/V, C«*T Library V ol 64. Houlton, Maine, Wednesday, December 16, 1914. No. 60 Check Raisers preparation for liis trip lie visited | meat eaters in Europe, but they inn Severe H ea d Pain s Bread or W h isk e y ? virtually every large manufacturing port, no meat. They import eggs Caused By Catarrh Reap Harvest plant in the Cnifed States and esti­ and poultry from Russia and fish Cured By Peruna By Elbert Hubbard mated that, the machine tool manu­ from the countries to tin* north of tn the United States the manufac­ Forgeries Said to Have Meant facturing companies alone have from them. They think they can import ture and sale of strong drink is li­ Loss of Twenty Million Dol $10,000,000 to $15,000,000 in new orders all the eggs, fowl, am! fish needed Xmas 1914 censed and under the direct control lars in One Year. from European countries now mi from nearby neutral countries. I Feel It, of the government. their books. One big plant, he said, One-fourth of the wheat used in Instead of supervising the manu­ has enough work almad of it to keep Germany is imported, but, on the A Bully good a Duty to Texas Bankers’ Journal it in full operation 24 hours a day for facture and sale of strong drink, W. J. Burns, t he famous detective, other hand, the Germans have an Russia cut out the middleman and the next two years. Several con­ overstipp]y of rye, and rye bread Present for Mankind in tin address before the American monopolized the business. In Rus­ cerns already are preparing to in­ Bankers’ Convention in Boston, must replace wheat bread and rice. sia strong drink was manufactured crease their facilities to meet the the man. to Let All stated that “ forgeries vastly exceed b.v the government and sold by the larger demands arisi ng from the war. all othtr forms of hank fraud today.” Their potato crop is heavy, so Know of government direct to consumer. The first countiy among the bel­ These annual losses amounted to heavy that a good part of it is al­ A short time ago something oc­ ligerents to seek the American ma­ My Cure. $500,000 in 1000, $.>,'000 000 in 1000, lowed to rot, and much of it is used A Box of those curred in Russia, seemingly unpre­ chine tool supply was Russia. Al­ $15,000,000 in 1011, and the stupen­ for stock food. Only 25 per cent, of meditated, u iseheduled, t hat did for most immediately afterwards, orders Peruna dous total of $25,000,000 estimated, in the potato crop is consumed as hu­ fine the nation what -centuries of argu­ from Russian houses were received 1015. man food. The people must prevent Dad It. ment and agitation have been unable for lathes and machines of alt kinds Not long ago one manufacturing all waste from the rotting of pota­ to do. say, for Gre?v Britain or of a. similar nature. That demand company in Houston had nine checks toes. Dried potatoes make good America. has been gi owing steadily because of on one hunk raised within a period soups and purees, and bread is made 'Mr. W. H. Chaney, R. F. D. 2, A man arose in the Duma, ami the tact that the war had excluded <>f t hree mouths. from potato Hour. Sutherlin, Pittsylvania Co., Va., said : Russia, from her usual source of sup­ Recently a check drawn on a Bay The Reichstag has passed laws •writes: “For the past twelve months “ I hold in my hand an ofHcial re­ ply in Germany. England and I have been a sufferer from catarrh City ha.nk for .$15 was raised to $1500. regulating the slaughter of eattlo. M. port showing that the government France now have joined in seeking of the head. Since taking four bot­ Through the use of acid, all of the No consideration of price will he al­ tles of your Peruna I foel like a now. -owns and has stored in ware­ American tools and it is estimated 10c Cigars original writing except the signature lowed to govern the slaughter of different person altogether. The se­ houses ami elevators rye, wheat and that present supply cannot, meet the was removed, and the $1 ,.500,00 writ­ cattle. The government knows the vere pains in my head have disap­ oats to the extent ol over one hun­ demand. Of course, problems of de­ peared, nnd my entire system _has ten in over the genuine signature. location of th" cattle, and it directs dred million bushels. This grain livery will have to be met, but tile been greatly strengthened. ^ r mt u me ruble other instances ni igh t how many 'hall be killed and when. Packed in at­ “This Is my first testimonial to the was purchased for the manufacture business is of the most, valuable type be mentioned of cheek alterations in Under no eirctiinstances will any curative qualities of any patent of vodka. It is apparent that if we sine-- orders ate as a rale accompan­ Texas. A recent issue of the Den­ hul sit pern i;; > ua t <M cmws he allowed tractive Holi­ medicine. I feel It a duty to man­ use this grain for the manufacture ied by cash kind to let them know of Peruna. ver Post explains the modus operaa- to go to slaughter. Kubm-r advises of vodka we cannot use it for bread. Ip. reaching his estimate of the es­ In my estimation It is the greatest di of a gang of cneek raisers rrcenf ly the people to eat less butter. 15 day Boxes medicine on earth for catarrh.” ‘•The deciding factor in this great timated grand total, .Mr. l’ratt took in tliis state ; grains less a day per person. This, We have thousands of testimonials w ar‘in which we are engaged will lx* inf ■ > consideration t ie enormous in­ like Mr. Chaney's. Some of them “ A gang usually works in threes he says, will release the miik of famine; that is, the country that crease in European-bound food sup­ were cured after years of suffering in raising cheeks. They are adepts, (kin,(Mil) cows to other purposes. lias the greatest food supply will plies noted in September and Octo­ ■ > in n llo v $ I.S 'i and disappointment In finding a judging from some of tin-samples of The French report that wounds remedy. ■eventually win. if we use our grain ber. their handiwork shown hr the spot­ made in the battles along the Marne IO 1.00 Send for free copy of “Ills of Life.'’ for \fodk«i we cannot use it for bread. Details of the November foreign ters. are prone to become infected with The Peruna Co., Columbus, Ohio. I, therefore, hereby introduce a hill commerce atm trot, available as yet Theee who ebjeot to liquid medi­ “ One of the gang;, an advance- man. the lockjaw bacillus. Tim region providing that the government shall beyond “1;.- estimate that a trade cine* ewt new prooure Peruna Tab- goes to a Own two or throe week'; has long been known to be badly in­ *cease the manufacture and sale nf balaIK"- in fa\ or oi t he U nifed States alien,d of lliv other two. He make- fected with bacilli. The disease de­ spirituous liquors in every form ; a deposit in some bank and ingrati­ of approximately $70,‘W (too will tie 'that it-shall also prohibit the manu­ velops in t hose wi unded by shrapind. ates hnitsei'f with hank otlP-ers and shown. Department oilicials are facture and sale of strong drink, and Bullet wounds seldom carry the dis­ clerks. aware, however, that the increase in Ancient Koussinoc that, on penalty, no grain or other ease. The Academy of Medicine has A sk y o u r food ship men's has conrin-ued and “ About the .first of the month Die recommended that all those wound­ food stibstanceshall be used in this Hint una-mifact tired articles are be­ In Augusta the Mayflower de­ other two members cd' the gang ar­ ed by-shrapnel be treated with teta- country by any otve, under any con­ ginning to move across tin- Atlantic scendants are organising acampai«?n rive. Through information obtained < mis am itoxin promptly. dition, for the manufacture.- of strong in cause, h-rah le volume. for the erection of a suitable monu­ by flsoacU a nee man Die second mem­ drink.” Art icles on the care of the feet are ber of the gang stations himself on a ment to'mark tti<e site of the <*hi And behold 1 the bill was passed more abundant than articles on Dealer for street .corner in the vicinity of tm>r- trading poet where the men of the and duly received tthe signature of Annual Meeting eholi-ua. Bad foot arc much more of Plymouth oolong leiag carried on a, cha/its Drat, are in die bnbit W pay­ the G/?ar. a menace to an army than is cholera lucrative trade witth the peaceful ing their hi l Is-by cb"cks to col-lectors. It was several days before the iii this 20t/i centurv. “ The -swindlers watches the col­ y\mi. Wiliiain T, Haiu**s an, 1 (5>v- Abenaki Indians of the Kennebec thinking men of Rnssia awoke to the valley. Where abovrld 'be such a lectors. who are msuailv young fel- ■mior-i'lect •( )ak ley •( ( hr,5 is (•..getlou- fact 'that they had put into opera­ them.
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