THE LONDON GAZETTE, lira SEPTEMBER 1979 11525 Aquarius at 54 Station Street, Kirkby in Ashfield in the COATES, Leonard Arthur, of 143 Westfield, Chaddlewood, county of Nottingham, previously residing at 21 Spring- Plympton, Plymouth in the county of Devon, Royal field Way, Kirkby in Ashfield, aforesaid. Court—NOT- Marine, latterly residing at 19 York Close, Exmouth, TINGHAM. No. of Matter—25 of 1974. Date of Order Devon and formerly residing at 6 Second Avenue, New- —10th July 1979. Nature of Order made—Both Bank- port Caravan Park, Topsham, Exeter, Devon. Court— rupts discharged. PLYMOUTH. No. of Matter—34 of 1974. Date of Order—27th July 1979. Nature of Order made—Bank- •FOSTER, John, residing and carrying on business on his rupt's discharge granted subject to suspension of 3 own account as a HEAVY GOODS DRIVER, from 12 months. Ash Street, Failsworth ini the county of Greater Man- chester. Court—OLDHAM. No. of Matter—17 of 1974. JONES, Kenneth William, of 5 Higher Stert Terrace, Date of Order—12th July 1979. Nature of Order made— Prince Rock, Plymouth and formerly of 66 Charlotte Bankrupt discharged. Street, Plymouth, LORRY DRIVER. Court—PLY- MOUTH. No. of Matter—19 of 1974. Date of Order SURRIDGE-MILLER, Louis, Electrician, of 294 Middleton —25th May 1979. Nature of Order made—Discharge Road, Oldham in the Metropolitan District of Greater granted subject to a suspension of 3 months. Manchester, lately trading in partnership with another at the address aforesaid under the style of E. Miller, NEWS- MILLIS, William Percival, of 21 Valletort Road, Mill- AGENTS, ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS and CON- bridge, Plymouth, Devon, Car Sales Executive, formerly TRACTORS, and formerly trading in own name at the carrying on business in partnership with others from address as aforesaid as an ELECTRICAL CONTRAC- 21 Valletort Road aforesaid as ESTATE AGENTS. TOR. Court—OLDHAM. No. of Matter—24 of 1974. Court—PLYMOUTH. No. of Matter—26 of 1974. Date of Order— 12th July 1979. Nature of Order Date of Order—27th July 1979. Nature of Order made made—Bankrupt's discharge refused. —Discharge granted. "WARD, Paul, of 20 Kinloch Gardens, Oldham in the SMITH, Robert Stanley George, of Flat 10, 8 Hills- Metropolitan District of Greater Manchester, borough Terrace, Mannamead, Plymouth, Devon, SELF- LABOURER/JOINER, lately carrying on. business as EMPLOYED PAINTER and DECORATOR, lately Redcars Private Hire Taxi at the aforesaid address. Court residing at 64 Middlefield Road, Southway, Plymouth —OLDHAM. No. of Matter—22 of 1974. Date of aforesaid. Court—PLYMOUTH. No. of Matter—23 Order—12th July 1979. Nature of Order made—Bank- of 1974. Date of Order—25th May 1979. Nature of rupt discharged. Order made—Discharge granted subject to a suspension of 1 month. ADAMS, John, of 66 Hardwick Road, St. Neots in the county of Huntingdon and Peterborough, lately carrying on WISEMAN, Jennifer Ellen, of 274 North Road West, business under the style of " Income Assurance Services " Plymouth, Devon, Chef, formerly trading as a CAFE of 8 Market Street, Ashton-under-Lyne in the county of PROPRIETRESS from 33 Southside Street, Barbican, Lancashire, Unemployed. Court—PETERBOROUGH. Plymouth aforesaid under the style of " Prime Pound No. of Matter—6 of 1974. Date of Order—30th May Cafe". Court—PLMOUTH. No. of Matter—37 of 1974. Date of Order—27th July 1979. Nature of 1979. Nature of Order made—Bankrupt discharged. Order made—Discharge granted. CONNELL, Marjorie Blanche (femme sole) of 93 Drybread BOWMAN, Frederick George (described in the Receiving Road, Whittlesey, Peterborough in the county of Cam- Order as Frederick Bowman), residing at and carrying bridgeshire, CLERICAL ASSISTANT. Court—PETER- on business from. 39 Skippersway, Lee-on-Solent in the BOROUGH. No. of Matter—26 of 1974. Date of Order county of Hants., BRICKLAYER. Court—PORTS- —30th May 1979. Nature of Order made—Bankrupt MOUTH. No. of Matter—21 of 1974. Date of Order discharged. —13th July 1979. Nature of Order made—Bankrupt discharged subject to consent to judgment far £120 pay- ELLMERS, John Nelson, residing and carrying on business able at £10' a month, commencing 1st August 1979. at 20 Rosecroft, East Perry, Huntingdon in the county of Cambridgeshire, SELF EMPLOYED HAULAGE CON- CURRIE, Charles of 74A Elm Grove, Southsea, Hampshire, TRACTOR (described in the Receiving Order as J. H. unemployed Salesman. Court—PORTSMOUTH. No. Elmer (male)). Court—PETERBOROUGH. No. of of Matter—39 of 1973. Date of Order—13th July 1979. Matter—17 of 1974. Date of Order—30th May 1979. Nature of Order made—Bankrupt's discharge suspended Nature of Order made—Bankrupt's discharge refused. for 6 months, discharged 13th January 1980. HUNT, Robert, residing and lately carrying on business as HUSSAIN, Aklas, Waiter, residing at 39 Elm Grove, South- a JOBBING BUILDER at 34 Palmerston Road, Peter- sea in the county of Hants., lately residing at and carrying borough in the county of Cambridge under the style of on business in partnership with another under the name "R. Hunt & Son", unemployed. Court—PETER- or style of " The Jomuna Restaurant", 75 Elm Grove, BOROUGH. No. of Matter—12 of 1974. Date of Southsea aforesaid, RESTAURATEURS. Court— Order—30th May 1979. Nature of Order made—Bank- PORTSMOUTH. No. of Matter—2 of 1974. Date of rupt discharged. Order—13th July 1979. Nature of Order made—Bank- rupt's discharge refused. MANNING, Colin Clive, residing at and lately trading under his own name as a Haulage Contractor at 16 JACKSON, James Roy of 167 Elizabeth Road, Waterloo- Latin Close, OfFord Cluny, near Huntingdon- in the ville, and formerly of 47 Laburnum Road, Waterloovflle county of Huntingdon, COMPANY DIRECTOR and in the county of Hants., MACHINE OPERATOR. Court LORRY DRIVER. Court—PETERBOROUGH. No. —PORTSMOUTH. No. of Matter—32 of 1973. Date of Matter—25 of 1974. Date of Order—30th May of Order—13th July 1979. Nature of Order made- 1979. Nature of Order made—Bankrupt discharged Bankrupt discharged subject to consent to judgment for subject to consent to judgment for £250 and £1*50 costs £240, payable at £20 a month commencing 1st August payable by monthly instalments of £20, first instal- 1979. ment of £30 and £1'50 costs to be paid by 30th June 1979 and subsequent instalments of £20 to be paid LEVITT, Lewis, Machine Installer of 33 Ilex Way, Hayling on 30th of each month thereafter. Island, formerly carrying on business in partnership with another as JOBBING BUILDERS. Court— TRAWINSKI, Zbigniew, unemployed of 178 Palmerston. PORTSMOUTH. No. of Matter—17 of 1974. Date of Road, Peterborough, lately carrying on business in Order—13th July 1979. Nature of Order made—Bank- partnership with another as JOBBING BUILDERS rupt's discharge suspended! 6 months, discharged 13th under the style of " Traw and Trow" from 47 Bright January 1980. Street, Peterborough, both in the county of Huntingdon and Peterborough (described in the Receiving Order PIKE, David (described in the Receiving Order as Dave as T. Trawinski (male) sued as Travinsky and Trawer Pike (male)) of 40 Selsey Avenue, Elson, Gosport, carrying •(a firm)). Court—PETERBOROUGH. No. of Matter on business as a Garage Proprietor, under the style of —3 of 1974. Date of Order—30th May 1979. Nature " St. John's Motors", from Moreland Road, Gosport, of Order made—Bankrupt discharged. lately carrying on business as a FISH and CHIP SHOP.
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