November 29, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8569 SWEARING IN OF THE HONORABLE EXPRESSING GRATITUDE AND for 1 minute and to revise and extend JOHN BOOZMAN, OF ARKANSAS, THANKS FOR THE OPPORTUNITY her remarks.) AS A MEMBER OF THE HOUSE TO SERVE AS REPRESENTATIVE Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I The SPEAKER. Will the Representa- FOR THE THIRD CONGRESSIONAL would like to recognize two patriotic tive-elect and the Members of the Ar- DISTRICT OF ARKANSAS Americans from my congressional dis- kansas delegation present themselves (Mr. BOOZMAN asked and was given trict today, Ann S. Miller and Ted in the well. Will the Representative- permission to address the House for 1 Maliaris. They have written and pro- elect from Arkansas (Mr. BOOZMAN) minute and to revise and extend his re- duced ‘‘A Tribute to America—a 21st come forward and raise his right hand? marks.) Century Anthem.’’ Mr. BOOZMAN appeared at the bar of Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. Speaker, I am Ann Miller’s song is delivered with the House and took the oath of office, honored to be here. I wish to thank the love and compassion by her son Ted as follows: Members for their courtesy and warm with the help of their publicist Angel Do you solemnly swear that you will welcome. I wish to take a moment to Duke. Theirs is an anthem for all support and defend the Constitution of acknowledge my family, my wife, Americans, dedicated to our Armed the United States against all enemies, Cathy, of 29 years; my daughters Shan- Forces, to our men and women in uni- foreign and domestic; that you will non, Kristen, and Lauren; and my form, risking their lives every day and bear true faith and allegiance to the mother, Marie Boozman; and my moth- for those who need to carry on in this same; that you take this obligation er-in-law, Betty Marley. And then also time of crisis. freely, without any mental reservation all of the wonderful family and friends The lyrics are powerful and uplifting: or purpose of evasion; and that you will that have accompanied me to show ‘‘Our tears may fall and our hearts well and faithfully discharge the duties support for me today. may be shattered, but deep down in our of the office on which you are about to I am also fortunate to be joined by souls we are strong. We are proud. We enter. So help you God. two former Members of this illustrious are bold. We have the strength. We The SPEAKER. Congratulations. You have the power no terrorist could with- are a Member of the 107th Congress. body, Mr. John Paul Hammerschmidt and the senior Senator from Arkansas, stand. We will not hide. We will not f cower. We will stand up for the rights Senator TIM HUTCHINSON. INTRODUCTION OF For 26 years, Congressman Hammer- of our land. We are America. We are REPRESENTATIVE JOHN BOOZMAN schmidt served the Third District of America, America, you are grand.’’ Arkansas and set a standard of excel- Please join me in congratulating Ann (Mr. BERRY asked and was given S. Miller and Ted Maliaris, two proud permission to address the House for 1 lence and dedication that the people of the third district have come to expect Americans, proud to be serving our minute and to revise and extend his re- country. marks.) from all that have succeeded him. I Mr. BERRY. Mr. Speaker, I consider share Congressman Hammerschmidt’s f it a distinct honor and privilege to be immense respect for this institution WORLD AIDS DAY here this morning to present the new- and for the good people that I have (Mr. FOLEY asked and was given per- est member of the Arkansas delegation been elected to serve. mission to address the House for 1 to this House. JOHN BOOZMAN has dis- Senator HUTCHINSON continued the minute and to revise and extend his re- tinguished himself as a son, a husband, rich tradition of tireless service to the marks.) a father and a leader. He has meant a third district and is doing a wonderful Mr. FOLEY. Mr. Speaker, since AIDS great deal to the community he comes job representing Arkansas in the was first recognized 20 years ago, 58 from in northwest Arkansas. United States Senate. I look forward to million people have been affected; and He follows a long and distinguished working with him and the rest of the at the current rate of spread, the total group that have served in that capacity delegation on behalf of our home State. will exceed 100 million by 2001. from the Third District of Arkansas, I also would like to take a moment According to the Centers for Disease one of those being present this morn- to thank former Congressman Asa Control, there are currently over ing, John Paul Hammersmith, and we Hutchinson, who recently departed 900,000 people infected and living with are pleased to have him. Congress to head the Drug Enforce- HIV and AIDS in the United States. JOHN BOOZMAN and his family worked ment Administration. President Bush together to make northwest Arkansas There are approximately 40,000 Ameri- recognized Asa’s talent and selected cans infected each year. Worldwide this a better place to live and work and him to lead the Nation’s efforts to raise a family. He has distinguished year there were 5 million new cases, eradicate illegal drug use. It is by no and of that, 800,000 were under the age himself in many ways and will con- means an easy job, but if anyone is up tinue to serve the Third District and do of 15. to the task it is Asa Hutchinson. Worldwide there are over 40 million a great job for them. Mr. Speaker, I am proud to follow in All of the Arkansas delegation is people currently living with HIV and the footsteps of these fine public serv- AIDS; 18 million are women and 3 mil- very pleased today to be able to ants. I am committed to keeping alive present to this Congress the gentleman lion are children. the tradition of service and conserv- AIDS kills more than 7,000 people in from Arkansas (Mr. BOOZMAN), and I ative values that the people of the think he represents a quote from one of sub-Saharan Africa each day. President third district have come to expect from Bush this year has committed over $200 my favorite books written by a fellow their representative in Congress. I look named William Alexander Percy. million to a global fund to fight HIV forward to my service in this body and and AIDS. I have requested additional b 1030 again express my deep appreciation for money along with other Members of In that he talks about a letter that the welcome I have received. Thank Congress to pursue this very worthy his father who was a United States you very much. goal. Senator from Mississippi wrote to a f Today we should reflect on those lost friend and in it he says, ‘‘I guess our ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER and use their memories to fuel our ef- job is to make the world a better place PRO TEMPORE forts to eradicate this pandemic. in as much as we are able, remem- f bering that the results will be infini- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. tesimal and then attend to our own SHIMKUS). The Chair will entertain 10 REMEMBERING WORLD AIDS DAY soul.’’ one-minute speeches per side. (Ms. KILPATRICK asked and was I think those are the values that f given permission to address the House JOHN BOOZMAN will represent as he for 1 minute and to revise and extend serves in this House and as he serves HONORING ANN MILLER AND TED her remarks.) his district, the Third District of Ar- MALIARIS Ms. KILPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, kansas. And so now let me present to (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN asked and was today I rise to acknowledge and com- you JOHN BOOZMAN. given permission to address the House memorate World AIDS Day, which is VerDate 11-MAY-2000 02:26 Nov 30, 2001 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29NO7.005 pfrm01 PsN: H29PT1.
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