G overnm ent G azette. BRITISH COLUMBIA. No. 14.] NEW WESTMINSTER, SATURDAY, APRIL 4th, 1863. [V ol. 1. Table of Contents. Colonial Secretary’s Notices. P a g e . Lands and Works Notices. PAGE Announcement of publication of the Government Gazette 2 Government Land Reservation at Junction of Quesnelle and Government Rate of Exchange - 2 Fraser Rivers 6 Her Majesty’ s confirmation of the B . C. Loan A ct, 1862 2 do. do. Old Fort Alexander 6 Heads of Departments to forward statistics for publication do, do. Cut Off Valley 6 in the Government Gazette - 2 do. do. Sockalee H arbour, Queen Charlotte Island 6 General Post Office. do. do. outlet of Quesnelle Lake 6 do. do. western branch of do. 6 Conveyance of Government Mails 3 do. do. Horse Fly Creek 6 Rates of Postage - 3 Stamping of Letters 3 List of Unclaimed Letters - 4-5 Meteorological Report 12 Government Assay Office. Proclamations. Rates of Charges - 3 No. 2. Military and Naval Settlers’ Act, 1863 8 “ 3. Roads’ Toll Extension Act, 1863 9 Government Gazette. " 4, Mining Rules, 1863 11 Distribution of 1 “ 9. Pre-emption Consolidation Act, 1861 10 General Abstract of Bank of British Columbia. 12 Registrar General’s Notices. Lands and Works Notices. Prepayment of Fees - 2 Receipt for Deeds returned - 2 Government Land Reservation at Burrard I nlet 6 do. do. Point Grey 6 Supreme Court. do. do. Lightning Creek & Swift R. 6 do. do. mouth of Soda Creek 6 Dates of holding Courts of Assize 2 Government Gazette. NOTICE. MEMORANDUM. C OPIES OF THIS GAZETTE will be sent to ARRANGEMENTS have been made with MR. F. J. all the Magistrates in British Columbia, who B a r n a r d , of the Express, for the delivery of the will cause them to be disposed of in such a man­ Government Gazette to such Hotel keepers, and others, ner as may seem to them best lor ensuring pub­ in the upper country, as may desire to file copies for licity. Copies will also be supplied to the Station­ ers in the Colony. reference. 2 Colonial Secretary's Notices. BRITISH COLUMBIA. To all whom it may concern greeting. BRITISH COLUMBIA. OTICE is hereby given that Her Most Gracious Majesty The Queen has been pleased to confirm Nand allow “ The British Columbian Loan Act, 1862," C olo n ial S e c r e t a r y ’ s O ffice, and the same is therefore hereby declared and pro­ 2 2 n d D ecem ber, 1 8 6 2 . claimed to be confirmed and allowed accordingly. ITH reference to a Notice dated 26th July, Dated at Victoria, Vancouver Island, this 19th day W 1862, announcing that all Official Notices of January, A.D ., 1863. and Advertisements thereafter to be issued which By order of His Excellency the Governor, should o f custom or necessity appear in the Go­ WILLIAM A. G. YOUNG, Colonial Secretary. vernment Gazette were, until further notice, when published in the British Columbian newspaper, to be taken and deemed in all cases and for all pur­ Court,Supreme poses to have been duly published in the Govern­ ment Gazette. Notice is hereby given that after In the Supreme Court of Civil Justice the 31st December, 1862, the Government Gazette of British Columbia. will be issued as a separate publication, and no Notice published in the aforesaid British Colum­ GENERAL ORDER. bian newspaper after the 31st December, 1862, is to be taken or deemed to have been published in COURT OF ASSIZE and General Gaol Delivery the Government Gazette, as aforesaid. A will be held at the undermentioned places on the dates specified, at 11 A.M. By order of the Governor, New Westminster, April 15th, W illiam A . G. Y o u n g . Yale - “ 24th, Lytton, - - May 1st, Lillooet, " 11th, PUBLIC NOTICE. Williams Lake, - " 22nd, Cottonwood, - June 1st, C olonial S e c r e ta r y’ s O ffice, Williams Creek, about the middle of June. 22nd December, 1862. The Court will stay in the Cariboo district until the 20th of September, and Assizes will be held on the OTICE is hereby given that on and after the 1st July, 1st August, and 1st September. 1st January, 1863, until further notice, the N Any matters requiring attention may be brought on Gold coins of the United States of America will at intermediate times, by appointment with the be taken at the Public Departments o f this Go­ Registrar. vernment at the rate of Four Dollars and Eighty- Any matters set down for hearing at Douglas may five cents to the £ Sterling. be taken at Lillooet or elsewhere, at the convenience of the parties having conduct of the suit; notice to be 2. That portion of the printed circular issued given of any change of venue. on the 30th August 1859, which directs that the By the Court, Five Dollar piece be taken as equivalent to the GREVILLE C. MATHEW, Sovereign, is to be considered as cancelled on and Registrar. from the 1st January aforesaid. March 8th, 1863. By order of the Governor, W illia m A. G. Y o u n g . Registry Office. NOTICE. c ir c u l a r . Prepayment of Fees. O INSTRUMENT will be registered, no co­ V i c t o r i a , V .I., N pies furnished, no searches made, nor any 26th February, 1863. service whatever rendered in connection with this T being considered desirable that the Government Office, until the fees for the same, as prescribed I Gazette should contain a variety of information by law, are first paid, or tendered. concerning British Columbia of a nature interesting to the public, His Excellency the Governor requests EFORE A N Y DEED deposited in this Office that all Heads of Departments will forward such B can be returned, the Depositor himself must statistics, &c., as may be applied for by the Chief either sign a receipt for the same or else lodge with the Registrar a written order for its delivery. Commissioner of Lands and Works, for insertion in the Government Gazette. A r t h u r T. B u sh by, WILLIAM A. G. YOUNG, Registrar General. Land Registry Office, Colonial Secretary. New Westminster, 1st January, 1863. 3 Government Assay Office, General Post Office. GOVERNMENT ASSAY OFFICE, PUBLIC NOTICE. NEW WESTMINSTER, BRITISH COLUMBIA. OTICE is hereby given that a Contract has SSAYS OF GOLD BULLION are made on N been entered into with Francis Jones Bar­ A the following terms, and under the following nard, (Barnard’s Express), for the conveyance of the conditions:— GOVERNMENT MAILS, 1. A receipt will be given to the Depositor for as undermentioned. the exact gross weight of his deposit. From 1st April to 30th November: 2. The resulting ingot will be delivered to any From New Westminster to Douglas, Hope, party returning the aforesaid receipt, whether the Yale, Lytton, and Lillooet, and return weekly. Depositor or any one else, and the party returning From New Westminster to Douglas, Hope, the receipt will be required to cancel it by his sig­ Yale, Lytton, Lillooet, to Williams Lake, and on nature at the time of receiving the ingot. to Antler, and return semi-monthly. 3. Each ingot will be stamped with its number, From 1st December to 31st March: corresponding to its number in the official records, From New Westminster to Douglas, Hope, with its weight, in ounces and decimals of ounces, Yale, Lytton, and Lillooet, and return semi­ its fineness in thousandths, and its value in dollars monthly. and cents; also with a Government cipher, a crown From New Westminster to Douglas, Hope, encircled by the words “ B ritish C olum bia Yale, Lytton, Lillooet, to Williams Lake, and on G overnm ent A s s a y ; ” thus: to Antler, and return monthly. W a r n e r R. S p a l d in g , J.P., Postmaster General, B. C. PUBLIC NOTICE. ATES OF POSTAGE between the under­ R mentioned places, in all cases to be prepaid. LETTERS. and the clip comer will be protected by a small Between crown impressed on the face of it. Lake. minster. New New W e st­ Hope. Douglas. Yale. Antler. Lytton. Lillooet. 4. W ith each ingot will be given a certificate, W illiams Quesnelle. signed by a Government officer, of the weight of .. New Westminster,.. 5d 5d 5d 1s 1s 2s 3s 4s the deposit before melting; its weight after; the 5d od 5d 1s fineness; the charge for assaying; and the value D ouglas,....................... .. 1s 2s 3s 4s .. in dollars and cents. H o p e ,........................... 5d 5d 5d 1s 1s 2s 3s 4s 5. For all bars not exceeding 50 ounces in Y a l e ,............................. 5d 5d 5d .. 1s 1s 2s 3s 4s .. weight, a charge of seven shillings and six pence L y tto n ,......................... 1s 1s 1s 1s 1s 23 3s 4s (7s. 6d.) sterling will be made, and for every ad­ L illo o e t,....................... 1s 1s 1s 1s 1s .. 2s 3s 4s ditional 10 ounces, or fraction of same, one shilling .. and six pence ( 1s. 6d.) Williams Lake,......... 2s 2s 2s 2s 2s 2s 1s 2s .. A ll clips are retained in the Government Assay Quesnelle,..................... 3s 3s 3s 3s 3s 3s 1s 1s office; but on bars not exceeding 10 ounces in 4s 4s 4s 4s 4s 4s A n t le r ,......................... 2s 1s .. weight, allowance will be made off the assay charge for the value of the clip. NEWSPAPERS.
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