- ,.".-- ~:. ...--...:..i_,.,::~mqc Nntt4uill~ m:ctnrb OLD NORTHVILLE SPRING . FaT A10re Than 83 Years Friend, Companion and K irzdly CounseLor _---------------------'--- -..:..- ~o,:_ _ Volume 83, Number 47 Northville, Michigan, Thursday, April 22, 1954 $2.50 Per Year in Advance LommlSSlonr •• 1M ~ I<eetPtd Approves New by G. H. C. I Village Budget A new book to be published Apr. 28 should be MUST reading for every American who believes in fair play; also Northville stores will remain With only a mild protest from open on Thursday nights here- a lone CItizen, the VIllage com- for those who have grave fears that the United States is after, a poll of all store owners on the brink of another war which, regardless of its final mISSIon Monday mght approved m the business district revealed the. proposed 1954-55 budget, Wednesday outcome, will accpmplish no more than World Wars I an'd whICh calls for a 19 per cent in- II toward lfsaving. the world for Democracy". The name The change WIll be effective crease m taxes, amounting to of this book is "The Finaf "Secret of Pearl Harbor". Its Apr. 29. $90,750 mall. author, Rear Admiral Robert A. Theobald, retired, digests Carl Johnson, new president of Total expenditures of $237,750 and correlates the mass of documentary evidence concern- the NorthvIlle Retail Merchants are prOVIded for in the budget, to ing events immediately preceding the Jap attack at Pearl Assn., said only seven of the include some salary increases for Harbor. His deductions from the evidence charge that proprietors were against the plan, VIllage officers and employes. and thus the requIred 80 per cent The difference, or $147,000, would President Roosevelt "wanted the Japanese surprise attack favorable vote is assured. Drtig upon' Pearl Harbor and planned to decoy the Japanese come from rebates of state taxes, stores, furnIlure establIshments parking meters, receIpts from into such an attack. in order to bring our fully aroused na- and others in the follOWIng lines NOllhvIllc Downs, intangibles and tion" into World War II. are mcluded' gifts, clothing, food, CARL JOHNSON. Northville lIquor taxes. Admiral Theobald's thesis depends upon what he de- appliances, bakery, hardware, va- giff shop, owner. has been riety, etc. The lone dissenter, Alex Stra- clares was a denial of highly important intelligence data elected prmident of fhe North- cham, 540 Horton, told the com- to the two Hawaiian commanders, Rear Admiral Husband Johnson said these stores, and Ville Retail Merchants A£isn.. mIssion he thought an mcrease in E. Kimmell, retired, who was in command of the Pacific most others m the retail class, had He succeeds Nelson Schrader. the tax rate was not justifIed, Fleet at the time. and Lieut. Gen. Walter C. Short, who been staying open only on Fnday but when it was explamed that then commanded the Army forces in Hawaii. He argues evenIngs. However, with the the tax rate itself had not been opening of the new Northland changed, that valuations only had convincingly that "there is every reason to believe that shopping center on Northwestern when France was overcome by the Nazis, President Roose- MEMBERS OF Explorer's Post No. 204. Boy Scout •• scoop up a netful of irout at the Northville Hwy., It was felt that local stores City Status for been Increased to bring the addi- - fish hatchery preparatory to transplanting them in the Rouge river as' the trout season approaches. should be kept open to enable tional revenue, he WIthdrew his velt became convinced the United States must fight beside objection. (Following the meet- Some 2.000 of the speckled beauties already have been distributed in the stream, and 2.000 more NorthvIlle residents to shop wlth- Great Britain while the latter was still an active belliger- Northville Still mg, Comm. John Stubenvoll paid ent, or later sustain the fight alone, as the last Democratic will be distributed next week. Left to right: Don Atwood. Al Maltby. Bill Tierney. Harold Wi!- out makIng the long trip. hIm a compliment by saYIng he stronghold in a Nazi world." son. Joe Wooten and Pete Mellen. Supervising the activities are CharIEr; Bahnmiller and Harry "We feel that we should stay Being Discussed was one of the few citIzens who (This is the same line of reasoning now being ad- Sedan, of the Northville Exchange club. , open this additIOnal evening as a exhibited mterest enough m ViI. vanced in support of intervention in Indo-China by the <s> servIce to our customers," he saId Whether Northvdle ever will lage affairs to attend comission United States should France decide to make peace with "We believe that well-stocked become a city is problematical, meetings.) New Michigan Maps shelves, and a WIde variety of the Communists at Geneva.) Smarter Trout PI~ns.' U for PIA merchandise at comparable prices, but the issue IS far from dead in Budget Explained Roosevelt's problem in those years, says Admiral Are Available Here should answer the need of shop- spIte of the fact that the voters Each section ~f the budget was explamed by Stubenvoll as head Theobald, was to create a situation which would stir the To Test Skill Know where Flat Rock is? Ar- Carnival Are pel'S who like an additional eve- tUined thumbs down on the pro- American people to want to join in the war. He accom- butus? Bear lake? ning to make theIr purchases." posal some time ago. of the fmance committee, and plished this,-Theobald says, by a "strategy of fm.'cingJapan questions from other members of of Fishermen You can find them, and hun- Ne~r Completl·on A vote to remain open also on This was evident at the VIllage the commiSSIOn and the audience to war by unremitt''lg and ever-increasing diplomatic- dreds of othe.rs, by consulting the U Saturday evenings WIll be dis- commission budget hearing Mon- were invited. Northville trout fishermen will new Michigan state road maps, cussed at the next meeting in day night when the question of economic pressure, and by simultaneously holding our There was some discussion on loih WIth thousands of others whIch are being distributed this ;rhe fmal plans for the annual May, Johnson said. funds to defray possible election flee1 ; 1 Hawaii as an invitation to a surprise attack." In k NorthVIlle PTA carnival are near- costs during the next fiscal year CIvil defense, and what Northville pud. _u"e of this policy, he deliberately caused the with- throughout the state Saturday as wee '. ' ing completion, accordmg to Annual Arts Festl"val was brought up. should do to prepare for any the 1954 trout season gets under A quantIty of the new maps Ch . holding of vital infonnation about the Japs' plans for at': aIrman Charles Bahnmiller and "!Lot of Discussion emergencies in the event of an tacking Pearl Harbor from the men commanding Army way. have been received by The Rec- his' committee. The carmval will at Plymouth May H-bomb or A-bomb attack on and Navy forces in Hawaii, Theobald -argues. ,., In all, nearly 200,000 may turn ord, and may. be obtained free of be~held the evening of May 7 in SLY' Comm. J<lhn.· F. Stubenvoll, Detroit. Fantastic though his charges .mW appear, the" 'are out for the bIg day if the weather cost by callIng at The Record .ttgrade and high school bulld- urpass ast ear s chairman of the fmance commit- "In vie~y of the development of f- excellently documen'te'( ana ciiafle'nge-th'e~popuiar;ufia.er- is~vQ,rable. Lasl year a total of op~ce. , ;,' ~1ymouth's second annual Cre- tee, was asked by Comm. E. C. the H-bomb," Stubenvoll said, "1 205,UU0,(1,; trou t stamps, cost'mg $1 .'.. 'new attraction sponsored by ative Arts Festival, in which Welch about the $400 election don't feel. that Northville is in a standing of the circu'mstances which pt.eceded Pearl Har- h ld' M' h' R' I. " • • Item provided in the budget. He eac ,were so In IC Igan. eSI- N lh ·11 T the Cub Scouts and dIrected by· ~orthvJ1le has a part, has every a t d t k h t t Id position to give monetary assist- bor and led to our entry into WorId War II. dpnt ~ishing. licenses reached the VI 0 Rano Papini, WIll be a target indication of surpassing last w n e o. now was eps wou ance. Detroit doesn't even know Though we are sure it. was fto.t so intended, publica- or e sprprlsI~g figure. of 848.000, and range. The Optimist club is again year's, said Herbret Woolweaver, brie,taken If no money w~s appro- (Continued on Back Page) tion of the Theobald analysis of how the United States t::0n-resldents ~ought an adrh- H~ve New M~yor producing the Midway while the adult education director, in com-' ~ ~ted n.ow, and the clty-status was maneuvered.into becomJng a belligerent in World War t~onal 305,000 licenses. U U Rotary club IS responsible for mentIng on the event to be held Issue agam came up at the gen- II comes at a time when there is grave danger that we are Members of the Northville E.<- their annual part of the Midway. this week-end, Apr. 23 to 25. The er;,1 election next fall. Final Appeal Made being similarly maneuvered into sending American boys to change club already have planted Northville wiII have a new Other annual' attractions are the festival combmes exhibits of the There has been a lot of dls- In Seal Campaign Indo-China.
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