PSSXXX10.1177/0956797614563766Meekings et al.Do We Know What We’re Saying? 563766research-article2015 Commentary Psychological Science 2015, Vol. 26(12) 1975 –1977 Do We Know What We’re Saying? © The Author(s) 2015 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav The Roles of Attention and Sensory DOI: 10.1177/0956797614563766 Information During Speech Production pss.sagepub.com Sophie Meekings, Dana Boebinger, Samuel Evans, César F. Lima, Sinead Chen, Markus Ostarek, and Sophie K. Scott Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London Received 5/19/14; Revision accepted 11/20/14 Lind, Hall, Breidegard, Balkenius, and Johansson (2014a, experiment, of the word that they currently needed to 2014b) recently published articles tackling a core question inhibit. Lind et al. focused their analysis and interpreta- concerning speech production: At which stage of process- tion exclusively on those trials within this subset in ing are communicative intentions specified? Taking a posi- which participants did not notice that the word had tion contrary to dominant models of speech production been exchanged. However, according to the criteria (e.g., Levelt, 2001), they suggested that utterances “often Lind et al. used, there was evidence that the majority of are semantically underspecified” (Lind et al., 2014a, p. 8) these exchanges were in fact detected (~73%), and only before articulation, and that “auditory feedback” (Lind a minority went unnoticed (~27%). The frequent detec- et al., 2014a, 2014b) is an important mechanism for speci- tion of the manipulations suggests that auditory feed- fying the meaning of what one says. In their experiment back is unlikely to be a prime mechanism (Lind et al., (Lind et al. 2014b), they used real-time speech exchange, 2014a) by which spoken intentions are specified, as par- in which auditory information was occasionally manipu- ticipants must have had some awareness of what they lated while participants performed a Stroop task (i.e., nam- actually said when they detected the exchanges. ing the colors in which color names were printed). This Although the data seemingly contradict the authors’ methodology created trials in which participants produced claim that speakers “always use [auditory feedback] as a the correct response (i.e., named the color of the text) source of evidence in interpreting their own utterances” while simultaneously hearing over headphones a record- (Lind et al., 2014b, p. 1199), it remains possible that ing of their own voice producing the incorrect response speakers use auditory feedback some of the time, when (i.e., reading the text). On these trials, when asked what self-monitoring. However, we argue that the experience they had said, participants sometimes reported the word of hearing the audio recordings differed so much from that they had heard, rather than the word that they had the usual experience of hearing one’s own voice that it produced. Failure to detect these intrusions was inter- cannot be assumed to necessarily reflect the same pro- preted as evidence that auditory feedback is a “prime cesses. People who listen to a recording of their own channel” (Lind et al., 2014a, p. 2) for monitoring the mean- voice notice that their voice sounds different from how ing of spoken words. We suggest that (a) the authors’ data they hear it when they speak; they primarily hear their constitute evidence against a prime role for auditory feed- own voice via bone conduction but other people’s voices back in monitoring the meaning of self-produced speech, through air conduction. Lind et al. accounted for some (b) the experimental manipulation is not necessarily a of the acoustic differences between self- and other- manipulation of auditory feedback, and (c) the findings produced speech as it is heard at the ear (e.g., by low- may be explained by task demands rather than by mecha- pass filtering the speech), but made no attempt to address nisms of speech production. In the experiment (Lind et al., 2014b), participants always heard their own responses, via normal bone Corresponding Author: conduction and also via headphones. In a subset of tri- Sophie K. Scott, University College London–Institute of Cognitive als (4 out of 250 per participant), the word they heard Neuroscience, 17 Queen Square, London WC1N 3AR, United Kingdom over headphones was a recording, from earlier in the E-mail: [email protected] Downloaded from pss.sagepub.com at Max Planck Institut on August 25, 2016 1976 Meekings et al. others (e.g., by mimicking the spatial location of partici- that are concordant with the notion that error monitor- pants’ own voices). ing is under central control and is capacity limited Furthermore, Lind et al. could not eliminate the per- (Levelt, 1983). The data reported by Lind et al. (2014b) ception of the concurrent somatosensory and bone- seem best explained by breakdowns in error monitor- conducted auditory information that always results from ing consequent to the executive processing demands of speaking aloud. Within the dorsolateral temporal lobes, the Stroop task, rather than by processes underlying the neural response to self-produced speech differs from speech production more generally. the response to other-produced speech (Agnew, To conclude, we are sympathetic to the wider concept McGettigan, Banks, & Scott, 2012; Wise, Greene, Buchel, that the act of speaking helps people construe their & Scott, 1999), and peripherally, the loudness of one’s intended meanings in interactions. However, the articles voice is dampened by the stapedius reflex, which occurs by Lind et al. (2014a, 2014b) do not make a convincing when one speaks. It is critical to determine, therefore, case for placing auditory feedback at the heart of this whether the auditory feedback in the experiment reflected mechanism. the auditory, somatosensory, and neural consequences of perceiving one’s own voice while speaking, or whether it Author Contributions simply functioned more generally as an auditory distrac- All the authors contributed to writing this manuscript. tor. This distinction matters, because there are many instances in which hearing other-produced speech influ- ences perception and production. Properties of the speech Declaration of Conflicting Interests sounds in the environment can be assimilated into a The authors declared that they had no conflicts of interest with speaker’s output (Delvaux & Soquet, 2007; Pickering & respect to their authorship or the publication of this article. Garrod, 2004), and speech that a person is trying to ignore can be confused with attended speech, particularly if the Funding utterances are semantically related (Brungart, 2001; Gray S. K. Scott, S. Evans, and D. Boebinger were supported by a & Wedderburn, 1960). Thus, had participants heard any Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship (Grant No. voice (not necessarily their own), they might have made WT090961MA), awarded to S. K. Scott. the same misattributions. To ensure that the observed effect was dependent on participants hearing their own References voice, the authors would have needed an additional con- Agnew, Z. K., McGettigan, C., Banks, B., & Scott, S. K. (2012). trol condition in which participants heard a voice other Articulatory movements modulate auditory responses to than their own overlaid on their vocal responses. speech. NeuroImage, 73, 191–199. Finally, we question the extent to which perfor- Brungart, D. S. (2001). 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