Inside ARCHBISHOP BUECHLEIN . 5 EDITORIAL . 4 QUESTION CORNER . 11 The SUNDAY AND DAILY READINGS. 11 Serving the CChurchCriterion in Centralr andi Southert n Indianae Since 1960rion www.archindy.org May 9, 2003 Vol. XXXXII, No. 30 75¢ Spirit of Service raises more than $200,000 for Catholic Social Ser vices By Brandon A. Evans Indianapolis, Robert Tully of Roncalli High School and Carl Erskine, the keynote St. Jude Parish in Indianapolis, Jerry and Rosemary speaker at the Spirit of Former Brooklyn Dodgers star pitcher Carl Erskine has Semler of St. Pius X Parish in Indianapolis, and Tom Service Awards Dinner, a history of leading teams to victory. His most recent suc- Pottratz of St. Lawrence Parish in Indianapolis. Photos by Rich Clark holds up a medal that cess was helping Catholic Social Services raise a record The corporate honoree was Cannon IV. Jerry Jones co- his son, Jimmy, who has $202,275. founded the company along with his late father, Richard Down syndrome, won in The Anderson, Ind., resident spoke at the 2003 Spirit of Jones. the Special Olympics. Service Awards Dinner on April 29 at the Indiana Roof The $202,275 raised from the event will be used by Erskine said Jimmy’s Ballroom in Indianapolis. CSS to provide counseling and outreach services to fami- medal means more to The Catholic Social Services (CSS) sponsored dinner lies and children, the aging and those in need of emer- him than the ring he honored five individuals and one corporation for their gency and special services. received for winning the commitment to service to the community. The money raised through the Spirit of Service Awards 1955 World Series with The honorees were Clara Warner of St. Rita Parish in See SERVICE, page 8 the Brooklyn Dodgers. Abortion law Pope tells Spanish youth life spent takes effect after serving Christ is worth living eight-year battle By Mary Ann Wyand MADRID, Spain (CNS)—An obvi- ously aging Pope John Paul II made his Indiana’s 1995 informed consent law, fifth visit to Spain May 3-4, sharing his intended to educate women about abortion conviction that a life spent in the service procedures, risks and alternatives, finally of God and one’s neighbors is the only CNS photo from Reuters went into effect on April 30 after an eight- type of life worth living. year legal battle by abortion providers In a May 3 evening meeting with opposed to the required 18-hour waiting more than 700,000 Spanish young peo- period and in-person counseling by med- ple and again at a May 4 Mass for the ical personnel. canonization of five Spanish priests and “The state’s legitimate and compelling religious, the pope called on Spaniards to interests in protecting fetal life and mater- live their faith with courage, to sow har- nal health justify the informed consent mony in their nation, to stand up for requirements of Public Law 187,” Marion Christian values in the new Europe and Superior Court Judge Gerald Zore said in to work for peace in the world. his ruling last week. The pope seemed a bit unsteady as he “Public Law 187 is a reasonable effort stood on a moving platform pushed to encourage informed consent based on along a red carpet at the airport welcom- reflective thought in the abortion context,” ing ceremony. He was on his feet for the he wrote in his decision. playing of the Spanish and Vatican “As for the balance of harms and the anthems, but read his speech seated. public interest, where the constitutionality Behind the pope, 21 boys dressed in of a statute is at stake, the public interest Swiss Guard uniforms served as a color- is always presumed to favor the statute,” ful honor guard. And when the crowd Judge Zore wrote. “Plaintiffs have not launched the standard Spanish chant, shown a reasonable likelihood of succeed- “John Paul II, the world loves you,” he ing on the merits of their case at trial.” responded, “Of Spain, it’s true.” He also noted that “federal courts have The pope, who will celebrate his 83rd already adjudicated all of Public Law 187 birthday on May 18, told young people to be valid, notwithstanding the fact that a at the evening rally that he was ordained woman’s right to abortion is clearly pro- at the age of 26 and has been a priest for tected under federal law and notwithstand- more than 56 years. ing the rigorous scrutiny of abortion regu- “Ahs,” laughter and cheers burst from lations commanded by Roe vs. Wade the crowd when the pope flashed the (1973) and Planned Parenthood vs. Casey youths a big grin and said, “Now you (1992).” can figure out how old the pope is.” Judge Zore’s ruling before the start of They chanted, “The pope is young.” the second day of testimony in Marion “I am a youth of 83 years,” he Superior Court, Civil Division 7, in responded to more cheers and more Pope John Paul II closes his eyes in reflection during the celebration of Mass in Madrid on May 4. Indianapolis denied a petition for a chants. He proclaimed five new Spanish saints during the service and called on Spaniards to live their faith See CONSENT, page 2 See POPE, page 12 with courage. Panel explores ethics of pre-emptive war WASHINGTON (CNS)—The use of “pre- vulnerabilities in the face of global terrorism, He warned that the combination of U.S. ventive force” such as the U.S. invasion of said Powers at a May 1 colloquium on the world primacy and U.S. vulnerability “could Iraq ought to be evaluated from the perspec- ethical issues of pre-emptive war hosted by lead to one kind of legacy: a sort of muscu- tive of what sort of legacy it leaves and Wesley Theological Seminary and its lar unilateralism in our foreign policy which viewed in light of the post-9/11 stress the Churches’ Center for Theology and Public includes preventative force and an over- nation is undergoing, according to two speak- Policy. reliance on short-term military solutions to ers at a theology and public policy forum. But those post-Sept. 11, 2001, fears are deal with a troubled and sometimes threaten- “While a doctrine of preventive war may leading the nation to embrace a formula of ing world.” derive in part from an ethic of responsibil- instilling fear of the United States as a pro- Such a policy would blur the distinctions ity—to protect ourselves and the world from tection from catastrophic attacks that echoes between legitimate defense and aggression, catastrophic attacks—it also has elements of the philosophy of the brutal Roman emperor said Powers, as well as make the world even an ethic of fear,” said Gerry Powers, director Caligula: “Let them hate us if they will, pro- more turbulent and unstable, be inconsistent of the Office of International Justice and vided only that they fear us,” he said. with the moral certainty required before Peace at the U.S. Conference of Catholic “That formula might work for the New force is justified and “be seen by many as a Bishops. York Yankees, but it did not work for the form of neocolonialism and endorsement of That “ethic of fear” comes from the Romans and it will not work for us,” Powers the notion that might makes right.” understandable preoccupation of the people said. “It will not work because it creates a Such a legacy is inconsistent with of the United States with their own fears and cycle of fear that fuels a cycle of violence.” See WAR, page 2 Page 2 The Criterion Friday, May 9, 2003 objection to the hearing. from a referring physician in their area.” difficult decision a woman will ever have The temporary restraining order was Dr. Gary Wright, a physician and ethi- to make because she must live with the CONSENT then extended until April 30 to allow cist on the staff of St. Vincent Hospital in reality that the abortion has killed her continued from page 1 enough time for selection of a new Indianapolis, testified on behalf of the unborn child. preliminary injunction sought by the judge. In late March, the plaintiffs and informed consent law for two hours on Studies indicate that one-third of Clinic for Women and other abortion the State of Indiana selected Marion April 29 in Judge Zore’s court. women want to inflict harm upon them- providers. He also denied the plaintiffs’ Superior Court Judge Gerald Zore to “The informed consent information selves after undergoing an abortion, he request for a stay pending interlocutory— hear the case. can be given to the woman by her refer- said. Women who have had abortions also temporary or provisional—appeal. The abortion providers had hoped to ring physician, by a delegated agent such are more likely to experience infertility or Abortion providers first appealed the prove that Indiana’s informed consent law as a nurse midwife, nurse practitioner or serious medical complications that include law after the Indiana General Assembly violates the state constitution and places physician assistant, or by the physician pre-term labor and placenta previa during passed the informed consent legislation an undue hardship on poor women seek- who is going to perform the abortion,” post-abortion pregnancies. and former Gov. Evan Bayh signed the ing an abortion. Wright said. “Only in the last scenario “Abortion is traumatic for women,” he bill into law in 1995. State Sen. R. Michael Young (R-Dist. would a second trip to an abortion clinic said.
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