DOCUMENT'PESOME ED 194 788 a CE 027 147 AUTHOR ,Kok, Marilyn, Ed.: -And Others TITLE "Building, Toward More Effective Vocational Training for Special Needs Students." Proceeding's: Annual Statewide Conference on Vocational Special -Needs (4th, College Station, Texas,' March 31,.April.1 and 2i 1980P.i INSTITUTION Texas A and M dniv., College Station. Coil. of Education.:_Texat Education' Agency, Austin; Dept: of OccUpational Education and Technology. PUB- _DATE 80 CONTRACT TEA-90230-438 NOTE 10Bp.: For related documents'see CE 027 146-14B .ED FS PRICE MF01/PCOS Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS . AttitudeS: Classroom-Techniques :-Competency Based Education: Court Litigation: Cutriculum Development: *Disabilities: *Educational Administrations *Employment: Hearing Impairments:,LegiSlatioil; *Mainstreaming: Mental Disorders:, Normalization (Handicapped);_Physical'Hisabilitiesostsecondary Education: School Safety: Secondary _Education:_ *Special Education; *Student Evaluation; Teacing Methods: Visual Impairments:*VOcationai:Eddcation: Workshops - ABSTRACT These proceedings from a three-day Texasconference focus on the needs-.of handicapped studentsin vocational-education; In the_keynote:_speechi Marc Gold asks two,questions: Hcrdb you distinguish_thcse. people who- have_ special needs from those-who don't,.-if,you,can:distinguisht and4 18 it possible to thinkin terms_ of_goals_that need to be accomplished anddifferences between how ;people get to those.gOals0 rather thanthinkingabout_people with specihl needs ? .Featured speaker Shirley Price discussesher life' as a :handicapped person andstresses the-need to perceive people as themselves- and not a8 their,handicap; to_break_down'stereoty.pesand prepareihandIcapped stddentS fcir real employment in jobsthat exist, not just_ create prograis because theysound_qqad; Twenty-Seven; presentations are then :given in-the following subject _areas: legiSlatien_htd litigation: secondary and postsecondary adminittratiVe-coriCerns (sUch as- retearch issues, ,advocates vs. educators,, and modifying programs.'for teachitg concerns_ COmpetency-based InstructIoni-classioommanagement,, safetyo. and_teathihg emotionally, disturbedstudents1:vocational assessment: employment: and specific hitdicappingconditions Finallyi_.featdred speaker Mare Hull summarizes the issues discussedduring the cOnference;" (Addresses of all .conference 'are included.)' (KC) 4! , ******** ,*****i4.*********4*****************************,********* * * .Rep oductions supplied. by EDRS.atv the best that can bemade from the original document. *********************************************************************** PO C9o 11%4: ' PROCEEDINGS ,Cr% FOURTH ANNUAL STATEWIDE CONFERENCE ON VOCATIONAL SPECIAL NEEDS LL/ "Building Toward More Effective Vocational Training For Special Nandi Students" Edited by: Marilyn Kok Raena Wharton Lindy McDaniel Linda H. Pandits David Gill 111111111111111.1.1.1, Coridaktifd The Vocational. Special Needs Progritni (Linda IL Parrish. Coordinator) Vocational, Achdt and &tension Education _College_olEditcation University College Station, Texas 77843_ In Cooperation with the 4; Departnient of Occupational Education and Technology se Texas Education Agency TEA Contract No. 9023i:1438 Prtoject Director: Linda, H; Parrish ' 1980 - "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED' BY S DE IPAITTANI 41T_OF HEALTH. EDUCATION w (NATIONAL TNSTI-TuTE OP EDUCATION TNis--00CumENT AAS_ BEEN REPRO- 4;41111 Totrilh CD:KEAD_ExACTLv AS- RECE IvECT -PR THE PERSON 0/TOROANizATIoNONO) A_TINOT_T__POIN_TSOP VIEW OR OPINIONS NOT NECESsARN__Y _REPRE- TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES STATED_00 Or SE NT OFITICIAL.NATACOTAi. INSTITUTE --INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." EDUCATION POSITION -ORPOLICY 4 ACKN WLEDpMENTS . , .. As the 4th Ann finance on Vocational Spezia! Dorothy Hernandez; Scheduling Needs drew to a_dose; it Intensting to contemplate how far Steve Hodges, Theator Complex Manager we bad conic in just four Articukrrly significant Is the fact Dick Ketches; Food Seivices that we have_grovm from_ about handicapped persons to John R: Richards,- Scheduling talking and listening to pped persona We; in Texas, Barbara Shine; Continuing Education have been alkiked this because of the commitment -to Sharon Welch, Printing Center . Vixational Specieil_. Needs_ leaders et Terias Education The presenters, whose remarks are included, within thisi Agencyl such as Eleanor Pat Lindley, and Robert volume, researched and presented valuable information -in Caster. interesting and diverse ways: The participants responded very . The conference has -because of dedicated well by discussing ideas, asking questions and relating personal o persons who serried on our ry committee. Members tikiXtrietir.AlS: . were: But the people who I must thank arethose who worked so Bob Alcorn_ mot Mikulin long and had to make certain that the conference was rC William EMI rank Perdue sum. -The Vocational Special Needs staff at Texas A&M Donald L Clark hard Prilaski Universiv is a nucleus of dedicated individuals strIvinglia make Bill Grusy Seher vocational eckication a reality for all students. The way that Larry_Jeffus Terrell Jenetta Bates, Tina Wesphal, Lisa Scan, Kay Lunsford, and Jan Kanda Ann Webb Debbie Teguns used `clerical and personal skills went well Foy Page beyondthe expected workloa f most secretaries. Weekends and evenings were given up wh n deadlines needed to be met Chairpersons, deservinga heart -f It_thanks, include: RaerraWharton,Nan Crowe ricly Maianiel, Kanne Turner Barbara Allen Clin Isbell and Divid Gill all worked incredibly well as a unit to provide.. Carol Anderson Y IShaq assistance to schixis, students, and faculty in the Vacationed L Boone Jerry Kapes Special Needs area Thanks are alio due Donald L Clark, Steve Brown Keith nebrew Associate Dean Of lie-search in the tollege of Education; for his Karen Carlson Wade Miller unfailing support. Pam-Chanw- Jim hick \/ Marilyn'Kok, who has . Rossucker Primary appreciation mutt gp o DufferChildrey writing; budgetary and organizational leadership qualities, red Elliott Sonny Sold and a gentriness of character that ma her a delight to work David Feldman Ken Somers Peggy _Cooper Stenning with. As astrociate proiect director, Marilyn took much of the . Gravid Gardner worry away by doing Ore work and leenting the glory tome: Marjorie Hansbn Terry Sutton Lorraine Harrison Sue White Ititwithgratitude that I thank You all personally for Opal HaWard attending our conference. With these piOceedings go my_ bett Wishes for your success In preparing handicapped students in Staff from Texas A&M University providing technical vocational education. assistance were: '., Linda H. Parrish Frank Clark, Educational Technology r. INTRODUCTION When in January, 1977, the Vocational Special Needi Questions raised by the vocational education of handicapped Program at Texas A&M University co- nsored _a conference students: from funding to employment, teaching techniques to 'on vocational education for the- hair POW, 50participants recent litiffritkm. We Mist that these pages will bring solutions IA_ were er-orcted. Two hunched attended th evaluations such these concerns and answers to these questions. as, "This is the finest Workshop I have a ended in many years," We want to give a special acknowledgment to those project staff at Terms A&M were encouraged to present a 50.11)16113 whose presentation, whether because of faulty equip- second statewide conference in 1978. The second and third ment or excessive background noise on tapes, have not been conferences sponsored by the Vocational Spedal Needs Pro- included in this Proceedings: These speakers include Nan gram at Texas A&M were equals Well reteived, with keynote Crowell who gave a nuts and bolti approach to teaching the speakers such -as Frank Bowe. of the American Coalition for learning disabled 'student Don Hancock who spoke on the Citizens with Disabilities and Baud Keith of the Office of Civil timely topic, "The Role of the Vocational- Counselor in the Rights. Teachers; counselors, and administrators, representative Vocational Assessment Process"; Elise Millikin who discussed of the many pe vocational and special educators in the state of employability techniques; Bill Grirsy who shared-the resources Texas; also . ke at these conferences, sharing their experi- Ord services available front the Post-Secondary Division at the ences, insigh ,, and advice. Texas Education Agency, Althea Choates who gave an excel: This vol me brings yoU the proceedings from the fourth lent presentation on developing and coordinating interagency statewide co erence on the needs of special students in support Melinda McKee who presented "Up the Mainstream vocational ed than. Once again lceyno .1cers have come Without A Paddle: Educational Support Services for Deaf and from across thenited States tod-dress the educators of Texas, Other Disabled Students"; Ron Trull who spoke on- the role of including suchnovators as Marc Gold and Marc Hull. And the texas Rehabilitation Commission; and Frank ThOmpson once again, the conference rests the Majority of its claim to who gave an employer's perspective on the vocational training uality on the , lidos of the educators of Texas themselves. of handicapped students. It is with deep regret that we must Speakers wechosen to address the needs of anticipated omit these presentations. ParifdpantS: tors, counselors, and teachers in the We have arranged the other presentations under topkal secondary and post-secondary levels of vocational education. headings,
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