Courses offered: Announcing, sports - Edson, Dan P., WIBW -AM -TV Topeka, SCHOOLS, FARM DIRECTORS casting, news reporting, music production, Kan. DJ operation, traffic, management & sales, Embree, Doc, KXXX Colby, Kan. public relations, control operation. Ap- Embry, Col. Dink, WHOP Hopkinsville, proved for veterans. Ky. announcing, electronics and preparation Erickson, Wally, KFRE -AM -TV Fresno, for FCC license, directing, TV camera op- (:alit. eration, video tape, cinematography, sales Directors and management, TV commercials. Farm Etheredge, Bob L., WBAP -AM -TV Fort Mid -South Electronics Institute Inc. 207 National Assn. of Farm Directors Worth, 'Cex. (615) Evans, Lloyd R., KGBX, KYTV(TV) 23rd Ave., North, Nashville 87203. Officers: Orion Samuelson, WGN -AM -TV Sprinlield, Mo. Cypress 1 -7998. pres: Wilbur Levering, WIBW- Research Courses offered: Radio -TV servicing, Chicago, Ste- Ewin, William, Jr., Agricultural announcing. AM-TV Wichita, Kan. VP; George Service, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, engineering and phens, KCMO Kansas City, Mo., sec -treas ; Beltsville, Md. Midwestern Broadcasting School. 228 S. Frank Raymond, WDVA Danville, Va., Pardo, Stephen. WNBF Binghamton, N. Y. Wabash Ave., Chicago 60604. (312) Wa- historian; Ray Wilkinson, WRAL -TV Ferguson, Hugh P., WCAU Philadelphia bash 2 -0712. Fred Robbins, pres -dir; Alice "Chats "; Lola Bar- Lane, registrar. Raleigh. NC., editor of Ferringer, Edward O., WBAA Lafayette, timesell- rett, 821 Dobson St., Evanston, Ill., asst Ind. Courses offered: Announcing, sec -treas. Fleming, William D., Sioux City Livestock tng, copywriting, console operation. National VP's for regions: John Hats - Market News Foundation, Sioux City, National Academy of Broadcasting 814 -TV Huntington, W. Va. H St., N.W., Washington 20001. (202) EX kell, WSAZ -AM Iowa (Northeast) ; Gil Stamper, WBT, WBTV Garriock, Korn, Canadian Broadcasting S -0727. Charles P. Janssen, pres. (TV) Charlotte, N. C. (Southeast) ; Ben Toronto, Ont. Courses offered: Announcer -disk jockey -North Corp., training and operations; news editing and Werk, WHOF Canton, Ohio (East German, George B., WNAX Yankton, S. D. continuity writing; commercial Central); Chuck Conger, KRVN Lexing- &Mies, Tom, WFLA -AM -TV Tampa, Fla. reporting; ton, Neb. (West -North Central) ; Bob WOWO Fort Wayne, Ind. announcing; voice and diction techniques; Worth, Gould, Jay, sales and management; programing; pro- Etheredge, WBAP -AM -TV Fort Gowing, Jack, KMA Shenandoah, Iowa room operations; FCC Tex. (West -South Central) ; Marvin Vines, Greene, Richard, WJRL Rockford, Ill. duction; control KAAY Little Rock, Ark. (Mid -South) ; C. rules and regulations; audition tape (Pa- Gumtow, Roy H., WKOW -AM -TV Madi- preparation. W. Robinson, KWG Stockton, Calif. son, Wis. Nationwide placement service. cific Southwest); Greg Click, KOMO Se- Haefner, George P., WHAM Rochester, 66 West attle (Pacific Northwest) ; C. B. Schneller, N. Y. New School for Social Research. Canadian Dept. of Agriculture (Canada). Hanna, Edgar, WRAM Monmouth, Ill. 12th St., New York 10011. (212) Oregon ACTIVE MEMBERS Hardcastle, Bert., KBEE Modesto, Calif. 5 -2700. Aaroe, Alden P. WRVA Richmond, Va. Harding, Les, KELO Sioux Falls, S. D. Courses offered: TV writing workshop; KOVR(TV) TV production workshop, voice and speech Abernathy, Michael, KFBK, Hare, W. R. (Bill), KWTV(TV) Oklahoma for theater and TV, TV- motion picture Bakersfield, Calif. City scoring and production. Adair, J. Lynn, KSL Salt Lake City. Harsh, Carl E., WRFD Worthington, Ohio Announcing and Allison, Bill, KMJ Fresno, Calif. Hatch, J. Cordell, Pennsylvania State New York School of Almburg, John, WGN -AM -TV Chicago University Park, Pa. Speech. 165 W. 46th St., New York 10036. WIBC University, (212) LT -1 -3471. Joseph Wippler, dir. Andrews, Harry Indianapolis Heath, Howard E, WPAG Ann Arbor, offered: Basics of radio; ad- Arnold, Barney, WHAS -AM -TV Louis- Mich. Courses ville, Ky. Heinz, Al, KGLO -AM -TV Mason City, vanced courses in newscasting, disc - K., East Lansing, jockeying; complete training in closed - Arnold, Richard WKAR Iowa circuit AM and TV. Mich. Heiskell, John R., WSAZ -AM -TV Hunt- (See Adv. on page D -8) Atkins, George S., Canadian Broadcasting ington, W. Va. Northwestern TV Is Electronics Institute. Corp. Toronto, Ont. Hill, Jim, WCCO Minneapolis, Minn. S., Minneapolis Atwood, Prank, WTIC -AM -TV Hartford, Hoeft, William B., WTMJ -AM -TV Mil- 3800 Minnehaha Ave. Conn. waukee 55406. (612) 721 -2469. Ansley, Wally, WPTF, Raleigh, N. C. Roanoke, Va. Courses offered: FCC license prepara- Agricul- Howell, Glen, WSLS tion, industrial and communications, elec- Beaty, Layne R., U. S. Dept. of Hunter, Earl, WKTY LaCrosse, Wis. tronics, radio and television receiving ture, Washington Husson, Jack, WKYR Keyser, W. Va. All resident classes. Beavers, Tom E., KMA Shenandoah, Iowa Jewell, Roy P., CFPL -AM -TV London, equipment. Behymer, Bruce, KFH Wichita, Kan. Ont. Northwest Schools. 1221 N.W. 21st Ave., KXO, Centro, Calif. Portland, Ore. 97209. (503) 226 -4811. 737 Belson, Gordon, El Johnson, Burt, KGBT -AM -TV Harlingen, N. Michigan Ave., Chicago. Bennett, William, WCAU -TV Philadelphia Tex. Courses offered: TV studio (camera, Bentley, R. C., WOI -AM -TV Ames, Iowa Johnson, O. Neal, KCBD -AM -TV Lub- film, directing, etc.), radio announcing. Bernard, Paul, KMOX -TV St. Louis bock, Tex. electronic technician and FCC license Bertrand, D. Jacques, Canadian Dept. of Kaiser, Louis W., Cornell University, Ext. preparation. Agriculture, Information Division, Ot- Service, Ithaca, N. Y. William B. Ogden Radio Operational En- tawa, Ont. Kasten, Jim, WBAY -AM -TV Green Bay, gineering School. 1150 West Olive Ave., Bill, Emil N, Peoria, Ill. Wis. Blauvelt, Les, KOLN -TV, KGIN -TV, Lin- Keathley, Clyde E., WRFD Worthington, Burbank, Calif. 91506. (213) Thornwall coln, Neb. 2 -8291. Reservations required. Ohio Courses offered: Concentrated prepara- Bode, William T., WCAU -TV Philadelphia Neither, Pat, WEAQ Eau Claire, Wis. tion for first class radiotelephone operator Bodiford, Royce, KGNC -AM -TV Amarillo, Keller, Donald, WKBW -AM -TV Buffalo (FCC). Tex. Kelly, Joseph A., WHDH -AM -TV Boston Electronics College. 1017 S.W. Borg, Dean, WMT -AM -TV Cedar Rapids, Herr, Gary V., WOW -AM -TV Omaha, Neb. Portland Iowa K., KSOO -AM -TV Sioux Washington St., Portland, Ore. 79205. Brady, Jerry, KWMT Fort Dodge, Iowa Kerwood, Orie (503) Capitol 8 -7777. Bradshaw, John, CFRB Toronto, Ont. Falls, S. D. Courses offered: Electronics engineer- La. Koster, Warren W., Sioux City Livestock ing, radio and TV repair and service, Brevard, Herb, KWKH Shreveport, Market Foundation, Sioux City, Iowa broadcasting engineering. Broom, Glen M., University of Illinois, Kirk, Larry, KFKA Greeley, Col. Leland Powers School. Inc. 31 Evans Way, Urbana, Ill. Kirkpatrick, Keith, WHO -AM -TV Des Boston 02115. (617) 277 -2900. Brumfield, Kirby, KATU(TV) Portland, Moines Ore. Kaster, George C., KMMJ Grand Island, Haven M. Powers, principal. Enloe, Bob, KARK -AM -TV Little Rock, Courses offered: Radio -TV announcing, Ark. Neb. acting, writing, production, sales. Bob, Haan, Creighton, WNAX Yankton, S. D. (See Adv. on page D -9) Burtenahaw, KID Idaho Falls, Idaho. Knowles, Robert Gordon, Canadian Broad- Busse, Larry A., WBAY -AM -TV Green casting Corp., Toronto, Ont. RCA Institutes. 350 W. 4th St., New York l3ay, Wis. Norman, Productions, 10014. (212) Yukon 9 -2000. Camp, Dean, WKTY LaCrosse, Wis. Kreeft, Hartwest George F. Maedel, pres. Capener, Ted, KSL Salt Lake City. Inc., Washington Courses offered: Electronics technology; Candle, Carroll (Vince), KSO Des Moines, Kruse, Karl E., KTRH Houston industrial and communications electron- Iowa Larocque, Gustave, CBC Canadian Broad- TV casting Corp., Montreal, Que. ics; electronics and receivers; techni- Clark, Roy M., Ag. Stabl. & Consv. Svc., B.C. cal writing; digital computer electronics; Info. Div., U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Leach, Tom, North Surrey, automation electronics; electronic draft- Washington Leathers, Jim, WDAF Kansas City, Mo. ing; computer programing; Lee, Jim A., WMAZ -AM -TV Macon, Ga. transistors; Click, Gregory G., KOMO -AM -TV Seattle Levering, Wilbur E., WIBW -AM -TV To- operation & production; radio and TV Collin, Carl W., Fetzer Broadcasting Co. studio opn and prod. Kalamazoo, Mich. peka, Kan. School of Broadcasting and Announcing. Compton, Dewey P., KTRH, KTRK(TV) Leverton, Buck M., WSAU -AM -TV Wau- 1697 - 607, York sau, Wis. Broadway Suite New Houston Wayne C., KWTV(TV) Oklahoma 10019. (212) Circle 5 -2640. Michael Wolo- Conger, Charles (Chuck), KRVN Lexing- Liles, son, dir, sec /treas; Dr. Alyce Woloson, ton, Neb. City pres. Conner, Jack, WLW Mason, Ohio Logan, George E., WLW, WLWT(TV) Courses offered: Disk -jockey, newscast- Conner, Jean, WLW Mason, Ohio Cincinnati ing, announcing, combo operation. Corbett, Bayliss (Jim), WGTO Cypress Loudon, Gordon, WJBO, WBRZ -TV Baton Southern Institute of Broadcasting. High- Gardens, Fla. Rouge, La. way 15 South, Box 458 St. George S. C. Costello, Dominick P., KWOA Worthing- McDonald, John A., WSM -AM -TV Nash- 29477. (803) 563 -4371. ton, Minn. ville, Tenn. Mrs. Margaret Jones, registrar. Covell, Daniel, WION Ionia, Mich. McGinnis, Dallas V., WOI -Iowa State Courses offered: History of Communica- Cox, Murray E., WFAA -AM -TV Dallas University, Ames, Iowa tions Act of 1934 as amended; News Bath- Crawford, Gene, WGBF Evansville, Ind. McLaughlin, John H., WDAY- AM -FM -TV ing, analysis, editorializing and reporting; Fargo, N. D. Crowner, Jack M.,
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