The School at Lyon after Florus’ Death Pierre Chambert-Protat To cite this version: Pierre Chambert-Protat. The School at Lyon after Florus’ Death: Investigating a poorly docu- mented milieu. Warren Pezé. Wissen und Bildung in einer Zeit bedrohter Ordnung. Der Zerfall des Karolingerreiches um 900, 69, Hiersemann, pp.307-324, 2020, Monographien zur Geschichte des Mittelalters, 978-3-7772-2024-6. halshs-02054784 HAL Id: halshs-02054784 https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-02054784 Submitted on 26 Aug 2020 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents entific research documents, whether they are pub- scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, lished or not. The documents may come from émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de teaching and research institutions in France or recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires abroad, or from public or private research centers. publics ou privés. Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution| 4.0 International License Version d’auteur destinée à la plateforme HAL-SHS <halshs-02054784>. Merci de citer la version publiée dans W. Pezé (dir.), Wissen und Bildung in einer Zeit bedrohter Ordnung. Der Zerfall des Karolingerreiches um 900, Stuttgart, 2020 (Monographien zur Geschichte des Mittelalters, 69), p. 307–324. The school at Lyon after the death of Florus: investigating a poorly documented milieu Pierre CHAMBERT-PROTAT École française de Rome Philological investigations on the Carolingian Lyons are both rewarding and fr strating!" On one hand# we can take advantage of the n s al % antity and diversity of direct and indirect &aterial' historical reports on Lyonnais events and (eo(le# works that were written at the ti&e by (ro&inent )*g res +bisho(s Leidrat# Agobard# Amolo# and Re&igi s# and the deacon ,lor s-# and of co rse manuscripts. Today# &ore than one h ndred codices are (reserved that these (ro&inent )*g res wo ld have had access to# incl ding those offered by the&# or co&&issioned or annotated by the& (ersonally" /n addition# there are n &ero s &an scri(ts that were co(ied directly fro& now-lost Carolingian Lyonnais codices# and &ainly those co(ied by Manno of 0aint-Oyen" When cross- referencing these so rces# acco nting for the fact that so rces doc &ent history in vario s s(eci)*c ways# we can identify and reconstr ct other facts# events# and ob2ects that are not recorded or (reserved" These ded ctions# however# are &ore acc rate when they involve (ro&inent )*g res# because these individ als are &ore easily identi)*ed" Obvio sly Leidrat +3456578-# Agobard +5786589-# Amolo +58765:;<-# Re&igi s +5:;<653:-# and ,lor s +floruit c. 5;:65::- were not alone in Lyon d ring their lifeti&es= nor were they the only (eo(le to read or write boo$s" There are di.)*c lties# however# in identifying a given (erson witho t a name# wor$# or hand by which they can be recognised" /n addition# scienti)*c literat re has a tendency to attrib te wor$s to $nown (eo(le# because it is &ore rewarding to credit so&eone than to acce(t the fact that the (erson who was res(onsible for the wor$ is unidenti)*ed—as the French saying goes# “On ne pr@te q AauB richesC" Pro&inent )*g res &ay be &isg iding# b t they still sti& late and orientate o r research on a given milieu" However# when ,lor s died +,ebr ary 5th# between 5:: and 5D9-# followed by Re&igi s +October ;5th# 53:- and Manno +Aug st 7Dth# 54E7-# no s cceeding (ro&inent )*g res e&erged and we grad ally lose o r nderstanding of the Lyonnais milieu. Who was (resent< What did they do< /s there even anybody doing anything< How can we investigate these s b2ects< /n this !This paper benef*ted greatly Fro& the insights provided by the other contrib tors oF this boo$# in partic lar Annette Grabowsky and Frédéric D plessis" 1 A.-M" TJRCAK-LERMERM# “Mannon de 0aint-Oyen dans l’histoire de la trans&ission des textesC# Revue d’histoire des textes ;4 (7444-# pp. 7D46;8E# at p. ;7E" (aper# / s ggest so&e framewor$s that can caref lly and reliably assess the sit ation in the school at Lyon afNer the death of Flor s" Memory and legacy ,irstly# we sho ld investigate how the &e&ory of (ro&inent )*g res was n rt red in the (eriods that followed their deaths" These )*g res had friends and colleag es who s rvived the& and who co ld have been the )*rst advocates of their legacies" ,lor s hi&self &ight have (layed this role for Leidrat or Agobard#; and Amolo certainly did for Agobard# as he eBtensively sed his (redecessorAs wor$"E As we enter the ?(ost-heroic ageC#8 Manno is an i&(ortant eBam(le" The archbisho( of Lyon was the ex officio abbot of 0aint-Oyen +later 0aint-Claude# in the ,rench O ra), and Manno was acting as his (rovost" /n the 540s he was already co(ying Lyonnais &an scri(ts# notably ,lor sA wor$s# for the abbey of 0aint-Oyen": When Manno died in 54E he lefN a re&ar$able (ersonal library of 99 to 17: &an scri(ts to the abbey"D However# of the teBts we know that Manno transfered to the abbey# none were his (ersonal wor$s" /nstead# in what see&s to have been a deliberate effort to (rovide the abbey with a high-q ality library collection# he co(ied the ,athers and other boo$s that were sef l for the &onastic co&& nity" Among these were a n &ber of Carolingian Lyonnais wor$s' AgobardAs De fidei veritate +M0 Mont(ellier# BJ ,ac" MHdecine# 898-# ,lor sA &on &ental aug stinian xpositio on PaulAs e(istle +M0 Troyes# BM# 4D-# ,lor sA De fide and De pascha collections +M00 Mont(ellier# BJ ,ac" MHdecine# E95 and 7:3-# a n &ber of ,lor sA carmina +M0 Paris# BK,# lat" ;5E;-# and so&e &inor (atristic wor$s of ,lor s +M0 Troyes# BM# ;89: and MannoAs lost codeB XC///-" Most of these teBts are only known by MannoAs co(ies" D ring his ti&e Manno endeavored to trans&it the Lyonnais Carolingian scholarshi( to his abbey" He s ceeded in doing this# and even s r(assed his ob2ective as his co(ies have allowed this scholarshi( to be (reserved until the present-day" /n addition to the (ro&inent )*g re Manno# we have to take into acco nt ,lor sA anony&o s collaborators# es(ecially the hands !" #" and $ who (rod ced Lyon# BM# 858# the original M0 of ; L" HOLTQ# “Leidrat# év@% e de Lyon +3456578-' ses livres# son Hcrit re”, in !micorum societ%. &'lan(es o)erts * +rançois Dol-eau pour son ./e anniversaire" ed" by O" ELFA00/# C. LAKRRS# and A.-M" TJRCAK-LERMERM# ,irenTe, ;97E +Millenio Medievale# 4D= 0tr &enti e 0t di# E8-# ((" E7:6E88# at ((" E;56E;4= see also L" HOLTQ# “La )*délitH de ,lor s envers Agobard' tH&oignage de de B &an scritsC# in Lyon carolin(ien 2 autour d3!(obard 456.7589:" ed" by ," BOJGARI et al. +Turnho t# 2974' HAMA 3D-# p. 77467E9" E 0" BOBRSCM/# “An early &edieval epistolary Libell s and the % estion oF originality' Paris# BibliothU% e de l’Arsenal, M0" 373C# ;criptorium 37# ; +;973-# ((" 7:E673E# at ((" 7D967D7= C. HERBER0-RAJHJT +ed"-# !molo von Lyon2 Li-er de perfidia <udaeorum" 1iesbaden# ;973 +Mon &enta Ger&aniae Historica. V ellen T r Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters# 24- (henceforth &=> Q? zur Geistes(esch. ;4-# at pp. PP/# 13E" 8 / will def*ne the Lyonnais “heroic age”, by lac$ oF a better % ali)*cation# as the period Fro& the beginning oF Leidrat’s episcopacy (345- to the end oF Remigi s’s episcopacy (53:-" 5 A.-M" TJRCAK-LERMERM# ?,lor s de Lyon et le &an scrit Ro&a Bibl. Lallicelliana, E ;6. Notes &arginalesWC# in La Aradition vive. &'lan(es d’histoire des textes en l’honneur de Lou, >olt@" ed" by P" LARIET +Paris# ;99E' Bibliologia, ;9-# ((" E936E7D# at ((" E946E7D= Pierre CHAMBERT-PROTAT# “Le &an scrit Montpellier 7:3 de Mannon de 0aint- Oyen et la collection De pascha de Flor s de LyonC# Revue b'n'dictine 7;5# 1 (;975-# pp. 4:6787# at pp. 4D644# 117. 6 TJRCAK-LERMERM# “Mannon de Saint-OyenC# at pp. 7D46;9E# esp. pp. 73D6735" ,lor sA aug stinian xpositio, with ,lor s hi&self and nder his general s (ervision"3 # in (artic lar see&s to have been a close co&(anion of ,lor s in his last years" He wor$ed with ,lor s to co(y Paris# BK,# lat" ;5:4# the original M0 or the authorAs co(y of ,lor sA treatises on (redestination +all written between 5:9 and 5::-" Evidence s ggests that ,lor s died leaving n)*nished (ro2ects and a vast treas re of schedulB. His collaborators see& to have felt nworthy or nable to p rs e his wor$# and these doc &ents were sec red and stored to ens re their s rvival"5 Evidence also s ggests that ,lor sA aug stinian xpositio s(read rapidly and widely in the last decades of the 4th cent ry# b t it is nclear whether he cond cted this ?( blishing (rocessC hi&self" Even if he started this (rocess shortly before he died# the res(onsibility wo ld have fallen to his collaborators afNer his death' (eo(le who $new hi&# his &ethods and intentions# and how to wor$ fro& the overly co&(licated original M0# Lyon 488" /n the few decades following ,lor sA death his wor$ was co(ied and disse&inated, and this is how his name s rvived" Flor s did not sign his wor$= he did not write (refaces or dedicatory letters#4 nor insert his name in the titles of his wor$s" This discretion (artly eB(lains why he was % ic$ly forgotten# even tho gh so&e of his wor$s became so ght afNer in the Middle Ages" His name only ap(ears in a few M00 indirectly connected to hi&' in the title of his !dversC Iohannem in a s" /P&ed co(y79 fro& Korthern ,rance# Paris# BK,# lat" 7;;4;# f" Er# in so&e titles of his aug stinian xpositio in a co(y co&&issioned by Hart& t of 0aint-Gall +53;655E-# 0an$t-Gallen# 0B# ;34# (" ;=
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