University 'qf Cincinnati N'EWS- RECORD Vol. L111 Cincinnati, Ohio, Thursday, January 20, 1966 No. 14 ~ SC- An,n,ounl~es Stuff What Ballot' Boxes? Candid,ates .. Fior ' :V,oting',Machines 'Eli:minate ,Errors -Ciounc·il .Prexy - '~ / by Judy McCarty Upcoming Student Elections and In'Upcoming Student Body Elections the proceding campaign filled the greater part lit the agenda by Jay Wrigtlt be. the Student Umon and the for Monday evening's Student hours will be from 9 a.m. to 4 Council meeting. Election rules The Hamilton County Hoard 01 I were passed, and candidates were Elections has provided the Uni- p.m. for the convenience of the nominated for Student Bodv versity with voting machines for students. President. the upcoming student elections. The' dates of the election Candidates for Student Qody have b!eenapproved by the, President will !be Rich Davis, Jay Wright, Chairman of the Stu- ' Student Council and they are- A&S, '67; Joe di Genova, A&S, I dent Council Election Board, Man::h. 3-4; For Section 'II '67; and Jim Lied, DAA, '67. stated "although the expense '01 students in the colleges of Busi- ness Administration, Design, QU81lifi('ations for Student Body the .machines is high, the real President require a 2.3 accume, worth of the machines is in the Ar~hitecture" and Art, and En- one ye~r of service to Council, experience of. their use and the gineering; and Junior, Pre-Junior, 0;: Sen- almost foolproof accuracy they _ April 4·5:: for all students in ior standing for the coming offer." the colleges of Nursing and - / '. year. The machines will be used Health and the College-Conser- Election rules remain basically by all the coneges except CCM vatory of Music. the same as those of past years. and N&H. 'These.two will use April 6-7: for all full time and There are, however, a few inno-" the written ballots as (in the Section I students in /the Colleges vations. In order. to avoid last past, "The reasOn for this," 6f Business Administration, De- year's election "fiasco," andtu said Jay, "is that'the mac:hines sign, Al'Chitecture, and Art, En- keep the voting machines running must be set up in acentrai ~ gineering, Arts and Sciences, Ed- smoothly, write-in ballots will not polling place due .te the prot). ucation, Home Economics,- Phar- be used for an office when there lems in handling, and it would -macy, ana the University Col- are two or more' candidates for not be fair to expect the stu- lege. " . the office. dents in these two colleges ,to The theme of this year's elec- Also new_for '66 eleclions come to the main. campus to tion committee has been one 01 is an rule stating that "Any , vote." , publicity and planning in hopes (Continued on Page 3) The central polling place will of, a record turnout at the polls., The goal has been set at 30 per cent. It is felt that the most im- portant rfactor in reaching this..., Co-op.Con fe renee 1=e·biooGi goal is, the amount of campaign. ing of the candidates and what issues the political parties die-- Noted UC Education Plan bate. CAUGHT IN .ACTI'ON during last year's election fiascso were these 'two syndicate agents. ·T~a~·~ling incognito eutslde the Pink Room, the Tribute to the world-famous rector of the National Commis- All candidates are reminded that the petition deadline is slimy pair was apprehended ;·~tte.:npti~g· tb'·force prospectivevofers UC co-operative plan will be paid sion for Co-operative Education. Monday, Jan. 24, 12 noon in the . into submission. 'To 'avoid'a" repetition ~f this dark chapter in UC'. here on the occasion of its 60th The presentation of the, first Dean of Men's Office. Campaign history, the NR has been informed that a team of 144 German Shep- anniversary year. when the Jan. Co-operative Education Associa- rules were passed Mond~y night herds h.s been. employed, to/safeguard students.- This K-9 Corps, 24-26' annual Co-operative Educa- tion Dean Her man Schneider in the Student Council meeting combined wJth a newly :installed electrified fence around the Pink and they will be published in' an-. tion Conference is held at the Award for outstanding contribu- Room should remove 'all 'student fears of possible reprisals for exer- tions to the advancement of co- other article in the NEWS REC· Sheraton-Gibson Hotel. cising their franchise. - operative work-study educational ORD. The conference is a joint meet- philosophy and practice will high- ing of the Co-operative Education light the Tuesday night meeting. Division of the American Society Frank H. Jakes, director of the for .Engineering Education and Ford CO.'s College Co-operative Weekend", Lectures. -, • • ~ToFeatureI.. '- the Co-operative Education As- Program and CEA president, will sociation, present, the award honoring the UC president Walter C. Lang- , sam will welcome the more than late Dean Schneider who founded C'ongres~men Gini_ga~, Go,o'dell 250 delegates at the 12:00 noon the co-operative system of tech- luncheon on Jan. 24. "Co-opera- nological education at DC. 85 Seen by the United States tive Education in Transition" will Included in the schedule for Government" on Frid-ay at 12 be the title of the introductory Tuesday morning of the confer- In the Losantiville Room. At add res s to be presented by George E. Probst, executive di- ence will be a report of the Amer- present, 'he is serving-as a ican Society for Engineering Ed- member of the Interstate and ucation Committee on Goals of Foreign Commerce Committee Engineering Education by Prof. and a member of a sub-com- ./ mitte on Rublic Health and ,\,Villiam K-; ,LeBold, Purdue Uni· Welfare. He was elected to the varsity. 89th Congress in ~ov. 1964 A forecast on "The Next Gen- -'fer serving five consecutive eration and the Next 20 Years," terms in the :Cincinnati City Inside Story by Dr. Donald N: Michael of the Council (1"953-1964). Institute for Policy Studies, Wash- On Saturday, Rep. Goodell will discuss the "Role of ,the ..•.•..... ington, D.C., will be made at the Tuesday general .session of the National Legislatur~~/: in -the WFIB Report p. 2 conference delegates, Faculty ~-Dining' .room 'af 9::3t' First elected to the House at Panel discussions will be held , the age of 33, Rep. Goodell has Prof. Evaluation during the conference. Delegates won 1. re-eleefien four- times, (conr.)" .. _....•..•.. p. 5 from industry; government, and . In 1964, Goodell was assistant technical and -non-technical col- leges and universities using the to the Chairman of Domestic Af- Sophos Dance •....... p.6 co-operative system of education fairs for the Republican Platform are panelists for the program. Committee and a delegate to the ' - Program co-chairmen are Prof. National Convention. In 1962, he 'Ca~On The Way! ..... p. 8 F. George Seulberger, "assistant was'one of 12 Republicans in the dean of Northwestern University's John GIlligan House and Senate who wrote ~ Technological Institute, and Prof. "Deolaration of Republican Prin- "Top o' The Inn" p. 12 J. Dudley Dawson.. Antioch Col- Two United States Congress-- Friday, under the auspices of ciples," spelling out the obiec- lege's vice president and dean 01 men will appear on campus this WUS and again on Saturday, in tives of the Party in Congress. students and CEA vice president. , weekend as the World University conjunction with Rep. Charles Rep. Gilligan will also appear Christy Minstrels ..... p. 16 .1 William Hoblitzell, UC profes- Service and the Taft Institute Goodell : of. New York, at the at this time- in this opening 8-':S- sor of co-ordination and William . sponsor discussions of contempo- opening session of the Taft In- sion of the Taft Institute which Weisel of the Cincinnati Milling rary government. Representative stitute. will be attended by 55 high school Machine Co. are in charge of local John J. Gilligan, from the First Rep. Gilligan will present social studies teachers from the arrangements. District of Ohio, will appear on '~he Rol., of Coll,ttge Students Cincinnati Public School s.~-stem. Pag~~Tw6 tJN fVERS11'Y'OFY C INCI N-NATttNEWS 5RECORD ·Thursdciy,'January.20; 1966 , I I ~- ~ WFIEI'P:R"Direc:tor JExplains , Girl TheWe~k . ~ ,. •• l<, .-\ !". "'~: .••.. '. • '!; ":. ':" Of v- ' - Purposes :9f '(:amp.~s Statio-:J' ~ Editor's Note: The News Re(- tion when the new building is Survey' which is, the 'top forty o~'d recentiu interviewed Mark completed. records. ThE? rest of the day: 'we Hyams, the new Public Relations N.R.-:-Who runs the station? i play "better". music. We .have a. Director at ~WFIB; who informed Mark-a-There are approximately us of the station:s personnel, fi- '140 students majoring in radio five minute newscast. ori' the h~lf nances, and future plans.) -and television who spend their hour, headlines' on, the hour, and N.R.-Mar~, What 'is YlFIB? lab hours working at the station. sports' fifteen minutes, before the Mark- WFIB is a strictly AM ,Last year WFIB ranked fourth hour. From 5·5:10' p.m. there is radio station on 800 kilocycles out of over ~100 stations through- .the wrap-up which includes na- and closed circuit to the. UC out the country. We have 'been in \ tional and international news and dorms. We broadcast, from, the existence since 19,61. the weather.. Also, four or five Conservatory of Music campus N.R.-From where does your times .a day, editorials, light in and :will move to a different loca- operating money come? nature, are presented.
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