January 28, 1982 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 273 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Thursday, January 28, 1982 The House met at 10 a.m. entered the Hall of the House of Rep­ The SPEAKER. The Color Guard The Chaplain, Rev. James David resentatives, the Vice President taking will now post the colors. Ford, D.D., offered the following the chair at the right of the Speaker, The flag was posted, and the Mem­ prayer: and the Members of the Senate the bers were seated. Gracious Lord, we ask Your blessing seats reserved for them. The SPEAKER. We are honored upon the people of our world. With all The Doorkeeper announced the am­ today to have with us some of the the forces that separate us and the bassadors, ministers, and charges d'af­ members of the Roosevelt family, our hatred which keeps us from appreciat­ faires of foreign governments. former colleague, the Honorable ing our common humanity, we pray The ambassadors, ministers, and James Roosevelt, Mr. Elliott Roose­ that our spirits will be enlightened by charges d'affaires of foreign govern­ velt, and Mrs. John Roosevelt, and the Your presence as we are given hope by ments entered the Hall of the House many grandchildren and great-grand­ Your promises. Give us the willingness of Representatives and took the seats children of the late President. to use our talents in ways that cause reserved for them. Will they all kindly rise, please? [Ap­ understanding between nations and The Doorkeeper announced the Cab­ plause.] give peace to troubled hearts. This we inet of the President of the United We are also pleased to have some of pray. Amen. States. the associates of the late President: The members of the Cabinet of the Ms. Grace Tully, Mr. Benjamin President of the United States entered Cohen, and Mr. James Rowe. [Ap­ THE JOURNAL the Hall of the House of Representa­ plause.] The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex­ tives and took the seats reserved for And from the President's home amined the Journal of the last day's them in front of the Speaker's ros­ State of New York, the Honorable proceedings and announces to the trum. Hugh Carey, a former Member, and House his approval thereof. The SPEAKER. In accordance with the Governor of New York. [Ap­ Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the House Concurrent Resolution 220, the plause.] Journal stands approved. joint meeting to commemorate the We will now have a medley of songs 100th anniversary of the birth of by the U.S. Naval Academy Midship­ RECESS Franklin Delano Roosevelt will come men Glee Club. to· order. An interlude of songs was presented The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the The Doorkeeper announced the flag by the U.S. Naval Academy Midship­ order of the House of January 25, of the United States. men Glee Club. 1982, the Chair declares the House in The flag was carried into the Cham­ recess subject to the call of the Chair. 0 1110 Accordingly <at 10 o'clock and 2 min­ ber by the Joint Armed Forces Color utes a.m.), the House stood in recess Guard. The SPEAKER. The Chair recog­ subject to the call of the Chair. The National Anthem was presented nizes the noted author and historian by the U.S. Naval Academy Midship­ of the Roosevelt age, Dr. Arthur men Glee Club, John Talley, director. Schlesinger, Jr. [Applause.] JOINT MEETING OF THE 97TH The Color Guard saluted the Speak­ Dr. SCHLESINGER. Mr. Speaker, CONGRESS IN COMMEMORA­ er, faced about, and saluted the House. Mr. President, Members of Congress, TION OF THE 100TH ANNIVER­ The Members were seated. friends, it is a high honor for me to SARY OF THE BIRTH OF The SPEAKER. The invocation will share with three such doughty war­ FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSE­ be given by the Rev. James David riors for liberty and justice as Averell VELT Ford, Chaplain of the House of Repre­ Harriman, CLAUDE PEPPER, and JEN­ During the recess the following pro­ sentatives. NINGS RANDOLPH the opportunity to ceedings took place in honor of the The Chaplain, Rev. James David address this most eminent legislative 100th anniversary of the birth of Ford, D.D., offered the following invo­ body in the world. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the Speak­ cation: It is, indeed, a most special occasion er of the House of Representatives We ask Your blessing, 0 God, as we that brings us together. We have presiding. come together to celebrate the life of heard all our lives about the first hun­ The U.S. Army Band <Pershing's Franklin Delano Roosevelt, to recall dred days of Franklin Delano Roose­ Own>, under the direction of Col. his deeds done for this Nation, and to velt. We gather today to celebrate his Eugene W. Allen, leader and com­ dedicate ourselves to the tasks of our first hundred years. mander, entered the door to the left of day. As we look to the past, 0 God, we This is not a partisan occasion. the Speaker, took the positions as­ are grateful for leaders who inspired Franklin Roosevelt, as he liked to say, signed to them, and presented a prel­ and gave courage, who transcended was an old campaigner who loved a ude concert. the common level of life and who gave good fight; but he was not a strict The honored guests, the Honorable hope in difficult times. May the con­ party man. He cast his first Presiden­ James Roosevelt, Mr. Elliott Roose­ tributions of him whom we remember tial vote for a progressive Republi­ velt, Mrs. John Roosevelt, and grand­ this day encourage each of us to face can-after his own party had nominat­ children and great-grandchildren of the concerns of our time that we may ed a conservative Democrat. As Presi­ the late President Franklin Delano be worthy of the heritage that we dent himself in 1933, he appointed two Roosevelt entered the door to the have received as a free people. May Republicans to his Cabinet. Seven right of the Speaker and took the posi­ Your providence continue to strength­ years later, under the shadow of war, tions assigned to them. en our hearts and bless our Nation he appointed two more. The Doorkeeper, Hon. James P. that in all things we may truly do jus­ "People tell me," he observed at a Molloy, announced the Vice President tice, love mercy and ever walk humbly Democratic party dinner in 1940, "that and Members of the U.S. Senate, who with You. This we pray. Amen. I hold to party ties less tenaciously 0 This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 0 1407 is 2:07 p.m. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 274 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE January 28, 1982 than most of my predecessors in the ness, compassion and ruthlessness, a less faith in the ability of man to con­ Presidency, that I have too many genius for manipulation and a genius trol what he has created than I, for people in my administration who are for inspiration. He not only enjoyed one, have." not active party Democrats. I admit being President and communicated Such views may not be popular at the soft impeachment." . that enjoyment to the country, but he this moment. But the debate between A few months before his death he knew how to be President. He sur- private power and public purpose has was exploring the possibility of a polit­ rounded himself with singularly able gone on since the founding of theRe­ ical alliance with the very man whom and outspoken men and women and public. No one should think it to have the Republicans had run against him drove them successfully in the same been finally resolved in this particular just 4 years earlier. And, while we are harness. He fought depression and war year of grace. contemplating the latitudinarianism with a White House staff far smaller F. D. R.'s response to economic crisis with which Presidents sometimes than recent Presidents have required remolded the framework of American regard political parties, it may not be for less arduous challenges. amiss to recall that a Republican Roosevelt was a wonderfully effec- life, civilized our economic system, and tive President, because he had both restored popular faith in democratic President, not too far from here today, institutions. Had the despair of the cast his first four Presidential ballots the craft and the will to work steadily Depression deepened, the anti-Com- for Franklin Roosevelt. toward his objectives, and he was a munist votes of 1932 would have Jefferson put it classically in his great President because he loved this become many millions in 1936 and first inaugural: "We have called by dif­ country, its meadows and plains, and ferent names brethren of the same forests, its spirited cities, its tranquil 1940, but in fact by 1940, that vote had principle." valleys, and its rushing streams; and dwindled to a pathetic 150,000. Today, to bring Jefferson up to date, because he imparted to the land he Business leaders did not altogether we are all Democrats, we are all Re­ loved a noble vision of the future-the appreciate Roosevelt's efforts on their publicans, as we join to honor a man vision of a nation that could be behalf, and called him a traitor to his who belongs not just to a party but to humane and free and abundant, the class. The achievement of the New the essential history of this great Re­ vision of a world that could be ordered Deal, it may be said, was to save cap­ public and to the intimate personal and peaceful and just.
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