Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00447-4 - Templar Families: Landowning families and the Order of the Temple in France, c. 1120–1307 Jochen Schenk Index More information INDEX Cross-referencing convention In cross-references to names of lords, bishops, preceptors etc. ‘territorial’ names, as given in the app- ropriate index entries, are implicit. Thus under ‘Arzillières: lords of’, the cross-reference to ‘Henry’ implies, but does not state, ‘of Arzillières’. Notes on the order of entries ‘and’, ‘of’, ‘de/des’ (excluding the ‘De’ in Bernard of Clairvaux’ De laude novae militiae) and ‘the’ are ignored for the purposes of alphabetisation. Thus the sub-entry ‘and the imitation of Christ’ falls between sub-entries ‘family and social network of’ and ‘influence on T rule’, ‘Bernard of Capmont’ is listed before ‘Bernard Carrella’, and ‘Peter the Hermit’ before ‘Peter Itier’. Roman numerals are ignored for the purposes of alphabetisation, though they are presented sequen- tially following alphabetical sorting of other elements. Thus ‘Roger II of Martres’ is listed after ‘Roger of Lespinassière’, and ‘Archambaud VIII of Bourbon’ is listed before ‘Archambaud IX of Bourbon’. ‘St(e)’ is alphabetised as if it were written in full, and the ‘e’ of ‘Ste’ is ignored. Thus ‘Bernard of St- Julien’ is listed before ‘Bernard Sesmon of Bézu’, and ‘Ste-Eulalie’ is listed before ‘St Euphemia’. A word preceding a comma in an entry is listed before a word preceding a space. Thus ‘Bernard IV, count of Melgueil’ is listed before ‘Bernard Alegre of Montpezat’. Hyphens are treated as if they were spaces. Thus ‘St-André of Sesquière’ is listed between ‘St Agathe the Virgin’ and ‘St Barbara’, and ‘Mont-St-Jean’ before ‘Montagnac’. Parentheses and inverted commas are ignored for the purposes of alphabetisation. Thus the entry ‘Gerard (Viard) of Vergy (T)’ is treated as if it were ‘Gerard of Vergy’, and ‘Hugh II “Bardoul” of Broyes’ is listed amongst the Hughs of Broyes and not between ‘Hugh of Arpajon’ and ‘Hugh III of Baux’. Abbreviations arr. = arrondisement (France, Belgium) com. = comunidad autónoma (Spain) cant. = canton (France) dist. = distrito (Portugal); district (Israel; Lebanon) H = Hospitaller/Hospital mod. = modern prov. = province (Belgium); provincia (Spain) reg. = région (France); regione (Italy); bölge (Turkey) T = Templar/Temple TO = Teutonic Order 306 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00447-4 - Templar Families: Landowning families and the Order of the Temple in France, c. 1120–1307 Jochen Schenk Index More information Index Aanold of Montbard, 97 Aimeric le Roux of Sézanne, 165 Abeilhan (Hérault, cant. Servian), castrum, 177 Aimeric of Montlaur, 134 lords and castellans of, 116, 175, 176, 177, Aimo of Marmagne, 90 183. See also Berenguer; Pons of Pézenas; Aimo I of Tilchâtel, 36, 139, 165, 188 Raymond; William; William Pons of Aimo (III) of Tilchâtel, 140 Pézenas Aix(-en-Provence) (Bouches-du-Rhône), Abelin, forest of, 132 archbishop of. See Vicedomino de Açalaidis, 60, 62, 106, 107, 108 Vicedominis Acre (Israel, dist. Nord), 154, 171, 172, 173, 191, al-Adil Saif-ad-Din, Aiyubid ruler of Syria and 230, 237, 246, 248, 251, 258 Egypt, 85 bishop of. See James of Vitry Alanièce, Valérie, historian, 41 foundation of Order of St Edward at, 225 Alazaicia of Fréjus, 67 Hospital of Order of St John, 231 Albas (Aude, cant. Durban-Corbières), castle, preceptor of. See Robert of Camville 157, 159 siege of, 28, 29, 75, 99, 144, 162, 172, 195, 219, lords and knights of, 110, 157, 158. See also 226, 227, 228, 230, 238, 239, 240, 243, Arnold Rubeus; Raymond (i); 259 Raymond (ii); T support during, 226–8 Raymond (iii); Raymond (iv) T breviary from, 92 Albi (Tarn), 6 T celebration of St Bernard in, 92 Albigensian crusades, 132, 133, 136, 137, 183, T central convent in, 223 221, 237, 240, 241 Adam of Savignac, 38 Crusaders, 132, 242, 259. See also Dreux V of Adhemar of Gensac, 168 Mello; Harvey IV of Donzy; Milo IV Adhemar of Sparres (T), 223 count of Bar(-sur-Seine); Odo III, duke Agde (Hérault, arr. Béziers), 133 of Burgundy; Philip of Dreux; Robert II, T commandery of, 217 count of Dreux; Simon of Montfort; Agnes of Baudement (i). See Agnes of Braine (i) Walter of Joigny; William I of Mello Agnes of Baudement (ii), countess of Braine, disrupting social networks in Languedoc, 135, 131, 193, 200 136, 183 Agnes of Beirut, 237 Albon (Drôme, cant. St-Vallier), counts of, 81 Agnes of Bragelogne, 192 Albon, Marquis d’, historian, 211, 220 Agnes of Braine (i), lady of Baudement, 119, 131 his Cartulaire, 23 enters Order of Prémontré, 130 Alcobaça (Portugal, dist. Leiria), monastery, 91 Agnes of Braine (ii). See Agnes of Baudement (ii) Alexander III, pope, 93, 210 Agnes of Brienne, 188, 189 Alis of Barge, 148 Agnes Chatella, 63 Alis of Capendu, 135 Agnes of Grancey, 117 Alis of Montlaur, 197 Agnes of Joigny, 190, 195 Alix of Châteauvillain, 195 Agnes of La Roche-Vanneau, abbess of Puits Alix of Sombernon, 154 d’Orbe, 97 Alix of Traînel, 197 Agnes of Montpezat, abbess of Fonts-lès-Alais, Alphonse of Poitiers, count of Toulouse, 111 175, 236 Agnes of Montréal, 190, 191, 245 Althoff, Gerd, historian, 161 Agnes of Plancy, 191 Amadeus, count of Savoy, 224 Agnes of Posquières, 198 Amadeus of Arceaux, 240 Agnes of Sombernon, 121 Amadeus of Hauterive, 93 Aiglina of Sales, 63 Amel Raymond of Le Puy, bishop of Toulouse, Aiguaviva (Spain, prov. Gerona), T 81, 184 commandery, 198 Amelia of Milly, 215 preceptor of. See Bernard of Montlaur (ii) Amicia (Agnes) of Montfort, 191, 250 Aigues-Vives (Gard, cant. Sommières), castrum, Anastasius IV, pope, 210 236 Anatolia (Turkey), 231 Aimeric of Barbaira (i), 34, 35, 48, 163 Anceau of Brie, 244 Aimeric of Barbaira (ii), 134 Ancy(-le-Franc) (Yonne, arr. Avallon), 151 Aimeric Escafredi, 169 lords of, 95, 188, 196. See also Josbert; Roncius 307 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00447-4 - Templar Families: Landowning families and the Order of the Temple in France, c. 1120–1307 Jochen Schenk Index More information Index Andecy (Marne, cant. Montmort-Lucy), Arcy(-sur-Cure) (Yonne, cant. Vermenton), 77 nunnery, 261 lords of, 97, 98. See also Gerard; Godfrey Andrew of Baudement (i), 33, 87, 101, 119, 128, Ardorel (Tarn, cant. Mazamet-Nord-Est), 130, 131, 165, 171, 193, 232 monastery, 111, 236 enters Cistercian order, 94 abbot of. See Bertrand of Montlaur (II) Andrew of Baudement (ii), abbot of Chaalis, Ardres (Pas-de-Calais, arr. St-Omer), castellans 100, 130 of, 127 Andrew of Colours (T), provincial master of Argenteuil (Val-d’Oise), nunnery, 95 France, 77, 209 Ariol of Aspet (T), preceptor of Montsaunès, 187 Andrew of Joigny (T), preceptor of Payns, Arles (Bouches-du-Rhône), 197, 264 191, 242 archbishop of. See Raymond of Montredon Andrew of Joinville (T), 238 T commandery of, 22, 83, 138, 156, 216 Andrew of Montbard (i) (T), grandmaster, 82, preceptors of. See Berenguer of 98, 99, 100, 101, 121, 126, 244, 253, 254, Montredon; William of Cavaillon 255, 259 Armand of Périgord (T), grandmaster, 259 Andrew of Montbard (ii), 99 Arnold, abbot of Cîteaux, 85 Andrew III of Montbard, lord of Époisses, present at council of Troyes, 87 196, 245 Arnold, bajulus of T Campagne, 68 Andrivaux (Dordogne, cant. Périgueux-Ouest), Arnold Amel of Montredon, 137, 156 monastery, reformed by T, 81 Arnold Arpajon of Calmont (T). See Arnold of Angers (Maine-et-Loire), 211 Calmont bishop of. See Ulger Arnold of Aspet (T), 187 Aniane (Hérault, arr. Lodève), monastery, 77, Arnold of Auriac, 138 115, 116 Arnold of Banyuls (T), preceptor of Gardeny, Anjou, counts of, 211 119 Anne of Aulnay, 191 Arnold of Barbaira, 34, 35, 134 Ansculf of Chappes, 243 Arnold of Bedos (T), 164 Anselm, bishop of Havelberg, 205 Arnold of Calmont (T), 175 Dialogues of, 208 Arnold of Carraira (T), preceptor of Anselm of Garlande, lord of Possesse, 132 Perpignan, 62 Anseric of Chacenay, lord of Feins, 240 Arnold of Gaure, 34, 151, 163, 164 Anseric III of Montréal, 244 Arnold of Martres (i) (T), 167, 168, 187 Anseric IV of Montréal, 191, 244 Arnold of Martres (ii), 187 Anseric of Toucy, lord of Bazarnes, 190, 213, 231 Arnold of Pont-de-Camarès, 106, 110 Aragon, Kingdom of, 1, 14, 137 Arnold Raymond of Aspet, 239 kings of. See James I; James II Arnold Roger of Comminges, bishop of T commanderies and Comminges, 184 dependencies in. See Aiguaviva; Arnold Rubeus of Albas (T), 158 Castellote; Corbins; Gardeny; Monzón; Arnold William of Martres, 167, 168, 169 Peniscola Arnold William of Roquefort(-sur-Garonne), 169 T confraternity lists from, 49 Arpajon (Lozère, cant. Ste-Énimie, now Aragon and Catalonia, T province of: disappeared), lords of, 175. See also provincial master, 157, 185. See also William Arnold of Calmont; Bernard (i); Bernard (En Guillem) of Montredon (ii); Gerald (i); Gerald (ii); Guibert; Arard of La Ferté(-sur-Amance), 162 Hugh; Raynald; Calmont: lords of Arbert of Montlaur, 236 Arras (Pas-de-Calais), 119 Arboras (Hérault, cant. Gignac), church of, 119. art, crusades commemorated in, 207 See Ste-Marie of Arboras Artaud (T), enters Clairvaux, 93, 204 Archambaud IV of Bourbon, 259 Artaud I of Chastellux, 241, 242 Archambaud VIII of Bourbon, 201 Artaud II of Chastellux, 241, 242 Archambaud IX of Bourbon, 201 Artaud III of Chastellux, 242 Arcis(-sur-Aube) (Aube, arr. Troyes), lords Arzendis Dalmas, 151 of, 196. See also Guy; John I; John II; Arzillières (Marne, cant. St-Remy-en- John III Bouzemont-St-Genest-et-Isson), Arconid, vassal of Harvey IV of Donzy, 195 172 308 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00447-4 - Templar Families: Landowning families and the Order of the Temple in France, c.
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