HOLYEASTER SATURDAY: SUNDAY: TTHHEE REEASSURRECTIONTER VIGIL OF THE LORD Today in Focus APRIL 12 » EASTER SUNDAY: THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD A promise fulfilled This past year, I gave birth to a beautiful baby. He has transformed my life, bringing a sense of hope that I didn’t know I was missing. As I worked through a dark period of postpartum depression, it was the joy my son brought that was the light that helped me through. Today’s gospel has never resonated more than during that period in my life. There are three phases that we have the privilege of witnessing Mary Magdalene go through: the hope that Jesus brought in his message, the loss and grief at his crucifixion, and the realization of a promise fulfilled on Easter Sunday. She is transformed—hope to grief to joy—as she meets Jesus after his resurrection, going on to become an apostle to the apostles with the good news. It’s at that intersection of hope and pain that Jesus transforms us—he walks with us on that journey. Easter Sunday is the story of our faith. This Easter, let’s take the opportunity to reflect on our own journey of transformation. With Mary, we can relive and remember those three phases of hope, grief, and joy, to truly appreciate and celebrate the transformative gift that is the resurrection of Jesus in our life. ] SASKIA SIVANANTHAN 160 HOLY WEEK 2020 livingwithchrist.us AFPRILAPRIL 11 12 ] SATURDAY SUNDAY Sunday, April 12 ENTRANCE ANTIPHON have conquered death (Cf. Psalm 139 [138]:18, 5-6) and unlocked for us the path I have risen, and I am with to eternity, you still, alleluia. You have grant, we pray, that we who laid your hand upon me, keep alleluia. Too wonderful for the solemnity of the me, this knowledge, alleluia, Lord’s Resurrection alleluia. may, through the renewal brought by your Spirit, OR (Luke 24:34; cf. Revelation 1:6) rise up in the light of life. The Lord is truly risen, Through our Lord Jesus alleluia. To him be glory Christ, your Son, and power for all the ages who lives and reigns with of eternity, alleluia, alleluia. you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, INTRODUCTORY RITES (page 22) one God, for ever and ever. Amen. COLLECT O God, who on this day, FIRST READING (Acts 10:34a, 37-43) through your Only Peter proceeded to speak Begotten Son, and said: “You know what livingwithchrist.us LIVING WITH CHRIST 161 HOLYEASTER SATURDAY: SUNDAY: TTHHEE REEASSURRECTIONTER VIGIL OF THE LORD has happened all over Judea, sins through his name.” beginning in Galilee after the The word of the Lord. baptism that John preached, Thanks be to God. how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit RESPONSORIAL PSALM and power. He went about (Psalm 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23) doing good and healing all r∙ This is the day the Lord has those oppressed by the devil, made; let us rejoice and for God was with him. We are be glad. OR Alleluia. witnesses of all that he did Give thanks to the Lord, both in the country of the for he is good, Jews and in Jerusalem. They for his mercy endures put him to death by hanging forever. him on a tree. This man God Let the house of Israel say, raised on the third day and “His mercy endures granted that he be visible, not forever.” r∙ to all the people, but to us, the “The right hand of the Lord witnesses chosen by God in has struck with power; advance, who ate and drank the right hand of the with him after he rose from Lord is exalted. the dead. He commissioned I shall not die, but live, us to preach to the people and declare the works and testify that he is the one of the Lord.” r∙ appointed by God as judge of The stone which the the living and the dead. To him builders rejected all the prophets bear witness, has become the that everyone who believes in cornerstone. him will receive forgiveness of By the Lord has this 162 HOLY WEEK 2020 livingwithchrist.us AFPRILAPRIL 11 12 ] SATURDAY SUNDAY been done; may become a fresh batch of it is wonderful in our eyes. dough, inasmuch as you are r∙ unleavened. For our paschal lamb, Christ, has been sacri- An alternate reading follows. ficed. Therefore, let us cele- brate the feast, not with the SECOND READING (Colossians 3:1-4) old yeast, the yeast of malice Brothers and sisters: If then and wickedness, but with the you were raised with Christ, unleavened bread of sincerity seek what is above, where and truth. Christ is seated at the right The word of the Lord. hand of God. Think of what is Thanks be to God. above, not of what is on earth. For you have died, and your SEQUENCE (Victimae Paschali Laudes)$ life is hidden with Christ in Christians, to the God. When Christ your life Paschal Victim appears, then you too will Offer your thankful appear with him in glory. praises! The word of the Lord. A Lamb the sheep redeems; Thanks be to God. Christ, who only is sinless, Reconciles sinners OR to the Father. SECOND READING Death and life have (1 Corinthians 5:6b-8) contended in that Brothers and sisters: Do you combat stupendous: not know that a little yeast The Prince of life, leavens all the dough? Clear who died, reigns out the old yeast, so that you immortal. livingwithchrist.us LIVING WITH CHRIST 163 HOLYEASTER SATURDAY: SUNDAY: TTHHEE REEASSURRECTIONTER VIGIL OF THE LORD Speak, Mary, declaring Yes, Christ my hope is arisen; What you saw, wayfaring. To Galilee he goes “The tomb of Christ, before you.” who is living, Christ indeed from death The glory of Jesus’ is risen, resurrection; our new life obtaining. Bright angels attesting, Have mercy, victor King, The shroud and ever reigning! napkin resting. Amen. Alleluia. $ Sequence (Victimae Paschali Laudes) On Easter, the ancient Victimae Paschali is chanted as the sequence. The word “sequence” (from the Latin sequor, “to follow”) originally referred to a hymn that followed the gospel acclamation, prolonging the gospel procession. It began with the practice of the cantor extending the final “a” of the gospel Alleluia on important feasts. Over the years, words were added to the melody and eventually organized into rhyming verse. These poems were always chanted or sung as hymns, never recited. Today, sequences are now usually read or sung before the gospel acclamation, serving as a meditative hymn to which the assembly listens while seated. The only other obligatory sequence is the Veni Sancte Spiritus on Pentecost. Two other feasts have optional sequences: Corpus Christi has Lauda Sion (by St. Thomas Aquinas); and Our Lady of Sorrows, on September 15, has the Stabat Mater. Dies Irae and Te Deum are two well-known sequences no longer assigned to specific feasts. 164 HOLY WEEK 2020 livingwithchrist.us AFPRILAPRIL 11 12 ] SATURDAY SUNDAY ALLELUIA have taken the Lord from the (See 1 Corinthians 5:7b-8a) tomb, and we don’t know Alleluia, alleluia. Christ, our where they put him.” So Peter paschal lamb, has been sacri- and the other disciple went ficed; let us then feast with joy out and came to the tomb. in the Lord. Alleluia, alleluia. They both ran, but the other disciple ran faster than Peter The gospel from the Easter Vigil and arrived at the tomb first; (Matthew 28:1-10, page 149) may he bent down and saw the be read instead. Or, for an afternoon burial cloths there, but did or evening Mass, Luke 24:13-35 not go in. When Simon Peter (next page) may also be read. arrived after him, he went into the tomb and saw the burial GOSPEL (John 20:1-9) cloths there, and the cloth that A reading from the holy had covered his head, not with Gospel according to John. the burial cloths but rolled up Glory to you, O Lord. in a separate place. Then the other disciple also went in, n the first day of the one who had arrived at the week, Mary of the tomb first, and he saw and OMagdala came to the believed. For they did not yet tomb early in the morning, understand the Scripture that while it was still dark, and saw he had to rise from the dead. the stone removed from the The Gospel of the Lord. tomb. So she ran and went Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. to Simon Peter and to the other disciple whom Jesus loved, and told them, “They livingwithchrist.us LIVING WITH CHRIST 165 HOLYEASTER SATURDAY: SUNDAY: TTHHEE REEASSURRECTIONTER VIGIL OF THE LORD An alternate reading for an who does not know of the afternoon or evening Mass: things that have taken place there in these days?” And he GOSPEL (Luke 24:13-35) replied to them, “What sort A reading from the holy of things?” They said to him, Gospel according to Luke. “The things that happened to Glory to you, O Lord. Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet mighty in deed and hat very day, the first word before God and all the day of the week, two people, how our chief priests Tof Jesus’ disciples and rulers both handed him were going to a village seven over to a sentence of death miles from Jerusalem called and crucified him. But we Emmaus, and they were con- were hoping that he would be versing about all the things the one to redeem Israel; and that had occurred.
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