%Mb Thursday % Evening, THE MINNEAPOLIS JGfURNAL; -«&£*- ^Aprtl 5, 1906. EVERYTHING-WORTH 1VHILE IN SPORT - IS GATHERED HERE "Si ST. LOUIS BROWNS SELL ^Va/fc^jfj; «r& Claim Championship of North Dakota V#$\ GENE FORD 1NYENTS W, SOUTHERN TRIPS j© p. STILL1FBAID 10 THREE MEN TO ST. TAUL IA NEW DECEIVER J I ARE EXPENSIVE *t % TACKLE GOPHERS According to an announcement made 3r*«.tfert Special to The Journal. day, Pitchers Morgan and Buchanan and First Burlington, Iowa, April 8.—The millers and V -U \ Baseman Nordyke of the 3t. Louis brawns will Ned Egan's pathfinders enjoyed two fine work­ jolu the St. Puul team on April 1$Y ±11 three outs at Athletic park yesterday. The men 5^1 men have played gilt edjged ball thro, -the train­ all showed up in midseason form and Captain Magnates Lose FairvShare 'of 1905 ing season and Manager McAllister wa* loath to "Lefty" Davis was as happy as a bird over Michigan Turns Eyes to East for let them go, but a» he bad five veterans in good their work. Especially noticeable was the field­ J*. Profits in "Training" ^ ^ condition, he decided to let Padden have them. ing of Hart, who officiated in the sun field to Final Date on Football f' v Pitcher Roy Parkins blew in from Hudson, the complete satisfaction of Davis and the dis­ r j Camps. j S. D , > esterdnj morning ai.d In about ten min­ may of the men who were knocking out files in utes had his signature to a St. Paul contract his direction. Schedule. ,*» ^ He left on the S.80 tiain last night for Leaven­ These men wanted to make the big, curly- worth and will arrive ready for business this headed fellow lose ont on some of their drives, fternoon. Parkins Is a strapping young fellow and so tliey aimed a good share of their hot ud appears to be as 6trong as an ox. He has ones in his direction. Hart evidently caught r been working hard all winter and it will take on to their scheme, for be was more than usually Journal Special Servicer Journal Speoial Service. but very little to get him Into condition. alert and did not miss one of their liners, altho Ann Arbor, April 5—Manager Balrd ha* Chicago, April 6 —By reason of the bad weath- Catcher Elmer Pelrce is expected to report the sun was shining fiercely in his face. planned contests with the elevens ot Illinois, '!&•- *r this spring It Is estimated that the sixteen within a day or two Pelrce is now in Chicago The pitchers are all loosening up and are Chicago and Ohio State. Illinois wlU play at 'major league baseball clubs have lost at least and has not reported earlier on account of the getting their shoots to going in the way they Ann Arbor, while Ohio State will be met at •150,000, and the southern training trlp» have illness of his mother. With Drill and Sugden want them. Ford was the center of interest Columbus. This leaves two open dates on the been little else, so far as the magnates are von.- in the harness there will be little use for Pelrce j yesterday with a new ball with which he was Michigan schedule. cerned, than a chance to spend tbeii profits of here this season It; is not yet known just what experimenting This ball floats lazily toward One will be given over to an easy practice last season by giving their players a toleiably will become of him, but it is understood that the batsman and just as he is reaching out for match with a minor western institution team, pleasant Jaunt thruout the land of cotton several teams in the Western, Three-I and it breaks and crosses the plate down near his but the fifth date still remains unsettled. Mich­ This Is the estimate of President Charles Central leagues would like to get the St. Paul Right—Margaret Sherburne, GraceCook, Ethel Stansbury, Captain; Nellie Orange, Luverne Hill, Anna Holgate. Ankles It is a deceiver almost every time it igan students feel that in reality only one big A. Comiskey of the Chicago American league eatcLer, and possible some such deal will go Is used, but Ford has not got it down pat yet K contest—that with the University of Chicago- club, after a mental survey of the situation and thru. *• *—s_^ j -<S> and will not use It In the games for the pres­ has been planned, and are desiroqs of seeing a few calculations based on the reports from Pitcher Whftrldge shows a disposition not to ent. Sessions and Kllroy showed excellent form the team in another big game. With this idea the training center* in the dally papers. get in line, and it is probable that he will be Special to The Journal. in the workouts. In view Mr. Balrd is turning toward the east The spring of 1006 will long be known as the traded for some good eastern pitcher. TRAINING TABLES "WIX" TREADWAY IS Valley City, N. D., April 5.—The basketball Davis, with the assistance of Ned Egan of for such a contest. Both Pennsylvania and moat disastrous training year in baseball his­ With the signing of Parkins, St. Paul is sure season for the teams of the state normal school this city, has devised a scheme to get up a Cornell are mentioned as possible opponents, with tory, and this condition is emphasized because of the following pitchers: Slagle, Coy, Fergu­ in this city has closed, leaving the girls* team the chances favoring the quakers. 1 perspiration fur the men after the practice. practically every one of the*sixteen clubs in the son. Stovall, Parkins, Dlsch, Morgan and Bu­ FOR TRACK ATHLETES - SIGNED BY "PEGGERS' the champions of lbe state , as the record of It Is about two miles and a balf from the barber American and National leagues soujjht the south chanan By this afternoon all but the last two their games will show. The team did not get shop where the teams remove the grime of their to prepare for the season's grind and Incidentally will have reported. into championship form until late in the season. practice to the park, and Is down hill all the to pick up training expenses thru exhibition They did not lose one of the* last six games A training table for the use of /candidates for , wav in After the last practice Wednesday WISCONSIN STUDENTS games/".. wmmmr^9<m&xtov Jrxr»vvrmvr'<r srvvje; plqyed, beating the strong university team in morning the leaders corraled their men and in As the method nowadays is to depend largely the Minnesota track team has been established their own gymnasium, the first time that they at the >arslty lunchroom, and hereafter the stead of letting them board a car for the city, on outdoor work for the conditioning process WANT JIM JEFFRIES have ever been beaten there. The schedule and thev started them off in a bunch and at a run ©f a ballplayer rather than a gymnasium, it most promising members of the Minnesota squad results follow. ^ QUIT RADICAL MOVES will confine themselves to a diet prescribed by towards town. The men kept the pace very Is generally believed that the men of" both At Valley City—Normal 18, Tower City 9 ' well, and only one or two of them dropped out, ' leagues will not be in the same shape next week Dr H L. Williams. All of the old men on FOR ONE MORE FIGHT the team have been admitted to the table, and, At Fargo—Normal 0, Agricultural College 17. with the result that when they reached their '(bat they were last year and previous seasons. At Valley City—Normal 11, University of Min­ baths they had lost at least a pound or two Special to The Journal. as outdoor work on the track has begun, Captain Madison, Wis, April 5.—In a large, enthu­ Greaves and Dr. Williams will begin the work nesota tiO. of superfluous fleslj each. These runs will con­ At Enderlin—Normal 14, Enderlln* High tinue every day. siastic mass meeting 700 students of the Uni­ Journal Special Service. at once of sifting out the promising track can­ versity of Wisconsin met in Library hall last didates. School 3 RAIN PREVENTS THE New York, April 9.—All kinds of inducements At Valley City—Normal 19, Agricultural Col­ night and entered a protest to the faculty are being offered Jim Jeffries for the purpose Outdoor work for baseball candidates has also lege 12 against the proposed abolition of football. The started and, barring an unexpected change In of getting him to re-enter the ring and fight At Valley City—Normal 38, Enderlln High meeting was most conservative In its nature, the winner of the Jack O'Brien Sam Burger the temperature, the Minnesota ball-tossers will School 5. * SHARKEY AND ROONEY and none of the radicalism that has character­ GAMES AT LINGOLN practice faithfully on Northrop field until the battle, which has been practically arranged to At Valley City—Normal 12, Valley City High ized the action of the students of late crept Into be fought In San Francisco the last''week 'n schedule commences. The sale.of season tickets School 12. the spirit of the meeting. Thomas Mahon, Ira this month. *- r to university undergraduates admitting the hold- At Giand Forks—Normal 16, University of TO TUMBLE ON MAT Cross, Edward McMahon, Ralph Hetzel and Otto Special to The Journal.
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