Folds here Folds here Poster Print Size: Change Color Theme: Microbiological Quality of Steak Tartare in Toronto, Ontario REPLACE THIS BOX WITH This poster template is 36” high by YOUR ORGANIZATION’S This template is designed to use the HIGH RESOLUTION LOGO 48” wide. It can be used to print a Hanadey Abdul-Muhsen, Dr. Richard Meldrum, and Dr. Ian Young built-in color themes in the newer Tri-Fold poster with 12” wings. School of Occupaonal and Public Health, Ryerson University, 350 Victoria Street, Toronto ON, Canada, M5B 2K3 versions of PowerPoint. To change the color theme, select Placeholders: Background Methods and Materials Results - Continued the Design tab, then select the The various elements included in this What is Steak Tartare? 1. A local Public Health Inspector from Toronto Public Health idenHfied 13 restaurants in downtown Toronto that serve • 2 of the 13 samples (15.4%) were posiHve for both E.coli the dish prior to collecHng samples. and Enterobacteriaceae, both of which exceeded the Colors drop-down list. • poster are ones we oFen see in Steak tartare is a raw beef dish made of various different 2. Upon entering the food premise, the chef responsible for making the steak tartare was interviewed in regards to the acceptable limit in Ontario and Alberta (Table 1). Sample medical, research, and scienHfic cuts such as lean cuts of sirloin, filet, strip loin, preparaon process of steak tartare. Table 2 outlines the results of the interview for each restaurant. number 10 was 3.0 x 101 CFU/g for E.coli and 2.0 x 102 tenderloin, round beef and others. The meat is either 3. Samples were collected in accordance with the Public Health Inspector’s Guide for Food Sample Analysis. Between CFU/g for Enterobacteriaceae, and sample number 12 posters. Feel free to edit, move, add, ground with a meat grinder or finely chopped by hand. 150g-200g of steak tartare was collected using asepHc techniques and placed inside a sterile sample bag. Sample bags was 4.0 x 101 CFU/g for E.coli and 2.2 x 103 CFU/g for • and delete items, or change the The raw meat is mixed with various ingredients such as were labelled before samples were placed inside. Enterobacteriaceae thus making it unsasfactory in onions, capers, ground pickles, shallots, chives, parsley, 4. As soon as samples were collected, they were placed in a cooler containing 3 ice packs and the temperature was regards to the Microbiological Guideline for Ontario and layout to suit your needs. Always salt, pepper, Dijon sauce, Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco between 0-4°C. A maximum of 4 samples from 4 different restaurants were collected on each sampling day and taken Alberta (Table 1). sauce, ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, chili spices, olive to the University of Guelph Laboratory the same day. The Laboratory procedure was according to the Government of • 12 of the 13 samples (92.3%) were posive for check with your conference oil, raw egg yolk and/or other ingredients. Each dish is Canada, Health Products and Food Branch. Enterbacteriaceae, which exceeded the acceptable limit organizer for specific requirements. made in a unique manner. AFer the ingredients are in Alberta thus making it unsasfactory in regards to the The materials used for the experiment were: mixed together, the steak tartare is served with sliced Microbiological Guideline for Alberta (Table 1). toasted bread, salad and/or fries. 1. 1 cooler • 7 of the 13 restaurants (53.8%) do not follow HACCP Image Quality: 2. 3 ice packs (Table 2). There was also one restaurant (sample 1) that What are the Public Health Implicaons? 3. 1 permanent marker grinds the raw meat with a machine instead of chopping You can place digital photos or logo 4. 1 pen it by hand. Although this sample was below the • Steak tartare is highly prone to bacterial spoilage due to art in your poster file by selecHng the 5. 1 notebook Microbiological Guideline for the E.coli count, the its raw nature and can cause foodborne illnesses. 6. 13 quesHonnaires Enterobacteriaceae count was 1.5 x 103 CFU/g, which is Insert, Picture command, or by using • Possible contaminaons by different types of bacteria 7. 13 sterile sample bags higher than the Microbiological limit for Alberta. include: E. coli O157:H7, Enterobacteriaceae, standard copy & paste. For best 8. 1 sanitary spoon • Sample 5 has the highest Enterobacteriaceae count of The default color theme for this Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes and others. 9. 13 disinfectant wipes 5.9 x 103 CFU/g (Table 1) and is the only restaurant that results, all graphic elements should Contaminaon by these types of bacteria can cause template is “Office”, so you can 10.4 sample submission forms rarely serves steak tartare (Table 2). be at least 150-200 pixels per inch in foodborne illness such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, always return to that aer trying vomiHng, fever, and chills. Results their final printed size. For instance, • In very rare cases, bacterial contaminaon can lead to Conclusion some of the alternaves. Table 1: Microbiological Count for Steak Tartare Table 2: PreparaJon Process of Steak Tartare There are always food safety risks involved with eang raw a 1600 x 1200 pixel photo will usually severe foodborne illness such as severe pain in the abdomen and rectum, severe dehydraon, sepcemia, meat especially for the vulnerable populaon such as look fine up to 8“-10” wide on your young children, the elderly, pregnant women and anyone kidney failure, anemia and Hemolyc Uremic PrinHng Your Poster: who is immunocompromised. To reduce the risk of printed poster. Syndrome. foodborne illness, proper hand hygiene, effecHve food Once your poster file is ready, visit preparaon and handling, and thorough cooking of raw To preview the print quality of What is the Objecve of This Study? beef to an internal temperature of 71° C is strongly www.genigraphics.com to order a recommended. HACCP is a highly recommended system images, select a magnificaon of • The objecHve of this study is to determine the high-quality, affordable poster print. that all food establishments should follow because it microbiological counts of Escherichia coli and 100% when previewing your poster. reduces, eliminates, and prevents the risks of food hazards Every order receives a free design Enterbacteriaceae in steak tartare based on samples by controlling CriHcal Control Points. This will give you a good idea of what collected from 13 restaurants in downtown Toronto, review and we can deliver as fast as it will look like in print. If you are and to compare the counts to the acceptable limit Future Directions next business day within the US and according to the Microbiological Guidelines of Ontario laying out a large poster and using While this study looked at indicators of bacterial Canada. and Alberta respecHvely. contaminaon, future studies should evaluate the possible half-scale dimensions, be sure to • Determinaon of whether or not steak tartare is safe presence of specific foodborne pathogens in steak tartare Genigraphics® has been producing preview your graphics at 200% to see to consume was based on the microbiological counts of (e.g. E.coli 0157:H7, Salmonella, and Listeria). Meat E.coli and Enterobacteriaceae. samples taken directly from suppliers should be tested to output from PowerPoint® longer them at their final printed size. • A series of quesHons were asked to the chef ensure they’re not contaminated. There should also be more samples collected from a variety of different than anyone in the industry; dang responsible for making the dish to see if there’s a Please note that graphics from relaon between the preparaon process and restaurants to provide more accurate results. Proper risk back to when we helped MicrosoF® 1. Microbiological Guideline for E.coli in Ontario is < 3 CFU/g 3. For Sample 1, the machine is cleaned aer each use. This doesn’t apply to the others. communicaon is needed for consumers in restaurants websites (such as the logo on your microbiological count. 2. Microbiological Guideline for Enterbacteriaceae in Alberta is < 100 CFU/g that serve the dish. design the PowerPoint® soFware. hospital's or university's home page) will only be 72dpi and not suitable References Acknowledgements 1. Centre for Public Health and Zoonoses. (2011, March 14). Steak Tartare. Retrieved from hpp://cphaz.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Fact-Sheet-Steak-Tartare-March-14-Update.pdf 1. Chris MacDonald – Project Liason US and Canada: 1-800-790-4001 2. Delahalle, L., Korsak, N., Taminau, B., Nezer, C., Burteau, S., Delcenserie, V., Poullet B. J., Daube, G. (2015, April 26). Exploring the Bacterial Diversity of Belgian Steak Tartare Using MetageneHcs and QuanHtave Real –Time PCR Analysis. Journal of Food Protecon. Vol 79(2). doi: 10.4315/0362-028X.JFP-15-185. Retrieved from for prinng. hpps://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.lib.ryerson.ca/docview/1759178678/fulltextPDF/11F4E90A2034889PQ/1?accounHd=13631 2. Joseph Xavier – Project Liason 3. Government of Canada. (2016, July). Health Products and Food Branch. Retrieved from Health Canada SOPS Email: [email protected] 4. Image retrieved from hpp://www.foodrepublic.com/recipes/how-to-make-yukhoe-korean-steak-tartare/ 3. Anthony Nikolopoulos – Public Health Inspector 5. Image retrieved from hpps://culinarygypsy.com/2015/04/18/a-raw-deal/ 6. Image retrieved from hpps://www.chefsteps.com/acHviHes/classic-steak-tartare 7. Image retrieved from hpp://www.ubilehoberanka.cz/en/menu 4. Toronto Public Health – Supplier 8. Meat Industry Guide. (2017, September). Chapter 13 Microbiological Criteria. Retrieved from hpps://www.food.gov.uk/sites/default/files/Chapter13-Microbiological-criteria.pdf [This sidebar area does not print.] 9. Naonal InsHtute of Diabetes and DigesHve and Kidney Diseases.
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