BD11 Basingstoke Motorway Service Area Design and Access Statement, October 2017 Awaiting Nigel’s Contents 1.0 Introduction 11.0 Energy and sustainability 2.0 Outline of MSA requirements 12.0 Security 3.0 Design team 13.0 Community engagement 4.0 Existing site and local environment 14.0 Summary 5.0 Evaluation 6.0 Early design development 7.0 Final design APPENDICES 8.0 Design for Access A. Schedule of accommodation and area demarcation plans 9.0 Landscape, external works and SuDS B. Drawings: vehicle tracking plans 10.0 Structural and civil engineering C. Drawings: site and building services 1.0 Introduction 1.01 Purpose of this document This Design and Access Statement has been prepared on behalf of the applicant Moto Hospitality Ltd and forms part of a Full Planning Application for a new Motorway Service Area (MSA) on land adjacent to junction 6 on the M3. The Design and Access Statement (DAS) is to be read in conjunction with a range of supporting documents as scheduled in the application submission. The DAS sets out an analysis of the existing site, its opportunities and constraints, the rationale behind the design proposals, the design SURFHVV DQG DQ H[SODQDWLRQ DQG GHVFULSWLRQ RI WKH ¿QDO SURSRVDOV The Planning Application is supported by further supporting documents FRYHULQJDUDQJHRIVXEMHFWPDWWHUVWKDWKDYHDOVRVWURQJO\LQÀXHQFHG WKH¿QDOGHVLJQ 1.02 Background Moto Hospitality Ltd are the UK’s leading provider of MSAs with over 45 locations and 5,000 employees across the UK. The company was founded in 1962 (as Granada) and retains its headquarters at Toddington Services. It became known as Moto Hospitality Ltd in 2001. The Department for Transport (DfT) advises that drivers take a 15 minute break every two hours to support the safety and welfare of road users and to prevent tiredness and related accidents. MSAs provide drivers and their passengers with the opportunity to rest, visit toilet facilities and take refreshments. Many MSA sites also have hotels for overnight stays. MSAs provide 24 hour parking for HGV vehicles to ensure drivers of large vehicles and abnormal loads can keep safely within their tachograph limits. On-site dedicated parking prevents the need for these vehicles to use unmanaged roadside bays, lay-bys or local nearby roads, which FDQ FDXVH XQQHFHVVDU\ REVWUXFWLRQ WUDI¿F FRQJHVWLRQ DQG FDQ EHD nuisance to local residents. 'HVLJQDQG$FFHVV6WDWHPHQW2FWREHUSDJH 1.0 Introduction T s a ' It is clear that MSAs perform an important road safety function by 3 r providing opportunities for the travelling public to stop and take a break CHIEVELEY SERVICES in the course of their journey and in providing appropriate, managed READING SERVICES parking for all vehicle types. The proposed MSA occupies land to the east of the junction 6 roundabout on the M3 at its intersection with the access routes into Basingstoke to the northwest of the M3 via the Black Dam link road and the roundabout intersection with the A30 and A339. FLEET SERVICES This section of the M3 is a vital part of the motorway network, but it is not well served with rest stops for drivers. Government advice makes FOHDULQYLHZRIWKHVDIHW\EHQH¿WWRPRWRULVWVWKDWWKHUHLVDQHHGIRU MSAs at intervals of no more than 28 miles and that this distance can BASINGSTOKE be shorter to protect the safety and operation of the network. Indeed, MOTO SERVICES since 2013 there is no longer a regulation stipulating a minimum distance between MSAs. The proposed site will alleviate the shortfall in rest stop provision on this part of the strategic road network, including R routes via Basingstoke and the A303 to the southwest of junction 6. WINCHESTER SERVICES w 'HVLJQDQG$FFHVV6WDWHPHQW2FWREHUSDJH 2.0 Outline of MSA requirements 2.01 Summary proposals The proposed MSA will be required to comply with the DfT’s circular 02 / 2013 and will comprise site and building facilities as summarised below:- • Entry / exit points to highway network at the roundabout at junction 6 • Internal road circulation • Main amenity building, including external seating, plant buildings and service yard areas • Lodge building and associated gardens • )XHO¿OOLQJVWDWLRQ IRUDOOYHKLFOHV • Drive-thru unit (coffee) • Other freestanding mobile kiosk units in close proximity to main amenity building entrance • Parking for: - Main amenity building and lodge (includes cars and motorcycles) - HGV parking - Coach parking - Caravan parking - Staff parking - Abnormal load parking bay • External works comprising: - Soft landscaping - Hard landscaping - Water features - Picnic areas - External seating areas - Dog walking areas - Signage - Lighting - Site-wide surface water drainage via sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) 'HVLJQDQG$FFHVV6WDWHPHQW2FWREHUSDJH 2.0 Outline of MSA requirements 2.02 Outline programme Subject to granting of Planning Permission, it is intended that the works start on site late 2018 / early 2019, with an opening date in 2020. 'HVLJQDQG$FFHVV6WDWHPHQW2FWREHUSDJH 3.0 Design team The project design team is scheduled as below:- Project Management THE MILLBRIDGE GROUP LTD 16 Watermark Way Foxholes Business Park Hertford SG13 7TZ Tel. 01992 300301 Architects and Principal ROBERTS LIMBRICK LTD Designers The Carriage Building Bruton Way Gloucester GL1 1DG Tel. 03333 405500 Structural and Civil FURNESS PARTNERSHIP Engineers 20 Britton Street London EC1M 5TX Tel. 020 7490 4353 M&E Engineers PICK EVERARD (NOTTINGHAM) LTD Gothic House Barker Gate Nottingham NG1 1JU Tel. 03450 450050 'HVLJQDQG$FFHVV6WDWHPHQW2FWREHUSDJH 3.0 Design team Quantity Surveyors THE MILLBRIDGE GROUP LTD Other supporting reports, GREENGAGE ENVIRONMENTAL 7 - 8 St. Martin’s Place including environmental 64 Great Suffolk Street Trafalgar Square assessment and sustainability London SE1 0BL London WC2N 4HA matters Tel. 020 3544 4000 Tel. 020 7065 1150 Public Relations Advisors MEETING PLACE COMMUNICATIONS Landscape Consultants ILLMAN YOUNG LANDSCAPE DESIGN Unit 4A Festival House The Aquarium Jessop Avenue 101 Lower Anchor Street Cheltenham GL50 3SH Chelmsford CM2 0AU Tel. 01242 521480 Tel. 01245 256180 Highways Consultants PFA CONSULTING PLC Stratton Park House CDM Advisors GLEEDS HEALTH AND SAFETY LTD Wanborough Road (acting under Roberts 1400 Bristol Parkway North Swindon SN3 4HG Limbrick Ltd) Newbrick Road Tel. 01793 828000 Bristol BS34 8YU Tel. 0117 317 3311 Planning Consultants COLLINS & COWARD LTD The Courtyard 9A East Street Coggleshall CO6 1SH Tel. 01376 538533 'HVLJQDQG$FFHVV6WDWHPHQW2FWREHUSDJH 4.0 Existing site and local environment 4.01 Location and general site characteristics The site is located adjacent to junction 6 of the M3 on land to the east of the junction. The roundabout at junction 6 is subject to motorway regulations. Basingstoke is located immediately to the northwest on the opposite side of the motorway. The site boundary with the motorway is well planted with trees, which continues along the full length of the westbound off-slip road as it drops down to the roundabout at junction 6. This band of trees continues around the outside of the roundabout and subsequently rises again as it follows the west bound on-slip road where it rejoins the main motorway carriageway. The M3 carriageway is highly visible as it continues over the top of the junction 6 roundabout. 7KHHQWLUHHDVWHUQERXQGDU\RIWKHVLWHLVGH¿QHGE\H[LVWLQJPDWXUH woodland known as Oaken Plantation, albeit there is a post-war woodland buffer, also mature, between the proposed site and the plantation. The southern and western boundaries are formed by DJULFXOWXUDO¿HOGVSDUWO\RSHQDQGSDUWO\OLQHGE\DQH[LVWLQJKHGJHURZ running south away from the junction 6 roundabout. The proposed MSA development site encompasses an area of c15.37 KHFWDUHVDQGSUHVHQWO\FRPSULVHVDVLQJOH¿HOGLQDJULFXOWXUDOXVH7KH ¿HOGVORSHVXSIURPZHVWWRHDVWZLWKFRQWRXUVUXQQLQJODUJHO\SDUDOOHO to the line of Oaken Plantation. The application site area extends to c21.34 hectares, as it includes a wider boundary encompassing works to the junction 6 roundabout. The lowest part of the site adjacent to the junction 6 roundabout is c84.00 AOD. The site then rises to a level of c101.00 AOD along its eastern boundary with Oaken Plantation. Whilst the rise across the site is c17m, this rise is gradual with a generally even gradient. In view of the site gradients, the land naturally drains towards the southwestern quadrant of the site adjacent to the junction 6 roundabout. Historically, prior to the construction of the M3, the land drained north via a series of linked ponds into what is now known as the Black 'HVLJQDQG$FFHVV6WDWHPHQW2FWREHUSDJH 4.0 Existing site and local environment Dam Nature Reserve. When the M3 was constructed, drainage in 4.02 Topography this direction was preserved via the implementation of a 600mm diameter culvert drain running from southwest to northeast through the Whilst the site’s general topographical characteristics are discussed roundabout junction. This drain also captures the drainage from the above, detailed existing site survey drawings by the Greenhatch Group motorway carriageway over the junction 6 roundabout. The outfall are included as application drawings (refer to Greenhatch Group from this culvert is evident at the southern corner of the Black Dam drawing nos. 22755 / T1, T2, T3, T4 and UG-1). Nature Reserve where it then feeds into a series of well managed, linked ponds through the nature reserve, running from the junction 6 4.03 Wider site setting and views roundabout to the Black Dam roundabout. The existing site is relatively self-contained and visually screened by 7KH (QYLURQPHQW
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