Circulation in Fifty-Four Countries & Colooies. PRICE 3d. CPostac* nm^ ^»;....>:-.-.-^ji:<;^*taajK!M Vol. XV. October, 1912. No. 4. EMT«aIS AT •TaTMMMn' H*U. PU«JM(«0 ^AmaLT. ^^1 >^-«.>i Edited by Sidney H. Beard. Contents. The Necessity for Leve .. Sidney H. Beard The W«y we Lire Now E. GrevilU BarrtTigton For Health and Home Dr Josiah Oldfield, Af.A., D.C.Z., \f. R. C. S. , Z. R. C. P. How to Overcome Aosmla ... A Physician The Thwarting of Nature ... Mrs. Hodgkinson Creative Thought Sti William Barrett, F.R.S. The Need for Diet Reform In Schools Captain Halter Carey, R.N. Editorial Notes The Passing of General Booth—Another Cancer Remedy- Die i"— Why Prematurely Food Products and their Purity. The Russian Dancers 103 The Advent of the Super-Ceoii ... William/. TuU 104 Scientific Food Products .. ... ... 106 The Treatment of Inebriates by Diet Mrs. Bramwell Booth 107 By the Way ._ ... ... Mrs. Hodgkinson 109 Science Christian and the Humane Lite .„ ... m Novel Ways of Serving Vegetables ... ... 112 The Great Popularity ADMIRAL LORD of CHARLES BERESFORD N IS due entirely to its supreme excellence. It has been tried ior years by Food Retormers and others and is found to oe the most writes : perfect cooking fat known. Pure, white and tasteless. Free from water and preservatives. 'McCLINTON'S SOAP Goes much farther and is much nicer and more wholesomethan ordinary butter. Ideal for frying^. Makes the most delicious pastn.' and puddings. 1^ lb. pa.Ckete, Is the best I have Is. 31b. tinSf 28. Id* Special prices for Urg-e consumers. ever used; I shall MAPLETON'S FRITTER MIXTURE is made in rarieties The always use it." three :—MjLD, PIQUANT and WALNUT. latter is just introduced and is already very popular on account of its Bavour. Fritter Mix- ture can be prepared c :30C for table in a few minutes, requirintr only the addition of water before frying. " Its MAHJSItlNli Lord Rosemead— I like your Soaps, but am specially delicious flavour, with the Cream and Hibernia together with its pleased Shaving high nutritive value Shaving Soap, both of which I consider really and easy method of excellent." preparing, charms " food reformers and The Bishop of Bath and Wells— Has found the converts their meat- Shaving Cream supplied to him by McClintons, of eatiBg friends, who find it just the quite the best he has ever used. The step- Donaghmore, ping-stone they need Colleen and Sheila Soaps are very good, and are to a better diet. much appreciated by those in his household who have used them." FOODS Sold in packets are made from the purest and fine-'^t materials TettimoniaU from oter JOO other Peert and Peereua. ilb..2id.; under hygienic conditions and by scrupulously clean processes. 1 lb., 9d. ; They give the maximum of nourishment with the McCLINTON'S SOAP is the only Soap in the and 31b. tin minimum ot trouble and are as economical as tney are health World made from Vegetable Oils and Plant 28. Id.; giving. pure They include Nut Meats and Nut Soups, Nut Ash. Its use keeps the skin soft, clear and smooth. 6 lb. tins, 4e. Butters and Creams. Fruitarian Cakes and Caramels, Nut «tc. Shaving Cream, Opal Jars, 1 - and 6d.; Hibernia Sticks and Cakes, etc., Tins, 1;- each. From ail Chemiets. SAIWIDLirQ of FRITTER MIXTL'RE, COOKIN 'I NUTTER. ^'^^^^^^ GRAVY ESSENCH. and NIT GRAVY with a complete! list of MAPLETON'S NLT FOODS sent post free for 6d. McCLINTONS, Ltd., Donaghmore, MentIdD "Tbt Herald ot the Golden Age." IREI.AND. MAPLETON'S NUT FOOD CO., Ltd., Garston, LIverpooL nam aaniaaainaaHniaiaaniaHnanaaBnanMDHDaai DQ DD ° TO UOVERS OF A GARDEN. ° D I.H.A. a To Let on Leaje at £100 per annum, a be Soldi or to Freehold. D Picturesque Residence HEALTH FOODS Within Six Mile, of WESTCUFF-ON-SEA. Pioneered the Main Line, Express, Non-stop Trains to London. Food Reform Movement. The house is situated on high ground in most healthy aspect facing due South, and stands in secluded grounds of nearly si.x acres, comprising rich meadow and stocked with choice pasture land, garden fully Still fruit, excellent cowhouse, range of poultry runs, dog They Stand kennels, apiarj', forcing house, conservatory, green- house and (all heated), stabling (loose box, stall, UNRIVALLED. harness room, large coachhouse or garage, men's rooms and loft). Gas and water mains laid on. Let You. Accommodation comprises—Lounge hall, Dorothy Us Convince staircase, three reception rooms and excellent offices Liberal Peurcel sent on ground floor, and six bedrooms, bath (h. and c), Sample and lavatory on first floor. post free anyTvhere in the No expense was spared in erecting the property United Kingdom if you as same was intended for owner's own occupation. mention this paper for Full Particulars and Photos on application to J. STANLEY BEARD, International Health Association, Architect, Ltd. n 110a, VVestbourne Grove, London, W. n Stanborough Park, WATFORD. n nn an , , -!n " When answering advertisements please mention The Herald of the Golden Age." •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a Formerly known I I ARCHEVA ( EHIL PAILV'S RUSKS. BRAXD S As an Nutrient Invigorating | Suitable at A TRUE all meals for • You cannot take anything better than HEALTH Everyone. FOOD. Highly j "CARNOS" recommended Made only for (Vegetable Extract). i from the Invalids Choicest and li Contains 22 % ofprotoplasm. : Ingredients. Children. The whole of the constituents are entirely soluble, Same Recihe in use since iSj: Four Gold Medals. therefore are readily absorbed into the system % In three varieties; Plain, Medium and Sweet. In tins at 2/-, 3.6 and 7/6. Dustproof Packets at 5d. eaah. From all the Grocers, or Chemist*. A leading Stores, Be sure you get It at your HEALTH FOOD STORES. 8 perfect food cure for Indigestion.— Booklet sent on application. Sole Proprietors : 98, UPPER THAMES STREET, LONDON, E.O. Dr. Harlan's Beauty Cup Massage De- velopsHollo^w Cheeks and Dust, removes wrinkles and black- heads and makes the skin soft and satiny. [Trade Mark NEU-VITA.] If have, or dread, blemishes on face you disfiguring or body j-ou can safely Without Without and easily remove them with this wonderful self-applied Massage. There's no need to use skin lotions, etc. foften harmful and usually ineffective ' nor ii it necessary to undergo expensive treatment at a beautyspecialist's).' For the Spectacles. Operations. absurdly small sum charged you can retain or regain a perfect complexion and skin, and preserve its youthful clanty and freshness. You actually feel and If you suffer from old-sight. near-sight, far-si^ht. or astigmatism, and the hearlache* cauied these sore see the benefit of one by eye Hcfects ; if your eyes are weak and fiom strain or aie afTecled in aiij application. Blackheads. Pimples. Wrinkles, etc., being w;iy. don't neglect them, or resort to spectacles, but send for Dr. Gilbert PerciTal's Eye quickly effaced. It is also an efficient eye-bath, making bright, sparkling Bouk. Thi<i exrlains all about "EYKS"—their functions, care, ills, and a home A toilet for either sex. Order of simple eye?!. necessary your dealer, or sent in treatinent that h.ii rcstoied faultless Tision to thousands. 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Everybody shftold learn»b*ut if their and how to their .& can have a FREE cf this init rue tive book Regrular advertised price 2,1, but you have not tried our Massager before, eyes preserve sight. copy this (published price IS.) by sending their full name Ar address, and enclosing (3 abroad 6 fst- coupon entitles you to purchase at reduced price of 1 6 id.; {postage to Drm't off. ' eignl postage stamps pay expenses. put Sendforitnow,|TihileittsinyourDiiad 6d. abroad). Send P.O. or stamps and enclose this advt. Call or write — Address:-N. PERCIVAL, Neu-Vlta Institote, 18-106, Exchange N. HARLAN. Neu-Vita Association, 18-108, Exchange Buildings, Southwark, Buildings, Southwark LONDON. (Established li03). Copyright} London. England. [.isf"!sn'a>ttfd. Street, ^riee One SdilUng (112 post free). The Cancer Scourge And How to Destroy it. By ROBERT BELL, m.d, f.r.f.p.s. 'Uhe latest pronouncement by a CANCER SPECIALIST on this important subject. IS PLATES illus- TpHl book is written by a physician T contains 20 ART I from the blood when _^ who has witnessed many cures of trating diagnoses magnified, and proves by these advanced cases of Cancer, and who speaks highly object lessons the curability of Cancer from the standpoint of forty years' ex- and the efficacy of treatment by Fruit- perience. arian Diet and Radium. THE ORDER OF THE GOLDEN AGE, 153, 155, Brompton Road, LONDON, S.W. ^ " When answering advertisements please mention The Herald of the Golden Age.', sixth Edition. 3Sth Thousand. Sevet%th Edition, Seventy^Flfth ThouaanO* A COMPREHENSIVE THE TESTIMONY OF SCIENCE in favour cf NATURAL AND HUMANE DIET. GUIDE-BOOK By SIDNEY H. BEARD. and Humane Diet. To Natural, Hygienic, Price Twopence (2^d. post freeJ.
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