CONFRONTATION AND COOPERATION 1000 YEARS OF POLISH–GERMAN–RUSSIAN RELATIONS T HE JOURNAL OF KOLEGIUM JAGIELLONSKIE TORUNSKA SZKOLA WYZSZA V OL. II: 16–37 DOI: 10.1515/conc-2015-0002 Piotr Łysakowski Th e Warsaw Uprising as presented in chosen German newspapers Key words: Warsaw Uprising, German press during WWII, Polish-German relations, Katyń, propaganda 1. Introduction Berlin, I would try to reach the newspapers from 1944 available there to take a look at what had been writ- While dealing with the modern times history of Poland ten about the Warsaw Uprising. I thought it could be I have always presumed that writing about it we seem to of importance since this largest Polish tragedy of the neglect a relatively easily available source, i.e. daily press. end of WWII, infl uencing the further development of Th erefore, as much as I could, I was making attempts to Poland and our perception of history, had never so far fi ll in this gap in the description of some periods of our been fully described in historic terms from this particu- history with an addendum referring to various fi elds of lar “press” perspective. Th ere are other signifi cant texts studies using press as one of its main sources1. concerning these issues, yet they do not fulfi ll the fea- Th at is why I came up with an idea to take advantage tures, I have mentioned above2. of the situation and during “the press query” concern- 2 ing the issue of “Katyń”, which I was carrying out in E.C. Król, Polska i Polacy w propagandzie narodowego socjalizmu w Niemczech 1919–1945, Warszawa 2006, In March 2014 staying for a week in Staatsbibliothek in one of the chapters of his interesting work („Od powsta- nia Warszawskiego do klęski Trzeciej Rzeszy 1944–1945”, 1 S.f.: Problematyka polska w trzech gazetach niemieckich p. 494–506) the author concentrates on, „the propaganda z lat 1933–1934: „Voelkischer Beobachter, Frankfurter Zei- kitchen of ProMi”, i.e. „Th e Ministry of Propaganda of the tung, Kolener Stadt Anzeiger”, „Dzieje Najnowsze”, XXI– Reich” treating fragments of the paper as the exemplifi cation –1989, 1, p. 41–67. Prasa niemiecka o Katyniu. Jak niemiec- of dispositions of Goebbels` and other Nazi tycoons (e.g. ka propaganda przedstawiała w 1943 roku sprawę mordu po- Hansa Franka). S.f.: in Niemiecka propaganda zagraniczna: pełnionego na polskich ofi cerach, „Zeszyty Katyńskie”, 1, p. starania o zawiązanie antybolszewickiego frontu?, edited by 88–115. Zbrodnie katyńska w kleszczach niemieckiej propa- S. Lewandowska and B. Martin a volume Powstanie Warsza- gandy (Prasa niemiecka o Katyniu), „Zeszyty Katyńskie”, 23, wskie 1944, Warszawa 1999; M.J. Kwiatkowski, Powstanie p. 18–56, Katyń w historiografi i i propagandzie PRL,„Łam- Warszawskie w oczach Niemców, „Kultura i Społeczeństwo”, binowicki Rocznik Muzealny”, 15, p. 103. E.C. Król, P. Ły- 1990/2; numerous works by A.K. Kunert. It is very interest- sakowski, Śmierć Bismarcka w opiniach prasy warszawskiej ing that in his extremely important work from 1988 Nie- (lipiec–sierpień 1898 r.), „Dzieje Najnowsze”, XX–1989, miecki Michel. Dzieje narodowego symbolu i stereotypu Tomasz 3–4, p. 4–20. Szarota omitted the issues associated with the Uprising, ana- Piotr Łysakowski: The Warsaw Uprising as presented in chosen German newspapers 17 Th e available titles which I mainly based the be- propaganda and press wanted to present to its readers3. low text on are daily newspapers such as: “Voelkischer Before I will start to analyze the texts concerning the Beobachter”, “Berliner Boersen Zeitung”, “Der An- Uprising, I would like to focus on how the Germans griff ”, “Deutsche Zeitung im Ostland”, “Deutsch had perceived the possibility of the outbreak before it Ukrainische Zeintung”, and last but not least “Berliner actually took place, as well as afterwards. Nord Ost Zeitung”. Th e period comprised by the query is between 1st August 1944 and 10th October 1944. Th is made it possible to recreate the image of the Uprising 2. German offi cial statements presented in the above mentioned newspapers. Unfortunately, I didn`t have enough time, or more If we are analyzing offi cial German statements we might importantly, an opportunity, to look through such ones easily come into conclusion that the high rank offi cials as “Das Schwarze Korps”, “Der Stuermer”, “Signal”, of the 3rd Reich apparatus (both the ones in occupied “Kladderadatsch”, “Das Reich”. Th e lack of the above Poland as well as in Berlin) had realised the oncoming mentioned newspapers in no way, however, disturbs the outbreak. From the heights of their offi ces they didn`t image of this heroic Polish upsurge, which the German have to, however, comprehend the reasons for which the Poles wanted to fi ght, and for which the Uprising was inevitable4. lyzing the image of the Poles on the margin of his thoughts Th e General Governor Hans Frank mentioned on the Germans. Th e Uprising and how it was perceived by himself in July 1944 the growing, “[...] uprising [...] the Germans hasn`t been mentioned either in a signifi cant, psychosis[...]”5. It is of no signifi cance that at that time in my view, for the Polish-German dialogue work Deutsche he associated this situation with what had just happened und Polen – 100 Schluesselbegriff e edited by Ewa Kobylińska, 6 Andreas Lawaty and Ruediger Stephan, Muenchen, Zuerich in Lublin when he was pronouncing these words. Ob- 1992 – the same work was published in Polish by „Więź” jectively, no matter where actually the communist cen- in 1996. Janusz Sobczak didn`t study this matter in detail tre of authority had been established in Poland, this was either in his work published in Poznań in1988 Polska w Pro- one of the catalysts that led to the Uprising, which had pagandzie i polityce III Rzeszy (1939–1945), limiting it to de- de facto been prepared since the fi rst days of the war scribing what the press of “territories incorporated” to the 7 Reich had been writing about. See my review of this work and occupation of Poland started by two invaders . Re- in „Studia z dziejów Rosji i Europy Środkowo Wschodniej”, XXVIII, p. 180/183. Analyzing Polish historiography refer- 3 I would like to promise readers that it will be com- ring to the Uprising and the German propaganda towards pleted and extended in time to the months till the end of it, I would pay attention to a work by Eugeniusz Guz Goe- 1944 as soon as possible. Th ere should also be analyzed press bbels o Polsce i sojuszniczym ZSRR published in Warsaw in published by German propaganda for Polish people during 1999. Mentioning the publications of this Author I would the Second World War. also recommend an article in “Rzeczpospolita” (19th Janu- 4 „Witness no 15: […] At the end of 1939 in two places ary 2010) Jak agent wywiadu PRL uczył widzów TVP Info 3000 km far from each other there appeared the thought on o Ali Agcy written by Cezary Gmyz. It is also worth read- a new uprising. What would it look like? Nobody knew it; ing the work by Tomasz Głowiński published in 2000 under however, everybody was convinced, that it had to break out the title: O nowy porządek europejski. Ewolucja hitlerowskiej one day, to compensate these miserable times of darkness, propagandy politycznej wobec Polaków w Generalnym Gu- which were cast on the world and Poland […] Witness no 6. bernatorstwie 1939–1945. Another signifi cant text worth Poland was genuinely worshipped by us. We loved it more the attention is Nationalsozialistische Pressepropaganda fuer than our country; more like a mother, like a queen, like an Deutsche und Polen im Generalgouvernement 1939–1945 by innocent girl. Th is long century of partitions, when it was Lars Jockheck published in Hamburg in 2004, as well as humiliated, tormented and blasphemed, was a painful pe- other works by this author concerning the issue of our inter- riod, which we have always perceived with mixed feelings of est. It is also worth mentioning here a signifi cant, yet not the despair and shame” – quote from: Varsovie 44 by J.F. Steiner, latest one, work by Jerzy Kirchmayer: 1939–1945 – Kilka Flammarion 1975 (the copy published underground, in my zagadnień polskich with a chapter „Powstanie warszawskie possession), p. 7. od strony niemieckiej”, p. 123–126, Warszawa 1957. Th e is- 5 Das Diensttagebuch des deutschen Generalgouverners in sue of Polish-German stereotype (from diff erent perspective Polen 1939–1945, W. Praeg, W. Jacobmeyer (eds.), Stuttgart and referring to other time) is presented in a very interesting 1975, p. 890. text by Maria Wardzyńska in Założenia badań nad obrazem 6 Declared establishment of PKWN. Polaków w Niemczech w latach 1945–1949 in” Acta Univer- 7 Th e concept of the Uprising came into existence along sitatis Wratislaveinsis”, no 1136, Historia LXXIX, Wrocław with the underground in the days preceding the capitula- 1991, p. 131–141. tion of Warsaw in 1939 and got its shape during he follow- 18 Confrontation and cooperation. 1000 Years of Polish-German-Russian relations gardless of its aims the Uprising was welcomed by the rations for the uprising[...]when our army was closest to Germans as a God sent. Th ey thought that it was an op- Warsaw![...] Th e immediate elimination of the uprising portunity to crush the disobedient and constantly rebel- as well as breaking into the city were undesirable at that lious city, the heart of Polish resistance8. On the other moment. On the contrary, there was common knowl- hand, it might have been a nuisance for them since they edge of the make-up of the uprising elements and their were planning a resistance stronghold in place of War- political attitudes.
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