Indexes to A.S.M.E. Papers and Publications HE following pages will serve as a guide to the current B e a n , W. R ., The Use of Pulverized Coal in Metallurgical Furnace publications of the A.S.M.E. during the calendar year 1938, Firing B e n d e r , F . W., The Effect of the Enclosed Ink Foundation on In­ Tand also to publications developed by the technical committees. taglio Printing The publications of the Society are as follows: B e r n h a r d t , H e r m a n A., Color Offset Printing B r a n d t , C a r l , Super-Draft Roving C l e g h o r n , M. P., Iowa Coal as a Domestic Stoker Fuel REGULAR SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS, 1938 C o n n o r , T. B ., Municipal Lighting and Power Systems “Go to Mechanical Engineering, monthly (see index on pages RI-97- Town” With Diesel Power 108) C o o k e , H a r t e , Piston Rings and Cylinder Wear C u m m in s , C . L., Recent Developments, Applications, and Trends of A.S.M.E. Transactions, monthly (see index on pages RI-109- High-Speed Diesel Engines 120) D a l t o n , T. E., Engineering and the Graphic Arts Mechanical Catalog, 1939 edition D e g l e r , H o w a r d E., Five Years’ Progress of Oil and Gas Power D u n n , J . C ., Progress and Problems in Printing Rollers F e h s e , R u d o l p h E., Color-Printing Progress Session SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS ISSUED IN 1938 G r a h a m , J . J ., Operating Experiences With Gas-Fuel Diesel Engines H e r r o n , J a m e s H., The History and Development of Woodworking 1937 Oil Engine Power Cost Report Hand Tools 1937 Proceedings of Graphic Arts Technical Conference K k p i' i .k r , P. W., Operating Experiences and Graphical Analysis of Automatic Combustion Control Creep Data K o p p l in , K a r l , Liquid Resin as a Plywood Adhesive L o w e , R. P., Application of an Asymptotic Reset Controller to Sew­ General Discussion on Lubrication age Settling Basins M a c A r t h u r , C h a r l e s , Rapid-Drying Inks on Web-Fed Presses Standards M a n c h a , R a y m o n d , Factory Testing Propeller Mine Fans Time-Series Charts M c C a b e , L. C ., a n d R e e s , O. W., The Effect of Preparation on A sb Fusibility as Revealed by a Study of Selected Illinois Mines Cast-Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings for Maximum M e r r ia m , P a u l A ., Recent Developments in Wet Finishing and WSP of 125 lb Dyeing Machinery Steel Pipe Flanges, and Flanged Fittings for Maximum WSP N o r r is , C h a r l e s B., The Elastic Theory of Wood Failure of 150 to 2500 lb P a s s a n o , W. M ., Employer-Employee Relations—Wages P e l l is s ie r , M . R a o u l , Color Rotogravure Printing Power Test Codes Progress Statement by Engine Manufacturers S c h r e ib e h , M a r t in , Diesel-Electric Bus Operation Steam Condensing Apparatus Sh a u g h n e s s y , J. B., Rubber Plates in the Graphic Arts S m it h , E. W. P ., Cost of Welding and Welded Products—Factors In­ Hydraulic Prime Movers volved—Economics Instruments and Apparatus, Part 2, Pressure Measurement, S p e n c e r , E. R., Essential Factors Contributing to the Success of a Chapter 4 on Bourdon, Bellows, Diaphragm, and Deadweight Maintenance Program for Diesel Engines Gages S p it z g l a s s , A l b e r t F., Quantitative Analysis of Single-Capacity Processes Safety S t e t s o n , G. L., Latest Developments in Diesel-Fuel Testing S t o r c h , H. H., a n d F ie l d n e r , A. C., Coal Hydrogenation, Bureau A.P.I.-A.S.M.E. Unfired Pressure Vessel Code for Petroleum of Mines Experimental Plant Liquids and Gases S t u e v e , W. H., Trends, Load Characteristics, and Efficiencies of Power Applications for Pumping Oil Wells S u t t o n , H. M., Reduction of Woodworking Wastes and Labor Costs Papers Presented at A.S.M.E. in Rough Dimensioning T a y l o r , W a l l a c e , Mechanical Equipment for Fabric Printing T r e ib e r , O. D., Recent Developments in Autonjotive-Type Diesel Meetings, 1938 Engines Van Poppelen, F. J., Factory Layout and Safety HE complete technical programs of the meetings of the W e b e r , E. F., The Diesel Engine in High-Speed Railroad Service Society and of its Professional Divisions have been published W hitehead, W illard J., Modern Governing Equipment for Inter- Tin Mechanical Engineering and may be located by consulting the nal-Combustion Engines index on pages RI-97-108. A considerable number of papersW illiamson, W. W., Manufacturing Insulation Material From a and reports included in these programs were not published during Former Forest Waste the year in either Transactions or Mechanical Engineering, but were issued in mimeographed or photo-offset form. Complete Publications Developed by the Technical sets of these are on file for reference purposes at the office of the Committees Society and the Engineering Societies Library, under the title of “Miscellaneous Papers Presented at A.S.M.E. Meetings, 1938.” HE Society’s technical committees, the first of which was Photostatic copies of any of the papers may be secured from the organized many years ago and all of which have been con­ Library at regular rates. A list of these papers and reports tinuously at work on codes, standards, research, and other follows: Tspecial reports, have developed a series of publications of per­ manent value to the membership. The following list is first MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS PRESENTED AT A.S.M.E. presented here for record and for ready reference. This list MEETINGS IN 1938—NOT PUBLISHED covers the entire group of publications of these committees com­ B a b n e b , C. A., Some Aspects of Combustion in Small Underfeed pleted to date which are now available. Stokers To assist the members in securing copies of these publications RI-93 RI-94 TRANSACTIONS OP THE A.S.M.E. the sale price is also given. A discount of 10 per cent is allowed Part 15—Measurement of Surface Areas (1937), $0.75 Part 16—Density Determinations (1931), $0.30 to A.S.M.E. members on standards and a 20 per cent discount Part 17—Determination of the Viscosity of Liquids (1931), $0.45 on all other publications except where otherwise noted. Part 18—Humidity Determinations (1932), $0.50 Part 20—Smoke-Density Determinations (1936), $0.65 Part 21—Leakage Measurement, Chapter 1, Condenser Leakage RESEARCH Tests (1928), $0.35 Dynamic Loads on Gear Teeth (1932), $1.50 Part 21—Leakage Measurement; Chapter 2, Boiler and Piping; Fluid Meters: Chapter 3, Steam Engine Leakage (1932), $0.35 Part 1—Theory and Application (1937), $3.00 Part 2—Description of Meters (1931), $1.75 Part 3—Selection and Installation (1933), $1.50 BOILER CODE Report of the AGA-ASME Committee on Orifice Coefficients (1935), Power Boiler Code (1937) Including Materials Specifications and $2.75 1938 Addenda, $2.50 Tests on Electrical Equipment for Drilling Rotary Drilled Oil Wells Locomotive Boiler Code (1935) with 1936-1938 Addenda, $0.55 , (1933), $0.85 Low-Pressure Heating Boiler Code (1935) with 1936-1938 Addenda, Tests on Steam Equipment for Drilling Rotary Drilled Oil Wells $0.65 (1932), $0.85 Miniature Boiler Code (1935) with 1936-1938 Addenda, $0.50 Roll-Neck Bearings (1935), $1.50 Suggested Rules for Care of Power Boilers (1935), $0.70 Bibliography on Cutting of Metals (1866-1930), $1.25 A.S.M.E. Unfired Pressure Vessel Code (1937) with 1938 Addenda, Bibliography on Deterioration of Condensing Equipment (1845- $0.75 1930), $1.25 A.S.M.E. Boiler Construction Code, Combined Edition (1937) with Bibliography on Effect of Temperature Upon Properties of Metals 1938 Addenda, $5.50 (1828-1931), #1.25 Boiler Code Interpretation Sheets, $1.25 per set with binder. Single Bibliography on Management Literature and Supplement (1903- sheets, $0.15 1935), $2.75 Annual Subscription, $2.50 Bibliography on Mechanical Springs (1678-1927), $1.25 Bibliography on Woods of the World (1928), $1.25 Bibliography on Marketing Research (1935), $1.00 STANDARDS POWER TEST CODES M a c h in e S h o p P r a c t ic e S t a n d a r d s Shafting and Stock Keys (B17.1—1934), $0.45 T e s t C o d e s f o b Code for Design of Transmission Shafting (B17c—1927), $0.75 Woodruff Keys, Keyslots, and Cutters (B17f—1930), $0.35 Atmospheric Water-Cooling Equipment (1930), $0.45 Tolerances, Allowances, and. Gages for Metal Fits (B4a—1925), $0.50 Centrifugal and Rotary Pumps (revision in preparation) American Standard Screw Threads for Bolts, Nuts, Machine Screws, Compressors and Exhausters (1935), $0.95 and Threaded Parts (Bl.l—1935), $0.60 Displacement Compressors and Blowers (revision in preparation) Wrench-Head Bolts and Nuts and Wrench Openings (B18.2—1933), Evaporating Apparatus (1927), $0.50 $0.50 Feedwater Heaters (1927), $0.35 Slotted Head Proportions; Machine Screws, Cap Screws, and Wood Gas Producers (1928), $0.55 Screws (B18c—1930), $0.45 Hydraulic Prime Movers (1938), $0.60 Track Bolts and Nuts (B18d—1930), $0.40 Internal-Combustion Engines (1930), $0.55 Round Unslotted-Head Bolts, Carriage, Step, and Machine Bolts Liquid Fuels (1930), $0.35 (B18e—1928), $0.40 Reciprocating Steam Engines (1935), $0.65 Plow Bolts (B18f—1928), $0.35 Reciprocating Steam-Driven Displacement Pumps (1927), $0.65 Tinners’, Coopers’, and Belt Rivets (B18g—1928), $0.35 Refrigerating Systems (1927), $0.55 Rotating Air Cylinders and Adapters (B5.5—1932), $0.35 Solid Fuels (1931), $0.55 Jig Bushings (B5.6—1935), $0.35 Speed-Responsive Governors (1927), $0.45 T-Slots, Their Bolts, Nuts, Tongues, and Cutters (B5a—1927), $0.35 Stationary Steam-Generating Units (1936), $0.60 Tool Holder Shanks and Tool Post Openings (B5b—1929), $0.25 Steam Condensing Apparatus (1938), $0.65 Milling Cutters (B5c—1930), $0.75 Steam Locomotives (1927), $0.55 Taps—Cut and Ground Threads (B5e—1930), $0.50 Steam Turbines (1928), $0.55 Spur Gear Tooth Form (B6.1—1932), $0.45 Gear Materials and Blanks (B6.2—1933), $0.50 S upplementary C o d e s a n d P ublications Shaft Couplings (B49—1932), $0.35 Definitions and Values (1931), $0.40 Drawings and Drafting Room Practice (Z14.1—-1935), $0.50 General Instructions (1929), $0.35 Small Rivets (B18a—1927), $0.30 Instruments and Apparatus— Large Rivets: '/a in.
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