The EXECUTIVE GOLFER Collection A PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN NETJETS AND THE FINEST PRIVATE GOLF CLUBS IN THE UNITED STATES CuRRENT AS OF FIRST QuARTER 2016 about the ColleCtIon • There is no cost to join The Collection. • As a NetJets owner or member at a partner club, you are welcome to play each club one time per year for only the cost of the current guest fee. • You are welcome to bring up to three guests with you. They must be accompanied by you. the ReseRvatIon pRoCess • The individual clubs will not make a reservation/change/cancellation for you. You must contact us. • Your credit card will be charged the day you play golf. • You may cancel your reservation at any time with no penalty. • All cancellations/changes must be made through The Collection. • Please note that some private clubs in The Collection will only confirm reservations 14 days in advance. ContaCt us to make a ReseRvatIon oR InquIRe about Guest Fees • During business hours, Monday through Friday, 8 A.M. to 4 P.M. (PST), please contact June Graham at [email protected], or phone 949-752-6474. • After business hours weekdays, or weekends and holidays, please contact Mark Pazdur at [email protected] or phone 949-933-6478. international ariZona (con’t) the Bahamas oro Valley the abaCo Club stone Canyon Club Architects: Tom Mackenzie/Donald Steel Architect: Jay Morrish Website: TheAbacoClub.com Website: StoneCanyon.com STONE CANYON THE ABACO CLUB Payson Puerto rico the RIm GolF Club Royal Isabela Architects: Tom Weiskopf/Jay Morrish Website: RoyalIsabela.com Website: RimGolf.com THE RIM ROYAL ISABELA Peoria (55 minutes northwest of alaBama Phoenix and scottsdale) Birmingham blaCkstone at vIstanCIa Architect: Jim Engh BLACKSTONE old oveRton Club Website: Blackstoneccaz.com Architects: Tom Fazio and Jerry Pate Prescott (90 minutes north of Website: OldOvertonClub.com OLD OVERTON CLUB Phoenix and scottsdale) ariZona CapItal Canyon Club Architect: Tom Weiskopf FlagstaFF (in the mountains, CAPITAL CANYON Website: CapitalCanyonClub.com 2 hours north of Phoenix) scottsdale pIne Canyon GolF Club Architect: Jay Morrish FIReRoCk CountRy Club Website: PineCanyon.net PINE CANYON Architect: Gary Panks Website: FireRockCC.com FIREROCK THE COLLECTION • PAGE 2 caliFornia colorado danVille colorado sPrings blaCkhawk CountRy Club the Club at FlyInG hoRse Architects: Bruce Devlin and Architect: Tom Weiskopf Robert Von Hagge (Lakeside Course); Website: FlyingHorseColorado.com FLYING HORSE Ted Robinson (Falls Course) BLACKHAWK Website: BlackhawkCC.org durango la Quinta the GlaCIeR Club andalusIa at CoRal mountaIn Architects: Arthur Hills and Architect: Rees Jones Todd Schoeder THE GLACIER CLUB Website: ANDALUSIA Website: TheGlacierClub.com AndalusiaAtCoralMountain.com eagle (50 minutes west of Vail, 20 minutes from Vail airport) la Quinta FRost CReek RanCho la quInta Architect: Tom Weiskopf Architects: R.T.Jones Jr. & Jerry Pate Website: FrostCreek.com FROST CREEK Website: RanchoLaQuinta.com RANCHO LA QUINTA littleton monterey the Club at Ravenna Architect: Jay Morrish nICklaus Club Website: RavennaGolf.com Architect: Jack Nicklaus CLUB AT RAVENNA Website: NCMonterey.com NICKLAUS CLUB snoWmass Village murrieta snowmass Club beaR CReek Architect: Jim Engh Architect: Jack Nicklaus Website: SnowmassClub.com SNOWMASS CLUB Website: BearCreekgc.com BEAR CREEK connecticut rancho santa Fe (30 minutes north of san diego) Farmington the CRosby at CountRy Club oF RanCho santa Fe FaRmInGton Architects: Fred Couples and Architect: Devereux Emmet Schmidt/Curley Design THE CROSBY Website: FarmingtonCountryClub.com CC OF FARMINGTON Website: TheCrosbyClub.com south kent R E N somis L L E K Y bull’s bRIdGe GolF Club R A G satICoy CC Y Architect: Tom Fazio B O BULL’S BRIDGE T Architect: William F. Bell Website: BullsBridgeGolfClub.com O H Website: SaticoyCountryClub.com P SATICOY West hartFord truckee haRtFoRd GolF Club sChaFFeR’s mIll Architects: Donald Ross and Architect: John Harbottle Devereaux Emmett SCHAFFER’S MILL Website: SchaffersMill.com Website: HartfordGolfClub.org HARTFORD GOLF CLUB THE COLLECTION • PAGE 3 delaWare Florida (con’t) millsBoro miami (15 min. from miami in coral gables) the penInsula GolF & CC Architect: Jack Nicklaus the bIltmoRe GolF Club Website: peninsula-delaware.com Architect: Donald Ross THE PENINSULA Website: BiltmoreHotel.com THE BILTMORE Florida naPles amelia island quaIl west GolF Club Architect: Both Lakes and Preserve amelIa Island Club designed by Arthur Hills Architect: Tom Fazio Website: QuailWest.com QUAIL WEST Website: AmeliaIslandClub.com AMELIA ISLAND Boca raton ocala the polo Club adena GolF & CC Architect: Timothy Freeland Website: DiscoverAdena.com ADENA G&C Website: PoloClub.net THE POLO CLUB Bonita sPrings orlando pelICan’s nest GolF Club the leGaCy Club Architect: Tom Fazio Architect: Tom Fazio Website: AlaquaLakesGolfClub.com Website: NestGolf.com THE LEGACY CLUB PELICAN’S NEST Fernandina Beach sarasota amelIa natIonal G&CC (15 minutes from downtown) Architect: Tom Fazio Website: AmeliaNationalGolf.com the FoundeRs Club AMELIA NATIONAL Architect: Robert Trent Jones Jr. Website: TheFoundersClub.com THE FOUNDERS CLUB Fort myers the Club at RenaIssanCe Vero Beach Architect: Arthur Hills (70 miles north of Palm Beach) Website: TheClubAtRenaissance.com CLUB AT RENAISSANCE oRChId Island GolF & beaCh Club JuPiter Architect: Arnold Palmer (20 min. west from West Palm Beach) Website: ORCHID ISLAND OrchidIslandGolfandBeachClub.com JupIteR CountRy Club Architect: Greg Norman Website: TheJupiterCountryClub.com JUPITER Vero Beach (70 miles north of Palm Beach) lecanto (central Florida) quaIl valley GolF Club Architects: Tommy Fazio and blaCk dIamond RanCh Nick Price Architect: 45 holes of Tom Fazio golf Website: QuailValleyGolfClub.com QUAIL VALLEY Website: BlackDiamondRanch.com BLACK DIAMOND THE COLLECTION • PAGE 4 georgia indiana Ball ground neWBurgh (2 hours from louisville, 3 hours from nashville) hawk’s RIdGe Architect: Bob Cupp vICtoRIa natIonal Website: HawksRidge.com GolF Club HAWK’S RIDGE Architect: Tom Fazio Website: VictoriaNational.com VICTORIA NATIONAL lake hartWell the CuRRahee Club ioWa Architect: Jim Fazio Website: CurraheeClub.com des moines THE CURRAHEE CLUB wakonda Club milton (30 min. north of atlanta) Architect: William Langford Website: WakondaClub.com atlanta natIonal GolF Club Architects: Pete and P.B. Dye WAKONDA CLUB Web: AtlantaNationalGolfClub.com ATLANTA NATIONAL kentucky milton (30 min. north of atlanta) BoWling green whIte Columns CC the Club at olde stone Architect: Tom Fazio Architect: Arthur Hills Web: WhiteColumnsCountryClub.com Website: Olde-Stone.com WHITE COLUMNS CC OLDE STONE idaho maine coeur d’alene Falmouth the GC at blaCk RoCk Architect: Jim Engh the woodlands Web: BlackRockIdaho.com BLACK ROCK Architects: George & Jim Fazio Website: TheWoodlands.org T H driggs (in the teton Valley) C E THE WOODLANDS R B M A L E huntsman spRInGs C N E R Architect: David McLay Kidd W A L massachusetts Y Website: HuntsmanSprings.com B O HUNTSMAN SPRINGS T O H P haVerhill (40 miles north of illinois Boston) Barrington RenaIssanCe Architect: Brian Silva bIltmoRe CountRy Club Website: RenaissanceMA.com Architect: Leonard Macomber RENAISSANCE Website: Biltmore-cc.com BILTMORE CC mashPee (cape cod area) sPringField wIllowbend pantheR CReek CC Architect: 27 holes by Architect: Hale Irwin Dr. Michael Hurdzan Website: PantherCreekCC.com Web: WillowBendCountryClub.com PANTHER CREEK WILLOWBEND THE COLLECTION • PAGE 5 michigan neW Jersey dearBorn Bedminster tpC mIChIGan FIddleR’s elbow Architect: Jack Nicklaus Architects: Rees Jones, Hal Purdy, and Website: tpcmichigan.com TPC MICHIGAN . Brian Silva Website: FiddlersElbowcc.com FIDDLER’S ELBOW kingsley denVille the kInGsley Club RoCkaway RIveR CC Architect: Mike DeVries Architect: Devreux Emmet Website: KingsleyClub.com THE KINGSLEY CLUB Website: RockawayRivercc.com ROCKAWAY RIVER missouri galloWay (20 minutes from atlantic city, 90 from Philadelphia) caPe girardeau Galloway natIonal dalhousIe GolF Club GolF Club Architect: Gary Nicklaus Architect: Tom Fazio Website: DalhousieGolfClub.com DALHOUSIE Website: GallowayNationalGolf.com GALLOWAY NATIONAL montana gladstone (70 min. west of nyc) hamIlton FaRm GolF Club BoZeman Architects: Dr. Michael Hurdzan and Dana Fry blaCk bull Website: HamiltonFarmGolfClub.com Architect: Tom Weiskopf HAMILTON FARM Website: BlackBullBozeman.com BLACK BULL neW york neBraska armonk mullen (2 hours from north Platte bRynwood GolF & CC in the heart of the sand hills) Architect: Albert Zikous Website: BrynwoodClub.com dIsmal RIveR Club BRYNWOOD Architects: Jack Nicklaus and Tom Doak DISMAL RIVER Website: DismalRiver.com Woodmere the woodmeRe Club neVada Architect: Jack Pirie Website: WoodmereClub.com henderson WOODMERE CLUB lake las veGas Architect: Jack Nicklaus north carolina Website: ReflectionBayGolf.com LAKE LAS VEGAS BurnsVille las Vegas mountaIn aIR CountRy Club Red RoCk membeRs Club Architect: Scott Pool Website: MountainAirCountryClub.com Architect: Arnold Palmer MOUNTAIN AIR CC Website: RedRockCountryClub.com RED ROCK THE COLLECTION • PAGE 6 north carolina (con’t) south carolina charlotte BluFFton (20 minutes from hilton head island) the Club at lonGvIew Architect: Jack Nicklaus oldFIeld Club Website: TheClubAtLongview.com Architect: Greg Norman CLUB AT LONGVIEW Website: oldfield1732.com OLDFIELD hendersonVille dataW island ChampIon hIlls Architect: Tom Fazio dataw Island Club Website: ChampionHills.com Architects: Tom Fazio and Arthur
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