Ongar Town Council Aimi Middlehurst Town Clerk TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL You are hereby summoned to a meeting of the PLANNING & ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE to be held in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, BANSONS, BANSONS WAY, ONGAR on THURSDAY 4th May 2017 commencing at 7.00pm for the transaction of business as set out below. Members of the press and public are invited to attend. Town Clerk 309/16 Apologies for absence Councillors are asked to forward their apologies for not attending the meeting. 310/16 Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPIs), Other Pecuniary Interest and Non Pecuniary Interests under the Council’s adopted Code of Conduct Members of the Council are subject to Paragraphs 6 (DPIs), 7 (Other Pecuniary Interests) and 8 (Non Pecuniary Interests) of that Code. Members are also subject to paragraphs 9 – 11 of that Code as regards declaration of interests and participation in the meeting insofar as any item of business involves such an interest. Members are reminded that if there has been any change to their entries in the Register of Interests, they should complete a new form notifying the change within 28 days of becoming aware of any new disclosable pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest. The form should be returned to the Town Clerk for forwarding to the Monitoring Officer at Epping Forest District Council. 311/16 Public participation session on items previously notified to the clerk To receive any representations from members of the public. The maximum time allowed for this item is 15 minutes. 312/16 To agree the Planning & Environment and Public Relations minutes of 20th April 2017. 313/16 Clerk’s Report – on items of information that are not an agenda item. 314/16 To consider current Planning Applications:- i) EPF/0942/17 – Mr & Mrs Pykerman, 43 Great Stony Park, High Street, Ongar Resubmission of application EPF/3072/16 – Proposed single storey side/rear extension. ii) EPF/0948/16 – Mr & Mrs Fenn, 42 Castle Street, Ongar Demolish the existing detached dwelling and outbuildings on the site and to construct a replacement detached house with garage. iii) EPF/0856/17 – Mr Patel, Marden Ash House, Stanford Rivers Road, Ongar Grade II listed building application for proposed soft strip out of previously installed facilities for elderly residents that occupied the 2nd floor level, comprising Doc M bathrooms and fittings, some partitions and cupboards etc. and reconfiguring the second floor partition layouts to create new en-suite bedrooms, a family bathroom, a library/study area, an enlarged kitchen dining area to the north elevation, as well as a new staircase up from 1st floor (removing the existing staircase), infilling the floor where this is located, upgrading the thermal properties of the existing dormer roof construction where possible, by removing some ceilings prior to reinstatement and making good. iv) EPF/0880/17 – Fr. Emile Nkumu, The Presbytery, 87 High Street, Ongar Grade II listed building application to affix a 12” blue plaque to front wall. v) EPF/0929/17 – Mrs Portman, 25 St James Avenue, Ongar TPO/EPF/29/90 T1 Oak: Balance crown, reducing laterals by up to 2m. Crown thin + drop crotch top of tree. vi) EPF/0941/17 – Mr Leader, 33 Great Stony Park, High Street, Ongar Single storey partial side extension with flying hipped roof to the North East Elevation (as a revision to side extension previously approved under EPF/2662/15). 283/16 To note the decisions of EFDC on recent applications. EPF/0003/17 - Mrs N Gaunt, MRH Four Wantz Service Station, Four Wantz Roundabout, Moreton, Ongar Advertisement consent for retention of ATM signage in ATM installed to the right of convenience shop, glazed shop front in a new grey steel bunker unit replacing existing ATM & damaged brickwork bunker unit. Grant Permission EPF/0007/17 - Mr S Wright, 5 Fairbank Close, Ongar Change of use of land from agricultural to garden. Refuse Permission EPF/0008/17 - Mrs J Francis,10 Fairbank Close, Ongar Change of use of land from agricultural to garden. Refuse Permission EPF/0009/17 - Ms S Allen, 9 Fairbank Close, Ongar Change of use of land from agricultural to garden. Refuse Permission EPF/0011/17 - Mr P Speller, 21 Fairfield Road, Ongar Change of use of land from agricultural to garden. Refuse Permission EPF/0012/17 - Mr S Boultwood, 1 Fairfield Road, Ongar Change of use of land from agricultural to garden. Refuse Permission EPF/0013/17 - Mr Sheldrake, 11 Fairfield Road, Ongar Change of use of land from agricultural to garden. Refuse Permission EPF/0014/17 - Mr D Thompson, 7 Fairfield Road, Ongar Change of use of land from agricultural to garden. Refuse Permission EPF/0015/17 - Mr K Calver, 15 Fairfield Road, Ongar Change of use of land from agricultural to garden. Refuse Permission EPF/0016/17 - Mr G Herbert, 17 Fairfield Road, Ongar Change of use of land from agricultural to garden. Refuse Permission EPF/0017/17 - Mrs V Perri, 23 Fairfield Road, Ongar Change of use of land from agricultural to garden. Refuse Permission EPF/0018/17 - Mr P Dear, 19 Fairfield Road, Ongar Change of use of land from agricultural to garden. Refuse Permission EPF/0019/17 - Mr M Cordell, 23A Fairfield Road, Ongar Change of use of land from agricultural to garden. Refuse Permission EPF/0020/17 - Mr M Hansell, 13 Fairfield Road,Ongar Change of use of land from agricultural to garden. Refuse Permission EPF/0021/17 - Mr T Trew, 5 Fairfield Road, Ongar Change of use of land from agricultural to garden. Refuse Permission EPF/0022/17 - Mr B Banks, 9 Fairfield Road, Ongar Change of use of land from agricultural to garden. Refuse Permission EPF/2885/16 - Mr T Fry, Rectory Barn (formerly known as 1 Shelley Rectory) Retention of dwelling in place of previous agricultural building. Refuse Permission EPF/2978/16 - Mr S Donovan - 27A Landview Gardens, Ongar First floor and single storey rear extension. Refuse Permission EPF/2979/16 - Mr Simon Donovan - 27A Landview Gardens, Ongar Loft conversion with rear dormer and roof windows to the front roof pitch. Refuse Permission EPF/3072/16 - Mr & Mrs Gavin & Tina Pykerman, 43 Great Stony Park, High Street, Ongar Development: Single storey side extension Refuse Permission Ongar Town Council did not object to the above applications. Bansons, Bansons Way, Ongar, Essex, CM5 9AS Tel 01277 365348 Fax 01277 362315 2 e-mail [email protected] www.ongartowncouncil.gov.uk EPF/0025/17 - Mr I Selby, 5 Bowes House, High Street, Ongar TPO/EPF/26/99: T4 Hornbeam - crown spread reduction up to 1.5m & crown lift to 4m.T9 Sycamore - 30% reduction. Grant permission (with conditions) EPF/0088/17 - Mr R Carvell, Hill Crest, Toot Hill Road, Greensted, Ongar Retention of link from outbuilding to main house creating rear addition. Grant Permission EPF/0133/17 - Mr K Hubbard, Greengates, Drapers Corner, Ongar Erection of front boundary wall. Grant permission (with conditions) EPF/2988/16 - Tesco Stores Limited, Tesco Express, High Street, Ongar Alterations to shop front, single storey rear extension to the existing building together with associated fencing, Changes to site layout to improve and provide additional car parking spaces. Grant Permission (with conditions) EPF/2989/16 - Tesco Stores Limited, Tesco Express, High Street, Ongar Advertisement consent to display 3no. illuminated fascia signs, 1no. illuminated gantrysign, 19 no. none- illuminated signs. Grant Permission (with conditions) EPF/2831/16 - Mrs Dear, Telephone Box outside 180 High Street, Ongar Listed building consent for replacement of telephone with a defibrillator and associated works. Grant Permission (with conditions) EPF/3011/16 - Mrs C Hoskins, Land between car park and garages, Stanley Place, Ongar TPO/EPF/02/10 G1: T1-7 Lime - crown reduce back to previous pruning points (approx. 2m) and crown lift to 8m. Grant Permission (With Conditions) EPF/3020/16 - Mr T Ryan, The Coach House, Stanford Rivers Road, Ongar Alteration, extension, including first floor additions, and conversion of existing outbuilding for use for ancillary leisure accommodation and gymnasium to provide ancillary leisure (proposal previously granted under lapsed approval EPF/0971/11) Grant Permission (With Conditions) EPF/2799/16 - Mrs S Jones, 34 The Gables, Ongar TPO/EPF/14/03 T21 Ash: Crown reduction as specified. Crown lift lower 2 limbs. Grant Permission (with conditions) EPF/3065/16 - Mr & Mrs Barber, Westleigh, Toot Hill Road, Greensted, Ongar Demolition of existing conservatory to be replaced with a new insulated extension. Existing roof to be replaced with one of a higher pitch. Front porch to be added. Larger openings. New dormer window to the rear. New material palette on all elevations. Grant Permission (With Conditions) EPF/3087/16 - Mr K Piggott, 1 Kimpton Close, Ongar Proposed new dwelling. (Revised application to EPF/2317/16) Grant Permission EPF/3120/16 - Mr M Boucher, 103 Cripsey Avenue, Ongar Single storey front extension. Grant Permission EPF/3150/16 - Mr M Schooling, The Kings Inn, 177 High Street, Ongar Retention of signs on front elevation - one hanging sign, two rounded signs, one menu box sign and a sign above recessed entrance door - these are not illuminated except for the entrance door sign. Grant Permission (With Conditions) EPF/3152/16 - Mr M Schooling, The Kings Inn, 177 High Street, Ongar Grade II listed building consent for retention of signs on front elevation - one hanging sign, two rounded signs, one menu box sign and a sign above recessed entrance door – these are not illuminated except for the entrance door sign. In addition one non illuminated box sign inside the pub/restaurant. Grant Permission EPF/3417/16 - Mrs Natalie Gaunt, MRH Four Wantz Service Station, Four Wantz Roundabout, Moreton Retention of an ATM installed to the right of the Convenience shop glazed shop front in a new grey steel bunker unit replacing the existing ATM and damaged brickwork bunker unit.
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