1939 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 161 mittee to Investigate Un-American Activities a·nd the appro­ · Master on the heights to which He rose, help us to attain priation of additional funds to foster and continue this com­ that further greater ·good which, foreshadowed in dreams mittee; to the Special Committee on Un-American Activities. and sown in the soil of holy aspiration, shall one day mani­ _66. By Mr. PFEIFER: Petition of conference of.mayors and fest itself as the fruit of Thy purpose for Thy children. We other municipal officials of the State of New York, Albany, ask it in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. N.Y., concerning Federal taxation of municipal securities and THE JOURNAL · revenues; to the Committee on Ways and Means. · 67. By Mr. SABATH: Petition of the Cook County Council, On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by unanimous consent, the American Legion, Department of Tilinois, petitioning con­ the reading of the Journal of the proceedings of the calendar sideration of their resolution which will give to veterans, their day Monday, January 9, 1939, was dispensed with, and the widows, and the wives of disabled veterans a priority in as­ J:ournal was approved. signment and retention on all work-relief projects in the CALL OF THE ROLL Works Progress Administration; to the Committee on Ways Mr. MINTON. I suggest the absence of a quorum. and Means. The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. 68. By Mr. SHORT: Petition of certain citizens of Neosho, The Chief Clerk called the roll, and the following Senators Mo., asking Congress to pass legislation to prevent the adver­ answered to their names: tising of alcoholic beverages by press and radio; to the Com­ Adams Danaher Johnson, Calif. Pittman mittee on the Judiciary. Andrews Davis Johnson, Colo. Radclitfe 69. Also, petition of the Mountain Grove, Mo., local union Ashurst Donahey King Reed Austin Downey Lee Reynolds of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, asking Con­ Bailey Ellender Lewis Russell gress to pass legislation to prevent the advertising of alcoholic · Bankhead Frazier Lodge Schwartz Barbour George Logan Schwellenbach beverages by press and radio; to the Committee on the Barkley ·Gerry Lucas Sheppard Judiciary. Bilbo Gibson Lundeen Shipstead 70. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the General Welfare Bone Gillette McCarran Smathers Borah Glass McKellar Smith Federation of America, Washington, D. C., petitioning con­ Bridges Green McNary Taft sider~tion of their petition from California., Eighteenth Con­ Brown Gutrey Maloney Thomas, Okla. gressional District, with reference to the General Welfare Bulow Gurney Mead Thomas, Utah Burke Hale Miller Tobey Act; to the Committee on Ways and Means. Byrd Harrison Minton Truman · . 71. Also, petition of the Wisconsin Chiefs of Police Asso­ Byrnes Hatch Murray Tydings Capper Hayden Neely Vandenberg ciation, Kaukauna, Wis., petitioning consideration of their Caraway Herring Norris Van Nuys resolution with reference to preventing the retroactive appli­ Chavez Hill Nye Wagner cation of any Federal tax upon the employees of the States Clark, Idaho Holman O'Mahoney Walsh Clark, Mo. Holt Overton White and their instrumentalities; to the Committee on Ways and Connally HUghes Pepper Wiley Means. · 72. Also, petition of Pablo Ozeguera, Habana, Cuba, peti­ Mr. MTh""TON. I announce that the Senator from Tilinois tioning consideration of his petition, which seems to indicate [Mr. LEWIS] and the Senator from Montana [Mr. WHEELER] the general tenor that national as well as international rela­ are detained on important public business. tions demand that we, as men of good will, strive for peace, Mr. AUSTIN. I announce that the Senator from Delaware stability, and for the economic progress of men and nations; [Mr. TowNsEND l is necessarily absent. to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. The VICE PRESIDENT. Ninety-two Senators have an­ 73. Also, petition of Ireanus J. Leitemeyer Post, No. 1982, swered to their names. A quorum is present. Veterans of Foreign Wars, New Iberia, La., petitioning con­ SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON TAXATION OF GOVERNMENTAL SECURITIES sideration of their resolution with reference to foreign sugar AND SALARIES a_nd domestic sugar industry; to the Committee on Ways and The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair announces the ap­ Means. pointment of the Senator from Arkansas [Mr. MILLER] as a 74. Also, petition of the National Sojourners, Inc., Columbus member of the Special Committee on Taxation of Govern­ Chapter, No. 10, Columbus, Ohio, petitioning consideration of mental Securities and Salaries under Senate Resolution 303, their resolution with reference to the Dies committee; to the agreed to June 16, 1938, vice Hon. George McGill, former · Committee on -Rules. Senator from Kansas. 75. Also, petition of the General Welfare Federation of REFERENCE OF NOMINATIONS AND TREATIES America, Washington, D. C., petitioning consideration of their Mr. BARKLEY. I submit a resolution and ask unanimous resolution from the State of Florida, First Congressional Dis­ consent for its present consideration . trict, with reference to General Welfare Act; to the Committee There being no objection, the resolution was read, consid­ on Ways and Means. ered, and agreed to, as follows: 76. Also, petition of the General Welfare Federation of Resolved, That on calendar days of the present session of the America, Washington, D. C., petitioning consideration of their Congress when no executive session is held, nominations or treat ies l'esolution from the State of Missouri, Fifth Congressional received from the President of the United States may, where no District, with reference to the General Welfare Act; to the objection is interposed, be referred, as in exeeutive session, to the Committee on Ways and Means. appropriate committees by the Presiding Officer of the Senate. STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE SENATE Mr. BARKLEY. By direction of the steering committee of SENATE the majority, I send forward a list of asirlgnments of Senators TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1939 to the various committees, and ask that it be read and ap­ proved by the Senate. · The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney T. Phillips, D. D., offered the Mr. NYE. Mr. President, in conjunction with the list sub­ following prayer: mitted by the Senator ·from Kentucky at the request of the 0 Thou who art greater than our greatest thought of minority leader, I submit the report of the committee on Thee, whose greatness is unsearchable, waken in us by Thy committees of the minority, which I understand is to be of­ secret indwelling all slumbering possibi-lities of our own fered with the presentation of the majority leader. greatness, that we may show forth the gift of God within us, The viCE PRESIDENT. The clerk will read the lists of even though as yet it may be but our unaccepted, unclaimed committee assignments on behalf of the majority and th.e inheritance. Keep us calm· each day in the strength of ever minority, and, without objection, they will be considered to­ greater things achieved and, as we sit at the feet of the gether. LXXXIV--11 162 CONGRESSIONAL -RECORD-· SE.NA.TE JANUARY 10 The Chief Clerk read the majority and minority assign­ ' . On Printing: Messrs. Hayden (chairman), Walsh, Truman, Pep­ p~r. Lundeen, Miller, Danaher, and Gurney. ments, which, in the form of an order, were agreed to, as On Privileges and Elections: Messrs. George (chairman) , King, follows: Smith, Connally, Logan, Hatch, Minton, Green, Burke, Mead, Ordered, That the following shall constitute the standing com­ Lucas, ---, Austin, Johnson of California, Nye, Bridges, and mittees of the Senate of the Seventy-sixth Congress: Wiley. On Agriculture and Forestry: Messrs. Smith (chairman), Wheeler, . On Public Buildings and Grounds: Messrs. Connally (chairman), Thomas of Oklahoma, Bankhead, Bulow, Mrs. Caraway, Messrs. Ashurst, Tydings, Walsh, Maloney, Truman, Chavez, Andrews, GU­ Hatch, Bilbo, Schwellenbach, Gillette, Ellender, Minton, Lucas, lette, Green, Herring, Hale, Barbour, and Taft. ---, Norris, McNary, Capper, Frazier, Shipstead, and Wiley. On Public Lands _and Surveys: Messrs. Adarps (chairman) , Pitt­ On Appropriations: Messrs. Glass (chairman), McKellar, Hayden, · . man, Ashurst, Wagner, Hatch, O'Mahoney, Murray, McCarran, An­ Thomas of Oklahoma, Byrnes, Tydings., Russell, Adams, McCarran, drews, Lee, Smathers, Nye, Borah, Gurney, and Holman. Overton, Bankhead , O'Mahoney, Truman, Burke, Green, Maloney, On Rules: Messrs. Neely (chairman), Harrison, McKellar, Adams, Chavez, Hale, Nye, Townsend, Bridges, Lodge, Holman, and Taft. Byrd, Lewis, Gillette, Miller, Andrews, Hale, Vandenberg, Barbour, To Audit and Control the Contingent Expenses of the Senate: and Tobey. Messrs. Byrnes (chairman), Tydings, Truman, and Townsend. - On Territories and Insular Affairs: Messrs. Tydings (chairman), On Banking and Currency: Messrs. Wagner (chairman), Glass, Pittman, Hayden, King, Clark of Missouri, Reynolds, Bone, Mc­ Barkley, Byrnes, Bankhead, Adams, Maloney, Radcliffe, Brown, Kellar, Wheeler, Gerry, Lundeen, Miller, Nye, Vandenberg, Gibson, Hughes, Herring, Smathers, Miller, Clark of Idaho, Downey, Town- Lodge, and Danaher. - · · send, Frazier, Tobey, Danaher, and Taft. Mr. BARKLEY. Mr. President, the list of committees On Civil Service: Messrs. Bulow (chairman), McKellar, George, Logan, Neely, Byrd, Downey, White, Gibson, and Frazier. read completes the committee membership except for the On Claims: Messrs .. Logan (chairman), Bailey, Burke, Schwellen­ Senator-elect from Tennessee [Mr. STEWART], who has not bach, Brown, Ellender, Hughes,
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