7 THINGSYOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT. .. BLOGS WEB2.0 TECHNOLOGIES:Web Logs (Blogs) are online journals that often can also receive comments from readers. More advanced Effective Applications for Research-Based Writing blog programs can construct entire websites. Blog Applications: Edublogs (http://www.edublogs.org) February 22,2008 Blogger (http://www.blogger.com/start) LiveJournal (http://www.livejournal.com/) Resources to Help You Understand Blogs: Miller-Cochran Instructional Blogging on Campus: Identifying North Carolina State University Best Practices (http://wwwmcampus- [email protected] technology.corn/newsSarticle.asp?id=l13 1 1 &typ eid= 155) Educational Blogging with ROdrigO (http:llwww.educause.eduipub/er/em04/emO4~0 Mesa Community College ,asp?bhcp=l .) shelley-rodrigo@gmailncom) Blogging as a Course Management Tool (http://technologysource.org/article/blogging_as - a~course~management~tool/) Educause's 7 things you should know about. ..series: http://www.educause.edu/7ThingsYouShouldKnowAb outSeries/7495 WIKIS DOCUMENTSHARING Wikis are quickly and easily revised and updated Document sharing applications provide an websites that are collaboratively constructed by more environment where writers can collaborate and than one person. Revisions are tracked like in document comment on each other's documents easily. Instead sharing applications, and they invite open discourse and of sending a file back and forth, the file is saved on a collaboration. remote server, and everyone accesses it there. Writers can track the his-tory of revisions made to the Wiki Applications: document. Wetpaint (http://www.wetpaint.com) PB wiki (http://pbwiki.coml) Document Sharing Applications: Wikispaces (http://www.wikispaces.com/) Google Documents (http://docs.google.com/) Zoho Writer (http://www.zohowriter.corn/) Resources to Help You Understand Wikis: Think Free (http://www.thinkfree.corn/) Wikis in Plain English, YouTube: v=- dnLOOTdmLY Resources to Help You Understand Document Wetpaint in Plain English, YouTube: Sharing: pF7BAU2XX5 Ws Google Docs in Plain English, YouTube: Exploration Guide: Educational Uses of Blogs, v=eRqUE6IHTEA Wikis, RSS Feeds, etc. Teaching Collaborative Revision with Google (http://www.tltgroup.org/blogs.htrn) Docs: Wild About Wikis http://www.google.com/educators/weeklyreader.h (http://www.techlearning.com/showArticle.jhtml?ar tml ticleID=191801354) Zoho Show and the Changing Face of Education: http://blogs.zoho .com/show/zoho-show-and-the- changing-face-of-education/ PERSONALPORTALS SOCIALBOOKMARKING Personal portals allow individuals to construct an Social bookmarking allows individuals to share their internet browser homepage (default page) with tools bookmarks (including annotations) and also allows and lids that are relevant and regularly used. Most are users to access "their bookmarks" from any computer private pages for the individual. Pageflakes has a that is connected to the web. "publi c" option that allows individuals to share their portal pages. Social Bookmarking Applications: De1.icio.u~(http://del.icio.us/) Personal Portal Applications: Diigo (http://www.diigo.com/) has a built in Google Homepage (http://www.google.com/ig) social element that makes sharing easier. MyYahoo (http://my.yahoo.com/) Fleck (http://www.fleck.corn/) allows users to Pageflakes (http://www.pageflakes.com/) annotate specific webpages. Netvibes (http://www.netvibes.com/) Digg (http://www.digg.corn/) allows for more detailed annotation and has a ranking system. Resou rces to Help You Understand Personal Portals: Resources to Help You Understand Social iGoogle .. .Another Reason to Love Google Bookmarking: (http://education.zdnet.corn/?p=l033) Social Bookmarking in Plain English, YouTube: Using Pageflakes as a Student Portal v=x661V7GOcNU (http:Nweblogg-ed.com/2006/using-pageflakes-as- Sites to See: Social Bookmaking student-portal/) (http://www.education- world.com/a techlsites/sites080.shtml) Towards a Managed Social Bookmarking Environment in Higher Education(http://blogs.open.ac.uWMathslajh59/00 5 107.html) Criteria for Evaluating Social Bookmarking Tools (http://www.iddblog.org/?p=5) RSS FEEDS PROJECTMANAGEMENT Readers can subscribe to Really Simply Syndicated Project management sites provide space for (RSS) feeds with an RSS aggregator (reading tool). organizing research and tracking sources with built-in RSS feeds give you updates on blogs and news that you features that help with documentation and annotation. read frequently. Project Management Applications: RSS Aggregators: Zotero: (http://www.zotero.org) Google Reader (http://www.google.comlreader/) Basecamp: (http://www.basecamphq.com) Newsgator (http://www.newsgator.com/) Backpack: (http://www.backpackit.com) Foldera: (http://www.foldera.com) Blog-o-Sphere Search Tools (look for blogs of interest to you): Resources to Help You Understand Project Technorati (http://www.technorati.com/) Management: Blogarama (http://www.blogarama. corn/) Zotero Quick Start guide (http://www.stanford.edu/group/cubberley/service Resources to Help You Understand RSS Feeds: s/zotero) RSS in Plain English, YouTube: v=OklgLsSxGsU "Mark of Zotero" in Inside Higher Ed RSS : A Quick Start Guide for Educators (http://insidehighered.com/views/2007/09/26/mcl (http://weblogg-ed.com/wp- emee) content/uploads/2006/05/RSSFAQ4.pdf) .
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