S 1598 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE March 6, 1996 Luis D. Rovira, of Colorado, to be a Mem- proposed missile tests by the People's Repub- register as a lobbyist under the Lobbying ber of the Board of Trustees of the Harry S lic of China; to the Committee on Foreign Disclosure Act of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1601 et Truman Scholarship Foundation for a term Relations. seq.).''. expiring December 10, 2001. f (b) REPORTING.ÐSection 304(b) of the Fed- Patrick Davidson, of California, to be a eral Election Campaign Act of 1971 (2 U.S.C. Member of the National Council on the Arts STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED 434(b)) is amendedÐ for a term expiring September 3, 2000. BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS (1) in paragraph (7), by striking ``and'' Townsend D. Wolfe, III, of Arkansas, to be after the semicolon; a Member of the National Council on the By Mr. MCCAIN: (2) in paragraph (8), by striking the period Arts for a term expiring September 3, 2000. S. 1591. A bill to prohibit campaign at the end and inserting ``; and''; and Pascal D. Forgione, Jr., of Delaware, to be expenditures for services of lobbyists, (3) by adding at the end the following new Commissioner of Education Statistics for a and for other purposes; to the Commit- paragraph: term expiring June 21, 1999. tee on Rules and Administration. ``(9) for an authorized committee, an iden- Speight Jenkins, of Washington, to be a CAMPAIGN EXPENDITURES LEGISLATION tification, including the name and address, Member of the National Council on the Arts of any lobbyist (as that term is defined in Mr. MCCAIN. Mr. President, recently for a term expiring September 3, 2000. · section 3 of the Lobbying Disclosure Act of Mary Burrus Babson, of Illinois, to be a the Congress was successful in passing 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1602)) who provided services to Member of the Board of Directors of the Cor- legislation that would ban gifts from the authorized committee, regardless of poration for National and Community Serv- Members and staff and put a wall be- whether disbursements were made for such ice for a term of one year. (New Position.) tween lobbyists who seek to curry spe- services.''. (The above nominations were re- cial favor by the giving of gifts. Unfor- SEC. 2. AMENDMENT OF LOBBYING DISCLOSURE ported with the recommendation that tunately, recent news articles have ex- ACT OF 1995. they be confirmed, subject to the nomi- posed a loophole that some have sought Section 5(b) of the Lobbying Disclosure nees' commitment to respond to re- to exploit. Specifically, some lobbyists Act of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1604(b)) is amendedÐ quests to appear and testify before any (1) in paragraph (3), by striking ``and'' have served as fundraisers for Members after the semicolon; duly constituted committee of the Sen- of Congress and sought to increase (2) in paragraph (4), by striking the period ate.) their influence by means of coordinat- at the end and inserting ``; and''; and f ing campaign contributions (3) by adding at the end the following new Mr. President, this practice must paragraph: INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND stop. Registered lobbyists who work for ``(5) the amount and date of each contribu- JOINT RESOLUTIONS campaigns as fundraisers clearly rep- tion by the registrant to a candidate, or an The following bills and joint resolu- resent a conflict of interest. When a authorized committee (as that term is de- fined in section 301 of the Federal Election tions were introduced, read the first campaign employs an individual who and second time by unanimous con- Campaign Act of 1971 (2 U.S.C. 431)) of a can- also lobbies that Member, the percep- didate, for the office of Senator or Rep- sent, and referred as indicated: tion of undue and unfair influence is resentative in, or Delegate or Resident Com- By Mr. MCCAIN: raised. This legislation would stop such missioner to, the Congress.''.• S. 1591. A bill to prohibit campaign expend- practices. itures for services of lobbyists, and for other This bill would ban a candidate or a By Mr. LAUTENBERG (for him- purposes; to the Committee on Rules and Ad- self, Ms. MOSELEY-BRAUN, Mrs, ministration. candidate's authorized committee from BOXER, Ms. SNOWE, Mr. SIMON, By Mr. LAUTENBERG (for himself, paying registered lobbyists. Addition- Mr. KERRY, and Mr. FEINGOLD): Ms. MOSELEY-BRAUN, Mrs. BOXER, Ms. ally, the bill would mandate that any SNOWE, Mr. SIMON, Mr. KERRY, and contributions made by a registered lob- S. 1592. A bill to strike the prohibi- Mr. FEINGOLD): byist be reported by such individual tion on the transmission of abortion- S. 1592. A bill to strike the prohibition on when he or she files his or her lobbying related matters, and for other pur- the transmission of abortion-related mat- disclosure report as mandated by the poses; to the Committee on the Judici- ters, and for other purposes; to the Commit- Lobbying Disclosure Act. ary. tee on the Judiciary. THE COMSTOCK CLEAN-UP ACT OF 1996 By Mr. SPECTER (for himself and Mr. Mr. President, this bill is not aimed KERREY): at any individual, but instead at a · Mr. LAUTENBERG. Mr. President, S. 1593. A bill to amend the National Secu- practice that has come to light. It is on behalf of Senators SNOWE, MOSELEY- rity Act of 1947 to provide for the appoint- also not meant in any way to impugn BRAUN, BOXER, FEINGOLD, KERRY, ment of two Deputy Directors of Central In- anyone's integrity or good name. But SIMON, and myself, today I am intro- telligence, to strengthen the authority of the it does seek to end a practice that is ducing legislation, the Comstock Director of Central Intelligence over ele- giving the Congress as a whole a bad Clean-up Act, to repeal a law that pro- ments of the Intelligence Community, and hibits the transmission of abortion-re- for other purposes; to the Select Committee name. on Intelligence. These two small changes in law rep- lated information over the Internet By Mr. HATFIELD: resent a substantial effort to close any and through the mail. S. 1594. An original bill making omnibus loopholes that exist in our lobbying Mr. President, freedom of speech is consolidated rescissions and appropriations and gift laws. The Congress has begun among the most fundamental of demo- for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1996, to make great strides to restore the cratic rights. Yet the recently-enacted and for other purposes; from the Committee public's confidence in this institution. telecommunications bill include a lit- on Appropriations; placed on the calendar. We must continue that good work. tle-noticed provision that directly vio- By Mr. BRADLEY (for himself, Mr. Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- lates this basic principle. LEAHY, Mr. SIMON, Mr. LAUTENBERG, Mr. GRAHAM, Mr. BRYAN, Mr. PELL, sent that the text of the bill be printed The provision applies to the Internet Ms. MOSELEY-BRAUN, and Mr. in the RECORD. an archaic law known as the Comstock KERRY): There being no objection, the bill was Act. The Comstock Act prohibits the S. 1595. A bill to repeal the emergency sal- ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as interstate transport of materials that vage timber sale program, and for other pur- follows: provide information about abortion, or poses; to the Committee on Energy and Nat- S. 1591 the interstate transport of drugs or de- ural Resources. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- vices that are used to perform abor- f resentatives of the United States of America in tions. These prohibitions were first en- SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND Congress assembled, acted in 1873, and they have been on SENATE RESOLUTIONS SECTION 1. AMENDMENT OF FECA. the books ever since. Under the law, The following concurrent resolutions (a) IN GENERAL.ÐSection 315 of the Federal first-time violators are subject to a Election Campaign Act of 1971 (2 U.S.C. 441a) fine of up to $250,000 and five years in and Senate resolutions were read, and is amended by adding at the end the follow- referred (or acted upon), as indicated: prison. ing new subsection: Mr. President, these prohibitions al- By Mr. THOMAS (for himself, Mr. ``(i) Notwithstanding any other provision most certainly are unconstitutional. HELMS, Mr. MURKOWSKI, Mr. SIMON, of this Act, a candidate and the candidate's and Mr. MACK): authorized committees shall not make dis- And, fortunately, President Clinton S. Con. Res. 43. A concurrent resolution ex- bursements for any services rendered by, any has said that his Justice Department pressing the sense of the Congress regarding individual if such individual, was required to will not enforce them. March 6, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S 1599 Yet many users of the Internet are SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. sion reflecting a prosecution of abortion-re- concerned, and understandably so. This Act may be cited as the ``Comstock lated speech under § 1462. After all, Bill Clinton is a pro-choice Clean-up Act of 1996''. Nothing in the Telecommunications Act SEC. 2. IMPORTATION OR TRANSPORTATION OF provides any reason to alter the Department President. But what if Pat Buchanan CERTAIN ABORTION-RELATED MAT- of Justice's nonenforcement policy. In his wins the Presidency? Or BOB DOLE? TERS. signing statement yesterday, the President Zealous prosecutors in their adminis- Section 1462 of title 18, United States Code, stated: trations might well use the new law to is amended by striking subsection (c). I . object to the provision in the Act harass people who are pro-choice, and SEC.
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