Is It "Last of the Ninth" for Boys Only? By Anne Plant tor of the Board of Recrea- without reference to sex mitted into base ' strength. What differen- The recent ruling from tion, said that the present Mr. Leisher confirmed, programs." tiates baseball from other the New Jersey Civil board policy is to separate however, that a selection The local interpretation sports is the importance of Rights Division, ordering boy§ and girls into different process does occur, with goes on to conclude that if intelligence, coordination an end to sex discrimina- programs, with boys as- the boys channeled to an "equivalent" program is and timing — characteris- tion of Little League teams, signed to baseball and girls baseball and the girls to available for girls, then the tics that are not inherent which has traumatized ci- to Softball. The distinction softball. municipality has fulfilled only in the males of the tizens in other parts of the is made crystal clear for the prohibition against species. state, may have reverbera- students in grades 4-6 who WQl Weigh Issue sexual discrimination. tions in Summit. received notices about the He indicated that with Mr. Leisher stressed that No Restrictions the present controversy This week, Mrs. Mary program which are dis- the division's ruling applies A telephone interview tributed in the schools. The raging, the board "may to Little League only and to with Victor Corallo, Ellen Callahan of 86 Moun- have to meet on this in the tain avenue filed a girls are invited to par- girls between the ages of president of the Summit complaint with the Summit ticipate in softball, while near future." 8-12. Junior Baseball League, Civil Rights Commission, the boys' notice addresses He said the interpreta- A conversation with a revealed that the league, a charging that the Board of itself to the baseball tion that Russell T. Kerby, local baseball buff, who ac- local, independent entity, program. the city solicitor, has given tually had an opportunity to for youngsters between the Recreation's policies with ages of 9-15, has "never regard to girls on baseball In the third grade, the to the State Civil Rights play minor league ball in Commission ruling is that his youth, revealed, excluded girls and has no teams is discriminatory method is more subtle — restrictions barring them and illegal. the notice came to all there is "no rule or law that however, that baseball is GROUNDBREAKING— Rev. Hugh A. Jones, pastor of Fountain Baptist Church, not dependent on physical breaks ground for a new parsonage to be built at 25 Chestnut avenue. Shown with Rev. Robert D. Leisher, direc- students about baseball. says girls have to be ad- (Continued on Page 2) Jones are, left to right, Richard Chflds, Rev. J. D. Blossom, and members of the Undsey-Street Post, No. 322, American Legion. The new house, designed by Ralph E. Jefferson, Summit architect, will be a split level consisting of nine rooms, 2% baths, a laundry room and a son deck. Rev. James Ealy of the Second Baptist Church, Railway, was principal speaker. The church proper was heavily damaged by fire in January, 1973. (Wolin photo) High School Graduation SUMMIT^IHERALD tlar 4t tfr*Pott D'ftc»*l Summit. N J 0/901 Undti tn« Act of March 8. 18?9 Requirements In Change VOL. 8€. No. 4fi Second Ctai* f*o?t»9« P|H3#! Summit. N.j Thursday, March 28,1974 Ordered by the State program, Dr. Geddis said be the case, said Dr. Ged- Department of Education that requirements for dis. to allow greater flexibility graduation now include 90 The accelerated in the means it offers high credits, spread over a academic program, | Night Voter school students to complete three-year period, includ- making possible comple- Registration Planning Board Turns graduation requirements, ing 15 credits of English, a tion of diploma credits in the Board of Education last local requirement; 10 of less than three years, will City Hall wtli open week unanimously United States History and be a "highly individualized today from 4:31 p.m. 15 of physical education, and hand-tailored to 9 p.m. for voter approved changes which registration. would allow "academically both of which are state program" for students with talented" students to requirements; and 50 in particular goals, explained Other nights City Down Barba Building receive high school other courses than those Dr. Geddis. He estimated Hall will be open until After a year's struggle — River road, commonly the Barba Corporation, of 1 The lone dissenter was diplomas in less than three taken to meet the stated that in each class, about 3 S p.m. inelnding attending Planning Board known as Barba Building 2, Main street, Chatham, for Richard Bottelli, chairman years, adopted an equaliza- requirements. per cent of the student Thursday, April 4,1L, meetings, asking questions were successful. the construction of a three- of the Planning Board. tion of credit program and Six Coarse Schedule body, would be eligible to 18 and Monday, April and countless deliberations The Planning Board, by a story office building, with Three public hearings formally introduced into In its practical applica- participate in the program. 22; Tuesday, April 23; — the opponents of a vote of 5-1, Monday night 205 spaces in a parking were conducted on the the school curriculum the tion, the new credit struc- Students who want to apply Wednesday, April 24 proposed office building on voted to deny permission to garage. application — the original shared time and work- ture will mean that, on the for acceptance into the ac- and Thursday. April hearing on September 19. study programs for average, a student will be celerated program may do 25. After t p.m. on 1973, and subsequent hear- students who are "voca- carrying a daily six-course so at the end of tenth grade Tharsday, April 25, ings on November 26, 1973. tionally-oriented. '' schedule, with one period or during the first semester registration wffl dose Petition Urges Funds To and January 28. 1974, to unassigned, or a heavier of the eleventh grade. until after the Jane discuss revisions in plans Dr. Donald R. Geddis, Primary Elec principal of the high school, load than is required now Application will be made fur the building. when students usually as- City Han is also In a statement read at said the changes will gain* to the director of guidance, i &W ta effect in September, sume a five-course who is the administrator of JSave Hidden Valley Park the meeting, the Planning x to 4:39 p.m. for voter Board said the building although this year's schedule. the program, and accep- titution in kind, almost the sophomore class already is Credits for some courses | registration. by Marty Burgess to keep the $870,000 Green would cause "congestion tance will be based on KEEP (Keys to Educa- Acres Grant for Union same acreage — 92 acres having its course credits taken while students were academic achievement, and traffic hazards and tion for Environment Pro- County Parklands for Hidden Valley versus substantially impair the figured on the basis of the at the Junior High School recommendation of the in- 114 from Watchung Reser- new changes. Juniors and were counted towards ful- tection), Summit's ecology Henry Vaugle, KEEP's public and traffic safety dividual student guidance group, is preparing to cir- president, states, "This is a vation. seniors will not be affected filling graduation counselor, parental per- and would substantially be by the changes. requirements. Under the Testing culate a petition, "Help very special case. Being "Other counties have detrimental to the deprived of parklands by recently voted for bond is- In presenting the new plan, this will no longer {Continued on Page 2) Save Hidden Valley, " urg- surrounding neighborhood ing Freeholders to arrange 1-78, according to present sues to fund park lands in and to public health, safety Scores for a bond issue to raise the plans, we feel that Hidden 1973, so there is ample and general welfare of the matching funds necessary Vallev Park would be res- precedence. Ocean County- area." voted a 3.5 million bond, The statement also said Monmouth County — two the building would run con- Four Hurt in Car Mishaps Enroute issues for a combined 4.1 Four persons, were in- O'Mahoney was first when his car went out of trary to the general intent jured in three automobile taken to Dr. E.E. Fellepa control, struck a stretch of Mrs. Betty Bartz, chair- Petition Seeks million, and Somerset — 1.5 of the Zoning Ordinance of accidents here last week. for x-rays and then went to curbing and then a pole at man of the education com- million bond ordinance. Summit, as to the "best use On Tuesday, two persons Overlook for additional Kent Place boulevard and mittee for the Board of Based on the Hidden Valley of the land." were injured when a car treatment Colonial road. He was Education, announced at appraisal of $2,533,300, taken to Overlook for the monthly meeting last Apartments Ban Union County would need In other business, the went out of control and At the time of the ac- Board: struck a parked truck on cident, Kane was driving treatment. week that it expects to only an issue of a little over release the Summit results A petition, signed by sonnei on Board street. 1.7 million to combine with • Unanimously approved Morris and Bedford west on Springfield. Police said that the more than 160 residents On Monday, the requests an application from avenues.
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