Connect with us on Visit us on Facebook: We d n e s d a y Twitter – @HeraldPE w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / T h e H e r a l d E C GOT A STORY? PHONE OUR NEWS DESK: (041) 504 7324 S P O RT July 26, 2017 15 EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT GRANNY FLAT / BUSINESS PREMISES EMPLOYMENT WANTED HOUSES TO LET OFFERED OFFERED OFFERED WANTED DOMESTIC GARDEN COTTAGE TO LET TO LET ABA HEALTH: Train for 3 BASHEER from Malawi CATHERINE (33) from LORRAINE: 200m from ACCOMMODATION S/C months to become a Pick ‘n Pay and Virgin from R150 p.p.p.d 082- Words of urgently looking for any Zimbabwe is looking for Health Care Worker. We MAD SPECIAL: R1Ã499. STAFF Active. Garden flat. 2 955-1228; (041) 365-3727 BECOME YOUR OWN general work. Good refer- house maid, domestic ADVERTISEMENTS assist in Employment. 073- ence available. Please call work. Stay in Motherwell. beds, full bathroom, 332-6257/ 074-820-8789. BOSS. lounge, kitchen, enclosed LORRAINE: 200m from IMPORTANT NOTICE CERTIFIED I.D. DOT IN- 063-548-7094. Stay in or stay out work. I NURSE have reference. Call 074- garden, separate entrance, Pick ‘n Pay and Virgin STALLER, 2q3 day course. AGENTS to market Fu- A SELF-EMPLOYED Zim 290-7837. single carport. Available 1 Active. Newly renovated, 3 In order for a company to qualify for the tender, solace for Call (041) 487- 0137/ (041) neral Insurance. Basic + for Frail Care gent urgently looking for August. R5 000 plus de- beds, study, lounge, TV their tender submission must include all of the Commission. Email CV to 487-2702/ 083-861-4626. ,0à work. I do building, plaster- a Zimbabwean lady posit. 084-514-3390. room, diningroom, scullery, items below: [email protected] Mature person required ing, roofing, painting, looking for housekeeping d/gr, fully enclosed, gates Á A valid CIPC annual return / Proof of Company for Frail Home building garages, boundary job, sleep-out, hardwork- on remote, R10 000 p.m We have the following EXPERIENCED mature walls. Good reference ing person with great or Close Corporation Registration MARKETING FLATS TO LET plus deposit. Available 1 premises available struggling Applicant requires the domestic/carer required, available. Please call David experience. Reference August. 084-514-3390. Á A Municipal Billing Clearance Ä must have experience MANAGER/ESS. For In- following: 078-849-6578. available. 084-689-9122. CAPE ROAD surance Company. Must ACCOMMODATION S/C obtainable from the NelsonMandela Bay dealing with frail, elderly ÂÉEnrolledÉNursingÉ - Offices 28m², 98m², persons. Mon, Wed, Fri. have a degree/ diploma in GENT urgently looking LADY looking for house- from R150 p.p.p.d. 082- Municipality  Budget & Treasury Department  Cleary Estate area. Relia- marketing and will be experience for gardening work. Excel- keeping, cleaning, ironing 955-1228; (041) 365-3727 VEHICLES WANTED 126m² Tel: 041 506 5555 ble, contactable refer- responsible for all market- lent with all gardening domestic work, sleep-out. Á Original and valid SARS Tax Clearance Ä D u m i ny ÂÉMinimumÉ10Éyears Monday to Friday. Refer- GREENACRES. Modern, DEAL PARTY ences required. Call ing and communication duties. Please call Medson furnished, self-catering Á AÄ including social media. ÂÉMustÉworkÉshifts ence available. Call Im- 081-365-9329. 061-253-7705. private apartment, to suit - Workshops and Salary negotiable. Please ÂÉContactableÉreferences maculate on 084-780-8164 CARS AND BAKKIES Á CÅest form single professional. Avail wanted. Running or not Warehouses from Á BBBEE Ä or EME aɉdavit required to send CV to Gent (25) from Malawi is imm. R3Ã500pm. Call 082- à PleaseÉsubmitÉCVÁsÉto looking for kitchen assis- under R20 000. Phone Ben 350m² to 19 000m² ACCOMMODATION 732-1084. 083-713-7714. obtain empowerment scores CRICKET GET A JOB QUICK. QUALIFIED hairstylist for mkhhradmin@ tant work, have experience SPECIALIZED TRAINING. NORTH END. Bachelor NORTH END NOTE: All the compulsory documents must be established salon. 082- in a Restaurant. Hardwork- OFFERED / WANTED Ì I BUY cars, bakkies, Security, Computer, Fire- echofoundation.co.za FlatǤà Cnr Todd and Market included in the tender application; if not, the 886-8755. ing and honest, willing to caravans and boats, under - Paterson Road arm Competency, Welding, by Monday the learn. Call 071-961-6271. ACCOMMODATION S/C StreetÃ082Ǧ640-4657. application will automatically be Ä All from R150 p.p.p.d. 082- R85Ã000. Johnathan 073- Industrial Park 300m² Tig, Mig, CO², Plumbing, TRAINER WANTED for 31st July 2017 STUDENT ACCOMMO- 139-4998/ 074-996-2423. tenders must be submitted in a sealed enve- Mahlatse Mphahlele Bricklaying Courses. Call LADY urgently looking 955-1228; (041) 365-3727 - Paterson Road 800m² scaffold training - Immedi- DATION Humewood. lope and placed in the marked box at the Nelson Mr Elias (041) 487-2702 or ate start Email CV to for admin, security guard Sharing available for - Workshops and 076-583-9266. Grade C, hotel/ house- Mandela Bay Tourism head oɉce at 39 Donkin FORMER India captain and batting su- [email protected] / (041) ROOMS WANTED / R1Ã800 per month. 082- BUSINESS PREMISES Warehouses from 360-9881 keeping, office cleaning or 640-4657. Street, Central, Port Elizabeth and by the stipu- perstar Rahul Dravid has suggested CLASSIFIED INFO public offices work. Please TO LET 700m² to 1900m² lated time. All envelopes should reÅthe tender TO LET FOR QUOTATIONS that time away from the game may be call 073-797-4829. WESTBOURNE number, closing date, the name of the compa- MECHANIC ASSISTANT QUERIES OR WAREHOUSE/ INDUS- beneficial for underperforming Pro- needed urgently, no pa- WINTER SPECIALS!!! MALAWIAN guy qualified ROAD AREA ny and the contact details of the contact person Did you know? ROOMS in Kwadwesi, in CLASSIFIED TRIAL SPACE: Langenho- pers required should be z GRADE E-C, R1Ã500. with experience in brick submitting the tender. On submission, please teas batsman JP Duminy. commune. R1Ã000, R1Ã400 ADVERTISING ven Drive, PE. 216sqm. - Retail – 215m² semi-skilled, and able to z REGISTER NOW! Phone For BIG results, work, tiling, plastering, sign the Tender Register. Duminy, 33, was this week released swimming pools and p.m. plus deposit. Call Available immediately. relocate to Port Alfred. (041) 487-2702/ 487-0137. go SMALL! ENQUIRIES (041) 396-1400 painter. Reference availa- Thandeka 082-464-7617. Contact Jessica (041) 373- from the Proteas squad with two test Contact JJ Jordaan @ 071- Call (041) 504 7174 www.bmi.za.net Quoted prices must be valid for at 855-3255 (041) 5047-174 ble. Oscar 078-400-9754. 2710/082-506-0337. PLEASE NOTE: matches of the series against England least 30 days from the date of submission. remaining in a move that could signal RE-TENDER ADVERTISEMENT the end of his career in the longer for- mat of the game. NMBT – Marketing Department Dravid‚ who is in the country as LEGAL NOTICES Tender Name: Nelson Mandela Bay – coach of India A for the triangular ODI Meetings Planner 2017 Tender Number: MP002/17 series against their South African and Closing Date: 10 August 2017 at 11h00 Afghanistan counterparts‚ described Duminy as a quality person and player. Refer all queries to Sadie Isaacs at Tel: “Maybe he needs to take some time 041 582 2575 or E-Mail: [email protected] away from the game‚ a bit of a break NOTICE SPECIFICATIONS: The Meetings Planner will be might be helpful for him‚” Dravid said used as a marketing and an appropriate tool to shortly after promote Nelson Mandela Bay as Conferencing India A ar- destination. It will also be used as a guide to as- sist Professional Conference Organizers (PCO) and rived in the INSPECTION OF SUPPLEMENTARY VALUATION ROLL AND event planners when planning their meetings. country on M o n d a y. LODGING OF OBJECTIONS Please quote on the following (A bÄdocument is available for Ä requirements, to request, “He is a quality player Notice is hereby given, in terms of Section 49(1)(a)(i) read together with Section 78(2) of the Local Government Municipal e-mail: [email protected]. Property Rates Act, of 2004 (Act No.6 of 2004) (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”), that the Supplementary Valuation Roll for BĞŝũŝŶŐ IŶĚƵƐƚƌŝĂů DĞƐŝŐŶŝŶŐ ĂŶĚ RĞƐĞĂƌĐŚŝŶŐ IŶƐƟƚƵƚĞ CŽ͕͘ LƚĚ and a quality WKH¿QDQFLDO\HDUVÃ-XO\ÃWRÃ-XQHÃLVRSHQIRUSXEOLFLQVSHFWLRQDWWKHRI¿FHRIWKH&KLHI)LQDQFLDO2I¿FHUÃ*URXQGà 1. Concept: Generic design look, structure, design person and I ÀRRUÃ0IDQDVHNKD\D*TRERVH%XLOGLQJ*RYDQ0EHNL$YHQXH3RUW(OL]DEHWKIRUWKHSHULRGÃ-XO\ÃWRÃ$XJXVWà templates really wish 2. Per page rate for 32 0RQGD\VWR)ULGD\VGXULQJRI¿FHKRXUVLHÃWRÃ,QDGGLWLRQWKHVXSSOHPHQWDU\YDOXDWLRQUROOLVDOVRDYDLODEOHRQà NEW BAIC VEHICLE MANUFACTURING PLANT TO BE DTP, Design & Layout: page booklet (including a cover). Costing to him well be- WKH1HOVRQ0DQGHOD%D\0XQLFLSDOLW\¶VZHEVLWH www.nelsonmandelabay.gov.za CONSTRUCTED AT COEGA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT include the production of the booklet, selected cause he is ZONE FOR BAIC AUTOMOBILE SA PROPRIETARY LIMITED editorial required, print preparation, proofs and one of those Property owners or other persons are hereby invited, in terms of Section 49(1)(a)(ii) read together with Section 78(2) of the studio materials. At least two printed hard- guys you $FWWRORGJHDQREMHFWLRQZLWKWKH&LW\0DQDJHULQUHVSHFWRIDQ\PDWWHUUHÀHFWHGLQRURPLWWHGIURPWKH9DOXDWLRQ5ROOZLWKLQ CONTRACT NO͘ ϭ copies for prÄ want to see the abovementioned period. CONSTRUCTION OF PAINT SHOP͕ OFFICE BUILDING͕ BRIDGE AND SEWAGE TREATMENT 3. Printing and Paper Quality: 32 page A5 booklet do well. WORKS FOR THE NEW BAIC PROJECT TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN ZONE ϭ OF THE COEGA IDZ (portrait) gloss and cover to have a thicker $WWHQWLRQLVVSHFL¿FDOO\GUDZQWRWKHIDFWWKDWLQWHUPVRI6HFWLRQRIWKH$FWDQREMHFWLRQPXVWEHLQUHODWLRQWRDVSHFL¿F grammage. Print quote for 10 000 / 20 000 “I really individual property and not against the supplementary valuation roll as such.
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