AR 2010/1 Arhitektura, Raziskave Architecture, Research ISSN 1580-5573 ARLjubljana 2010 Arhitektura,AR Raziskave Architecture, Research 2010/1 Fakulteta za arhitekturo Inštitut za arhitekturo in prostor Ljubljana 2010 AR 2010 / 1 AR 2010/1 AR Arhitektura, raziskave / Architecture, Research Fakulteta za arhitekturo Inštitut za arhitekturo in prostor ISSN 1580-5573 ISSN 1581-6974 (internet) http://www.fa.uni-lj.si/ar/ revija izhaja dvakrat letno / published twice a year urednik / editor Borut Juvanec regionalna urednika / regional editors Grigor Doytchinov, Avstrija Lenko Pleština, Hrvaška uredniški odbor / editorial board prof dr Vladimir Brezar prof dr Peter Fister prof dr Borut Juvanec, urednik / editor prof dr Igor Kalčič doc dr Ljubo Lah znanstveni svet / scientific council prof dr Paul Oliver, Oxford prof Christian Lassure, Pariz prof Enzo d’Angelo, Firence recenzentski svet / supervising council dr Kaliopa Dimitrovska Andrews akademik dr Igor Grabec dr Hasso Hohmann, Gradec mag Peter Gabrijelčič, dekan FA tehnični urednik / technical editor dr Domen Zupančič prelom / setting VisArt studio, Barbara Kovačič lektoriranje, slovenščina / proofreading, Slovenian Karmen Sluga prevodi, angleščina / translations, English Milan Stepanovič, Studio PHI d.o.o. klasifikacija / classification Doris Dekleva-Smrekar CTK UL uredništvo AR / AR editing Fakulteta za arhitekturo Zoisova 12 1000 Ljubljana Slovenija [email protected] naročanje / subscription cena številke je 17,60 EUR / price per issue 17,60 EUR za študente 10,60 EUR / student price 10,60 EUR revija je vpisana v razvid medijev pri MK pod številko 50 revija je indeksirana: Cobiss, ICONDA za vsebino člankov odgovarjajo avtorji / authors are responsible for their articles revijo sofinancirata / cofinanced JAK, Javna agencija za knjigo RS Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport RS tisk / printing Tiskarna Pleško © AR, Arhitektura raziskave, Architecture Research Ljubljana 2010 2010 / 1 AR AR 2010/1 Vsebina / Contents Uvodnik / Editorial 1 Projekti / Projects 57 Članki / Articles 3 Borut Juvanec 58 Interdisciplinarni Andrej Kranjc 4 CENTER VERNAKULARNE POKRAJINA KRAS - NAŠA ARHITEKTURE EU V LJUBLJANI IN SVETOVNA DEDIŠČINA Eu VERNAcuLAR ARcHITEcTuRE cENTRE IN LjuBLjANA THE KARST/KRAS REGION – NATIONAL AND WORLD HERITAGE Vojko Kilar 64 UVAJANJE NAPREDNIH Kaja Pogačar, Metka Sitar 10 TEHNOLOGIJ ZA POVEČANJE TIPOLOGIJA VARNOSTI V ARHITEKTURI ČEZMEJNIH URBANIH OBMOČIJ SODOBNIH STANOVANJSKIH STAVB 3, 2009 VpOGLED V TIpOLOšKE zNAčILNOSTI ImpLEmENTATION OF ADVANcED TEcHNOLOGIES FOR THE INcREASE OF SAFETy IN THE ARcHITEcTuRE OF Ljudmila Koprivec, Martina Zbašnik-Senegačnik 18 mODERN RESIDENTIAL BuILDINGS 3, 2009 PAMETNA GRADIVA IN NJIHOVE APLIKACIJE V ARHITEKTURI Tadeja Zupančič 70 Smart materials and their Application Vseživljenjsko IN ARcHITEcTuRE IZOBRAževanje o grajenem OKOLJU ZA TRAJNOSTNI RAZVOJ SLOVENIJE Domen Zupančič 28 EDUCATION FOR SuSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN THE Vidoviči in kultura BuILT ENVIRONmENT IN SLOVENI oblikovanja prostorA VIDOVIčI AND THE cuLTuRE OF SpAcE DESIGN Domen Zupančič 78 KAMEN V MEDITERANU, Lara Slivnik 38 VZHODNA OBALA JADRANA OD Italije, ZGRADBE Z železno oziroma SLOVENIJE, Hrvaške do ČRNE GORE JEKLENO KONSTRUKCIJO V SLOVENIJI INFORmATION SySTEm OF VERNAcuLAR ARcHITEcTuRE BuILDINGS WITH IRON AND STEEL IN STONE OF mEDITERRANEAN TRucTuRES IN SLOVENIA Martina Zbašnik Senegačnik 80 Domen Kušar 46 Mednarodni natečaj za študente NIHANJA prostorske ARHITEKTURE ISOVER 2009 predstave študentov ARHITEKTURE NAcionalna raven: oktober 2008 – marec 2009 OScillating concEptions of SpAcE of NAcIONALNI KROG mEDNARODNA raven: 22. – 25. ApRIL 2009 ARcHITEcTuRE STuDENTS Kongresi / Congresses 83 Janusz Rębielak 52 KONSTRUKCIJSKI SISTEMI ZA MODERNE STREŠNE KRITINE STRucTuRAL SySTEmS FOR mODERN ROOF cOVERS AR 2010 / 1 Editorial AR 2010/1 Hello, Readers. This time around the honour of writing the editorial is mine. I usually From the realm of stone and wood of the preceding text, the contribution of Lara make too many comments, and Prof. Juvanec challenged me to write instead of Slivnik entitled BUILDINGS WITH IRON AND STEEL STRUCTURES IN speak. He was right. Now, I politely ask for your reading time and consideration. SLOVENIA takes us to a comprehensive review of buildings with iron and steel This year's first number of the magazine is out. It contains several articles quite structures which have been built in Slovenia. There is a detailed presentation of the different in terms of content, and each of them interesting in its area of interest, more important iron structures in Slovenia: the first cast-iron bridge in Ljubljana, as well as reports on the work of the researchers at our faculty. What the texts skeleton structures of industrial shops, iron structures of the Gorenjsko railways; have in common are reflections and interpretations pertaining to reciprocal causal and steel structures: the pavilion at the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre, consequences between human and other factors. Tivoli Hall, Narta Studio, several structures designed by architect Milan Mihelič, the winter swimming-pool in Tivoli Park, a pavilion at Laško. I am glad the text is The first item is an article by Academy member Andrej Kranjc entitled THE KARST not confined to an outline, but meaningfully summarises the essence of the lack of REGION – NATIONAL AND WORLD HERITAGE in which the author presents such buildings in Slovenia. Steel structures are demanding to build as they require the regional characteristics of the Karst/Kras, with particular emphasis on its historical considerable design knowledge and precision in implementation. A well conceived significance, given that two internationally established terms originate from it: karst computer model of space can save us a lot of work. Besides it is also important as a universal notion, and 'doline' for a sinkhole. Karst as a 'landscape' is not meant thatthere is excellent collaboration between the architect and a statics engineer. as the earth's surface, but also what is underneath, what we call the karst underworld. This is what essentially differentiates it from an 'ordinary' landscape, where we do not A basis for a good structure, complying with the designer's starting points and meeting think about what is hidden under the surface. When discussing the Karst, we sooner the carrying capacity needs, is a good perception of space. This is the area discussed or later come to thoughts of water, which substantially influences the form of the karst by our young colleague Domen Kušar. In his contribution OSCILLATING landscape above and under the surface. The author calls attention to the current threats CONCEPTIONS OF SPACE OF ARCHITECTURE STUDENTS the author to the Škocjan Caves, the Karst/Kras Region and the Karst/Kras aquifer from increased presents modes of testing and gauging these conceptions. He utilises the so-called pollution as much as all kinds of construction and alterations which do not adhere to mental rotation test (MRT), which is meaningful in terms of methodology, and yields the principles of sustainable development or the spirit of the UNESCO World Heritage comparable results. So far, the results have confirmed the already known and proven Convention. The author warns that deletion from the UNESCO world natural heritage differences between the sexes. Some 1,554 students of both sexes participated in the list is irrevocable. Collaboration among professions, responsable services and others is research. The results of the introductory tests from 1999 to 2008 showed very minor necessary, as the issues are neither abstract nor projected into remote future fluctuations in the level of spatial conception. But the results achieved in the autumn of 2009 exhibited a substantially worse conception of space, which was statistically Kaja Pogačar and Metka Sitar in their article TYPOLOGY OF CROSS-BORDER characteristic of the male population only. The author speculates on some possible URBAN AREAS write about cross-border cooperation in spatial design and about the reasons. He concludes by stating that further investigation will be needed to learn formation of urban hubs. The article provides an overview of specific urban formations whether this is merely a temporary deviation. through the presentation of selected cases of cross-border regions and, in addition, aims to open some new issues with regard to the context of Slovenian border regions. On A sufficient conception of space is the topic of the contribution from our the basis of their morphological, economic, and social characteristics, a range of urban colleague Janusz Rębielak from Poland. It bears the title STRUCTURAL types, such as cross-border agglomerations, urban exclaves, bi-national border cities etc. SYSTEMS FOR MODERN ROOF COVERS. Emphasis is placed on crystal will be identified and analysed from various aspects of spatial development. Although space structures with large spans. The author presents the tetrahedron as the most there has recently been a remarkable upsurge of activities and interests in the regions suitable form for composing into various integrated wholes. In oval or circular and areas along the borders regarding the formation of border regions and cross-border structures, crystal space structures are satisfactorily stiff and stable. The author processes, they usually remain quite rigidly within specialised disciplinary fields, i.e. finds that the componibility of these space structures is also economically viable. economy, geography, and sociology. The authors'
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