Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC March 1980 Daily Egyptian 1980 3-31-1980 The aiD ly Egyptian, March 31, 1980 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_March1980 Volume 64, Issue 122 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, March 31, 1980." (Mar 1980). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1980 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in March 1980 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ~. ~ Stafl ph<Jto b~ Brent Cramer SOl'Tfl RISI-:S :\G:\1:\--This is j.Jst ont' of manv· t'nactmPnt ht>ld in :\lakanda Sundav. Ellactlv Jikl' War uniforms. tents. guns. and nint' run-scalP nv·iJ groups of lhl' Wth Cl'ntury (.'or,ft'dt'ratt'S that took the original battll' 120 yt>ars ago. ''The St'cond Bat­ aim at tht>ir Yankt't' countt'rparts in a Ch·iJ War re- War cannons. Makanda's rendition of the baltiC' is tit' of :\lakanda Junction" fl'aturt'd authl'ntic Civil ODt' in a st>ri~ occuring a("ross tht' ("ountr.'·. SIU seeks funding hike 'EgypticlD to improve faculty pay By Paula Donner Waller 8outhem Illinois University son later cut it to !I percent. sities wert! ra:~kf'd 13th to 15th starr Writer "The area of greatest ("Oncern on the IBHE's capital im· Monday. March 31. 198&--Vol. iO. No. 122 SJU officials hav'! introduced is faculty salaries. H the provements priority list. but a specit>! appropriatioos bill legislators want to see thE' eight were cut by Thompson. requec:<mg about $489.801.} more plus one become niflt' or more. "We've alreadv Made the thar what has been proposed for that's fine with us, .. Shaw said. decision to subn. •I the ;:;.:- lJniversity in (;ov. James legislation as a s.c>parate bill. Thompson's stale higher ~~~~y."!r~~<;e~!·..:~~ but wt>'rp workinj!; on an t'duc-atioa hudget. inc-luding a Buzbct?. D-Carbondale. and arranl"emt!1t v. ~crt.' all thret.' request for an 8 percent in­ Samuel Vadalabene • (). projet'b could be supported crease in facultv salaries and a Edwardsville. If the bill is togeth.--r," Sbaw said. I percent incrl'aSe in retiff'fllefl! ~·assed through the Ap- In the past. SJU ap· fringe benefits. propriations bills have been A separate hill requestmg s:u :fs.r::~.flr ~ ~!~h:it~rr~~;: "successful in a sense... Shaw million for tli~ renovation of for approvaf. It will eventually said. Davies Gvmnasium has also be introduced in the House "They aren't usuaily been fil'!d~ Appropriations Committt'l' and assumf'd 1110 percent ~uccessful. Sll' ts just one of many the full HOIJS(' fer approval. hut there's generally some colleges and universitit'S in the "Vadalbene and Buzbee are movement between the two state to file its o·Nn bills. a always very !'Upportive but it's tJ!overnor's reques: and ··common practice:· Chan· too earlv to tell ~ow successful SIV!OI •. ·:ellor Kenneth Shaw said. the bills will lot>. There are so ''It provides tht> lt-gislature manv different \'.Jriables in· with the oprort~mtty to make volv~. such as the inflationarv choices other than following the sttuation and the suspPC ...-d governor's line of thinking." he Presidential cutback of t'ederal said. revenue sharmg... Shaw said. SIU's original budgPt reque:.t He add'!d that while sn: has of $153.8 million was redu<.·f'd to filed its own nppropriations bill St-t7 1 million by the IBm: in for Davies Gvmnasium. Januar,1·. and then to $146.6 Univetsih· officials are <.·on­ million by li..,mpson. Sll' had .. idering · combining ap­ originally requested an II propriations tfforts w1th percent pay raise for faculty NorthPastern Illinois t:niversity <;us savs Shaw had to find salaries, but that was ("Ut to 9 and the l'niversitv nf lllinois. somt'.hing for t••e lobbyisl'l to percent by the IBHE. Thump- Projects a: the three univer- ;b •o t'arn their keep. New trial sought for Berger Ry Diana Penner to prev~:nt harm to her and her Rotert said the prosecution Stan Writf'r fam1iy. could not vouch for Dunn's The defense attornf . s for In returning a verdict of credibility. It further cites a Joyce Berger. convicteu.March \'Oluntary manslaughter. t~ statemO?n! made by Rotert as 8 of voluntary n'anslataghter for jury determined that although Mrs. ~~r~er recounted the the shooting of t.~r ell-husband. 1\lrs. Berger thought her actions events on the night of tne have filed a mottcn for a new lo\ere necessary. they were not shooting. trial. justifi'!d under law. "I wish I had been there. David Watt. WI'O defended In tht> motion for a new trial. things would have turn'!d out Mrs. Berger wit : aHornt:y the defense says Mrs. Berger differentlv." HotPrt said. also in Charles Grace, sain the motion was denied the right of dU'! the presence of the jury. is not the same as an appeal. but process of law and a fair and Watt said a hearing on tho: leaves thP door opt'n if the nnpartial jury trial. The motion motion will be i1eld just prior to defP:Jse decides to appeal the a!~o says the prosecution failed the sentencing hearing. Jud~e verdict or the sentence. to prove 1\lrs. Berger did not George Oros of Pulaski County. Sentencing is schf'duled for have reason to believ(" the use of who presided over the trial. will April II. force was necessary. hear both motions. Mrs. Berger was originally The motion further contends If a new trial is grant'!d. the chargf'd with murder in the that a mistrial should have been most Mrs. Bo-&ger could llf' Aug. B. 1979. shooting of her e:~:­ granted because of two chargeil with w()U)d be volun­ husband. former Murphysboro statements made in t!te tary mars laughter. "Double Police Chief Tobias Berger. in presence of the jury by jeopardy" prevents a defendant Staff photo by Don Preisler the home of Larry Dunn. Watt prosecuting attorney Mark from being tried for the same Rotert. , ROCKIN' RONSTADT-A crowd of 7.!100 greeted singer Linch and Grace built their case nn a c!ime twice. and because Mrs. claim of seU-defeuse. saying . 1 According, to .the motion, Berger was found not ~uilty .of Ronstadt "ith a standing ovation in tt!~ Al'ftla Friday night. 1\lrs. Berger had reason to when Larry Dunn was call'!d as murder. she could not be SHo rt'\'il'w oo Pages.. believe her acts were necessary the fli'St witness ;n tlM! trial, charged with that offense again. Man witlt knife robs professor; nets $15 lh l.t>annr Waxman plained that he was t'Xtremt>ly sian Writt>r intoxil.'ated. according to police A Carbondale man was reports. robbed at knifepoint over the Altbouj!h the dty's auto w~kNld in the p"rking lot burglary rate has quadmpled in al.'ross from tht> AtR' Liquor the past two weeks tr'.'re were Stort>. no auto hrealc-ins report<'rl to I>t>sign Departmt>nl Professor the Carbondak Polict- over the Alan S<·hoen. a r·t>Sident of :lll: wt'ek('!'d W Oak St., wa!- robbed of $15 aft<!r the suspt''~t ask<'rl to ··we thought there would be borrow 50 Cl'l'tS. poh!.'t> but it looks likt' it jtLc;t levt>led rt>ported. Tht> man. deS!.'riht'd to off," Lt. Timothv :\loss said polict> as about 25 yt>ars old and Sunday. · about six fret tall. flt>d tht' scent> on foot A burglary victim reported l niversitv Polkt' did not that after thieves took items makE' aroV arrests at the Linda that wt>re w~rth mort' than $1311 Honstadt' conl.'ert in the Arena from her East Cindy Street 1-'riday n;ght. but a Possum rt>Sidence. they beat her dog. Trot. K\.. residt>nt wa~ oolice said. Staff photo b)· Rand) Klauk removed i'rom the <\rena for disturbing felkw concut j!oers. Loraint- Siener. a rPSident of l'nin•rsit-'' Pelict> reportt'd that Timothy junior in business, and Stt'\'E' Carruthf'rs, d pohce !<aid. )1105 E. Cindy in Carbc">dale. Holdt>rsrield or :\larion was takt>n to :\lt>morial sf'nior in civil rnginf'l'rin; took Jloldf'rsfirld to Hick L. Henc;on was t>scorted reported to policP that thieves Hospital Saturday aftf'r his car ( pil'turt'dl left thf' hospital wht>rf' ht' rf'CE'h'f'd stitc:hrs to his had taken a tape deck. a by polict> out oi the Arena aft'.'r thf' road and hit a trf't' on {'ampus Lake IJrhe. lt'ft «'Yf' and wa!i relt'ast'd. peoplt• st>ated near him com- camera and assortro jewelry. Witnes!if'!i of tht> accidt>nt. John Bowr. ( lf'fl), a Sltopkeepers remember slain driftei-- as eccentric Rv tranne Waxman \'iolent and didn't seem like the would introduee himself to After Jackson and l'nion from Illinois Division of sian Writrr type who could hurt anyone. strangers as Emmanud County Sheriff Department Criminal Investigation offlciab. A few shopkeepers on Car­ The native Southern lllinoi!'<tn Krishna. oi'ficials search.:<! for several continued to investigatf' bondale's South lllinoi~ Avenue woold stop in on shopk ..'epers "I never botherPd to find out hm•rs they fo 1d Troutman's Troutman's death.
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