sity Ford site. Group, the University and the The committee also recom­ Edgar Bronfman family. mended that the county com­ The committee considered two pletely fund the stadium, leaving additional sites in addition to the the financing of infrastructure University Ford location. These needs to the city. other two options were for con­ Durham Mayor Wib Gulley, structing the new ballpark at the Briggs Avenue site and renovat­ City Manager Orville Powell, CHAD HOOD/THE CHRONICLE County Manager Jack Bond and ing or building a new facility at Chair of the Board of Commis­ William Bell and Wib Gulley the Durham Athletic Park sioners William Bell presented (DAP), current home of the Dur­ the University Ford dealership working on their recommenda­ ham Bulls. site as their first choice for the tion ever since the joint city/ "For all of us, we continue to be location of an 8,000 seat ballpark county council appointed them to flexible and open-minded about to the Durham City Council and the task at their last meeting in it [the site selection]," Gulley Durham County Board of Com­ June. said. At the meeting, the joint missioners. The four have been "In terms of trying to maximize See BALLPARK on page 4 f> Phi Psi changes theme party name CHAD HOOD/THE CHRONICLE Gothic laundry By JOHN HARMON The Phi Kappa Psi fraternity Trinity sophomore Janna Jackson decided modern appli has changed the name of its ances don't fit the school image. Too bad it rained. traditional "Red Light District" theme party following objections from members of the Women's Coalition. Cleanup begins after Parker Duncan, Trinity senior and president of the fraternity, said the party was renamed "Bourbon Street" because "we as California earthquake a group realized the name itself conjures up images of prostitu­ By JANE GROSS tion, and that was not was our N.Y. Times News Service remained without electrical intention. Over the years, the im­ SAN FRANCISCO — On the power. age diverged from the intent of CHAD HOOD/THE CHRONICLE the party," he said. day after the most terrifying By midafternoon, officials of Phi Kappa Psi is changing the name of their infamous "Red night of their lives, Northern the seven affected counties near The Red Light District party in Light District" party. Californians on Wednesday cata­ San Francisco Bay had tallied the past encouraged women to logued disasters great and small, 273 deaths, more than 250 in the dress as prostitutes and men to vibrance and energy and creativ­ met with the fraternity last week counted the dead and comforted flattened highway in Oakland. dress as pimps. Duncan said the ity, mostly through costumes . to express their objections to the the living, and began restoring After a night in which doctors Bourbon Street party still en­ The party can be sexual. The original theme. order and civility to their devas­ perched on ladders performed courages people to wear cos­ party cannot be sexist," Duncan Margie Stude, a Trinity junior, tated cities and towns. emergency surgery on victims tumes but not to dress as prosti­ continued. was one of the three representa­ [Meanwhile, in northern still pinned in the wreckage as tutes. This action comes after mem­ tives from the Women's Coalition China, a series of unrelated See QUAKE on page 5 • "We want to create a sense of bers of the Women's Coalition See PARTY on page 12 • earthquakes killed at least 18 people and damaged about 8,000 homes.] In California, the worst hor­ University fights nationwide professor shortage rors were endured in West Oak­ PUP other schools," White said. dent body to somewhere "close to land, where a double-decker By KARL WILEY highway collapsed, leaving hun­ White credited the Universi­ 5700." These two actions are in­ dreds of motorists crushed to The nation's colleges and ty's "Academic Plan" with play­ tegral in the University's effort death in their cars. universities are currently under­ ing a large role in avoiding the to reduce the faculty student Eighty miles south in Santa going a shortage of qualified per­ professor shortage emergency. ratio. "The statistic we used two Cruz and surrounding mountain­ sons to fill full-time faculty posi­ The Academic Plan is a system years ago was 13:1," White said, side communities, a pedestrian tions, and the situation is ex­ under which the University will "that's a ballpark statistic, and mall was leveled, scores of pected to worsen over the next see a net gain of eight to 10 we want to get it down to about houses slid from their five years, according to a recent professors each year over the 11:1." foundations, highways were study. next five years. Earl Dowell, dean of the school closed because of rock and mud The University has avoided a The University is not unique in of Engineering also acknowl­ slides, and an entire county crisis with strict faculty hiring this structured increase in edged a recent difficulty in hiring plans, which insure continued faculty hiring, as the ACE report good faculty and said he thinks additions of top quality faculty. STAFF PHOTO/THE CHRONICLE said one-third of the schools sur­ "it will be difficult in the years to Campus Trends '89, written by veyed now conduct some form of Weather Richard White come." Dowell was optimistic, Elaine El-Khawas of the Ameri­ systematic faculty planning, and however, noting an expansion in More of the same: To­ can Council on Education (ACE), at 366 colleges and universities, just over half of the institutions the Engineering school's faculty night's typically cloudy skies cited the fields of computer sci­ "I don't think it's an emergency are expected to increase the pace over the last few years, and say­ ence, business, mathematics and situation," said Richard White, of faculty hiring during the next ing that some of the young people will keep you from counting health professions as> having the stars, so count the 30 cold dean of Trinity College. "I think five years. in the field are beginning to see most extreme shortages this in the next five or six years we Along with this increase in the benefits of becoming a profes­ days til the next break. Friday year. will be polar with mild precip­ will see a lot of faculty come up faculty size, White noted a con­ sor. The study is based on an ACE itation. for retirement, but the actual current attempt to decrease the Dowell attributed the school's survey of senior administrators percentage is lower here than at size of the undergraduate stu­ See SHORTAGE on page 6 • PAGE 2 THE CHRONICLE THURSDAY; OCTOBER 19; 19&9 World & National Newsfile Series of earthquakes kills at least 18 in China Associated Press BEIJING (AP) — A series of earth­ Earthquakes are frequent in China, by official count. Unofficial estimates Atlantis launched: Space shuttle quakes rattled northern China late with the most recent serious tremor injur­ have put the death toll at three times that Atlantis soared into orbit Wednesday, Wednesday and early Thursday, killing at ing 54 people and destroying 4,000 homes number. Its magnitude was estimated at from Cape Canaveral, and its astro­ least 18 people and flattening about 8,000 in southwest China's Sichuan province 8.0. nauts started the Galileo probe on a homes in a largely rural area, authorities last month. The Richter scale is a measure off six-year, roundabout journey to Jupi­ said. Five earthquakes, measuring up to 6.7 ground movement as recorded by seismo­ ter for the closest look yet at the colos­ The quakes struck less than 24 hours on the Richter scale, struck western graphs. The open-ended scale is loga­ sus of the solar system. after a major tremor hit the San Fran­ Sichuan in a three-week period in June rithmic, meaning that each degree of in­ cisco Bay area. Officials of the State Seis- and July, killing 11 people. tensity is 10 times stronger than the last. Bay region gets aid: President mological Bureau said the quakes were China's worst earthquake in recent his­ Thus the 6.9 magnitude quake that hit Bush on Wednesday declared the not related to the California tremor. tory leveled the northeast city of San Francisco is 10 times stronger than earthquake-shattered San Francisco The bureau said the five tremors — reg­ Tangshan in 1976, leaving 240,000 dead one registering 5.9 on the scale. Bay region a major disaster area, call­ istering up to 6.0 on the Richter scale — ing the devastation a "matter of grave shook an area along the Shanxi-Hebei national concern" and directing an ini­ provincial border and that at least 28 peo­ tial $273 million to relief efforts. ple had been injured. It was quoted by the official Xinhua Honecker replaced by protege Hungary changes name: in the News Agency on the deaths and damage. By SERGE SCHMEMANN glare of TV lights, Hungary's Parlia­ The first quake, measuring 5.7, shook N.Y.
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