ORDER OF BUSINESS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD MEETING PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA MARCH 11, 2003 TUESDAY COMMISSION 9:30 A.M. CHAMBERS DAWN WHYTE 1. CALL TO ORDER DEPUTY CLERK A. Roll Call B. Invocation C. Pledge of Allegiance 2. AGENDA APPROVAL A. Additions, Deletions, Substitutions B. Adoption 3. CONSENT AGENDA (Page 7 - 26) 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS - 9:30 A.M. (Page 27) 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS - 9:30 A.M. (Page 28-30) 6. REGULAR AGENDA (Page 31 - 34) TIME CERTAIN 11:00 A.M. (Glades Regional Business Plan) (Page 31) 7. BCC SITTING AS THE SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY (Page 35) TIME CERTAIN 11:45 A.M. 8. BOARD APPOINTMENTS (Page 36) 9. MATTERS BY PUBLIC - 2:00 P.M. (Page 37) 10. STAFF COMMENTS (Page 38) 11. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS (Page 39) 12. ADJOURNMENT (Page 39) * * * * * * * * * * * 1 MARCH 11, 2003 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONSENT AGENDA A. ADMINISTRATION Page 7 3A-1 Film Tech Prep Grant Agreement with the FTC 3A-2 Resolution designating the Tri-City League as the advisory board for the Glades Champion Community 3A-3 Three (3) standard County agreements for the Department of Airports 3A-4 Three (3) standard Development Agreements for WU Page 8 3A-5 Final Payment for Stacy Street Water Main with Foster Marine Contractors, Inc. for WUD B. CLERK 3B-1 Warrant List 3B-2 Minutes - None 3B-3 Contracts and claims settlements list. C. ENGINEERING Page 8 3C-1 Public Facilities Agreement with PGA Gateway, Ltd., and The Grande at Palm Beach Gardens, Inc. 3C-2 Resolution vacating a utility easement 3C-3 Resolution vacating a utility easement 3C-4 FAA with the City of Riviera Beach Page 9 3C-5 Budget Transfer of $1,400 3C-6 Agreement with the Via Verde Homeowners’ Association, Inc. 3C-7 Payment to FPL for relocation of power lines 3C-8 Report of Plat Recordations 3C-9 Deleted Page 10 3C-10 A $3,387,836.27 Contract with Bergeron Land Development 3C-11 Reimbursement Agreement with the Newport Cove Homeowners’ Association 3C-12 Budget Transfer of $87,421 Page 11 3C-13 Supplement to Project Agreement with E.C. Driver, Inc. On Northlake Reliever D. COUNTY ATTORNE 3D-1 Quit-Claim Deed to Herbert F. Kahlert, et al Page 11 3D-2 Settlement in Eminent Domain action 3D-3 Amendment No. 4 Agreement with Greenberg Trauig, P.A. and Weiss & Handler, P.A. for bond counsel services 3D-4 Amendment No. 5 to Agreement with Moyle Flanigan Katz Raymond & Sheehan, P.A. for bond counsel services E. COMMUNITY SERVICES Page 12 3E-1 Cooperative Agreement with the School Board 3E-2 Project Amendment No. 21 to FDOE grant for Farmworker Jobs & Education Program 3E-3 Amendment No. 1 to the Use of Facility Agreement with For the Children Inc. 3E-4 Resolution authorizing the County Administrator to execute Ryan White Title I agreements F. AIRPORTS Page 13 3F-1 Agreement to Purchase property located West of Runway 9L 3F-2 Terminal Building Lease Agreement with GSA 2 MARCH 11, 2003 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONSENT AGENDA CONTINUED G. OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT & BUDGET - None H. FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT & OPERATIONS Page 13 3H-1 JOC Work Order with Master Contracting to provide replacement bus lifts at the Palm Tran North maintenance facility 3H-2 JOC Work Order with H.A. Contracting for construction of a steam cleaning rack at Pahokee Fleet Page 14 3H-3 CSA No. 24 to Agreement with Stephen Boruff, AIA for PBSO Acreage Substation 3H-4 Contract with Republic Construction and Development Corp. for renovations of the fifth floor of the Governmental Center 3H-5 Contract with Hedrick Brothers Construction Co., Inc. for the Historic PBC Courthouse Restoration project Page 15 3H-6 Agreement with Stephen L. Boruff, AIA, for the Parks Administration Office Building Phase II 3H-7 Contract with Thyssenkrupp Elevator Corp. for modernization at the Main Jail 3H-8 Restrictive Covenant for maintenance of planing area in Logger’s Run District Park 3H-9 Resolution authorizing the conveyance of the County’s interest in property to the North Palm Beach Heights Water Control District Page 16 3H-10 Resolution authorizing the conveyance of the County’s interest in property to the City of West Palm Beach 3H-11 Resolution authorizing the conveyance of the County’s interest in property to the Village of Wellington 3H-12 Agreement for Purchase and Sale to acquire a property from Wild Orchid Holdings, Inc. Page 17 3H-13 First Amendment to Lease Agreement with George and Sandra Blumel for an office building 3H-14 Amendment No. 1 to Lease with Gerry Trader, Inc. for the Palm Tran Connection I. HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 3I-1 Agreement with Alzheimer’s Community Care, Inc. 3I-2 Agreement with the Sickle Cell Foundation of PBC, Inc. J. PLANNING, ZONING & BUILDING Page 18 3J-1 Fourteen (14) Resolutions for tax exemptions for historic properties located in WPB K. WATER UTILITIES 3K-1 CO No. 3 to Contract with Lanzo Construction Co. Page 19 3K-2 CSA No. 8 to Contract with Mathews Consulting, Inc. For the Winsberg Farm Westlands Restoration Project L. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Page 19 3L-1 Two (2) Agreements for Purchase and Sale of parcels of land in Unit 11 3L-2 Contract with Marinelife Center of Juno Beach, Inc. Page 20 3L-3 Contract with SFWMD for the Loxahatchee Slough Restoration Project 3 MARCH 11, 2003 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONSENT AGENDA CONTINUED M. PARKS & RECREATION Page 21 3M-1 Agreement with Palm Beach Shakespeare Festival, Inc. 3M-2 Agreement with the Town of Manalapan 3M-3 Agreement with the School Board Page 22 3M-4 Agreement with the School Board 3M-5 Agreement with the South Florida Opera Company, Inc. 3M-6 Agreement with the Village of Wellington Page 23 3M-7 Agreement with the City of Delray Beach 3M-8 Budget Transfer of $11,452 3M-9 Agreement with the Pleasant City Family Reunion Committee, Inc. N. LIBRARY Page 24 3N-1 Travel for two (2) Library Advisory Board members to annual Library Days in Tallahassee P. COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE Page 24 3P-1 Lease Agreement for land located in Boynton Beach for community gardens for the 4H Club Q. CRIMINAL JUSTICE COMMISSION Page 24 3Q-1 Budget Transfer of $115,000 R. EMPLOYEE RELATIONS & PERSONNEL Page 24 3R-1 Amendment No. 1 to Contract with Evan R. Shapiro, MD S. FIRE RESCUE - None T. HEALTH DEPARTMENT - None U. INFORMATION SYSTEMS SERVICES - None V. METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION - None W. PUBLIC AFFAIRS - None X. PUBLIC SAFETY - None Y. PURCHASING - None Z. RISK MANAGEMENT - None AA. PALM TRAN Page 25 3AA-1 Interlocal Agreement with the MPO for funds to construct bus shelters in cities which do not allow advertising on bus shelters BB. COURT ADMINISTRATION Page 25 3BB-1 Contract with the Office of the State Attorney for the creation of the Domestic Violence Information System 4 MARCH 11, 2003 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONSENT AGENDA CONTINUED CC. SHERIFF Page 25 CC-1 Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws grant Page 26 3CC-2 Creating a Culture of Integrity grant 3CC-3 FY2002 Federal Annual Certification Report SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS - 9:30 A.M. Page 27 4A Presentation by The Palm Beach County School Readiness Coalition, Inc. 4B “Women’s History Month” 4C “Greek Independence Day” 4D “Gideon Day” 4E “ADD ON: American Red Cross Month” 4F Presentation by Dr. Jean Malecki PUBLIC HEARINGS - 9:30 A.M. Page 28 5A Construction Permit Fee Schedule Ordinance CONTINUED FROM 02/25/03 5B Resolution abandoning rights-of-way 5C Ordinance amending ULDC Article 15, Traffic Performance Standards Page 29 5D Ordinance amending ULDC Article 15, Traffic Performance Standards CONTINUED FROM 02/25/03 5E Special assessment process for the Laguna Park Area Water Main Extension Page 30 5F Special assessment process for the Country Club Acres Water Main Extension 5G Code Enforcement Citation Ordinance 5H ADD ON: Ordinance amending Article 4, Section 4.11 of the palm Beach Unified Land Development Code REGULAR AGENDA ADMINISTRATION Page 31 6A-1 Regional Business Plan for the Glades TIME CERTAIN 11:00 A.M. 6A-2 ADD ON: entering into additional Contracts for consulting/professional services with Southern Strategy Group and Pittman Law Group 6A-3 ADD ON: a Resoultion stating opposition to the position of the government of France regarding the possible use of military action in Iraq COUNTY ATTORNEY 6B-1 Amendment No. 6 to Contract with Denise M. Dytrych, County Attorney COMMUNITY SERVICES Page 32 6C-1 Recommendations from the Citizens Advisory Committee on Health and Human Services on Financially Assisted Agencies 5 MARCH 11, 2003 TABLE OF CONTENTS REGULAR AGENDA CONTINUED AIRPORTS Page 32 6D-1 Resolution adopting General Aviation Minimum Standards for PBIA OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET Page 33 6E-1 Emergency local communications services tax conversion rate 6E-2 Budget Amendment of $7,200 ENGINEERING Page 33 6F-1 Resolution authorizing the County Administrator to execute the Amendment to the Blanket License Agreement with FEC 6G-1 DELETED ADD ON: a First Amendment to Exchange Agreement with United Civic organization, Inc Page 34 6H-1 ADD ON: a Second Amendment to the Option Agreement for sale and purchase with Bookside Tree Farm limited partership BCC SITTING AS THE SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY Page 35 7A Presentation to the Board by Donald L. Lockhart, Executive Director BOARD APPOINTMENTS (Page 36) MATTERS BY PUBLIC - 2:00 P.M. (Page 37) STAFF COMMENTS (Page 38) COMMISSIONER COMMENTS (Page 39) ADJOURNMENT (Page 39) 6 MARCH 11, 2003 3. CONSENT AGENDA APPROVAL A. ADMINISTRATION 1. APPROVED R-2003-0331 Staff recommends motion to approve: a $60,000 Film Tech Prep Grant Agreement with The Palm Beach County Film & Television Commission (FTC) commencing March 11, 2003 and ending March 10, 2004.
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