![Tnuainted Cierloin Inspection District Try During 1020 Will Be Taken at the Floor the ] March 3.—All and in Instances Less Been Ordered Disbanded](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
‘l-SUBSCRIBE Weather Predictions v this paper and pay 10 Snow tonight, colder; Satur- cents each week. day fair; continued cold. , 01)AY’S NEWS FIRST 1920 12 PAGES TODAY PRICE 3 CENTS , VOL. 13—NO. 250 MARTINSBURG, W. VA., FRIDAY, MARCH 5, BASEBALL ASSURED COALITION BETWEEN GREAT BLIZZARD IS OPEN BOOTHS FOR MARTINSBURG'S FIRE HERE THIS YEAR-SIX TWO LITTE GROUPS RAGING AND STREAMS NEAR EAST RELIEF LOSS LAST YEAR WAS CITY TEAMS IN THE LEAGUE SHARPLY DENOUNCED OVERFLOWING BANKS THROUGHOUT SMALLEST IN HISTORY Active Solication Will Be Lodge And Borah Pay Them Lowlands Of City Inundated Martinshurg's Are loss last year Overheated sloven 5 FACTS ABOUT BLUE RIDGE that are to be sold, this geing a was the smallest In history, accord- Unknown 9 LEAGUE new feature, which will be a check Their Respects. —Families Are Moving. Started Saturday ing to the annual report of Fire Chief Children playing with matches.... 3 on the various clubs, avoiding con- Six, teams — Chambersburg Quinn tiled last night with the city Explosion In furnace. 1 fusion In the matter of settlements. International New* Service.)’ The blizzard, which started Active solicitation iu the Interest Han- (By great council at a The Falho Alarms 2 Frederick, Hagerstown, Relief will regular meeting. At the meeting there was a good Washington, March 5.—A cloak yesterday In the Mldlp West and of the Near East locally 2 over, Martlnsburg, Waynesboro. loss was $5,684.81. Overheated chim- Cigars and cigarettes. deal 0f enthusiasm for the league room coalition between little group caused a warning to be sent east- begin In this city tomorrow when ..J. V'. Jamison Jr., Hagers- neys were responsible for 21 tires, Sparks from cnglnos. 2 because it was felt that baseball ot republican “mild reservationlsts ward, reached here early today. live booths will open work, In town, president. hut they were small. 1'tiring the Lightning 1 this season will be especially good, and the administration senators has Throughout last night there was ev- charge of ladies, at central points Season about year the I'eparlment responded to Automobile back-fire. 2 open May 10, Into the the tac- acting as a tonic for the public been forced open by ery Indication of a furious storm, In the downtown sections, asking 57 Hot. 1 schedule of 100 games. alarms, January, 191!'. heading the ashes mind. tics pursued by Senator Ixidge. the and living In the low- for contributions, large tor small, 40 incluci- the people list with 15. The report was recelv Matches In clothes ... 1 Admission, cents, and Senator Her tho in Tlie formation of a six-team lea republican lyador, lands began making preparations to for tho relief of sufferers ed and directed to lie made a hut tier Kettles boiling over. 1 irj, war tax. of Idaho, leader of the was of as ah, republican, vacate their homes If the occasion Armenia and the Near East. These of record. The Is the re- in 1 a month, gue somewhat a surprise following Burning paper yard. salary limit, $1,600 "Irreconciables" during yesterday's it. be and manned I it was thought tbat it would be im- required booths will placed port: Sparks from burning gruHH. .1 for and 12 manager players. stormy debate in the senate. this Is rain- possible to organize over a four Early mcrning began as follow*: Martinsburg, W. Va., Stoves smoking. 1. ..Class D in organized baseball. The “show down” developed by the < team circuit. With the declination ing, hut by tpn l’clock tempera Hotel Berkeley—Mrs. H. P. Car- March 1, 1920. Thawing water pipes. 1 would no lodge's declaration that he ture coller and snow was fall- Mrs. on Tin? Blue which of the invitation sent to Carlisle to grew michael, Mrs. Eleanor Grove, Grease stove .«<... 1 Ridge League, longer support the charges in some To the Honorable Mayor and the sixth Han- ing. However, the warm weather William Flick. was disbanded during the period of join, making town. City Council of tin' of the Lodge reservations tentatively had cans Mrs. Total 67 the was over was asked to send a represen- luring the past few days Piostoftico— F. E. Wilson. war, reorganized yester- agreed upon by1 the bi-partisan con- City of Martinsburg. ts live l ed a great part of the snow to melt, Court House -Mrs. Henry Little, Value of Property. day afternonon at a meeting held to the meeting yesterday, ended In a ference that recently dead- I and the water Into the Gentlemen Value of and contents In Hagerstown, a' which time six C. O'Neil wras present with fuli au- running Miss Gladys Poole, Mrs John U. bulldlugH lock on Article Ten and the Monroe streams tires a berth if i; small swelled them almost Jacobs. l respectfully beg leave to submit when occurred: towns requested admission to the thority of accepting Doctrine revealed that the "mild res j to the banks.. .The rain added Its R. my annual report for the year ending Buildings.184,100.00 circuit. As result of these ap should be offered Hanover’s accent Emmerts'—Mrs. John Jacobs, the ervationlsts" seeking a compromise Contents enabled or share, and before noon today many Mrs. Mrs. George December 31, 1919. 20,000.00 plications a six-team league was or- ance the representatives were outnumbered the "irrecon- Boyd Lambert, by streams were 1 have bet'll unable to submit my with tcxwiis the other four towns, all old mem- reported overflowing VanMetre. ganized, the following ciables” opposed to ratification. at, and inundating all of the lowlands. Mrs. R. report, on account of several tire Total property risk. $105,000.00 i represented: Chambersburg, Freder- bers of the League t<> consider the Despite the defection of the “mild Deans'—Mrs. J. B. Moll, The Cannery Boom, at toxin to- losses not having been adjusted. Insurance on buildings and con- L ick, Mai tinsburg, Waynesboro, Han- application of Waynesboro for ad their W. Grizard, M<rs. Frank Whitmore. reservationlsts," who swung A detailed statement of the tents when fires raittance I day, looked more like a lake than at ni. lire.s occurred: V over and Hagerstown. to the Blue Kidge and sub- support to the administration side in Tho booths will open 11a. it has for years. Water was stnnl and their causes: value of buildings Insurance on buildings... $47,350.00 Each team paid in $15, which sequent acceptance after they ha i voting for a democratic substitute of j and will continue until 9 p. m. Ing practically everywhere from one and contents where fire occurred; In- Insurance on contents.... 23.900.00 ■wilj be forwarded to Secretary Far- learnend that Hanover would join the seventh Lodge reservation the | Tin contribution boxes will lx1 to three feet and hail reached surance on buildings ami contents, This will Hire deep, where the contributions can rell, of the national commission, give Pennsylvania j situation offered no more .hope for j placed Insurance the doors of many homes. The peo loss to buildings and contents; total Total carried. $71,760.00 with a icquest for a charter. Farrell towns in the League, Maryland two ratification today than it had before. I be dropped iu. 1 tdo were and were losses and number of alarms respond- Lo88. will then scud the organized base- ar.d West Virginia one. alarmed many The drive will he supplemented preparing to seek higher round. ed to. Loss m buildings and contents bell contracts to the various clubs.. J. Vincent Jamison, Jr., who pil- I on Sunday afternoon by a door-to- SOVIET WOULD PAY The Tuacarora began rising early The department responded to 57 where Ores occurred: Following this each team posts $800 oted the the door canvass Ithrougliout the pity League through years small streams alarms last, year, an Increase of 5 Loss on buildings.$2,888.3(1 as today. The uowiflng the t foifeit money, to guarantee that when it was in its infancy and j under direction of the organiza- over tin' Loss on contents DEPORTATION C0S1 into It caused It. to rise very quick preceding yertr. 2.075.95 ■ It will play 0ut the season under the who had the pleasure during the tions of tho various churches. Re- Alarms To Months. (By International News Service.) ly, and shortly afternoon the banks Responded By A association rules it. will be a class last two years before It was dis- ceipt books will be used In taking 15 Total Washington, March 5.—The ltus- wore unable to contain the vast vol- January Io/ir.$6,6(14.81 III league. banded to sc'o it grow into one of these contributions, a receipt being February 3 Annual Fire Losses slan soviet government today renew- ume of water. The people residing Compared. The season will start about May the best Class D leagues in ttie given for each contribution, and the March. 4 19M ed its offer to take out of the country In many sections on Water street .$31,200.00 Bn and will consist of one hundred country, was elected yesterday pres solicitors cheeking up on their work April 5 1915 J 2,200.00 without expense to the United States are facing a serious situation. Many ■ p ilin'?. 50 at home and 50 abroad. I Went of the League. The other of at. headquarters through the stubs May. 5 1915 all Russian citizens which the gov- homes are and unless 7,055.35 T will be the marooned, to The guarantee $6o per game j leers of League elected yeste> as the receipts.
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