-St~>!c prcsellt corporate limits of Frcdericiisb~rginclcde many arcliitccturaliy intcrcsting structures such as Broinptoil and Kcnmoi-e ir. 211c west nnc central s2s ti(1rls of tlle city, respective?y. The highcst csr.cec;ratiijr: of s;:n<:icant structures, however, is located in a forty bloclc sres that r~zs-lo-2 the T,.e S t bank of the Rappahannock, 2nd north of IIazz: Xcz. T;7e t~2o~r;:~y o: this area of Fredericksburg reaches its hizhest ?olnc in s te:: block area in the western center of the zone; the slo?es are reiativeiy gentlc tow; I the east, south. and north of this area conpared to the stee? dro? Corrr. to the river below Sophia Street. Five streets run prallcl to 25.e rivzr: I Sophia Street, Caroline Street, Princess k.-.e Street (Route 2), C:?;.rles I Street and Prince Edward Street. The southern qunrterof the dis:rict is cut off from the'remirider by'the-elevated R.F. adP.R.R. tracic. .. -. The Preservation-Zone contains a complete variety of fiinctio-s havizg as it does the commercial dohtown area of the city, tit* city hall, several the train station and the city's oldest residential areas. Gf all streets, Caroline Street has the most contrasts in stree; iesiga. 5s bloclcs between Lafayette Boulevard (Route 1) ar,d Pseiia Srrset are almost totally com,ercial but include two-and-three-story early-and century buildings, esprcia1:y on the east side of the 700 S1oc:cs. %~ese structures are painted and the first floor facsdcs are altered,hut the Letailing around the wir.dows, the brick work ad the gable roofs reveal their1 'I age. At the south and north ecls of Caroline Strezt are shaeed l~tnsin :';-'.i'' -4 of eighteenth and nineteenth century residences. As on Caroline Street, the'"i other parallel streets are divided by a central ~om~erciaiarea generally ccntercd in William Strcct. Sophia Strcct has lietci-iorated consi2erably due c, :g -new con;merciarl dcvclopmcnt ,atid parlcing :aciii;Lcs althotig;: several: : .: important structures rcrain. Princsss Anne Strect has its share of residcnti~li= I structures but :features several .chui-chcs and two pverrirent b~ildings. .Charlese and Prince Edward Streets are primarily shaded residential streek. 0 Z i'l~c list of historic structures in this prcservatio:: zonc izcludcs the w following: Carolinc Strect: the Sentry ;:ox; 135 Ciroiinc St., fr~r~ie,tvo- storics, gable roof and nodiliioned cornice, bnilt in tlic miG-eig::teenCh century by General Hugh Mercer; thc Dr. Charlcs Xortirt~cr>Iouse, 713 Carsline St., brick with stucco, two-stories, hipped roo2 witn modilllonc; cornice, buiit in tlie mid-eighteenth century by Dr. >, thc first msyor of I Prcdcricksburg; the Dixon-Kaury Ho~nse, 214 Caroline St.. (mid-eightesnth ccl;riiry), l.ived in by Fathew Xaury during the War 3ci-wcon ti;e Ststes; i-hc housc at 300 Caroline St., dates from thc late-ci;h:ecnth c;r,tury; the Iisrkicy-Pk~i~roctlo~rse, 30: Caroline St., brick 2; siorics, o;;e of tie finest I in the cicy, okhicd by James Ki~~roe,17E6 - 50, wkez ke practlcei: law in - ! .-...cdricsbur; the Chimneys Lr.0r.1 otmed by Fiistoric Zrcdericksburg, II:C.~/ 623 Caroiine Street, a frar.e house wit11 ;;..ssive ei;:erior e7.d ckimejrs, a nodillioned cornice and a sup2rb intcri.or mr.te1picce; St. .ZL;zyls Cat:~olic . -. C;:ii;ch, south of Czroline Stract b;tv:een Ci;a:-iocte arc :.anover S::::. , ! a s:na:l stuccoed struct~rei-;, ';:if Gothic :<zvivr^.i s:y;e; IY.~x~niei- CL.~L<.., , - i.SCS., ...- ! ilouse (Oxford Shop), sour!ii~esi ~or;-.-~:of C.:ro:Sx zr.; .:;L *-.:. <:.. -- . : tlgo-storybric:< Sc.ii<<.;? t.;.;hosc ~2s;'~.i:,.ns;' ~i,;l<.G'iS. .. :.z3iC ScL:iLrjCi. f1.a~arches with lieys tsiies (~~~~y-~.i;-~ctc:cfi~~i~2.;:..;...; ; ,;~z,;.: :.:.z:cci- J.?at:,,~c~~yI 5:. .to?, 1.020 Cnrolinc St. , frme, OI-,C-~~~~-~-:..;~: .~.,.. .;., :c.. :>,y-z ..-,.. :cL:...:,: , . - j CC.ZLG~~~>; ..First C'nristizn Ch;~rct: ,~-:!,:i2 Cslrc.,i;,... ,; .. .~~ - ~. .. ~. , , c - . : : , 1 o. SIGNIFICANCE PER~OD (citeck Ono or ~oraes AppropriDla) 0 Pra.Columbaon l 0 16th Century 18th Century EX 20th Century 15tl, centu,y a 17th Century 19th Con,urY i 1 SPECIFIC DITEISI (IIAppliceblo OndK~o"") LIRE*, OE-SIGNIFICANCE,~~C~~~_~~~~~qrMy~pq.A~p~~_prja!$~: ., , , , ,. , :.. ,,, , ,I ,. , . , . ~. I! I Abor isin.1 0 Educatim Polificoi . , . @ Urbon Plonning I :,,. .,; - ; :,,, ; 0 Preh,it!o'ic .,... ..D,.Eogineerinq!; -nA~q!ipipn/oi:.: . .:., U O~hcrf~pc~lf~) IJ Historic Industry iosophl ,., ,., P. .Asri=ul~'e.,;. Iypn!ipn .. .... ... O. Science . ,:,.. .,. ,. , A,, , O,Lpndscp., , . ; 0 ,Sculptur=, . 1 0 Art Arshitoctvro Socool/Humon 1 0 Commerso Literature itorinn Communisotions Military Thcmter IJ Conserration Music Tronsport~tio~ I-TATEMENT OF SIGNIF1CANCE 1 I With a history dating back to the seventeenth century,-Fredericksburg has maintained a distinguished position in the annals of the ;I Established in 1671 when a group of colonists settled on a piece of land I just below the falls of the Rappahannock River, the town gradually grew ! into a prosperous community. In 1727 the town was officially chartered by the House of Burgesses and named Fredericksburg in honor of Frederick, I Prince of Wales and eldest son of George 11. Five years later Colonel William Byrd visited there and reported that "Though this be a cornodious ~ and beautiful situation for a town, with the advantages of a navigable i river ... yet the inhabitants are very few." He mentioned seeing "the I public warehouse which is built on the figure .of a cross" and the stone I prison. In 1748 with the establishment of a ferry across the Rappahannock 1i the town began to evolve into an important trading center. ! I During the Revolution many of the leading Virginia patriots were associated' I with. the. towp.., jColonelFielding::Lewis,:brother-in-law 05 Geo7:~e Washinston; lived there in Kenmore with his mother-in-law, Mary Ball Washington, 1 Living: oni a neighboring street. Other: Leaders . included General W$lliam Woodford, General Hugh Mercer, Lieutenant Colonel James Monroe and Major 1 Thomas Marshall. I Although suffering three disastrous fires in the early-nineteenth century, Fredericksburg continued to grow and became an important commercial center in ante bellum Virginia. By 1840 the town boasted 3,974 inhabitants wd seventy-three stores, one grist mill, two tanneries, five academies, I seven schools and four semi-weekly newspapers. i I In spite of many modem encroachments, Fredericksburg retains an important I assemblage of eighteenth and nineteenth century buildings. With its I historical associations and representative architecture the town remains a relatively undisturbed historic community that would greatly benefit I by a systematic and thorough restoration and renovation program. -- --- - -- . - . --A "."'-' >JSX DlDLlOCRAPHlCAL REFERENCES r Embrcy, Alvin T. History Frcdericlcsburg. Virzinia. Richmond: Old I Dominion Press, 1937. Fleming, Firs. Vivian Minor. 'lis toric Periods f Fredcricksburg 1608-1900. ( 1 Frcdcricksbura:- R.A. Kisl~oau~h. - Print. 1938. Goolrick, Jolm T. Fredericksburg and the Cavalier Country. Richmond: Garrett b: Massie, Inc., 1935. Goolrick, John T. Historic Fredericksburn. Richmond: Whittet & Shepperson, I 1922. I Kcarns , Richard Kenneth. "Predericksburg; Vikginia : A.Plan for is toric . L.ITITUOL; AND LONGITUUB COOr101N&TI:3 OEPINIHC A 1Ib:CTANCt.C LOCATING THC PIIOI'CIITY CORNER LATITUOE LONGlTUOE . NE 38 18' 35' 77 O . 27' 05 ' .. ., . , . SE 38 ' 17' 26' 77 O 27'' '05 " -. SW 18 0 17. 26. 77 0 270 58. APPROXIMATE ACREAGE OF NOM~N~TEDPROPERTY: 200 acres iL15T AIL STATES AND COUNTlES FOR PROLIERTIES OVERLAPPING STATE OR COUNTY BOUNDARIES STATE: CODE I I I STATE: I I STATE: CODE COUNTY: I I I STATE* CODE I I I ( it. FORM PREPARED BY .. .. L-crLc: Staff, Virgi.nia Historic Landmarks Commission, James W. Moody, Jr., Director ORGANIZATION IO~TE , : :...::.,,,..:. As the designated Scate Liaison Officer for the Na- I hereby certify that this property is included in the tional Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (Public I,ew National Register. 89.665). I hereby nominate this property for inclusion ~n the Notional Register ond ccrtify that it has been evnluatcd according to the criteria end ,procedures set forth &the National Park ~ervick: %'he'iecommended Chief, Offzirce of Archeology andHisloric Praservillion level of significunce' bf this nomination is: National e/ State 0 Local =.;.<, .( ::::2: i :,y ,:[;~; .:::a,:, .;;< , .;. Date ,,. s ., . -4 Dr. Edward P. Alexander, Chairran Title wiaHistoric Landmarks Comm: sion Keeper of Thc National Reeiscer , orn, ld.:COo UIIiTCD STATES 3ri'AliTMENT OF Ti!; ;<iEiiIZK ~LT*-~c iJuly 1969) NATiOSAL PARK SERVICE Virginia I o= f.:Cr-n>,- - c ,-z KG;G 8 ,,a0 L.'AS !COUNTY i INVE1<iiO2:' - SDE/,iNATICii .;r;;.r/, j Frcdericksburg cit.) 1 FO2 d?: USE t~:iY i Continuation Sheet #1, ILem.7, page 1 ENTRYNVMUBA ! "ATE i (~ontinu~l~onShect) t . ;;rclicd windows and "minnrcts" at the corners oC the facade (1833); Pradericksburg Charity Sc!lool, 1119 Caroline St., an carly-ninteenth cencury briclc structure; Basil Gordon House, southxcst corner of Caroline and Lewis Sts., brick, two-stories, stone quoins (mid-eighteenth ccntu~y); Rising Sun Tavern, 1306 Caroline St., this Zramc bui.lding was construczod in the mid-eighteenth century by Charies N&shington. Charles Street: James Monroe Law Office (historic Kuseum), south sidc of . .. 1 Ciiarles St. between Cforge and Willia~S:s., brick, one-an6-a-haL"srories ,; &able roof with dormers (,;iLi-cightee;?t:1 ccntu:-;.); Czrtor E~use(Gli ilc.c;oryj ( -LLOO - Ciiarles St., brick, :wo~storics ~lct~-ei~>tLeent;lcentury); Uet;;. ! \.lashinfiton Inn, 1112 Ck.ar1es St., .;his buiilin;; Iztes omLC it- I -.

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