LIGHTING-UP TIME WEATHER FORECAST 7.42 P.M. Fine Wte Stop! mth CritmM $a% INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Established 1828) and THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866) VOL. 21—NO. 132 HAMILTON. BERMUDA. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1936 3D PER COPY — 40/- PER ANNUM TRIBUNAL FINDS J. H. THOMAS TOLD BUDGET SECRETS 1 LIQUOR LICENSE ACT BRITISH OFFICIAL PRESS S.S. EMPIRE STATE WILLI LADY CUBITT COMMUNITY THEYSAY INFORMATION NOT DISCLOSED STAY HERE FOR 10 DAYS Many Changes from Existing Diplomatic News—Egyptian FUND That the Ucensing of clubs is to con­ FOR PRIVATE GAIN tinue. Law Question—Budget N.Y. State Training Ship is Public Support Needed * * * Disclosures Making Her Annual Visit That someday someone is going to The Uquor Ucensing system which The Committee of the Lady Cubitt determine whether it is Ucence or Alfred Bates and Sir Alfred Butt Bermuda has seen fit to adopt has Community Fund And themselves Ucense. LONDON, June 2. (BOP)—The just survived a heavy attack in the WILL MAKE CRUISE SOUTH on the horns of a dilemma. There King received at Buckingham Palace House of Assembly, and it is hoped is the natural desire to carry on That local Concerned in Case Which Caused this evening representatives cf ex- authorities apparently that it has come out of that ordeal The^S.s. Empire State, mercantile j charitable work without undue pub- differ. service mens organisations from Aus­ stronger than before. Ucity. There is also the need, tn tria, Bulgaria, France, Germany and marine tiaining ship for the State ot" Colonial Secretary's Resignation I This was a conflict between the asking public support, to state clearly That English authorities do not. Huagary who had been attending as New York, arrived early yesterday licensing system and the club idea morning on her annual summer the work done and recently many * * * as adumbrated by Col. T. M. DiU and fraternal delegates at the annual requests for such information have cruise, the itinerary of which has in­ That the "Queen Mary" did LONDON, June 2 (CP).—The Budget Tribunal an- his supporters, with the late Chief cooference of the British Legion been received. To quote tbe original not which just concluded. cluded Bermuda for a number of years. beat the Normandie's time. meed to day that they found that J. H. Thomas, resigned Justice GoUan and his high repu­ The Empire State is anchored in statement made by Lady Cubitt— Colonial Secretary, had disclosed secrets of the British tation dragged into the discussion. "This Fund exists for bettering the The Foreign Secretary who has Granaway Deep, where she wiU Ue for It may have been noticed that cer­ ten days before sailing for Washing­ conditions of persons living in Ber- j t previous to the announcement of its contents in the been spending a week-end at his That she wiU on the next westward tain recent Bills (which have so far ton, D.C, the capital of the U.S.A. muda, who, being "hard hit" have run unless unusual weather pre­ I Commons. The Tribunal report stated that there cou "try seat returned to tbe Foreigo failed to pass) have been framed so The training ship, whose grey no other resources to look to for help vails. authorised disclosure of Budget information by the Office today. This morning he saw that a great deal is left to their ad­ huU and somewhat squat structure in their distress." tbe Argentine Ambassador who gave i for the purpose of private gain. The two men ministrators, such as the Immi­ have become a famiUar sight in In other words the Fund gives help That safetj him first official intimation which first is always a good e Alfred Bates, advertising agency executive, and gration Act and the Amenities Preser- j HamUton Harbour, is commanded I in cases for which no other provision motto. red Butt, millionaire Member of Parliament and vation Act, and this is apparently the British Government has received this year by Captain E. P. Jessop, a is made. School fees are paid, to of the proposal put forward by the I what is caUed framing legislation retired U.S. Naval captain. In former keep chUdren in suitable schools; That a record was made in the Su­ horse racing enthusiast. Argentine Government for early sum­ on broad principles, leaving the de­ years the Empire State has been un­ milk, and in some cases groceries, preme Court. headed by Mr. Justice on two risks was fortuitous," The tails of administration to the magis­ moning of the League Assembly. der the command of the genial super­ are provided in emergencies or when ared all civil employees and two risks were increases in taxes on Details of the proposal wiU be com­ trates and others carrying out the intendent of the State Marine Col­ help from Parish Vestries is not avaU­ That unfortunately more cases have d Cabinet Ministers, save incomes and on tea. municated from Geneva to the laws. lege, Captain Tombs, who is kept able; small aUowances of money been added to the calendar. having disclosed any "It is a cruel verdict. Thank God The House of Assembly, by a vote British and other League Govern­ ashore because of extensive alter­ are given to elderly or infirm persons, ; of the budget secrets, my son was exonorated," declared * * * of 15 to 10, has just thrown out the ments in due course by the Secre­ ations which are being made to for necessities not otherwise ob­ inal cleared the former Thomas when he heard the findings. Conyers-DiU proposal to remove clubs tariat. the CoUege at present. tainable. Special needs are met— That the postponement of the Cham­ Secretary's son, LesUe He seemed dazed as his son Leslie from the operation of the Uquor There are 149 cadets aboard the a wheel-chair for a cripple, arch- ber of Commerce meeting caused Q blame, expressing the handed him a whisky and soda, then Ucensing system when they add to That there was an unauthorised Empire State, and the cruise itiner­ supports for 8 foot-weary person, no surprise. pinion that he neither threw an arm affectionately over their other activities the sale of Uquor disclosure of information from this ary is completely changed from that glasses for chUdren unable to pur­ suspected that Bates had his shoulder. Sir Alfred authorized to members. The institution of years budget and that use was made of the past year or two. Last year chase them, clothing for a motherless That the opportunity for going on r information on budget sec­ his secretary to declare he had no clubs was held up as an extremely of that information for private gain the Empire State crosred the At­ family—such cases are numerous and beard the flagship was too good to rets. statement to make. Thomas, Sir are among the findings of the judicial in each, most careful personal at­ be missed. Alfred and Bates all denied from the ancient and honourable one, with lantic and made calls at EngUsh e Thomas conducted business its roots way back in EngUsh Com- Tribunal appointed by ParUament on and European ports. She sails from tention is given. There is an earnest • • • ates when the latter bought witness stand that they had discussed effort to provide occupation which That the sea scouts certainly enjoyed mon Law (or even further back), May 5th to inquire into certain al- Bermuda this year for Washington, ! against the tax increases budget secrets. The Tribunal said may lead to a measure of independ­ their visi; in sp*.ta of tho weather. and they were aU classed together, legations to that effect. The report and her schedule thereafter is as fol­ in the Government bud- there was not a "shred of evidence" ence—a cripple girl has been taught suggesting that anyone save Thomas though later discussion brought out of the Tribunal which was issued lows: Curacoa, Cristobal, Balboa. * * * Having heard tho witnesses this evening is addressed to the House CaUao, Balboa, Havana and back to to knit and a blind boy is being Their demeanor" stated was guilty of disclosing secrets which the fact that there are at least two •"-hat MussoUni is to send a miUion provided Britain's major political kinds of clubs, proprietary and other­ Secretary and signed by three mem­ New York. This wiU take the train- taught basketry. There is a great soldiers to Ethiopia to impress the "we do not believe the bers, Mr. Justice Porter of the Kings f successful insurance scandal in the past decade. wise, the proprietary ones being far ing ship down the Eastern seaboard amount of this saving work to be League of Nations. less honourable and innocent. Bench Division and Messrs. Gavin of the U.S. to the Caribbean, through done. In every case rehe' is given Simond and Roland OUrerbothKings Two methods were mentioned in the Panama Canal to CaUao, and and a sincere effort made to better That the man on whom he models Counsel. The report recaUs that the iENCH DEFENCE CUSTODY AGREEMENT the discussion as means of distin­ then back through the Caribbean, conditions. There is constant per- himseU once did something very guishing these two kinds of clubs, all question of leakage of budget secrets Sbe is due back in New York on sonal touch between the needy and simUar. of whom it was intended to remove was brought to the notice of the September 2nd. their helpers. lonsoiidation of Forces Freddie Bartholomew Case from the control of the Uquor Ucens­ ChanceUor of the Exchequer by in­ The decision to anchor in Gran- The Committee feel that this per- That Napoleon regrettec that little ing system.
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