FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PRIVACY ACTS SUBJECT: CHARLES "PRETTY BOY"FLOYD KANSAS CITY MASSACRE FILE: 62-28915 SECTION 68 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION N1 ZTICE THE BEST COPIES OBTAINABLE ARE INCLUDED IN THE REPRODUCTION OF THE FILE. PAGES INCLUDED THAT ARE BLURRED, LIGHT OR OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO READ ARE THE RESULT OF THE CONDITION AND OR COLOR OF THE ORIGINALS PROVIDED. THESE ARE THE BEST COPIES AVAILABLE. % CHARLES PRETTY aov" new FRANK NASH " VERNE MILLER A A - ADAM RICHETTI & _ KANSAS CITY MASSACRE SC1E!_}¬CI9&#39;_.__._________________ 1211.6 nUm%R 5¬C2§iOD numE>eR_6_8_______ %RiAL5 3&#39;-5ODl92§¬S @79292_ _?l.i___ PA§¬5 Renemeo Q0 pA§3¬5 cu92©DDeLo 2. exémptéioms! U6¬O " " " " &#39; &#39;i &#39; " " I "-VI -- . &#39;,1.-&#39;_-_ .~ &#39;.1,-&#39; . ---- &#39;.- ._ _.&#39;-» i.-1--._--_-, ~»:-.92 .-. , -&#39; H &#39;fnm~§wm"~~¢r£m@+H@g¢»Tu+Hx#wcé1+x#1uwr¢..,q,@@¢.¢-.,-:33.-;&#39;_-~-.__-__"j._I&#39;__;, wig_: . .,,&#39;.___i&#39;__ _ . ",&#39;._r __ _.;"-&#39;:;-_.§-;;:;&#39;1Z.- &#39;--I-~"&#39; .:-1;"1fj..}-11;?-?.92¢,&#39;,_4&#39; M -"&#39;"-&#39;--&#39;- ~l-=i.r»;-----,.4&#39;...¢..a#"" -;._&#39;.&#39;.__-.&#39;-fa:&#39;T.-&#39;=-.- ----&#39;~&#39;r_.;;-.-5»,-.-. 15--&#39;-q_ r_qa=-,1 ;..-1:. ,._.&#39;____ -1&#39;1: - .1 O L.i-92 " e - &#39; &#39; 0 D F .. , gpaawnn£Ammgmm1 }L§§.§hpndnuniu§$md&2 1615 FEDERALRESERVE BANKBJIEDING KANSAS CITY, MISSUUHI ~ - ocmosrn 25, 19:54. cJC3 1-.,1 - -. _&#39;4:"-. ~-- , -K. " &#39; - &#39; :.: .¢, H - le gs l Er -&#39; :1-1-V L i___ ;1.1t P g.,r"9292 . _92 "7 , m -Tl "Q "---F s Director &#39; L,_, Division oi Investigation U. S. Department of Justice Pennsylvania Avenueat 9th street, NJ. Washington, D.C. Dear Sir: p-1 m as: camms AR&#39;IHUIPFLOID,with aliases,1.0. §1194, ET IL CONSPIRACYDELIVER TO FEDERALPRISONER ,~,_. ,-. I transmittingem under separatecover by registered -- mail for appropriate analysisin the Division&#39;s laboratory,a ,- cartridge andbullet obtainedby Sheriff Theme B.Bash, or -e t t Iellsville Ohio andwhich were apparently from Kansasthe machine Ci y, guna , abandonedby Floyd following thegun battlewith the Chiefof Policeat Iellsville. These articles were both turne ov d er to Mr. Bashby A Hsrael, Welleville, who Ohio, resides in the vicinity of the p ce w erh e Richetti was arrested and whoreported toMr. Bashthat he picked boththe articles up The bullet went into Israel house and the cartridge case was found in the vicinity. I an not advised asto whether theDivision has other _.&#39;:~ specimens fromthis occurrence,but amforwarding thesefor appropriate attention. / Very truly yours, _. an ma a.s.1msmmom. norm ! IN csincsa_; Q27 1 4 J __ WU so g 1:1. RHN:oe _ _ . 1tY_-CQRQRL. Il~.&#39;Z.».§:X_Eg -&#39; .1 92. .&#39;:.-.- 7-&#39;_ i- iii. _5:f r.-I = .&#39;,-"| . _ ,_ 92. 92 I &#39; - .1 _ _ 92~_I|_ .&#39; t 92 &#39; =1a&#39;1-: &#39;.~. 1"/L .&#39;-.-.. &#39;" 5" .,92&#39;.". ._ __| I I J . _ _V__ ".5 -;~&#39;-_7--r; ,__-. _ &#39;..-_. ~ __&#39; -1l ___92..,.--t ; Z-5 --.»},|~ I , _. _. 1-_;; R 1 .| f..I &#39;»,&#39; . r-* _v &#39; " i *.&#39;.&#39;. Pvr 1, , M i ,J" &#39;1:-E-"92-_.~._&#39;..-- , ".>$$u::3- -_:;7,.92 . REN:no he - - To &#39;?I&#39;f&#39; f "1". oz-26915-295?. &#39;°""&#39;*"7&#39; 33-&#39; : . &#39;&#39; -=1 hmoomgg o-a-"-r-&#39; . .1; .1_1, ; 5..&#39;.&#39;.,= 2-&#39;.__ specie]. Agent tn Qarga, _ __ _ P."-1&#39;! 71?: Iaahvllla, Tcaneaaaat $3-;..-{&#39;1 -- "is . &#39;5?! EB: UARLE ARTHUR wmm 301" 11.010 92&#39;_ - Iith alleeaa, Daoeaoad! It ell, "A &#39;conspiracy to Deliver Federal i6i=I=i""-3 Eilllra Dear sir: 7&#39;i - - .,,- _ t - 55.;-92&#39; V Rite:-enoo la aada to your latter Gated October It», 1954 kt tn the above mtitled aeaa, wherein you advised or the receipt at ;&#39;~%3§-Pf-§ a latter htm Br. I!» It Beckett, Chief of Datootlvaa, Chattanooga, aw Tonneaoae, relative to informtlbn ahtaina by an taro:-amt anl tux-niehaa your ottloe, respecting the ohereahouta or subject Richard Pullman Galatoa. It appeara from a ravlea of the Dlviatm _ ._;- la that the letter or iour otfloa, letad tiepteahar 13, 1934, eu 7 .- 7 "l , " received by tho Iaa 0:-laone otttae on saptaaber 1.5, 1934 and prowh 17 assigned to en agent for investigation, but become at ea emergen- ay anetant at that offtoa, it I16 not 1-aoaite tnaaoleta attention. 1 In the meantime, George &#39;5. Burt,Ian, Huber Hotel, 423 st. than-lea st:-act, lee orlaana, Louisiana had also observed the photograph at Galatae appearing tn the Liberty lhiotine and noted that 1t aloeely gf. _ -_ reaemhlad an lndiviual hon to him aa Ehta E. Lao or 11111 Lee 1.1 -"L?-I_-.-&#39; ,,__ .. .1 mo occupied an otttoa la Rom U05, Stern Building, New 01-Ileana, Loutalona. Br. Burt tint reported hie ebna:-ration to the Honorable _-&#39;e-: V. Rama 1.. Vloaoa, malted statue Attorney, Roe orleane, Louisiana on . * F-epteaiaer 81!, 1934. In. Yloeoe, thereupon, u-nlahad the lnrorontlon :. .&#39; =,;-~* ~¢- .-..; Pi. to the Bar Orlaana Ottloa 01 the mu-an and It woe llmdlataly . 2 »~1&#39;-1-Fj-~A _... _~ acted upon resulting ta the apprehension of aubjoet Oalataat §*5t;F";w§&#39; It la noted that the tnfonntlon furnished by Br. mrt no eoourateaa to the room indie! out the new or the building uhereaa &#39;*i..&#39;2-:l~9=§?»:,?the intonation nu-nlohad by the Informant or the Chattanooga, rennet- aaa Police napu-tneat aae at verlaaoa although, hm: it been given V t-;".=.:;*_&#39;92.§;#inneiate lnvaetigattve attention aoul, Iavlouhtely, have renultai _ @;~,-.1&#39;s to the Location and app:-ehonalon of Gohtea. 01 oourae the:-a ta an ¢ P" S_ » "&#39;. , 92 5&1".&#39;0 92. 1.--_,A; .-.1. 92- r_ I. Q . - 12.-&#39;-&#39;-::;.-:-_ 92 - ._,_-= _ ,I . ;~.&#39;.;5 =»-.-.~.~.-»-. __;_ _;_.-_ 92&#39;-2 ¬"-.5-3=?-:&#39;- 3,-:,_.;&#39;J&#39;; 5. - ,_ .- " &#39;--&#39;-.1-It-..-&#39;- is .&#39;!- - "-1.-&#39;¢ 1--if .-T rt &#39;0 c;-IV, - LI &#39;.l_-r a :. ,&#39;..5f= >.-1. :"- - 1- I - 92 ;Z_-~&#39;.-I-L.! &#39;.&#39;92-6.. * - -111 BLC, MO Q &#39;j W. r:~.1"~.-&#39;-3. =>= "F-&#39;-=1 =&#39;92&#39;.1 "_&#39;.""- .&#39;_-- -I: -L luqmt t groh B11!!! respecting tho information turnlobol -"1331 . 4.-;~92&#39; :7 tho informant of the ChlI$$l°°U5n &#39;39-""5" Nu 3&#39;7" pat. Bu Bhutan ll, honour, inking I0 rnllllllul *1 _/&#39;1-..p¢s to tho 1-nu-4 us u awn m-umu 1 Iwrwl ;&#39;¢_-:-l:1;J.§;9l/&#39;orthohctarot1ou$I4i7$lll911l~ -&#39; You an tnnnbtod to mutant 2:. Iltklih 91101 If 1&#39;}ié::%,§."nummvu, clmsuoou, banana! z>o11¢a_nnpu-ant mi ulvtll .*~=-&#39;~,,,Mn 0:111 with _,-"-@;<&#39;~rupees to u situation. -1:--If: - Yer; U111 pun, John Blur Ioowr, -&#39;- .--&#39;:-X Il1.IO0$I- " gm? &#39;-V;-1.-. .. .-.-u_ r -K» p-.7~k-.a_ V!-~¢_"._ &#39;. 1» jg Q III Uflll tannu 0187. Byullon c-I 92-1... &#39;.-T*""J&#39;92i"--_~.- ; --&#39;3-L§:;*?¬ ._ ._ r 4,, gt, 92 .1".; 92_92_&#39;-92_> :.&#39;J&#39;92 1?.-. U -.&#39;u&#39; &#39;,.,- &#39; Zifsinnof glnesiigsiinn C - 4... :3-&#39;1*l~&#39;.¥. Q3. §2parim2ninf3]usii|:e§. L_ -- _ ._ 54* ..__;,_k, Postoffice Box419, ._I.:¢_. Nashville, Tennessee, .§1&#39;up eisf 1 . ..",-I _ _ October 25, 1954. * 5 .1.-nI&#39;.Ul-&#39;_ 92 I 92-.L 62-9 T 92u_R:T ,_1-r-j . f.=3?:f- =;&#39;.»:-&#39;~-&#39;-&#39; &#39;;>.¢.- =*-fa Director, >,§-F;-"1 Division of Investigation, ._.,*_:.&#39;:-r- U. S. Department of Justice, Pennsylvania Avenue at 9th St. N. w., r-"92 -&#39;.. .92,_~&#39;:. <1. Washington, Do C- a7-".~_.> ,1 1"" - O &#39;<:¬ Re: VERNONC. LIILLER Deceased! with aliases; _._____. nlcaasn &#39;mLLnnv¢h1L1ms,v..1.-rocxrrvn, 1.0. #1201; cmmtss menus Perm sov! Orson, with aliases-FUGITIVE, 1.0. 1194, .5 e et al. Conspiracl to Deliver Federal, Prisoner. Deer Sir: _ L3,wag .._;.;,&#39;; 5. ~-92--&#39;1:.1 r_?-&#39;. In confirmation of my telegram to the Division dated October 25, 1954, in the above case, attention is directed to my letter to the New Orleans office under date of September 13, 1934, wherein certain _*92.&#39;:92 information is furnished concerning the possible location of Richard T. OGalatas at New Orleans. This information was received from the Chatta- ;92.K_ - nooga police, through one of their informants, on September 15th, and on the same date it was transmitted to the New Orleans office. 1.-,--1 I discussed this matter over the telephone with Special Agent D. Y5. klagee, who stated that it is probable that had this lead been F developed previous to receipt of information furnished to the New Orleans office through an informant of the U. S. Attorney at New Orleans, that it undoubtedly would have resulted in the location and apprehension of hire and I&#39;|&#39;lI&#39;BeGalatae.
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