
PUBLICATIONS IN THE FILES OF V.R. GRACE (in alphabetical order) Author Title / Notes of VRG and references in her articles from her bibliography cards Type Location Adamsheck, Beverly Kenchreai. Eastern Port of Corinth, IV. The Pottery, Leiden 1979. Book Bookcase Ακαμάτης, Γιάννης Μ. Πήλινες μήτρες αγγείων από την Πέλλα. Συμβολή στη μελέτη της ελληνιστικής Photocopy Bookcase κεραμικής, Διδακτορική Διατριβή, Επιτηρίδα της Φιλοσοφικής Σχολής, παράρτημα αρ.61, Θεσσαλονίκη 1985. Note: “SAH: pp.498-515, pls.317-324” Ακαμάτης, Ιωάννης Μ. “Η Αγορά της Πέλλας κατά το 1989”, ΑΕΜΘ 3 (1989) [1992] 75-84, pl.85-90. Photocopy Bookcase Ακαμάτης, Ιωάννης Μ. Πήλινες μήτρες αγγείων από την Πέλλα. Συμβολή στη μελέτη της ελληνιστικής Photocopy Bookcase κεραμικής, Δημοσιεύματα του Αρχαιολογικού Δελτίου αρ.51, Αθήνα 1993. Note: “SAH: pp.322-323, pls.314-318” Akko, Land and Sea excavations, University of Haifa, Department of the History of Pamphlet Bookcase Maritime Civilizations, no date. Albright, William The Archaeology of Palestine, Middlesex, Penguin Books, 1949. Bound Bookcase Foxwell book Alexandrescu, Petre “L’importation de le céramique attique dans les colonies du Pont-Euxin avant les Offprint Bookcase guerres médiques”, RA 1973, 23-38. Αλεξίου, Στυλιανός “Ανασκαφή εις Αγίαν Πελαγίαν Ηρακλείου”, ΑΑΑ 5.2 (1972) 230-244. Offprint folder 391 “Greece - Islands: Crete - various” Amiran, Ruth and “A new scheme for the sub-division of the iron-age in Palestine”, IEJ 8 (1958) 171- Offprint Bookcase Aharoni, Y. 184. Amiran, Ruth Ancient Pottery of Erez-Yisra’el, Jerusalem 1959. Pamphlet Bookcase Amiran, Ruth and “A Canaanite-Hyksos city at Tell Nagila”, Archaeoloy 18 (1965) 113-123. Offprint Bookcase Eitan, A. Annis, Beatrice “Amphora Sixti”, in Festoen, Feestbundel A.N. Zadoks-Josephus Jitta, Groningen- Offprint Bookcase 1 Bussum 1975, Scripta Archaeologica Groningana 6, 29-40. Applebaum, Shimon “Varia Epigraphica”, ScrClIsr 4 (1978) 133-159. Offprint Bookcase Note: “Thanks ELW-VG for reading of Latin stamp (p.139)” Archeologia Subacquea 2, Isole Eolie, Bollettino d’Arte, Supplemento al n.29 Whole Bookcase issue Archéologie sous-marine. Arles. Salles Romanes du Cloitre Saint-Trophime, Juillet- Whole Bookcase Octobre 1983 (exposition) issue Archéologie sous-marine. Musées du Chateau des Ducs de Bretagne, Nantes 1985 Whole Bookcase issue Ariel, Donald T. and “A Group of Stamped Hellenistic Storage-Jar Handles from Dor”, IEJ 35 (1985) 135- Offprint folder 431 “Palestine: Israel: Dor” others 152. Ariel, Donald T. “Two Rhodian Amphoras”, IEJ 38 (1988) 31-35 Offprint Bookcase Ariel, Donald T. Excavations at the City of David 1978-1985, vol. II., Qedem. Monographs of the Book Bookcase Institute of Archaeology. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 30, Jerusalem 1990. Ariel, Donald T. “Stamped amphora handles from Giv‘at Yasaf (Tell er-Ras)”, ‘Atiqot 37 (1999) 25-30 Offprint Bookcase Ariel, Donald T. “Stamped Knidian amphora handle from Horvat ‘Eleq”, in: Yizhar Hirschfeld, Ramat Offprint Bookcase Hanadiv Excavations, Jerusalem 2000, 747-748. Ariel, Donald T. – D.T. Ariel – G. Finkielsztejn, “Stamped amphora handles”, στο: S.C. Herbert, Tel Book Bookcase Finkielsztejn, Gerald Anafa I, i, Final Report on ten years of excavation at a Hellenistic and Roman Settlement in Northern Israel, JRA Suppl. 10 I,i, Ann Arbor 1994, 183-240 Apceньева, T.M. and YСАДЬБЬІ ТАНАИСА, Moscow 1992. Book Bookcase Hayменко, C.A. Arribas, Antonio and El Barco de el Sec (Costa de Calviá, Mallorca). Estudio de los Materiales, Mallorca Book Bookcase Trias, Gloria and 1987. Cerda, Damian and de Hoz, Javier Αρχαιολογική «Τα Ευρήματα του Ναυαγίου των Αντικυθήρων» Εφημερίς Αρχαιολογική. Περίοδος Bound Bookcase 2 Εφημερίς Τρίτη 1902. Τεύχος Τρίτον και Τέταρτον. 1902 volume Åström, Paul “A handle stamped with the cartouche of Seti I from Hala Sultan Teke in Cyprus”, Offprint folder 584 “Egyptian: Pharaonic” OpAth 5 (1965) 115-121. Åström, Paul “Roman amphora stamps and a graffito in the National Museum, Copenhagen”, Offprint Bookcase OpRom 6 (1968) 197-199. Atkinson, Ernest “Classical Studies in Wine”, Wine and Food 115 (1962) 161-163. Whole Bookcase issue Badalyants, Y.S. “The chronological correlation of the names of eponyms and fabricants on Rhodian Photocopy, folder 209 “Black Sea Area, amphoras”, SA 1976, no4, 32-41. translation USSR: Badaliants” Bader, Hans-Dieter Mengenanalyse der hellenistischen Keramik der sog. Tempelterrasse, Kaunos, Südwest Photocopy Bookcase Türkei, Dissertation, Marubrg 1993 (two volumes: text and plates). Balcer, Jack Martin “Peparethos: the early coinage reconsidered”, Revue Suisse de Numismatique 46 Offprint Bookcase (1967) 25-33. Balcer, Jack Martin “The early silver coinage of Teos”, Revue Suisse de Numismatique 47 (1968) 5-49. Offprint Bookcase Baldacci, Paolo “Le principali correnti del commercio di anfore romane nella Cisalpina”, in: I problemi Photocopy Bookcase della ceramica romana di Ravenna, della Valle Padena e dell’ Alto Adriatico, Bologna 1972, 103-132. Balensi, J. “Tell Abū Hawām: Un cas exceptionnel?”, in : Society and Economy in the Eastern Offprint folder 450 “Palestine: Israel: Mediterranean (c. 1500-1000 B.C.), Proceedings of the International Symposium held Various Sites” at the University of Haifa from the 28th of April to the 2nd of May 1985, eds. M. Heltzer and E. Lipiński, Leuven 1988, 305-311. Balkanska, A. “Relations commerciales entre Odessos et Pantikapée à l’époque hellénistique”, Offprint Bookcase Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Archaeological Instituts and Museums 1961, 323-327 (in Bulgarian with short summary in French). Balkanska, A. “Die Handlelsbeziehungen von Seuthopolis”, in : VIe conférence internationale d’ Offprint folder 199 “Black Sea Area, etudes classiques des pays socialistes. Acta antique philippopolitana. Studia Bulgaria: Seuthopolis” archaeologica, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulletin of historic and pedagogic 3 sciences, Sofia 1963, 49-59. Ref.: MSBF article, note 51 Barron, John Penrose The Silver Coins of Samos, London 1966. Book Bookcase Ref.: Samian Amphoras, note 9 and passim, as “Barron” (note 11, 18, 27, 62, 69, 70, 82; cat.p.42; doc.pl.15.6,7,8,12); Kouriaka (1979) p.183 note 3. Bass, George F. and “Excavating a Bronze Age Shipwreck”, Archaeology 14 (1961) 78-87. Offprint Bookcase Throckmorton, Peter Bass, George F. “The Cape Gelidonya Wreck: Preliminary Report”, AJA 65 (1961) 267-276. Offprint Bookcase Bass, George F. “Underwater Archeological Expedition to Turkey, 1961-1962”, National Geographic Offprint Bookcase Society Research Reports 1961-1962 Projects, 11-20. Bass, George F. “Underwater excavations at Yassi Ada: a byzantine shipwreck”, AA 1962, 537-563. Offprint folder 840 “Wrecks: Throckmorton – Bass: Yassi Ada” Bass, George F. and “Underwater Surveying and Draughting – A Technique”, Antiquity 36 (1962) 252-261. Offprint Bookcase Ryan, Eric J. Bass, George F. “The Promise of Underwater Archaeology”, The American Scholar 32 (1963) 241-254. Offprint folder 857 “Underwater Archaeology: Indivdual, not wrecks” Bass, George F. “Underwater Archeological Expedition to Turkey”, National Geographic Society Offprint Bookcase Research Reports 1963 Projects, 21-34. Bass, George F. “Underwater Archaeology: Key to History’s Warehouse”, National Geographic 1963, Offprint folder 857 “Underwater 138-156. Archaeology: Indivdual, not wrecks” Bass, George F. “The Asherah. A Submarine for Archaeology”, Archaeology 18 (1965) 7-14. Offprint Bookcase Bass, George F. Archaeology under Water, Penguin Books, 1966. Book Bookcase Bass, George F. “Underwater Archeological Expedition to Turkey, 1967”, National Geographic Society Offprint Bookcase Research Reports 1967 Projects, 11-19. 4 Bass, George F. and “A fourth-century shipwreck at Yassi Ada”, AJA 75 (1971) 27-37. Offprint Bookcase Van Doorninck, Frederick H. Jr. Bass, George F. (ed.) Archéologie sous-marine. 4000 ans d’histoire maritime, Paris 1972 Book Bookcase Bass, George F. “Marine Archaeology: A Misunderstood Science”, Ocean Yearbook 2 (1980) 137-152. Offprint Bookcase Bats, Michel (sous la Les amphores de Marseille grecque. Chronologie et diffusion (Vie – Ier s.av.J.-C.), Book Bookcase direction de) Actes de la table-ronde de Lattes (11 mars 1989), Collection études massaliétes 2, 1990. Note: “Received from John Camp, 28.XI.90” Baumann, V.H. “Conideraţii asupra importului de amfore greceşti în nordul Dobrogei”, Peuce 4 (1973- Whole Bookcase 1975) 29-47. volume and 1 offprint Berlinger, Alfred R. “The coins”, Excavations at Dura-Europos, Report of 7th and 8th seasons (1933-34, Offprint folder 421 “Mesopotamia: 1934-35), Yale University Press 1939, 390-425. Doura” Berlinger, Alfred R. “Greek coins from the Yale Numismatic Collection”, Yale Classical Studies 12 (1951) Offprint Bookcase 253-265. Benoît, Fernand “L’archéologie sous-marine en Provence”, Revue d’Études Ligures 18.3-4 (1952) 237- See under Bookcase 307. Lamboglia. Benoît, Fernand “Amphores grecques d’origine ou de provenance marseillaise”, Revue d’Études Offprint folder 783 “Various Minor Ligures 21 (1955) 32-43. Classes” Benoît, Fernand “Typologie des amphores et construction navale”, in : Actes du Congrès des Societés Offprint Bookcase savantes Aix-en-Provence 1958, Paris 1960. Benoît, Fernand “Relations commerciales entre le monde ibéro-punique et le Midi de la Gaule de Offprint Bookcase l’époque romaine”, REA 63 (1961) 321-330. Beyer, Immo and von „Grabung am Anaktoron von Demetrias 1970“, in: Demetrias I, V. Milojcic – D. Offprint Bookcase Graeve, Volkmar and Theocharis (eds.), Bonn 1976, p.71,
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