LACOCK PARISH COUNCIL Parish Clerk: Lana Steward The Griffin, Bowden Hill, Lacock email:[email protected] Chippenham, Wilts. SN15 2PP Tel: (01249) 730254 Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 13 January 2020 at 7.30pm in the Manor Room. THOSE PRESENT: J Durrant (Chair), A Turnbull, P Shaw, A Barley, M Chislett, H Shepherd, J Boldon S Gregory, Chris Doel and P Glen. Also present were Ben Anderson, Graham Heard and two members of the public. 1 PUBLIC QUESTION TIME: There were no matters raised by the public. 2 APOLOGIES: There were no apologies received. 3 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST ON AGENDA ITEMS: P Glen declared an interest in Planning Application 19/11892/FUL. 4 LACOCK VILLAGE FAIR: Dr Bill Henry had been invited to attend the meeting to discuss the Village Fair. He asked for permission to hold this year’s Village Fair on the same day i.e. August Bank Holiday Monday. This was granted. Mr Heard thought that last year’s event was fantastically successful. However, he did have concerns about the traffic and parking issues and how to resolve these. Dr Henry advised that this year it was proposed to have signs and marshals at the junctions on the by-pass directing traffic to the car parking area and not through the village. It was agreed that an early review after this year’s event be undertaken, on a clean sheet, to ascertain what changes were needed to the traffic/parking management arrangements. 5 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: It was resolved (AT/MC) that the minutes of the meeting held on 9 December 2019 be signed as a true record. 6 UPDATE FROM MINUTES: - Allotment Shed roof still outstanding. - Gary Westall – withhold payment this month as litter picking appears not to have been undertaken. - Lease for bus shelter – G Heard to provide a copy. 7 AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY REPORTS: C Doel - Garden & Allotment Association AGM on 18 January 2020. State of verges between Whitehall traffic lights and Lackham roundabout look terrible and ought to be cut all the way along. BA to arrange a meeting with WC Environmental officer to discuss these verges along with the current drainage issues on Bowden Common H Shepherd – HS advised that Richard Hearn was going to be full time head teacher at Lacock wef September 2020. Good liaison between Lackham and Wise Owls and the school. Christmas tree still outstanding – needs to be taken away. Recent visit to Lackham had been very informative. P Glen – PG proposed a meeting with the Trust to get them on board. Probably need some land to the rear of the pavilion – this would make it much cheaper. A meeting with the cricket and football clubs is needed before this to understand exactly what their requirements for the pavilion are. Playground fence needs repairing. Playforce have confirmed that this is not for them to do. LS to confirm who installed the fencing. M Chislett – MC had circulated a report prior to the meeting and the contents were noted. Reports of flooding to MyWiltshire need accompanying photos. A Barley – Various hedging in cemetery needs cutting. Compost bin has become a disgusting eyesore – more than twice overfilled. It was agreed that PG would ask Kevin Hutchings to clear out and dispose of the compost. It was agreed that a compost bin was not needed and a wheelie bin be provided instead. AB to obtain quote for waste bin and regular emptying. P ShaW – Lorry Watch – PS and PG had been to meet with them. Traffic Group – West/High Street junction – meet with Kate Davey on 24 January to look at other proposals with a view to reducing amount of hardware involved. Abbey Bridge – no report yet from Kate Davey. If 30mph not possible along whole length to Hither Way roundabout then prioritise Abbey Bridge. Three metros have been requested to be installed in requested places In Notton. PS to draft letter to Western Gateway STB regarding strategic traffic review as agreed in September with Bridget Wayman. S Gregory - Meeting with Wiltshire Council – still no information from Bridget Wayman. Strategic Review – SG Write to Bridget Wayman, copy Michelle Donelan and Philip Whitehead – requesting what she is going to do about this. PS will be meeting with Derek Walters to gain more information on the issues regarding safety concerns on A350. A Turnbull – Routine updates on website undertaken. Content updates from individuals. Grants awarded information updated. By-election – nominations now posted. J Boldon – Community Governance Review – JB met with Deputy Leader of Wiltshire Council – this was a pre-consultation consultation re the review of parish and town council boundaries and a pre cursor to the formal consultation taking place shortly. JB to draft an official response. Anyone who resides in Lacock parish, but will be in Chippenham, will receive a letter to respond. PC will not object to the hatched area. HS proposed dates for litter picks: Great British Spring Clean is 20 March – 13 April 2020. Our litter pick to be advertised for Saturday 21 March. LPC litter pick Saturday 1 February 2020 – meet at 10am at The Bell Inn. 8 CORRESPONDENCE: A list of correspondence received had been circulated prior to the meeting: 1 Relish Running - 2020 Event - road closures application 2 Network Rail to Occupiers/Neighbours re brickwork repairs to Catridge Farm over-bridge - 4 - 26 January 2020. 3 Relish Running - giving details of business status and charitable side of their events. 4 WALC - Nominations for Buckingham Palace Garden Party - 27 May 2020. It was agreed that CD, as a past Chairman, be nominated. 5 Briefing Note - 19-039 - Community Area Joint Strategic Needs Assessment. 6 Relish Running - summary points following meeting and proposal to LPC re contribution per registered entrance to replace any previous agreement re funding. It was agreed that PC would review the road closures after this year’s race based on the amount of feedback received from residents. 7 Briefing Note 20-01 - Community Governance Review - Summary 8 From Adrian Hampton - Cllr Mrs Wayman’s December Newsletter 9 FINANCE: i) Accounts - It was resolved (JB/AT) that the following cheques be raised: 401178 S J White £ 469.86 (for December) 401179 G Westall £ 30.00 (for December) WITHHELD 401180 S Steward £ 310.33 (for December) 401181 Idverde Ltd £ 233.99 (grounds mtce December) 401182 Lacock WI £ 150.00 (Village Fair distribution) 401183 Lacock Evergreens £ 150.00 (Village Fair distribution) 401184 Lacock History Group £ 150.00 (Village Fair distribution) 401185 1st Lacock Scout Group £ 150.00 (Village Fair distribution) 401186 Lacock Positive £ 150.00 (Village Fair distribution) 401187 Lacock Cricket Club £ 150.00 (Village Fair distribution) 401188 Lacock Art Group £ 150.00 (Village Fair distribution) 401189 Little Lambs £ 150.00 (Village Fair distribution) 401190 Wise Owls Pre School £ 150.00 (Village Fair distribution) 401191 Lacock Gdn & Allot Assn £ 150.00 (Village Fair distribution) 401192 HM Revenue & Customs £ 219.00 (25% PAYE) 401193 Playforce Ltd £ 671.92 (50% deposit disabled swing) 401194 water2business £ 32.41 (Hither Way allotments) 401195 WALC £ 42.00 (Audit Training) 401196 K J Hutchings £396.00 (Playing Field hedge) ii) Statement of Account - It was resolved (AT/HS) that the Statement of Account showing a balance of £28900.02 as at 24 December 2019 in the Co-operative Bank current account and £61274.89 in the Cambridge & Counties deposit account should be signed by the Chair as being correct. iii) Precept for 2020-2021 – it was resolved (JB/AT) that a precept of £20673.40 (twenty thousand six hundred and seventy-three pounds forty pence) be levied on Wiltshire Council. iv) A draft Lacock Parish Council Grants Policy had been circulated prior to the meeting and it was resolved (JB/AT) that this be adopted. v) Relish Running – it was agreed that PC request a minimum of £2 per entrant, excluding 1k and those who are free entrants, should be paid to the PC. PC does not want both bridges closed. Maximum numbers of entrants to be limited to 1200 and PC does not want to commit to three years. It was noted that an application for road closures has already been submitted. It was agreed that PC would review the road closures after this year’s race based on the amount of feedback received from residents. 10 PLANNING: 19/11461/REM Application for the approval of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for the erection of 52 dwellings, public open space, car parking and associated infrastructure, together with landscaping as part of Phase 2 of development of Rowden Park – Patterdown Road, Chippenham. PC raised concerns about the layout. JB to draft a response. 19/11961/TCA Crown lift beech tree to 4 metres from ground level – Lacock Abbey, Lacock. NO COMMENT 19/11072/TCA Fell 4 Apple trees – Lacock Abbey, Lacock. NO COMMENT 19/11974/TCA Fell 1 Lawson Cypress – Wicket Gate Cottage, 2 Mons Lane, Reybridge, Lacock. NO COMMENT 19/10437/LBC Structural works to turret, including replacement of historic timber beams with concrete beams – Lacock Abbey, Lacock. NO OBJECTION 19/11876/FUL Erection of single storey detached timber annex garden out-building – Hollyhedge Cottage, Notton, Lacock. PC has no objection in principle – but the design of the proposed building is not in keeping with the location. 19/11892/FUL Alterations and extensions to dwelling, erection of garage/garden store and formalisation of existing access – Redcot, 22 Bowden Hill, Lacock. The PC considers that the proposals are too close to the house next door, chimney in close proximity to thatched cottage, siting of garage inappropriate and over- development of the site. PC resolved to OBJECT 11 OTHER BUSINESS FOR DISCUSSION: i) Lacock Recycling and Environmental Improvements working group meeting on 20 January.
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