PUBLISHED BY THE COLORADO COLLEGE OF DIVINE SCIENCE 1819 EAST FOURTEENTH AVENUE, DENVER Entered as Second-class Matter January 23, 1919, at the Postoffice at Denver, Colorado, under the Act of March 3, 1879 Vol. V NOVEMBER 17, 1923 Number 39 Stir Up the Gift That is In Thee B y Nona L. B rooks. AUL in writing to Timothy, says, “When I and think of the glory that is ours. Let us do as call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is Jesus did—stir up the gift of Spirit not only with Pin thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother in ourselves, but within others. He saw in each one Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded the fulfillment of the beauty of the universe, the that in thee also. realization of God-Life. As long as we think ill we “Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou shall be ill; as long as we think poverty, we shall stir up the gift of God, which is in thee.” * * * * be poor. See Truth, and you will not lack. “ They This is the most fundamental advice that a that seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing. teacher could give to his student. Timothy truly All of those men who have been witnesses of the had a great heritage in the purity and strength of light, have seen this. The prophets taught it in his mother and grandmother; but Paul saw that various ways; they saw abundance, because they Timothy had a still greater heritage, the gift of God were witnesses of Truth. Let us pray never to be that was in him. This great philosopher also saw satisfied with a partial vision of Truth. that Timothy must stir up the gift if he wished to God can not give us any more than he does. He live to his best and serve. shares His own Being with us; He gives Himself. Our faith must be active in order to accomplish Let us not demand of God; let us demand of our great things. Passive faith does not get us any selves. There is a Truth song beginning, “Open my where ; give me the faith that does something. eyes that I may see glimpses of Truth;” I always Hence Paul urges Timothy to stir up the gift in ask that the word glimpses be changed to fulness of the spirit of active faith—the faith that dares. Truth. Truly fulness of Truth is prepared for me; What are the gifts that Paul urges his student to I must open my own eyes by right thinking. God stir up? We find our answer in these words: “ For is giving fulness; we are opening our selves only God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of partially; hence we receive only a portion instead power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” Think of the whole. We satisfy ourselves with glimpses; of the gift that is ours! The Mind of Wisdom, the there are those who believe that God-Power heals; God-Mind in us to be stirred up into consciousness but they can not see how the realization of the God- until we realize its perfection. Does not Jesus tell Presence can supply our needs. There are still us to be perfect as our Father in heaven is perfect; others who believe that we may demonstrate supply this greatest of all the teachers of men saw that we by realizing the God-Power, but not health. These are potentiality perfect, and urged us to know and people are seeing only partially; God is Life, practice this perfection. The realization of the Health, Abundance; the Power is Universal; but we riches of God’s Kingdom break upon us as we see do not by our realization of the Presence, translate truly, and dispels the gloom of limitation. It is to the gift into conscious experience. us as we think, friends. According to thy thinkings All is ours now; stir up the gift. How? Do I is thy experience. Jesus teaches God’s Kingdom, hear you say? Be convinced; perceiving Truth is not as a coveted realm of glory afar off in the skies, not enough. We must keep the right attitude. This nor as at hand, but closer still—in our midst, with means living so that we translate into practice the in us, within you and me. I do not like to seem to Truth that we know. Then we cannot lack any locate the Kingdom; or to give any impression that good thing. We can not lack health, for this God is in one place more than another, when the moment every one is health. There is nothing but Truth is that “we live, move, and have our being” health in the omnipresence of God. Take your stand, in His Presence. and know that you are every whit whole. The same How is it, then, that with the abundance of God thing is true of supply; every good thing that the on every hand, we seem to lack? How is that with Father hath, he has given unto you. Jesus experi God, perfect health, around us, in us, and through enced this. “ Oh,” do I hear you say, “this was us, that we appear to be ill ? Jesus!” Do you think that Jesus stood in any dif Many of us have the intellectual perception of ferent relation to the Father fundamentally from the infinite gift of God himself within us; but we what you and I do? are not realizing the meaning of our abundance, The difference between Jesus and other men is our health, our power. We are not putting into that he put into practice the great Truth that had practice by the moment what we know. God-Pres been revealed to him through right thinking and ence is the source of energy and the power of con true seeing. sciousness always; hence, let us not fold our hands Jesus demonstrated supply; he had all that he 2 THE DIVINE SCIENCE WEEKLY could: use. He made clear the tremendous law put Cast out fear. There is nothing to fear. God into form in the following words: “ Seek ye first hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of a sound the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all mind.” And God is the author of all that is given these things shall be added unto you.” Think right to us “in Spirit and in Truth.” Fear means that we ly, see truly, and all the needful things in the outer are off-balance. The sound mind stands certain of shall come to you. “What, did you say money!” the goodness of the universe; the vision of the sound Yes, I say money; for money is only the symbol of mind is cleared, and it looks out upon life in joy infinite abundance. As we see back of the penny, and faith, and with great thanksgiving. It knows the nickel, the dollar, and rejoice in these as sym itself a king in an infinite kingdom—the Kingdom bols, so shall we multiply them. According to our of Life. The sound mind is confident that the stir faith is it unto us. Hence let us work from within, ring up of the Spirit of God within us means life stirring up the gift of love, of power, and of a sound abundant on every plane of existence. As we live mind that is ours. we see that God Himself is the gift. He shares Be convinced. Do not hold a half-hearted belief. Himself with us. We can not fail to reap infinite Do I hear you say, “Maybe this is true. They may riches if we stir up the Gift of God by right think be right.” No one can succeed who says, maybe. ing, a right attitude, and right living. The gift of God must be certain to us. Keep the MEDITATION. right attitude. Take your stand in Omnipresent The gift of God is within me. It is the gift of Good— God. Keep your thinking true. Keep your power, and of love, and of a sound mind. It is the doing true. Do not swerve in your conviction. Do gift of out-streaming good will. not wander awTay even temporarily into the miscon I am conscious of Wisdom. ceptions of the unbelievers. When you are convinced I-know Truth. that health is abiding, perfect, established, and I rejoice in Power. when you have reached the consciousness of this I meet the world in Love. from which you do not swerve, when you live as though this were true, you shall be well, and when TIIE KINGDOM WITHIN you know that your supply is in God, you shall be “ There is an inmost us all where Truth rich indeed. Doubt is the enemy of the realization abides in fulness.” This is the point of focus where of the good. The Father’s will is for health, abund the “ I am” is in the Infinite consciousness. It is by ance, fulness. Co-operate with the Divine W ill; finding this point, opening to this consciousness, It is working for your good and mine. that we perceive the inherencies of God as being our It is indeed interesting that every century has very Being, and this is what Christ meant when he had its guides, those who have seen Truth, and prac said, “ The Kingdom of Heaven is within you,” “ Seek ticed it, those who have seen the Presence of God as ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and His Righteous health, supply, and every good thing.
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