Welfare Board Gets Balance of Its SEE STORY BELOW Windy and Cold Wjndy and cold today with THEDMLY HOME chance of brief snow flurries. Red Bank, Freehold Clear, cold tonight. Sunny, Long Branch milder tomorrow. " I 7 FINAL (See Detail* J>a»a 3) Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 103 RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1968 28 PAGES TEN CENTS Monmouth Senators to Vote for Medicaid By DORIS KULMAN The other Monmouth as- Medicaid is a federal pro- now receiving health services comes enough to render them and will require money that in the sales tax "or an In- Monmouth County's two semblymen voted for the leg- gram, enacted by more than through various welfare pro- indigent. State costs will be could better be used .to. bring crease in the income tax senators will vote for the Med- islation. 40 states, which provides ex- grams. They will receive ex- somewhere between $250 and needed medical services to we'll have to have enacted in icaid bill when it comes be- Sens. Hichard R. Stout and panded medical, dental and panded services under the $500 million a year then, it is the poverty areas. order to pay for it," he said. fore the state Senate next health care for the poor. Medicaid plan. estimated. In enacting Medicaid the He cited establishment of week. Alfred N. Beadlestoh, both Monmouth Republicans, said In New. Jersey, the federal The program is expected to Has No Quarrel legislature would commit the medical clinics in the ghetto The bill was approved in last night they will vote for government and the state cost the state $20,2 million Mr. Apy emphasized he has state "irrevocably" to a "tre- areas and in migrant labor the Assembly by a vote of 60 it, too. would share the cost 50-50. during the first six months of no quarrel with Medicaid's mendous program," he said. camp areas as one of the de- to 7 on Monday. The program approved by operation. For the first full goal, which he said is "health- Estimating a 20 per cent sirable alternatives to Medi- Assemblyman Chester Apy, 'With Mixed Emotions' the Assembly will meet only fiscal year it is expected to ier people! population increase,,, by 1077 caid. He said those programs a Republican of Little Silver Sen. Beadleston said he will the minimum federal require- cost the state about $51.8 mil- "But we're kidding our- there will be about 1.6 million would put doctors and medi- and a member of the vote for the bill "with mixed ments for the first two years. lion. selves if we think this will ac- persons covered by Medi- cal services where they could Medicaid study committee, emotions." Sen. Stout said he During the first two years, The federal law requires ex- complish it," he said. caid in New Jersey, the most benefit the needy. was one of the leading objec- thinks it's a good bill, and the New Jersey program pansion of the program by He made two main points in state's share of the cost will The only persons who will tors. He spoke for about 30 noted he had voted for it when would provide coverage for 1075 to cover the "medically his opposition to the program. be $350 million a year, and benefit from Medicaid are minutes in vigorous opposi- it first came before the Sen- an estimated 300,000 low in- needy," those with medical He said it won't increase -ser- there will have to be an in- those who render the services tion to the bill. ate. come persons, most of them expenses that reduce their in- vices available to the poor crease of more than 4 cents (SENATORS, Pg. 3, Col. 6) West's Finance Chiefs ush to LONDON (AP) - The lead- Many financial experts in deutschesmark — the world's changes to reduce the large To strengthen confidence in ing finance ministers of the London considered the pres- strongest currency — were foreign trade surplus respon- the franc, the French Nation- Western world hurried to ent emergency even more imminent. sible for the expectation of al Assembly, approved Pre- Bonn today to try to halt the serious than the March gold Speculators rushed to revaluation! mier Maurice Couve de Mur- second major crisis in the in- crisis because three of the change francs for marks and In what London's Financial ville's proposal to reduce 1969 ternational monetary system world's principal trading cur- the fever soon spread to in- Times called a "backdoor re- budget expenditures $400 mil- this year. rencies — the French franc, clude both the pound and the valuation," the Bonn govern- lion, which he said would cut Most Western money mar- the pound sterling and the dollar. But the franc was ment said it would reduce its the deficit for the year to kets were shut to check spec- dollar — were simultaneously hardest hit. tax on imports and the tax $1.88 billion. The premier ulators' attacks on major under attack by the specula- In an attempt to check the rebate it pays on exports. called the cut a "first leg" Western currencies. tors. flight to the mark, the West This should reduce the flow but gave no indication what With the money exchanges The crisis was sparked by German government an- of West German exports and spending programs would suf- closed, the' speculators belief that a devaluation of nounced that it would not re- increase imports, resulting in fer. switched to gold and sent its the franc and a revaluation value the currency but in- a reduction of the surplus To give the governments a STUDENT STRIKE HEADQUARTERS — Students gather around telephone In price soaring. upward of the West German stead was making tax trade balance. breathing space while the fi- their headquarters: at Karlova University in Prague as an estimated 100,000 stu- nancial community evaluated these measures, toe French, dents took over their schools to protest loss of freedom. (AP Wirephoto) government closed all finan- Freeholders Finance Programs cial markets today. West Ger- man markets were closed be- cause the day is a national holiday, and the British gov- ernment ordered the London Relations Council foreign exchange market Welfare Unit Given Fundsclosed. •'''.'•• " • ' •,'>';'•.','.• FREEHOLD — The Mon- various other county depart- All that time in studying when there is no control." The French government an- mouth County Board of Free- ments to the Welfare board. and working out budgets, he Freeholder Director Joseph nounced that the Paris stock holders yesterday gave the By transferring money said, "and we're right back C. Irwin said that the money market, gold market and for- Snubbed by Board Welfare Board the remaining from one account to another, whe^re we started from. Last transfers were possible be- eign exchange market would remain closed "until further RED BANK — The Red ness of the school board Arthur Sills which will apply $330,904 of $737,004 that it the aggregate transferred to year's budget is an effort in cause other county depart- needs to carry on its pro- futility." ments had handled their notice." Officials said they Bank Human Relations Coun- alone "isn't a true concept." "across-the-board" to all fire the Welfare Board will not would not reopen until next cil volunteered its good of- First Such Talk departments, first aid squads, grams through the end of the have to be reflected on next Mr. Daly maintained it is funds economically which re- sulted in cash balances. Monday. fices to the Board of Educa- Mr. Blair spoke to the coun- special police units and other year. year's budget, as emergency a "real madhouse with the welfare picture today." tion during the community cil at its meeting last night, volunteer groups which re- The freeholders, through an appropriations are. Of all county departments, furor which followed the ap- the first time since his ap- ceive public funds or use pub- emergency appropriation, Freeholder Marcus Daly, a The freeholder added that continued Mr. Daly, welfare 70 Trapped pointment of George J. Mitch- pointment he has met with a lic buildings, "and in the next gave the Welfare Department it appears that there is even is the only one that has the ell as River Street School $170,000 for its Aid for De- critic of welfare spending, a "greater effort of futility local civil rights body. Pres- few weeks we will issue a lashed into the welfare finan- right to spend any amount, In Mine Blast principal — and got slapped ent also were mayor-elect firm statement about what pendent Children (ADC) pro- for this year's budget." Some- regardless of the budget. cial operations, charging that down — council members Daniel J. O'Hern, Council- we will do." gram and, through account body "has got to get some ra- Welfare makes a levy FARMINGTON, W. Va. it doesn't make sense ice the (AP) — As many as 70 coal disclosed last night. man Joseph Falvo, Superin- Membership practices at transfers, gave it $160,004 for tionale into this situation," against the freeholders for an tendent of Schools Dr. Robert various categories. freeholders to adopt budgets said Mr! Daly. "The people appropriation, he charged, miners were believed trapped The council was told, in ef- beach clubs also will be un- that the state makes up for today after an explosion fect, to mind its own busi- C. Hoops, three members of der division scrutiny, Mr. The board two weeks ago are being fooled into thinking and they have no choice but the Board of Education, and transferred .
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