WAAT970 WINS 1010 WENX 1380 WJZ 770 WNEC 660 WOV 1280 WCBS 880 WLIB 1190 WNEW 1130 WPAT 930 WEVD 1330 WMCA 570 PROGRAMSON. THE AIR WNJR .1430 WQXR /560 WNYC830 WVNJ 620 WHOM 1480 WMGM 1050 11MR 7111 W1ATR T .1e11(1 MORNING NEWS BULLETINS 5:00-WORJoe Bier Program every hour on the hour-7 A. M. WNEWRecorded Music 1-1:45American Music Festival: Universityof Michigan Concert; to midnight over 5:30-WNBCTom Page, Rural Reporter 3-4:30Concert From Town Hall; 4:30-4:55SigmaAlpha Iota Pro- WNEWNews; Recorded Music WQXR 5:45-WJZRecorded Music gram; 5-5:30American Student Composers Concert; 5:30-5:55 (1560 on voice dial) .WCBSReveille Program and News Greenwich House Concert; 6-6:45National OrchestralRehearsal; 5:55-WNBCNews; Tex Antoine, Records 9-9:55Queens College Faculty ConcertWNYC. W Q X R-.--FM 6:00-WORRambling With Gambling WJZFarm NewsPhilip Alampi 4:154:45Ernest Bevin: Political Speech From LondonWCBS. 96.3 mc. (Channel 242) WMCANews; Fisherman's Guide 7:30-8Play: "Dr. Kildare," Lew Ayres, Lionel BarrymoreWMGM. WINSArt Scanlon Show WMGMNewsreel Theatre 8:05-9Symphony Hall: Haydn Symphony No. 31 in DWQXR. MORNING WNEWAnything GoesVariety 8:20Basketball: Columbia at PrincetonWFUV-FM, WGYN,WGHF, 6:30-WNBCNews; Bob Smith Show WFDR, WGNR, WGCH; 10:30New York WCBSMissus Goes A-Shopping, With WJZXiernan's Corner vs. BaltimoreWMGM. John Reed Xing WNEWNews; Anything Goes 8:30-9Comedy: "The Great Gildersleeve," With Hal PearyWNBC. WQXRComposer's Varieties 6:55-WNYCNews; Sunrise Symphony 8:30-10:30Pro Hockey: Rangers vs. Boston BruinsWMGM. 10:00-WNBCWelcome Travelers: Tommy 7:00-WNBCNews: Bob Smith Show 9-9:30Break the Bank: Morey Amsterdam, GuestWNBC. Bartlett WORNews; Melvin Elliott WORNews. Henry Gladstone WJZNews; Don Gardiner 9-9:30Comedy: "You Bet Your Life," With Groucho MarxWCBS. WJZMy True StorySketch WMCANews; Great Day 9:30-10Play: 'Mr. District Attorney," With Jay jostynWNBC. \VCRSThis Is Bing Crosby WINSDon Goddard WMCANews: MI. and Mrs. Music WMGMTed Brown Show 9:30-10Bing Crosby Show: Al Jolson, Peggy Lee, GuestsWCBS. WINSCharlie Starke's Music ShoPPe WQXRThe New York Times New 9:30-10:30Freedom Lodge Award of Btnai B'rith, Mrs. Franklin D. WMGMTed Husing's Bandstand 7:05-WQ7CRBreakfast Symphony Roosevelt, Henry Morgenthau Jr., Justice Meier Steinbrink, Guests WNEWMake-Believe Ballroom 7:15-WORGamOling's Musical Clock WQXRThe New York Times News WJZKiernan's Corner WEVD. 10: 05-WQXRMorning Melodies WINSArt Scanlon Show 10-10:30The Big Story: Dorothy Pope, Utah ReporterWNBC. 10:15-WORMartha Deane Program: Anthony 7:38-WQXRWeather Report 10-10!s0--(Inmprilv, Riirrict anti Allian_LVORQ West. Guest 7:30-WNBCNews; Bob Smith Show WCBSArthur Godfrey Show: Jeanette WCBSNews; Jack Sterling Show Davis. the Mariners and Chordettes WMCANews; Great Day Quartets, Bill Lawrence.. Archie Bleyer WNEWNews; Anything Goes 8-9Arthur Godfrey Show: Eddy Arnold and OthersWCBS-TV. Orchestra WQXRBreakfast Symphony 10:30.WNBCMarrlage for Two 7:45-WCBSHarry Clark, News 8-9Talent Parade, With Tiny Ruffner and OthersWOR-TV. WJZBetty Crocker Magazine WMCAUnity viewpointTalk 8:15Hockey: Rangers vs. Boston BruinsWPIX. WNYCHealth TalkLearn to Live With WNYCWeather; City Careers Diabetes 7:55-WJZNews Reports 8:30-9The Clock: "Bury Her Deep," With Arnold MossWNBT. WNEWNews: Make-Believe Ballroom WNYCNews 9-9:30Abe Burrows Almanac: Pauline Hahn, Duke Art and Junioi 10:45-WNBCDorothy Dix at Home -- 8:00-WNBCNews; Bob Smith Show Caren Tedder and OthersWCBS-TV. WJZVictor H. Lindlahr WORPrescott Robinson, News 10:55-WNYCNews WJZNews, Martin Agronsky 9-10Television Theatre: "The Silent Room," With Neva Patterso 11:00-WNBCWe Love and LearnSketch WCBSMorning News 'Round-Up and Thomas NelloWNBT. WORNews. Prescott Robinson WMCANews; Antique Record Shop WJZDrama: Modern Romances WNYCAround New York 9-9:30Drama: "The Plainclothes Man"--WABD. WMCANews: Mr. and Mrs. Music WQXRThe New York Times News 9Boxing: N. Y. A. C.WOR-TV; 9:30St. NicholasWCBS-TV. WNYCHeadlines in Chemistry: A New 8:05-WQXRBreakfast Symphony hemical Weapon Akainst Arthritis 8:15-WORBreakfast with Dorothy and Dick: 9:30Wrestling: ChicagoWJZ-TV; 10:30Wrestling FilmWOR-T'i WQXRThe New York Times News Mack David and Jerry Livingston, 0-10:30Break the Bank, With Bert ParksWNBT. 113 05.WQXROther People's Business: Alms Guests 0:30-11Harry Hershfield Talent SearchWNBT (Premiere). Dettinger: Sarah Truax, Guest WJZEd and Pegeen Fitzgerald 11:15-WNBCDave Garroway Show WCBSPhi! Cook Show WORTello-TestQuiz WINSNews. Don Goddard WNYCMusic America Loves 8:30-WNBCTex and JinxInterview: Gene 9:00-WORNews: Harry Hennessy WORMeet the 1VIenjous 11:30-WNBCJack Berth Show Lockhart, Guest WIZBreakfast Club WMCAMr and Mrs. Music WORSidney Walton Comments WCBSMargaret Arlen Program: Dr, WCESThis Is New York, Bill Leonard: WINSArt Scanlon Show WJZQuick as a Flash Josephine Rathbone, Guest Anthony West. Guest 9:30-WORThe McCanns at Home WCBSGrand Slam Musical Quiz WMCAAntique Record Shop WiMANews: Recorded Music WMGMFun at BreakfastWard WIIs° WNEWNews: Bing Crosby Records WNEWNews; Anything Goes WNYCMasterwork Hour WNEWNews: Allyn Edwards Show WQXRAlong the Danube WINSAllan Brown's Corner WMGMLiving Should Be FunCarlton' WINSThree Corner Club 11:45-WNBCDavid HarumSketch 8:45-WNYCFood Talks Fredericks WQXRPlano Personalities WORKate Smith Sings 8:55-WJZGems for ThoughtDr. Allen E. WINSJo Halpin Show 9:45WNBCWoman's PlaceAnne Heywood; WCBSRosemarySketch Claxton WQXRThe New York Times News Mrs. Oscar Bradley and Nancy WQXRLuncheon Concert WMGMNews 9:15-WNBCNorman Brokenshire Andrews, Guests 11:55-WNYCNews 12: 00-WNBCNews and Round-up 1:05-WQXRMidday Symphony WCBSThe Brighter Day WINSFred Waring Orchestra WORKate Smith Speaks 1:1S-WJZNaney Craig Program: Robert WCBSHome Music Quiz WHEWMan of Melody WJZLadies, Be SeatedJohnny Olsen Merrill, Salvatore Baccalini, Jane 2:55-WMGMNews WCBSWendy Warren and the News Pickens, Guests 4:30-WNBCLorenzo JonesSketch W MCANews; Recorded Music WCBSMa PerkinsSketch 3:00-WNBCLife Can Be BeautifulSketch WORDean Cameron Interviews WNYCMidday Symphony 1:30-WORHollywood Theatre: A Valentine WORSecond HoneymoonSketch WJZMelody Promenade WINSDon Goddard, News for Margo, With Ona Munson and WJZBride and GroomJohn Nelson WNYCFestival: Sigma Alpha Iota WMGMPaula Stone's Hollywood Elliot Lewis WCBSNona From NowhereSketch Program WNEWShow Business WMCATune-O-Quiz. Joe O'Brien WMCANews; Recorded Music WINSListen to Lacy WQXRThe New York Times Newt WMGMGuest StarDan Duryea WNYCAmerican Music Festival Concert WHEWNews; Recorded Music WNEWNews: Recorded Music From Town Hall (to 4:30) 4:45-WNBCYoung Widder BrownSketch 12: 05-WQXRLuncheon Concert 1:45-WJZArt Baker's Notebook WMGMHal Tunis Show ' WJZPatt Barnes 12: 15-WNBCNorman Brokenshire WCBSGulding LightSketch WQXRThe New York Times News WCBSGarry Moore Show WORGet More Out of Life WNYCWeather Report; News Reports 3:05-WQXRSymphonic Matinee WNYCCecil Brown, News WCBSAunt JennySketch 3:15-WNBCRoad to Life WINSLuncheon Date WMGMKeyboard Variations 'WMGMWeather and Music Combs. News 1:55-WMGMNews - WCBSHilltop HouseSketch 4:55-wensnob Rite, News WMGmGeorge 11 2: 00-WNBCDouble or Nothing. With Walter 3:25-WJZWalter Kiernan, Comments WNYCNews 12: 25-WJZTed Malone O'Keefe 3:30-WNBCPepper Young's FamilySketch 12: 30-WORNews. Henry Gladstone WORLadies Fair WORThe Answer Man 5:00-WNBTWhen a Girl Marries WJZNews Herb Sheldon Program WJZWelcome to Hollywood WJZPick a Date, With Buddy Rogers WORMark TrailSketch WCBSRomance of Helen Trent WCBSSecond Mrs. BurtonSketch WCBSHouse Party. With Art Linkletter WJZChallenge of the Yukon WMCAGuarnieri Quintet WMCANews: The Record Shop WNEWNews: Music Hall WCBSGalen Drake WNYCMidday Symphony WNYCFamous hew Yorkers 3:45-WNBCRight to HappinessSketch WMCANews: Recorded Music WMGMLuncheon Club WINSBattling Baritones WORGabriel Heatter's Mailbag WNYCFestival: American Student WINSBushels of Fun WMGMTops in Pops: Ken Roberts 3:55-WCBSCedric Adams, Comments Composers Concert WNEWNews; Four Aces WNEWMusic Hall WMGMNews WMGMTed Husing's Bandstand WQXRThe New York Times News 4:00-WNBCBackstage WifeSketch WNEWRecorded Music 12: 45-WORLuncheon at SardPsRill Slater 2:05-WQXRRecord Review WORBarbara Welles Show WQXRThe New York Times NewS WCBSOur Gal SundaySketch 2:15-WCBSPerry MasonSketch WJZThe Carter Family, Songs 5:05-WQXRToday in Music WMCAThe Music Box WNYCBooks and Authors Luncheon: WCBSGarry Moore Show 5:15-WNBCPortia Faces LifeSketch WNEW.Recorded Music General Lucius B. Clay. Cie/eland,. WMCANews: Recorded Music WQXRRecorded Review 12: 55-WNYCNews Armory, Augusta Trapp, Others WINSPat Terry, Songs 1: 00-WNBCMary Margaret McBride Guests (Recorded) WMGMJoel Herron Orchestra 5:30-WNBCJust Plain BillSketch WJZH. R. Baukhage. News WQXRRecord Review WNEWJImrny Atkins Show WORTom Mix Straight-Shooters WCBSBig SisterSketch 2: 30-WNBCToday's ChildrenSketch WQXRThe New York Times News ,WJZJack ArmstrongSketch WMCA News: Recorded Music WORQueen for a Day 4:05-WQXRRecord Album WCBSQuiz: Hits and Misses WNYCUniversity of Michigan concert WJZHannibal CobbSketch 4:15-WNBCStella DallasSketch WNYCGrcemoch House Music School WINSListen to Lacy WCBSThts Nora DrakeSketch WJZHappy LandingAirport Interviews Program WMGMRecorded Music WNWNews: Music Hall WCBSErnest Bevin, British Foreign WNEWNews; Make-Believe Ballroom WQXRCurtain at 2:30 WQXRCocktail Time WNEWRecorded Music Minister. Labor Party Campaign Speech,5:45-IVNBCPront-Page FarrellSketch WQXRThe New York Times News Yac.WNIIIClight of thr WorldSketch From London 5:55-WNYCNews wokGaDrleLrieatter.
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