■ \ WBDNB8DAY^$Dt1f 1T» / T ltiO h .z . flbmir4Mtnr Th* Waatlitr W.TWil ATtraffc Dally dreatoUan \ rOMOMt of 0. •. Wool m The LAdies’ Sewing Club of St. - Mr. and Mrs. La w Is Sipe of 6U For the Moatb oU m m . t»40 A son. David Albert, their s^* Benton street are vacationing In ottd, was bom July 4 at the *Urt- John's PoUsh NaUonal church will, Oonerally M r tonigbt oM F*f- meet this evening at seven o’clock Maine. »ut Town ford Hoepltal to Mr. Mc­ with Mrs. Frank Ruff o f 135 6,429/ doyi UtUo ohoogo la ioiopwotuto. R.. Henry Janssen of Bast Hartfort. formerly of Manchester. The child North School street. I Hook and Ladder Company No: Mombor of VS* Aodit \. SBanor A. Rogcn, e i 77 Is the grandeon of Mra Helene 1 of the South Manchester fire de­ Biireas of OlfMlIsilo** Manche»ter—~A City of VUlage Charm atrM t haa aa bar gueata Janssen of this town and great Mr. and Mrs. William Hepburn, partment was called at 4:81 yes­ terday afternoon when a kitchen July Clearance Sale of White Plains, N. T., are vUit- r-«Bd Mra. A. O. Thibodeau of grandson of Mrs. Jonathan Bige­ (TWBLVB PAGB8) PRICE TUKBB CRN1V r i JUimlea, CaL Fonner realdeaU low of New Haven. ing with Mr. Hepburn’s,eister and range oil burner overflowed at 62 pllMdMster they are making an brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Cooper Hill street.."There was lit­ VOL. LIX., NO. Airortlatoi oo •■•• It) ■ 1 vacation trip. They have Vice-President Henry Smith LAdd, of lOS Branford street tle damage. ad through the Southern will preside at the next Monday Domestic Dept. Specials —Basement Specials— ^ ____and Florida and are plan- noon meeting of the Manchester ji>ig to return home via Canada. Kiwania club In the absence from town of President Charles S. A SPECIa L PURCHASE! DOWN FILLED TIm - regular meeting of Scandla Burr. Educational films oh coun­ Gliders— ; la>dge, Order of Vaaa, wlU be held terfeit bills and coins will be HALE'S SELF SERVE ^ tomorrow night at 8 o’clock In shown supplementing a talk by a 1S40 Model* with the naw front panel allowing for »oft, Bed Pillows V comfortable sitting poaltion. Democrats; Orange Hall. Diatrict Deputy U. S. Secret Service agent. The Original In New England! . ^ Poarl Kriokaon and Frank John- An eapecially low price for an all down pillow. PHna quality aon. maater. will be preaent at thla The usual prayer service and atriped ticking In tan, orchid, blue, green. Actually worth |4.9a meeting. Refreshments will be Thissionary meeting will be com­ AND HEALTH MARKET i $21;50 Gliders served at the close of the lodge bined thla evening at 7:30 at the A ■peel*], 8 boxed and corded edged a <fl A woric. A large group of visitors Church of the Nasarene. ftom the district will nttend ^ e $ 3 .6 9 ea. eu*hlens, ball-bc.iring hangera and cell a meeting.. \ •pringi. Barbara Burr, daughter of Mr. THURSDAY SPECIALS Miss Loyola Galllgan. of I I Del- ,and Mrs. Harold R. Burr, of 7 Second Place W dall street, and her cousin, Jean Beautifal Favored mont street. Is spending a wcek’.s $27..50 Gliders ' e vacation vt.sltlng relatives and Burr, of West Hartford, are apend- Green Stamps Given With Cas^ Sales. S-eu«hlen. ball-bearing. $23.95 , friends on Long laland. ing\a month at Camp Aato-Wa- mahXthe Columbia lake camp of Chenille Bedspreads Anderaon-Uhea auxiliary. Vet­ Ce^ffer^ Congregational church, erans of Foreign Wars, will pay a Hartford. Regularly 83.98. *Two smart patterns In all color comblnatiena $29.50 Deluxe Gliders Italians Chase Green Giant Peas with multi-color flowers. Full bed size only. Plan now to re­ visit to John P. Ryan auxiliary of c.„ 14c I One-piece sekt cushion, three cushion Acceptance Indicated decorate your bedroom. • ii Broad Brook, Friday evening The Miss Mildred E. Buck of Buck­ baelr with adjiuitable arms cuahions. ^ azi Fliers Slash plan Is to leave the V.F.W. home ingham has returned after a vaca­ $ 2 5 .9 5 # British Troops In Manchester Green at seven tion spent with friends In Corn­ Pea Beans 2 Lba. 11c O’clock, wall. Conn. $16.50 Glider ! $ 3 » 4 4 At Britain Again; 8 rushions, ball-bearing. $13.95 In Africa Rout By Nod to Secretary; 100-Lb. Bag Sugar $ 4 .7 9 EXTRA SPECIAL! LIMITED QUANXm'! PINEHURST FRESH FISH $16.95 Sun Tan Lounge Also Report More Bom- Large Package Gold Medal Substandards of Regular 37c Peppcrell Vessels Attacked Have your shore dinner at home, using PInehurat Freah Fish . / Angla steal frame. Urge coaater wheels , bardnients of Mersa Whole Haddock, Sliced Cod or Pollock, Center Sllcea of Swordflsh for easy moving. Simmons innersprlng Matruh Zone in Egypt, Iowan Third Choice dr Fresh Eastern Halibut . Fancy King .Salmon . Fillets of B jsq uick 2 8 c cushions. Back lowers Into bed positfon. $14.50 ' Churchill Affks Ministers Percale Pillow Cases Colors: red, blue, green. Reports Indicate Vital | 1 Sele, Flounder, Haddoek or Red Perch. To Sleep at Their Offices | Airfield in Kenya. Chowder Clams . o|»ene<l or In the shell. (Ticketed Auburn). Size 42” x36” Only. Targets Missed in Eng­ Delegates Eager for Nazi Salute in Court Rome, July it . - V P h - lUllan Hull and Byrnes Elimin­ Hershey Cocoa $10.50 Mclal Chair land, Wales and Scot­ London, July 18.—W — Brings I.,onger Sentence Presideitl's Formal. BUTTERFISH lb. 15 c Prime Minister Churchill has troops and planes pursued British ate Selves as Candi­ Heavy, wide spring frame and reversi­ / 4 for $1,00 land; Steamers Not asked all ministers "whose du­ forces, In flight from their border W ord; Roosevelt Noti­ MACKEREL, H to 2 lbs. lb. 11c Hershey’s Baking ble cushions. $8.50 ties are Ihtimately connected dates; Pepper Tells Greenock, Scotland. July lR. A beautiful quality percale, very soft and flne. Slight oil spots Hit by Dive Bombers; ; with conduct of the war" to outpost of Moyale, toward Buna, — uPl—The judge didn’t appre­ fied of His Nomination Newsmen of Decision ciate the manner In w-hich W'll- or misweaves— nothing to Impair the wearing qualities. One Raider Shot Down : sleep at their offices. In Kenya colony, the Italian high PINEHURST RENTSCHLERIZED MEAT C ho co late $9.95 Metal Chair ( "The reanons for this sre suf- command reported today. It claim­ llam Bennet. merchant seaman, By Senator Byrne# ed motorized columns were ma- As He Leaves Room expre.saed his gratitude for a Our refrigerator is equipped with Westtnghouse Sterilamps Special Purchase! Substandards of Regular 29c Spring rhalr with cushions. $7.95 flelenlly obvious" said Churchill Over Telephone Yo- to guarantee PCRITV—FRESHNESS— FLAVOR In the Summer London, July 18.— (A P ) — In the House of Commons to­ chlne-gvmned and scattered, and Of Secretary of Com­ 30-day sentence for disobeying Solid Colored Hand and Face Size meats you buy at PInehurst. Nazi airmen Bla.shed again to­ day. that arms, munitions and troop orders. day; (Convention Ig- Dally we receive fresh Native Broilers and Fryers . also Ivory Soap transport trucks were captured. merce Hopkins; Tele­ Flinging his arms out in the 3 'iX'ri 2 5 c $2.98 Metal Chairs ' day at England, Wales, Scot­ Nazi salute Bennet shouted: Message Seiil. amall Roasting Chickens. The assorted Cold Cuts you get from The high command also reported phones White House. n ores PInehurst offer you variety and freshness . 45c pound. Gannon^ Towels Tubular frame with enameled hark land and British shipping in further Italian air bombardnients "Thaink you,, sir. heil Hit­ Orote A Weigel or Sperry's Pineapple Frankfurfs. f and seat. ^ M e M ^ the English Channel but Brit­ of the Merea Matruh zone In Egypt ler!" Chicago Stadium, July 18. and the Wajlr airfield In Kenya. "Thirty days additional." Sale On Tender. Genuine Spring, PInehurst Westerly Girl Chicago, July 18.— (AP) — _(AP) — President Roose­ C am ay Soap Bars 2 5 c ish reports indicated they all One English plane Wa* *ald to have shouted the judge. 5 for OSo missed vital targets. Over the Henry A. Wallace, secretary i velt’s acceptance of an un­ LAMB CHOPS $5.98 Cape Cod Lawn ChRir been ahot down while bombing the Channel six dive bombers at­ Killed; Lover Italian camp of Agordat. In Eri­ of agriculture and one-time precedented third-term nomi­ k t c . High back and curvKd seat—enameled Meatv Large Shoulder Tender Supreme Rib nur most popular .selling 9 Slight mlsweavcs. Beautiful tacked steamers. An eyewit- trea. Republican, emerged today as i nation was all but formally Chipso Flakes or Granules solid color lowel.s with n ^ elty colored borders. Regular 29r In green and orange, (In Cairo, the royal air force President Roosevelt’s choice ^ ' 33c lb. 37c Jb. tOWrl.R ne.s8 to the air-sea encounter claimed complete destruction by Willkic Happy announced today through in­ Med. Pkg. Q A A said it was apparent none of Under Arrest direct hiU of a langar at Agordat. for the vice presidential nom­ direct White House designa­ Regular 29c 22” x44” $2.98 Folding Lawn Chair I.gc. Pkg. the ships was hit, while one and said four direct hits were scor­ ination. tion of Henry A. Wallace, 51- GENUINE TELEPHONE PEAS With metal frame, canvaa back apd of the raiders was believed ed on the cami- and surrounding ■’U s Wallace," wss the shout Opponent Will year-old Iowan*, for the vice From Birch Mountain, Fresh Native Telephone Peas .
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