A Bibliography of Publications on Visual Instruction Sets

A Bibliography of Publications on Visual Instruction Sets

A Bibliography of Publications on Visual Instruction Sets Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 12 December 2019 Version 2.16 Title word cross-reference Mot98, Mot99b, Mot99a, Mot99c, Phi98]. Alto [IEE98]. AMD [Adv00b, Hal97, IM99, OWJF98, OFW99, Pou98]. AMD-K62-E 2 [IM99, Lee96, OWJF98]. 2.0 [LHxx]. [Adv00b]. Analysis [IM99, SB01]. Apple [Fit01]. Application [Hun00, PW96]. 3 [Hal97]. 3-D [Hal97]. 3DNow [OWJF98, Architecture [Hsu01, LHxx, MPW97, OFW99, Adv00a, BN99, IM99, Fom00]. OFW99, PW96, Phi98, TO96]. architectures [Ano96a]. Aspects [Hsu01]. 64-bit [LHxx]. Assembly [Sun00]. Auditorium [IEE98]. August [IEE96, IEE97, IEE98]. 7100LC Automatically [BGGT01]. [Ano95, BBJ+95, BKQW95, LBLS95, Smi94]. 712/60 [Smi94]. 7300LC [BT97]. based [BM00, Hun00]. Better [Ano97a]. Beyond [Hal97]. bit [LHxx]. Black [Ben95]. accelerate [TONH96]. Accelerates Blazing [Tho98]. Blinn [Bli97]. [DDHS00]. Accelerating breakthroughs [Smi94]. Briefs [GL97]. [DDC+98, Lee96, Sun96a]. achieve [Smi94]. Bugs [Ben95]. builds [Pou98]. Built Across [DDC+98]. algorithms [TONH96]. [Pea95]. Built-In [Pea95]. Business Alpha [RRM96]. Alternatives [Ano98]. [BEM95, GL97]. BYTE [Ano96a, Ano96b]. AltiVec [DDC+98, DDHS00, Fit01, Ful98, 1 2 California [IEE96, IEE97, IEE98]. free [Ano96a]. Fugue [Bli97]. Functions Capabilities [Pea95]. Case [Sun96a]. [BKQW95, SB01]. Centaur [Hal97]. challenge [Hal97]. Chip G4 [Fit01, Hun00]. Gaining [GL97]. gating [Sun96b, BT97, Pou98, TO96]. Chips [BM00]. Generation [Mah96, Phi98]. [Ano97b, IEE97, Hal97, IEE96, IEE98]. Graphics [Fom00, Pea95]. clock [BM00]. Code [Fom99]. Coding [Hsu01]. Combining [TO96]. commerce Hardware [Hsu01, Smi94]. High [Ano96b]. communications [PW96]. [AJ97, BEM95, Mod97, Pea95, Smi94, TO96]. Competition [GL97]. Competitive High-Performance [BEM95, Pea95, TO96]. [BKQW95]. Computational [Hun00]. highly [BT97]. hopped [Ano97a]. Hot Computer [Hsu01]. Computing [IEE96, IEE97, IEE98]. HP [Smi94]. [Hun00, JC98]. conference [IEE98]. Considerations [Wei96]. Contrast [Ben95]. IC [BKQW95, Ben95]. II [Mod97, KGOL97]. conventional [TONH96]. Converging Imaging [Ben95]. Implementation [GL97]. Core [Sun96a, Ano96b]. Corner [AJ97, Ano95, IM99, Kag96]. [Bli97]. Cost [BEM95, Pea95, Smi94]. CPU Implementations [OFW99]. Implicit [Mod97, Smi94]. CPUs [Tho98]. Cutting [BGGT01]. Improving [PW96, BM00]. [BN99]. Cyrix [Hal97]. INBOX [Ano96b]. Information [GL97]. innovative [Smi94]. Instruction D [Hal97]. Data [Adv00b]. Decisions [Mah96, RRM96, Sun96a, Sun96b, Sun02, [BKQW95]. Decoder [AJ97, LBLS95]. Lee96, TONH96]. Instructions Design [BBJ+95, BKQW95]. Desktop [GV06, IM99, AB01, TO96]. integrated [Ano97c]. Development [BEM95]. Digital [BT97]. Intel [AJ97, GL97]. Dilemma [GL97]. Does [AB01, Ano96b, Ano97a, GL97, Hal97, KB96, [Tho98]. Dolby [AJ97]. Dynamic PW96, PWW97, Ram99, SB01, Wei96]. [Mod97, BM00]. Dynamics [Hun00]. Interface [Mot99a]. Internet [Ano96b, TH99]. issue [Ano97d, TO96]. Edge [BN99]. Effectively [BN99]. efficient issues [Ano96a]. IX [IEE97]. [Lee96]. electric [Ano96b]. Embedded [Adv00b]. Emmerald [AB01]. Enhanced Jerry [Pou98]. Jim [Bli97]. Just [Ano97b]. [Pou98, LBLS95]. Enhancements [Ano95]. Enhancing [TONH96]. Environment K6 [Pou98, IM99, OWJF98]. K6-2 [BKQW95]. Environments [Mot98]. [IM99, OWJF98]. K62 [Adv00b]. Key Evaluation [Hun00]. Examples [Mot99b]. [GV06]. Execution [Mod97]. Exploiting [BGGT01]. Extension [DDHS00, PW96]. Extensions Language [Sun00]. Levels [Ben95]. Linux [LHxx, Mah96, RRM96, JC98, Lee96, TH99]. [BN99]. Logic [Ben95]. Look [Fit01, Ano97c]. Low Fast [Ano97b, AB01]. First [Fit01, Kag96]. [BEM95, Pea95, Smi94]. Low-Cost Fits [Ano97a]. Floating [SGJ+99]. [BEM95, Pea95]. Floating-Point [SGJ+99]. Fluid [Hun00]. FORTRAN [Hun00]. FORTRAN-based Manual [Adv00a, Mot98, Mot99a, Sun00]. [Hun00]. four [TO96]. four-issue [TO96]. matrix [AB01]. matrix-matrix [AB01]. 3 MAX [Lee96]. MAX-2 [Lee96]. Media [Hun00]. PowerPC [DDHS00, Tho98]. [DDC+98, DDHS00, Sun96b, TONH96, praise [Ano96b]. Presents [GL97]. Price Lee96]. media-processing [TONH96]. [Smi94]. privacy [Ano96b]. Processing Memorial [IEE98]. methodologies [DDC+98, DDHS00, Sun96b, TONH96, [BBJ+95]. Microarchitecture JC98, Lee96]. Processor [Adv00b, Fit01, [Kag96, KGOL97]. Microprocessor Mah96, Mod97, BM00, TO96]. Processors [BKQW95, OWJF98, Phi98, BBJ+95, BT97]. [KGOL97, LBLS95]. Products [Ano94]. Microprocessors [KGOL97]. minimal Programming [KB96, Mot98, Mot99b, [Lee96]. MMX [AJ97, Ano96a, Ano96b, Mot99a, Ano96a, Ano96b]. Ano97a, Ano97b, Ano97c, Ano97d, Ano98, Bli97, Dro00, Fom99, GL97, Hal97, Kag96, Quality [AJ97]. KGOL97, KB96, MPW97, Mod97, PW96, PWW97, Pou98, Ram99, SB01, Wei96]. readers [Ano96a, Ano96b]. Real Mobile [JC98]. Model [Smi94]. money [Fom00, LBLS95]. Real-Time [Ano96b]. Motion [RRM96]. Motorola [Fom00, LBLS95]. Reciprocal [IM99]. [Ful98]. MPEG [LBLS95]. Multimedia record [IEE96, IEE98]. Reference [Sun00]. [Ano95, LHxx, Mah96, Pea95, PWW97, RISC [LHxx, Pea95, TONH96]. Root SGJ+99, LBLS95, PW96, TO96]. [IM99]. Routines [GV06]. multimedia-enhanced [LBLS95]. multiply [AB01]. Multiuser [BEM95]. Scientific [Hun00]. Second [Phi98]. Series [Smi94]. Server [BEM95, Ano96a]. Set Networking [Pea95, Sun96a]. New-Media [Mah96, Sun96a, Sun02, Lee96, Sun96b]. sets [Sun96b]. News [GL97]. Notes [GL97]. NT [TONH96]. Sheet [Adv00b]. significantly [Ano96a]. [TONH96]. SIMD [TH99, Phi98]. Simulation [Hun00]. Sixth [Mah96]. off [Ano96b, Wei96]. on-chip [TO96]. Sixth-Generation [Mah96]. Smart [GL97]. operation [BM00]. Optimization [Fom99]. Software [AS96, Hsu01, LBLS95]. sound Optimizing [Fom00]. Order [SGJ+99]. [Ano96b]. souped [Ano97c]. souped-up Out-of-Order [SGJ+99]. Overview [Ano97c]. SPARC [Sun00]. Special [Ano95, MPW97, Ram99]. [Ano97d]. Spectrum [DDC+98]. Speed [GV06]. Speeds [TONH96]. Square [IM99]. P55C [Kag96]. PA SSE [AB01, SB01]. Stanford [Ano95, BBJ+95, BKQW95, BT97, LBLS95, [IEE96, IEE97, IEE98]. Starts [Ano97a]. LHxx, Pea95, Smi94]. PA-7100LC [Smi94]. strategies [BM00, KB96]. Streaming PA-RISC [LHxx, Pea95]. packaging [TH99]. Studio [GV06]. Study [Smi94]. packing [BM00]. Palo [IEE98]. [BKQW95, SB01]. Subword [JC98, Lee96]. Parallelism [BGGT01, Lee96]. PC [AS96]. Sun [GV06]. Superscalar [SGJ+99, Smi94]. PCs [Ano96a, Ano97c, PWW97]. Pentium Support [Sun96b]. supporting [Ano97a, Ano97c, KGOL97, Smi94]. [Lee96, TO96]. symposium [IEE96]. PentiumAE [Mod97]. Performance System [BEM95, BT97, Pou98]. Systems [AS96, BEM95, Mod97, Pea95, SB01, Wei96, [Hun00, Ano97c, JC98]. BM00, PW96, Smi94, TO96]. Phoning [GL97]. Point [SGJ+99]. Power Technology [Adv00a, AJ97, Ano97d, [Ano97c, Smi94, BM00, Hal97]. PowerMac DDC+98, Fom99, Ful98, GL97, Kag96, REFERENCES 4 KGOL97, MPW97, Mod97, Mot98, Mot99a, ISSN 1532-0626 (print), 1532- Mot99c, OWJF98, OFW99, PW96, Phi98, 0634 (electronic). URL http:/ Ram99, Wei96, Ano97c]. test [Ano97a]. /www3.interscience.wiley.com/ Those [Ano97b]. Three [SGJ+99]. cgi-bin/abstract/77004416/START; Three-Way [SGJ+99]. Time http://www3.interscience.wiley. [Fom00, LBLS95]. times [PW96]. Tour com/cgi-bin/fulltext?ID=77004416& [Mot99c]. Trade [Wei96]. Trade-off [Wei96]. PLACEBO=IE.pdf. Transitioning [GL97]. Translating [Dro00]. Tuning [AS96]. TV [GL97]. AMD:2000:TM UltraSPARC [Sun96a, Sun96b, TO96]. [Adv00a] Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Unit [SGJ+99]. University One AMD Place, P.O. Box [IEE96, IEE97, IEE98]. Unix [Smi94]. 3453, Sunnyvale, California, USA. Upgrade [GL97]. uses [Pou98, Smi94]. 3DNow! 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