MYUMA PTY LTD DUGALUNJI ABORIGINAL CORPORATION Myuma Group News RAINBOW GATEWAY LTD J U L Y 2 0 1 4 Prevocational Graduation July 2014 The second Dugalunji Prevoca- the graduating trainees received Smith-Marshall, Jameson Wil- tional Training Program for their certificates and enjoyed a son, Jerome Woibo, Jesse Cal- 2014 commenced on 30 April at lunch on site, accompanied by lope, Jesse Clemments, Kelvin Dugalunji Camp, Camooweal. their families, as well as indus- Dempsey, Lawrence Roos, Lew- try, community and government is Bambrick, Lymon Dunne, Myuma welcomed participants representatives. Michael Mudd, Murrandoo Yan- referred to the Program by ner, Regan Rankine, Robert industry partners MMG, Glen- This Program’s participants have Grego, Russell Barlow, Sam core Mount Isa Mines and Rain- come from communities across Wells, Shaqille Amini, bow Gateway Ltd. A total of the State, including Burketown, Sherridan Sarmardin, Stafford 26 trainees took part in the 10 Croydon, Hopevale, Norman- Chong, Troy Mullins and Wil- INSIDE THIS week training course and paid ton, Mornington Island, and liam Andrews. ISSUE: work placement, which has Mount Isa. focused their skills development We congratulate all of our grad- Dallas 2 in the areas of Construction, The 3026 graduation group uates on their achievements in consists of Anderson Bee, Cael McNamara Mining and Metalliferous Under- having successfully completed ground Mining. Watson, Chandel Simmons, the Program, and wish them Hayden Smith 3 Christel Barry, Curtis Dempsey, well in their future endeavours. At a ceremony held on 8 July, Dallas McNamara, Hayden -Marshall Trainee 4 Current Duga- Awards lunji Prevoca- Meet Evan Ah 5 tional Training Wing Program par- ticipants, pho- Rainbow 6 tographed at Gateway Dugalunji Horticultural 8 Camp, Camoo- Projects weal, prior to Visit to Split 12 their gradua- Rock tion on 8 July. Meet Kelvin 13 Dempsey Civil Works 14 Part of a growing tradition... The participants who graduated from the April-July 2014 Dugalunji Prevocational Training Program join the growing ranks of “the Myuma Mob” - Program graduates who proudly speak to the success of the Dugalunji prevocational training model. The most recent Program was the 16th in the series of prevocational courses delivered by the Myuma Group at Camooweal. Since 2007, over 400 participants have taken part in the Dugalunji Programs, with most graduates successfully moving on to employment in the mining, construction and other sectors throughout Queensland and further afield. P A G E 2 Dallas McNamara | Camooweal Rodeo Star Dallas McNamara has spent many years Trainees and staff members attended the growing up around cattle stations and train- Rodeo and gathered around the gates to ing to compete in horse competitions at ro- watch Dallas compete in this event, eagerly deos. cheering him on. When the Camooweal Campdraft and Ro- Although Dallas didn’t win, he showed us deo came to town from May 31 until June 2, what a brilliant sportsman he is, as it’s no Dallas competed in a sport known as bronc easy feat jumping on a bucking animal and riding. staying on. We wish Dallas the best in future rodeo events! Dallas in the Dugalunji Camp Workshop during his training course. Words from the Training Manager | Matt Steblina I would like to welcome all the Trainees, families and guests whose passion and commitment ensures the success of each to the 16th Myuma Graduation ceremony. This program has and every program Myuma delivers. been a huge success for many reasons, most of all, that our trainees have successfully completed the program and are Some of you may already know, Myuma was recently award- ready to commence employment with our valued industry ed a Federal Government contract to deliver its program partners Glencore Mount Isa Mines and MMG Century. under the newly formed Vocational Training and Employment Centre (VTEC) model. This program will see some 150 Indig- Some ten weeks ago 26 young Indigenous Australians arrived enous Training transition into sustainable employment here at Myuma not really knowing what to expect. Since through various employment and training programs through- then, we have seen this group change in so many ways, but out the next 12 months. also, they have learned to have confidence in their own ability to succeed, through failure and achievement. I wish all the graduates the very best in the future and we all look forward to hearing great things as you venture into a This program and the results it achieves would not be possi- new and exciting time in your lives. Remember one thing, you ble without the support of many important and valued stake- are now and will always be part of the Myuma family. holders and most of all, the tireless efforts of the Myuma Group’s team. As the newly appointed Training Manager I have been very privileged to work with a group of people MYUMA GROUP NEWS J U L Y 2 0 1 4 P A G E 3 Meet Hayden Smith-Marshall | RJCP Trainee Where are you from and who are your alright. ancestors? I’m from Dajarra and Wunara. My skin name is What are the possibilities now for your Pipiyi and country name is Wakaya. I’ve been living in future? Mount Isa for about five years. I have been going A good future. Better jobs and more money. backwards and forwards, to Dajarra, Mount Isa and Wunara in the Northern Territory. Message for other graduates: I’d say listen carefully and take the trainers’ advice. Tell me a bit about your community. I’ll tell you about Dajarra. It’s a small little town. There is a school there, most people just work on the cattle yards, stations. There’s only station hand work available really. What will you be doing after you graduate from Dugalunji Pre-Vocational Training? Katie from Rainbow Gateway called me on the phone to come here. Me and Jerome will be working for Myuma as road crew. How has your experience been at the Dugalunji camp? It’s been good. Learnt some new things. What was the best part about being at the camp so far? Getting a job at the end of it. What is your favourite class at Myuma? I like Paul Memmott’s class inside, and outside I like Glen’s classes. I like all the outside classes. But the inside class I like is the Paul Memmott one, that was Hayden Smith-Marshall undertaking concreting at Duglaunji Camp. Welcome to our New Staff With the expansion of the Myuma Group’s operations in the last four months, we have welcomed a number of new staff members as part of our teams: Abhishek Sanghvi | Works Administrator Lynda Merritt | Cook/Cleaner (Cloncurry) Adrian Ah One | General Labourer (Mount Isa) Malcolm Finlay | Diesel Fitter Adrian Wallace | Boilermaker Nerissa Parsons | Ranger (Longreach) Aiden Parlow | General Labourer Nikahla Major | RJCP Supervisor (Dajarra) Bruce Carrick | Kitchen hand Robin Hill | Civil Crew Operator Colin Clark | Civil Works Supervisor Sharon Parlow | Housekeeper Croydon Hampton | Trainer (Mount Isa) Sophie Gilbey | Ranger (Mount Isa) Dion Neil | RJCP Supervisor (Boulia) Vernon Daisy | Trainer Kelly Raymond | Chef Vidhi Sanghvi | Kitchen hand Kiran Palugula | Assistant Accountant P A G E 4 Trainee Awards We would like to congratulate all of our Dugalunji Prevocational Training Program graduates on their con- sistency and hard work. We extend our special congratulations to the four graduates who received the following Awards at the graduation ceremony on 8 July 2014 at Camooweal: Chandel Simmons who received the Jeremy Donovan Leadership Award for the most excellent teamwork, communication and leadership qualities which will assist in achieving future goals. William Andrews who received the Safety Award for demonstrating a safety-conscious approach throughout the program and enhancing safety values amongst his peers. Michael Mudd who received the Improvement Award for continually striving to ‘Do Good’ throughout the program and persisting with a ‘Can Do’ attitude at every step. Lawrence Roos who received the Overall Achievement Award for fulfilling the ethos of Myuma, to ‘Do Good’ by showing good character and strong values to achieve the very best in yourself. Meet Lawrence Roos | MMG Trainee Where are you from and who What are the possibilities now are your ancestors? for your future? I’m from Katherine, NT and my group I guess I have a lot of possibilities now, is Waanyi and Central Arrernte. Now I like you learn different things here. So live in Mount Isa. whatever you like I guess, it could open your doorways. Tell me a bit about your com- munity/where you’re from? Message for other graduates: Mount Isa is a nice place, there’s a lot Good luck in the future with your careers of work opportunities within the mining and enjoy everything you do, have fun. industry. There’s a lot of other things you can do there in your free time, it’s an open place. What will you be doing at MMG? I’m not too sure yet. I would like to do an electrician apprenticeship. How has your experience been at the Dugalunji camp? It’s been very good, meeting new peo- ple and learning a few new things. What is your favourite class at Myuma? Probably construction with Glen, wood- working. I’m making a fishing rod hold- er. Lawrence Roos in the Dugalunji Workshop MYUMA GROUP NEWS J U L Y 2 0 1 4 P A G E 5 Meet Trainer Evan Ah Wing Where are you from and who isolation, Air and water hoses, are your ancestors? Then I came to Myuma in 2011 hand tools, introduction to shift, I was born in Mount Isa on Kalka- to rebuild the whole camp, I origi- basic first aid, and SWI electric doon land but my roots go back to nally got sent out for the contract shock procedures.
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