University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carrizozo Outlook, 1915-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-9-1921 Carrizozo Outlook, 09-09-1921 William Kabler Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/c_outlook_news Recommended Citation Kabler, William. "Carrizozo Outlook, 09-09-1921." (1921). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/c_outlook_news/290 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Carrizozo Outlook, 1915-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. mm'"" OLN COUNTY "we reach:1 m OFFICIAL PAPER Published Weekly in the Interest of Carrizozo and Lincoln County 9 PAGES VOL. XVI-N0- .28 CAIUUZOZO, LINCOLN COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1921 PIMCB $2;00 PER YEA LARGEST CIRCULATION IN THE COUNTY LAKUKST STILL KVEK FOUND MOST OF STATE'S OATTI.i: . Quit Looking l.l 8'lAlh t;.i-- l tlli:i liitA.vns mmv iti;(iisTi:iti:n Over Seat; Look Nearer Home. for Flfiv.flnllon Life Farmers 7&0 the (iallom A Hlllt, Willi Saver OS Albuqueniue, Bepl. C About pci of Mnali, Captured Kite Miles Aortl cam 01 too cutio brands o tho slut P. J. Soger, Mrs. Soger, Mjss uf Ton ii by I'rolilblllun A Kntk. havo boen registered wltl' tho otIU-i- t Albuqucniuc, I'cpl. 6. A II fly cal tho rattle sunltnry hoard, 11 wu Laura Selnrf, nurse, nnd tho New Ion copper Mill and 7Ú0 gallons o inuouuccd Uiittirdny by M. a. Kve and Stockmen of Mexico Outlook man took a trip north corn, raisin, nrnl iiutato mash, III nan, secretary of tho boni'd. of ÜO.OUII C1111Í70ÜO last Tuesday Agricultural CrcdltB law has been passed by congress nnd signed by President Harding. largest ntlll ami tliu larccst quantlt: To dato about tirnnilu linvi in answer of innsh ever captured In the statt been registered, nnd It la upoctcx to an appeal aid two oiio-hn- lf billions j for from certain TIII3 uvullablc to tho War Klnanco corporation resources of and of was seized yesterday alternoon b. nai tnu cioai-u- p ilrlvu which is ti for financing tho farmora and livestock growers of tho United Stutes during tho (odcrnl prohlhltlon agents In a lioum tonow Dhortiy will lucludo ever) worthy applicants in that section. nmf twn viMir. Tho law I In foreo and Managing Director Meyer, of tho War Finance corpo- - In Los Candelarias, nnrtli of Altiu nranit now in uuo in New Aloxlcn am. Dr. Paden and Misa Seharf had nucrnuo. .n n general wuy will Iuib announced that It will bo In activo operation within threo or four weeks or Just as j tndlcutu tin waiting ratlon, llOUIIO or been on those of whom ..- fni- - ,11 1m ThO In Which tllO ntlll ant nuraiier ranches in tho Mute. - al 0 LI........ niwuioaiiH...... .... .Ituv.- - w.rtit Imi ......nan w ivnifontiMl iiuiuniy un vunt murium;, j ..v..,. j t,w. maul) was found was desorted whel Tho number of brands which lutvi wo speak, and brought tho news tho Agricultural CrcdltB law reached Now Mexico last week ono of tho been to When copies of tho raid was niado, and no ono lis' submitted tliu board's olllci to tho attention of Mr. Sagor, leading bankers of tho Htato, after Btudlng It with care, Bald: been arrested as yet. Agents nr o far Indicate n ruductlon of nbmr searching (or operators of tin 10 per cont (rotu tha nt who Is chairman of the Salvation "Thla law Is a Ufo Haver for tho fanners and Blocluuen of Now Mexico and tho west. It will the number tin still, and arrests aro expected t last registration eight years ago. Army Advisory Uonrd, enable our banks, now overloaded with farm and livestock loans to pass those loans on to the follow. That new ranchea ara vontlnunll) by It producers "grow- being (armed, lb proven by Thoy found 13 War Finance corporation to be carried during tho period while tho aro Tho still Is said to bo 0110 of 111 tho fací pcoplo living in ing out" of tho hole Into which they wore duinpteil by contraction of prices and credits last year stills over rap tlvit the board continuos to racelvi one dugout without even tho farm- turod hero, being the largest en or II flic 11 appllcnntlons for now Tho vast Rums thus released will becoiuo nvallablo for tho current credit requirements of liesldci brands overy day, scant necessities of Ufo around About sixty feet of tlireo-qunrt- It which Is about tin Block growers and general business. It should servo to completely relieve tho financial I ers, cupper tubing constituted tlin col normal mimbor. hem. There wero 11 children and It absolutely Insures an abundant credit for carrying on the legitimate operations Tho board will nl.irt a clcaii-u- t stringency which was Installed In a Urge hngi who boro the mnrks of intel- of overv responsible farmer and livestock grower. The banks had reached the limit of their licnd filled with mol wutor. I'll Irhu shortly lo socuro tho registra nm-pl- o Ion of every bruud In tint 1 ligence, ability to carry tho producers of grain and meat nnlmalB. This law establishes a new and Mill proper is of n rnpnc ntut. but who wero unable to Ity, nnd Is tightly constructed. a oxpuctcd that tsixcrui thoiiuuui within which every producer can havo his necessary Ilnanclal requirements ! attend school on account of Isck limit of credit poclnlly-constructc- Srauds will bo mldcd In the list repay Hie oí d iiiiiplliig dovlci provided for with time enough to them from product bis farm and range." connects tho roll to tho still. this ilrlvo, making tho register vlr of proper clothing. YOU, who Bald H bo tuully u rnmpleto Hit of nil law Is precisely what Senator llursuin would when ho returned homo from 801110 uruml This Idea of the largo tcalo 01 ranch-owne- ire enjoying the comforts of life, mouth, pusnngo had become assured: and of thn htato. Washington last after its which tho distillers havo been op. think nf this! Almost within "T1I13 GltHATHST FINANCIAL UISLIKF MI3As('HI3 IN THE 1IISTOIIY OF GOVERNMENTS" orating may ho gathered (rom tin (net with n sight of your homes. It would Tho Agricultural Credits law is tho rsspouB3 of tho Harding administration to tho call of that vessels tctul rap Fiendc Abroad. sclty of 100 gnllons wero (oum remind ono of the famous poem western livestock growers nnd farmers, for relief from a desperate llnanclnl situation brought clono to the still, apparently wit on by conditions over which they had no control. Tho President, In IiIb campaign Inst year, tho expectation of another run Hlior' Lnst Saturday riiglit at Duran, which mad.--' like this: promlHcd tho producers of the went practical and adequate relief from tho iulolernblo ilnanclal ly. Two kegs, two N. M., as grticerymnn. A. J Oh, little feet Hint soon must tresd licon by unwlso policies of tho proceeding adminis- ton kegs, four kign wor (oury was about to c oso Ids I'he roughness uf life's rugged rosd, situation Into which they had thrown tho besides thrco jugi 'ound, I, e promlso been kept In tlilslaw. jusiness for the tiny, livo men nearer to thn way-sid- inn tration. That has threo jugs nnd 11 minihxr ' your own banker for lib opinion. If a copy of tho Agricultural Credits law mnllor containers, The nltlccrs hi intoreü tlio store, one of them IVhcre toll shall cease nnd rest begins, Oo and usk m weary has reached him, or If ho has had an opportunity to become familiar with Its provisions, ho will llevo that It has been about ten tiny 8ked for some cheese nr.d as Mr. thinking of your load." law will do for you; tho farmers nnd Htock growoio and business men of Now llnco the last large distillation. rioury Btoopetl to rniro n box 1 he party relio veil the distres tell you that tho Two gallons tho mas Mexico; exactly what is stated above. hundred of :ontnlning the sume, the man sed condition ns far as possible was rnlsln mash, and tho Imbue overed him with n revolver. Iuib been no partisanship In tho national policy that dictated tho terms of this law. SCO gallons, consisted of poluto nn at that time, but inoro remains There I'lio 12 year old boy of the mer-thn- It became necessary for tho national government to find a way to rescue tho grain and meat and corn mnsli. Tho olflecrB wero sr.nu to be done. This is hut n small many tho long period of what puirlcil when they first dlacov snw tho act and warned wool producers of this nation from tho ruin that threatened and from ercd tho potato mash, thinking Ids father, but too reminder thnt wo should pay burdened all. Tho Harding administration found that fro: late, however, depression nnd restricted credits that Its nppcaranco that it wns a prepnri as nn attempting to orine, the inoro heed to those under tho In tho Agricultural Credits law. Western senators framed It. Western senators lion of llartlctt pears. way to relief t!nrcstlgntlot bandit fired, killing Mr. Kmiry dindow of tho secured Its passage with tho backing of tho President. , however, showod that It was com surrounding posed of sliced potatoes, natontly. Mountains who be During tho first mouth ho wan In Washington, Senator numim proposed a credit relief bill Mis.
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