Resilience and Economic Growth in the Sahel - Enhanced Resilience REPUBLIC OF NIGER and BURKINA FASO REGIS-ER Quarterly Report OCTOBER 1, 2016 TO DECEMBER 31, 2016 February 6, 2017 Cooperative Agreement No. 625-A-14-00001 Blvd. Mali Béro, Rue IB-73 B.P. 12,909, NIAMEY Tel.: (227) Table of Contents I. Quarterly Highlights .............................................................................................................................. 6 II. Programs ............................................................................................................................................... 8 Program 1 – Habbanayé plus Animal Health and Feed ............................................................................ 8 Program 2 - Horticulture ......................................................................................................................... 11 Program 3 – Access to Financial Services ............................................................................................... 15 Program 4 - Resilient Production Systems .............................................................................................. 18 Program 5 – Disaster Risk Management and Local Institutions ............................................................. 25 Program 6 – Water Services .................................................................................................................... 28 Program 7 – Hygiene and Sanitation ...................................................................................................... 32 Program 8 – Community-based Health and Nutrition ............................................................................ 34 III. Cross-cutting Activities.................................................................................................................... 39 Monitoring and Evaluation ..................................................................................................................... 39 Gender ......................................................................................................................................... 41 Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) .............................................................................. 42 Communications ..................................................................................................................................... 43 Grants Management ............................................................................................................................... 45 Cost Share ......................................................................................................................................... 45 Program Support ..................................................................................................................................... 46 IV. Appendices ...................................................................................................................................... 48 Results Framework ................................................................................................................................. 48 REGIS-ER intervention zones .................................................................................................................. 57 USAID|REGIS-ER FY2017 Q1 REPORT page 2 Acronyms and abbreviations1 English French Meaning A2N A2N Association Nodde Nooto (NGO “ready to serve” for conflict management) AG AG Assemblée Générale (General Assembly) AGR AGR Activités génératrices de revenus (Income-generating activities) AR AR Artisans Réparateurs (Repair Artisans) ARC ARC Agent Relais Communautaire (Community Relay Agent) assisting with community savings and loan program AREN AREN Association pour la Redynamisation de l'Elevage au Niger ASBC ASBC Agents de Santé à Base Communautaire [au Burkina Faso] (Community-Based Health Agents) ATP ATP Agent de Terrain Polyvalent (Multidisciplinary Field Agent) AUE AUE Association des usagers d’eau (water users’ association) AV AE Auxiliary veterinarian (Auxiliaire d’élevage) BAGRI BAGRI Banque Agricole du Niger (Agriculture Bank of Niger) BDL BDL Bio-Reclamation of Degraded Lands (Récupération biologique des terres dégradées) AZND AZND Association ZOOD-NOOMA pour le Développement ASBC ASBC Agents de santé à base communautaire (Community-Based Health Agents in BF) BAGRI BAGRI Banque Agricole du Niger (Agriculture Bank of Niger) BDL BDL Bio-Reclamation of Degraded Lands (Récupération biologique des terres dégradées) BMND BMND Blocs Multi-Nutritionnels Densifiés (Densified Multi-Nutritional Blocks) CADEL CADEL Comité d'Appui au Développement Local CBO OCB Community-based Organization (Organisation Communautaire de Base) CBSP APS Community-based Solution Provider (Agent Prestataire de Services) CCA ACC Climate Change Adaptation (Adaptation au Changement Climatique) CDA CDA Departmental agriculture head (Chef départemental d’agriculture) CESAO CESAO Centres d’Etudes Economiques et Sociales pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest CES/DRS CES/DRS Conservation des eaux et des sols/défense et restauration des sols (soil and water conservation works) CF CF Conservation farming (Agriculture de conservation) CGPE CGPE Comité de Gestion de Point d’Eau (Water point management committee) CILSS CILSS Comité permanent Inter-états de Lutte contre la Sécheresse au Sahel (Permanent Interstate Committee for drought control in the Sahel) CLA CLA Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting CLD CLD Comités Locaux de Développement (Local Development Committees) CLTS ATPC Community-Led Total Sanitation (Assainissement total piloté par la communauté) COFOB COFOB Commission Foncière de Base (Village land management commissions) COFOCOM COFOCOM Commission Foncière de la Commune (Commune land management commissions) CONASUR CONASUR Conseil National de Secours d’Urgence et de Réhabilitation (National Council for Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation) CPAVI CPAVI Centre de promotion de l’aviculture villageoise, a GoBF structure C-QI C-QI Community Quality Improvement / Amélioration de la Qualité CRBF CRBF Croix Rouge du Burkina Faso / Red Cross of Burkina Faso CSI CSI Centre de Santé Intégré (Integrated Health Center), a health facility in Niger CSPS CSPS Centre de Santé et de Promotion Sociale (Health and Social Promotion Center) CVD CVD Conseils Villageois de Développement (Village Development Council) CWG GTC Citizen Working Groups (Groupes de Travail Citoyen) DAO DAO Dossier appel d’offres (Bid solicitation process) DFAPs DFAPs Development Food Assistance Programs DMI DMI Development Media International (an international NGO) 1 The report mixes English- and French-language acronyms and abbreviations. (“CF/RNA” actually mixes English and French in the same acronym.) These acronyms and abbreviations simply reflect the terms used by project staff and in project reports; there is no system per se. USAID|REGIS-ER FY2017 Q1 REPORT page 3 English French Meaning DNPGCCA DNPGCCA Dispositif National pour la Prévention et Gestion des Catastrophes et Crises Alimentaires (National Agency for the Prevention and Management of Disasters and Food Crises) DRM GRC Disaster Risk Management (Gestion des Risques des Catastrophes) DQA DQA Data Quality Assessment (Evaluation de la qualité des données) DREA DREA Direction Régionale de l’Eau et de l’Assainissement (Regional Directorate for Water and Sanitation) EAA EAA Eau et Assainissement pour l’Afrique (Water and Sanitation for Africa) EAQ EAQ Equipe d’Amélioration de la Qualité (Quality Improvement Team) EdM EdM École des maris (Husband Schools) EWS SAP Système d’Alerte Précoce (Early Warning System) FAO FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FASO FASO Families Achieving Sustainable Outcomes FCFN FCFN Haymaking and Conservation of Natural Fodder FCPB FCPB Faitière des Caisses Populaires du Burkina (liée au Réseau des Caisses Populaires du Burkina) FFP FFP Food For Peace (USAID-funded food assistance program) FMNR RNA Régénération Naturelle Assistée (Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration) FP PF Family Planning (Planification familiale) FY FY Fiscal Year (Année Fiscale) FVV FVV Femme vaccinatrice de volaille (woman vaccinator who also makes chicken feed) (qui fabrique la provende) GASA GASA Groupes d’Apprentissage et de Soutien aux Adolescentes (Learning and Support Groups for [Female] Adolescents) GENOVICO GENOVICO Gestion Non-Violente des Conflits (Non-Violent Conflict Resolution) GoBF GoBF Government of Burkina Faso (Gouvernement du Burkina Faso) GoN GoN Government of Niger (Gouvernement du Niger) GRAINE Sarl GRAINE Sarl Groupe d’Accompagnement à l’Investissement et à l’Epargne, société à responsabilité limitée HH Ménage Household (Ménage) HCI3N HCI3N Haut-Commissariat à l’initiative 3N [Nigériens Nourrissent les Nigériens] (High Commission of the 3Ns Init.) iDE iDE An international non-profit organization ICRISAT ICRISAT International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics ICT TIC Information and Communications Technology (Technologies d’Information et des Communications) IGESPLAM IGESPLAM Initiation à la Gestion et à la Planification Maraichère (Initiation to Market Garden Management & Planning) INRAN INRAN Institut National de la Recherche Agricole au Niger IP PI Prestataire indépendant (Independent service provider) IR IR Intermediate Result, as used in USAID’s causal model - results framework for its projects (Résultat Intermédiaire, dans le cadre de résultats des projets) MAG MAG Ministère de l’Agriculture MARP
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