The Three in One April 2021 Salcombe ~ Malborough ~ South Huish 1 2 Parish Directory Vicar: The Revd. Daniel French The Vicarage, Devon Road, Salcombe, TQ8 8HJ 842853 [email protected] Assistant Priest: Father Stephen Ball 859006 [email protected] (Special Responsibility for Malborough) Assistant Priest: Revd. Christian Hill [email protected] 562693 Parish Administrator: Debbie Plummer Office 842626 [email protected] Church Wardens: Salcombe: Suzy Andrews 842704 Malborough: Sandra Price 562214 Galmpton/Hope Cove: Bruce Williams 561621 St Peters: Judy Bayley 842126 Organists: Salcombe/South Huish: Trevor Becker 07410 186962 [email protected] Malborough: Hilary Hudson 550004 [email protected] Parish News ‘The Three in One’ Editor: Ann Merritt 854069 [email protected] Cover Photo: ‘Daffodils at Malborough Church’ by Bobbie Dunne This magazine can be read and downloaded from the Parish website: www.dailywithgod.co.uk 3 BAYLEAF GARDENING LTD Caring for over 100 local gardens 01548 844204 www.bayleaf-gardening.co.uk All gardening work undertaken Qualified tree surgeon Design and planting plans Local, professional, friendly Thank you Mowing and lawn care specialist Landscaping/project management Advertisers support our magazine Please thank them by supporting them Est. 2003 Fully insured PEPPIATT BUILDERS All Aspects of Building Work Undertaken Mark J Peppiatt 07793069873 [email protected] Facebook@peppiattbuilders 4 Contact Nicki on 07966 382115 [email protected] www.glossydogs.com CLIFF HOUSE TRUST Cliff House now offers a choice of rooms for small or large meetings, parties, weddings and celebrations. Both rooms are also licensed for civil ceremonies. Discounted rates are available to local clubs, charities and other community organisations. Please ring Annabel Tooke on 01548 844704 [email protected] www.cliffhousesalcombe.com 5 Editorial Happy Easter - Christ is Risen! “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” 1 Corinthians 15.55 I probably have written on this before so forgive me if this is repetition for readers. Maybe I am turning into a “broken record” vicar who has different versions of the same sermon every week? That wouldn’t be without pedigree. The Apostle John in his infirmity was forever repeating to his disciples the singular line, “God is love and those who live in love live in God and God lives in them.” (1 John 4.2). They apparently carted him away to his deathbed with him exclaiming this with his last breath. You can imagine onlookers sniggering that old fool was going a bit bonkers in his finality. People will say that Easter this year will be muted, slimmed down, downgraded. Whatever that means in practice it cannot change or dampen the cosmic reality of our proclamation, that Christ IS Risen. My bugbear in the last year is that in the pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns we are in danger of selling away this perspective and becoming once more what the author of Hebrews said of humanity, slaves to the fear of death (Hebrews 2.15). This was how empires like Rome (and many contemporary authoritarian states like, for example, the Chinese Communist 6 Party) control and coerce. It is easy to manipulate a population when the fear and prevention of death becomes the overwhelming and disproportionate motivation. I try to do this spiritual practice in my head every morning before watching or reading the news - I imagine a newsreader beginning their programme with “Our top story today, Jesus Christ is Risen. Death is conquered, sin forgiven.” The more I have done this the more it cements itself into my identity. It probably makes me really obstinate and annoyingly self-convinced, too. According to the Christian Faith this news is humanity’s “top story” every single day since AD 33. Everything else, world wars, pandemics, recessions all pale into insignificance to this. Every day is Easter, or to quote St Augustine, “We are an Easter people, and Alleluia is our song”. I even annoy people on Christmas Day by saying “Happy Easter”. Of course, this is not to belittle death, dying, mourning, loss. Neither is it to trivialise medical care and technological advancements. Pastoral care and a sense progress are at the heart of two thousand years of Christianity. When pandemics hit Rome the well-to-do citizens ran for the hills while the Christians remained and cared for the sick often at the expense of their own lives. Monks and clergy were at the forefront of building hospitals and researching medicines. This courage in the face of death gave Christians a certain positive notoriety and inspired many to take the plunge of baptism. Romans had never seen anything like it. It seemed as if a new world was being presented and heaven was touching earth. With blessings for a happy Easter Father Daniel 7 Holy Week/Easter services in the Parish of Malborough, Salcombe and South Huish Palm Sunday (28th March) All Saints, Malborough 10am Holy Trinity, Salcombe 10am Holy Trinity, Galmpton 10am All Parish service on Zoom 6pm Monday (29th March) Said Eucharist at Salcombe 10am Tuesday (30th March) Said Eucharist at Salcombe 10am Wednesday (31st March) Said Eucharist at Malborough 10am Maundy Thursday (1st April) All Saints, Malborough 6pm Good Friday (2nd April) Holy Trinity, Salcombe 3pm Saturday (3rd April) Short Vigil Blessing of the Paschal Candles at Salcombe 8pm NB Apologies but there will be no beach service this year. Easter Sunday (4th April) All Saints, Malborough 10am Holy Trinity, Salcombe 10am Holy Trinity, Salcombe 11am Holy Trinity, Galmpton 10am All Parish Easter service on Zoom 6pm Zoom link for 6pm Sunday services from 29th March https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85311340282 (Meeting ID: 853 1134 0282) 8 Church services in the Parish of Malborough, Salcombe and South Huish In April… (For Holy Week see other page) Easter Sunday 4th April All Saints, Malborough 10am Short said Eucharist Holy Trinity, Salcombe 10am Short said Eucharist Holy Trinity, Salcombe 11am Short said Eucharist Holy Trinity, Galmpton 10am Short said Eucharist All Parish Easter service on Zoom 6pm Sundays 11th, 18th and 25th All Saints, Malborough 10am Short said Eucharist Holy Trinity, Salcombe 10am Short said Eucharist Holy Trinity, Galmpton 10am Short said Eucharist All Parish Sunday service on Zoom 6pm Wednesdays in April All Saints, Malborough 10am Short said Eucharist Fridays in April Holy Trinity, Salcombe 10am Short said Eucharist Link for 6pm Zoom services: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85311340282 Meeting ID: 853 1134 0282 All services to be live-streamed and available on Holy Trinity Salcombe Facebook Page and www.dailywithgod.co.uk 9 Salcombe Life Contacts Aircrew Association Gordon McCormack 843240 Bonfire Hill Allotment Assoc. Myra Harvey 842781 Cancer Research UK Francis Cannon 844081 Cliff House Trust Tania Thompson 844704 Friends of Salcombe Library Diana Patton 842105 Men’s Breakfast Group Martyn Rest 07870 743723 National Trust S. Hams Centre Joan Johnstone 857014 Redfern Health Centre Medical Staff 842284 Salcombe Art Club Naomi Ainsley 830794 Salc. Community Gospel Choir Nola Baylis 842877 Salcombe Flower Club Joan Parkes 842387 Salcombe History Society Ken Prowse 714266 Salcombe Information Centre Debs, Lindy, Sharon 843927 Salcombe Lifeboats Fundraisers Simon Linsley 714073 Salcombe Maritime Museum Roger Barrett 854108 Salcombe Minibus Tim Mattocks 842140 Salcombe Over 60s Day Centre Carol Jones 843316 Salcombe Players & Panto People Christine Bonner 843243 Salcombe Pre-school Louise Dawson 842874 Salcombe Primary School Andy Pugsley 842842 Salcombe Probus Colin Whiteside 714465 Salcombe Town Regatta Debbie Hainey 844329 Salcombe Rotary Club John Edwards 561434 Salcombe Women’s Institute Janis Fice 844560 Salcombe Yacht Club Jules McColl 842593 Sea Anglers Liz Lidstone 842088 South Hams Society Lynne Bentley 07989 795859 Swimming Pool Association Diane Tobin 843525 10 From the Benefice Registers Funerals Brian Parkinson Thursday 11th March 2021 Funeral at Holy Trinity, Salcombe Ann Kidd Strachan Friday 12th March 2021 Funeral at Holy Trinity, Salcombe “May they rest in peace and rise in glory” 11 2021 Communication ‘The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.’ George Bernard Shaw. One definition of communication is the act of transmitting news or knowledge. It is a science, essential in any organisation as it engenders a communal spirit and draws the members together. At this time of lockdown it has become even more important if we are to assist those who feel forgotten or isolated. Our churches should be the experts in this field, their whole existence is to help spread the ‘Good News’. What do we have to do to make the aspiration a reality? Communication can be by word of mouth, by the written word or by means of information technology, each modality has its advantages and its drawbacks. The spoken word is made more difficult by the present social distancing, especially as a number of us are becoming hard of hearing and our in-built ‘predictive text’ can lead to some surprising misunderstandings. The telephone and Zoom are there but are transient, leaving no trace to help recollection. The written word is great but has to be distributed, difficult in lockdown. It can be transmitted on the internet, in messages or on apps like Facebook. Information technology, Zoom, the Web, is easy for those who know how to use it, but for many it is still a closed book. As a Single Parish our churches might give serious consideration to what is to be done to make communication really work in this rural community. Starting with: what do they wish to communicate? Some suggestions 12 might be: Services, their times, which mode, and locations; Minutes of the PPC; Contacts for emergencies; Plans for individual churches. It is most important that the information is accurate, up to date and complete.
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